FAQ z roua rarcstrairosgs i .. TU . 1 XT9 ,..raJ . V hi s ews and Views of Sport I think we should count that nation nappies '.r.d most prosperous which hai Uj it the greatest number of Individuals who are hapoy and prosperous John Ersklne. Look at men and women tvlio "do things. Active. Energetic Full of healtlu Thai's the type who enjoy Kellogg! PEP Bran Flakes. There's tho famous flavor oi Pep. Packed with the energy of wheat. Plus enough Iran to bo mildly laxative. IPEP 73 lUNnuts SOME FIXED "STARS" AND A COMING LUMINARY Players may ootae and players may go. but there are some old-timers in the major leagues which opened the season ycjtonfejr who keep up or around the top year in and year out. Krankie Frish grizzled vetera.i U. in the above Uyoat, .Is Ott of these, fie ls found again on the St Louis Cards 'infield. Incidentally. Frankie took his good time about signing his contract this season. 2 Billy Juries, shortstop of the Chicago Cubs, and formerly oi Reading. He la a newcomer to the National League compartd to (3) Jim Bottomley. first o..maji, formerly of St. Louis, bat flow with the Reds. 4 Burleigh Ortme. spktball expert, who is beuig counted upon to again pitch the Chicago .Cubs lrto the world series, lie is a reel anrient. TEAMS ON WAYHOME Monclon Hawks and Saskatoon) Quakers on Same Train VANCOUVER, April 13: Bound for their home city in the Mart-times, Moncton Hawks, newly crowned champions oi Canadian amateur ice hockey and winners of the much-travelled Allan Cup, emblematic of this honor, left Vancouver yesterday aboard the "Continental Limited" of the Canadian National Railways. The Hawks carry the added distinction of being the first team from the Maritime provinces to lift the Canadian amateur hockey championship. Aboard the same train were the Saskatoon Quakers, western champions, who battled their way to the Allan Cup finals after overcoming much stiff opposition. During their visit to the Pacific Coast the players of both teams made several trends, many of whom were present at the stntlon to give them a hearty send-off. Buy PEP Bran Flakes from your gro err. Delicious wilh milk or cream. Msdehy Kellojrg in London, Ontario, SPORT NOTES Under the Basketball Association ; games with Qrenville and Alyansh team is leaving at 2 o'clock Friday River. morning to play games in Anyox on j Friday and Saturday nights. Owing I Bobby Cruickshank, the profes-to the limited accommodation onlsicnal golfer, once sank a twenty the Phippen only the team will be foot putt while playing in a tour- taken. The party will consist of W. Lamble, B. Stalker, C. Nelson, A. Cross, D. Morrison, W. Johnson, A. SUles, T. Kelsey, J. Campbell and R. Irvine. Capt. "Handsome) Jim Morrison will skipper the Phippen , for the voyage The Grotto senior basketball team is also travelling at Raster and leaves for Stewart at 8 o'clock tonight on the pleasure boat Rhon-na to play a series of games at Stewart and Premier. The party will consist of: Vic Menkes, Ratch-ford, Currie. .Otllis, Ourvtoh. Mc-Nulty, Bad Barrie, Don Brown, Ounnar Anderson, J. Rosa, O. Coverdale, B. Bury ar.d H. Morgan. ! On Friday the first football game of the season here wUl be played .with an exhibition game between the Regiment and the Legion. Both these teams have promising material for this season's game and a bang-up game is expected as a starter. BIG SCORES ON DIAMOND Pacific (Cfiast leaguers Clout Hard .th 150 ,to 3 apd p to Nil Scores tjn Ttjesday nament. but toe bail popped out when a a bullfrog, on which It had landed, popped up. Thrifty Scotsmen of St. Andrew's, Scotland, will be askeo to plank down as many as twenty-five sixpenny bits 11 they wish to see all the play in the British open golf championship this July. Hitherto St. Andrew's, the home of golf the world over, has been free to spectators but. following the happenings in the amateur championship in 1030 when the crowd following Bobby Jones were so large that they Impeded the other players, the championship committee decided that a gats must be charged for the 1033 open. Major league baseball clubs resumed business for 1933 yesterday! but they hardly looked the same. Only five of the sixteen clubs started the season with the same infields that they had In the closing cays of the 1991 secies. The five teams are the Nw Yor Yankees. Waihington Senaters and the St LouU Browns of the The visiting Jtyricc-Mh basketball American League and the v am left yesterday tor home burgh Pirates and the Chicago where it will enter into a series of Cubs of the National League WON FIRST HOOP GAME Victoria Blue Ribbons Beat Ray-mond Union Jacks in Western Canada Oprrier BASEBALL auspices the C. N. R. A basketball I for the championship of' the Naasjilg League llasehall War Gets U- der Way on Other Side With Splashing Old Time Start Roosevelt Hurls Five Out of aght Games are TUv-ed, Kemaininc Three Being Uainrd Out NEW YORK. April 13 iCPi-Wlth beer splashing ucdor most of the stands and fifteen otter clubs in the two circuits intent from the start on wresting the world's base ball championship Trom the New York Ya fcees. Big League baseball got under way for the 1033 season yesterday with real old time enthu siasm. Five of the eight scheduled games were played, the remaining three being l anted out. All fixtures on tr e wertern sector w-re played The Yankees are picked by experts to agal" capture the American Lesgue pennant but prognosti cs tors arc not so sure about the outcome of the iticnal League Pittsburg Pirates, Chicago Cuba, Brooklyn Dodge and the PhUlies all being expected to wage a merry war for the serlor circuit flag At Washington. President Franklin D. Roosevelt pitched the opening ball which was received by Vice-President John M. 9arner. The Se-ators then prooeesied to inflict a four to one trouncing upon the Philadelphia Athletics. Yesterday's scores: AMERICAN LEAOrt: Philadelphia, l: Washington, f Cleveland. 4: Detroit. 1. Chleiga 4 Boston' bt Ney-ysj. jBdod out. NATIONAI. IJMGUB Pttburg, 4; Cliu-touatl. 1. sH. LouLh. 0: Chicago, 3. Brooklyn t Philadelphia and INew York at JSosion. rained out. Mission Kens maoe icn runs in The averaae attendance for the uiesitnnoiauaay4"aci- VICTORIA April 13: CP) -The fje games was 20.000, 600 ahead fic Co&4 1GP baphaU game to victoria Blue Ribbons of Bsltlah of last year with which the scam defeat San Francisco Seals by a o1" deftAUtf Raymond Union , score of 20 tp 3. u. M Snemmenta tjacmmenvo Senators oenaiors overwhel- qyerwnei- r - vl . - v , , med Uie SeatUe Indlahjs wfth a 17 l the first game of the Western (JfaaniZlMyf 01 tn nil shiil.ont. ! Hun art a uninr hankthall series & O Los Angeles defeated Hollywood last night. The series is to the best 0 to 3 while Oakland Indians nosed two out of three games, out Portland Beavers & to 4 In the ' only close game of the day. The teams settled down some-, what yesterday when results were as f ollows: Hollywood. 11: Los Angeles, 4. I i Mojqs, 6; (Ban FrapQQ, S. i Poland, 8; Oakland, 3. . f f j- 4 The follpwlng U the scale of charges made for reacring notices. Marriage and Engsgrnent 4 4 announcement 32. Birth Notices 50c. f funeral Notice H. t Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral, Flowers 10c. per twDiv '4 4. 4. I SAVE MONEY I "Roll Your Own' uith ZIG-ZAG CIOARETTE PAPERS 120 Leaf Book - 5C erlglnsl automatic book. Ons ?rhe tsfatstime. No watt: UOItavM J Demand ZICZAQ refuse imitations ,. Athletic Body Here Proposed An sthletle and gymnasium or-, pan nation meeting which was to have been held In Uie Armory last night was postponed until next Tuesday ' Owing to the increasing demands for a senior irym clnss. T. Barton, Instructor, is trying to nraanise a class of oovn over the age of 18. At the Armory they have all the equipment necessary for a good gym ei.iss inciudlntt parallel btrs. wretiint mn and mnoy other lterjis necessary,-" A bore Is trtf kind of m;m who when vou y,c tilm h'iw he is. tells .you, -Cbaajjuiu Pollock. Basketball Buzz Pbw started slow In Tuesday nlghtrs KincoUth-arot(ohopp game urtth llhrtr tuKim trvlnc to net used to the other's tactics. After three! or (our minutes of play Klncolith sank a ousket but was soon followed by the U rot to. From then on ..-.. n - -' .. a i ihIa aim tcu w myam AMT i ..ii,. both teams pypp$ng.ln tneW(i i-.io. (occav .anally. ' Neither- tejtm' end .seeaa tp work it jB0gr we Jj.i.'.kc-t lor a inca hot At half i: ne t)te vu-dtors were out in the iea-i by two pqMMff. 12-10. In the second half the Orotto, w th Rutqhford as its sharpshooter. . -..i u-(! on :. basket -scoring snsee . ,r! .: h ut a L,'d lgfctpotpt : The visitors then retaliated ith a few of their ivlre igng shots ..il l ilovly crept up on the local :- tni so that, with about six minutes v go. the scare stood f-SB Kincoitth broke the tie on a Density shot but Ratrhford sink a long one tp put the Orotto one point head. In the dying moments f the game another tally for the to-bareonlsts gave them their three-point lead. The local teams are not the only basttetjsall aggregations In the north that have ty oanires TfeeJ Kncolfch boys boast o one of thsaW big men in the person of Tghnnfj tnd be surety lives up to Ma repu-4 'at Ion. He is a hard worker and a -1-ad shot. Lincoln lor KtaqBsstM llso played a sturdy gane. Tlkm Q rot to have Currie and Ratchford to thank for their victory. OrojoHfenMor M. Urn- -Jes. Smith Mi. Ourvleh . Currie 2). Otllis . UcNulty 3-ToUl. Klncomh Moore 2 Bolton '4 'ohnson 13 . Lincoln it. Alexan- 1er Stewart i7), CUytoa. TrimbM It Total. 29 In the intermediate game Uie Tux is defeated the champions of the league. Warriors, in a good Mppy match by two points The boys played their usual smart game. NAVAL UNIT INSPECTED Local KefervItU Congratulaied by Commander Hose For f.fftcfeney Inspection of the local Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve unit was' conducted at the barracks last .light by Commodore Walter Hose. chief of naval staff. Royal Cana dian Navy, and Lieutenant Osm-uander J. C. Edwards, both of Ot- tagrs. There was s god turn-out of the reservists and Cogjipodore, Hose congratulated the unit on Its t?Cf lclenc Both Comoradore Hose and Lieu tenant Commander Edwards are leaving onH M C I. Armen terras bU afternoon at 4 o'clock for Some of she msAbersot she local ! unit sre also Jesjrtng on the Armsp- tlerres for Bsqulmalt for their sn- nual training, those making thet trip Includtag Charles Stuart. H. Harris, W. llgll. L. Frees tad A. Hardy, O. WUllscoU. U Magulre and w. Bremner. MANURE Jror Sale $2.00 a Load Dominion Dairy Phone Red GOS RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McKAK HUOS., LTD. Ask for "Quaker" not f i is f emit flakes CWItjia will ink Milk UlMwt au ai v MiSt ... is Bihl f H l Ml UMsfspy .fOH9 cam nUMnik. For wly .QUAKER torn j ake, jPVIFa a Attention Mother I. MADE IN CANADA jB ' Money-hjck gusrsntce nrtnted on tm ' package, 2. Freshness -snd critppeu soured by ii wrapping an3 triple sealinp 3. Qwklunent vwith Supilne Vitamin "IV - an cz(itIvr health isature. a Coupons exchangeable for vatoshlc mif- chanUive in every package. Quaker Corn Flakes IT PAYS TO PLAY TENNIS W.e Offer You FIUCI IUtr bslls 041 ths? purn. " gg trf ny racket up to FREE I ball with any rjr&ej. g over Agenu for Bentleyg. ojaaidlstg snd 8U FRESH COLOR FOR THE HOM Ask For Booklet on "Kearny With a fm tpaisn wtth ptuchas of Ik pck. Mew tu 21 colors) COLOR IN THE GARDEN FK EE Package of eeU with any pun 1 25C of garden tools over Our stock is Complete rwu: oi rnts Tiiis vi:f.kpm y KAIEN HARDWARE CO, Smith lllotk Wr Deliver 1nsliton"QnANrS BEST FHOCURA0.E,, ThOfifli"1 tor tialo at Vendors r illrerl front "Mall ' Dfpt. Llijuor Contrvl Hoard, mm v mmm. ji Lmm. i IJEST PROCURABLE' PURE 'SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST itf f INC?T MICKLAND ,MAl.y llotlM anS iurtlfl hy William Grant NxJ UmllW UUnlUMkk " llrnllmll I(.HIIts IMS-U A GIco, 8Und. . . , ( t. . ..i, J. . S c die tvcrnnicut wt ' 1