Thursday. April 13, IMS WET PAGE THRB .TESTED RECIPES OF TEMPTING INTEREST. LOCAL NEWS NOTES OLLDXa.. Dance April 13, good For that New Easter Bonnett see "SALAD A" MPLE moric. 7 Wallace's. 87 . . . I SB) i Bj EarM'taatffcefe,wl' For the I? See our windows Saturday for mm .in lace's. CT Easter Specials. FritzelTs. orb. 4- For day and nifht Tail service Football Legion vs. Regiment TEA Phone 12. 'i U 2.30 Oood Friday. Starr with sausaqes... Sa. sliced onions, cntied tonwto soup. PUe in Ulan dish Ac reaorfed mmbcf of isuMjes, previously browned with onions tmd cup (or less) of tonwto soup. St won d put on to cocV wMI c ni Ike following 1 cup Root, 1 teaspoon fetcin powder, Ei tea-spoon W. H teaspoon Colnvan'sMotUrd, 1 ef. 1 cup miUc. t Ail mutate well and pot over trie partially cooled savMjet. BeVe until rwcefy browned and there you fie. A rwfly delicious and rKwrHhmj luncheon (or four people t MMOfmoIc cost. Simple Savory makes possible real economy in fee Hrty food budget. And Ms rUoisr, to stibaYappe4iflS, will be me Uih of much hvouuble comment 1 provided you riave not overlooked tht ' teaspoon of Colmans Mustard In the rta'pe. xall olmans D.S.F. 1 H ' AI Mustard AIDS DIGESTION k4 " i xrmf t 4km f4 ummmttjii thimgt hr .' It " iu a whok- nw vocabsjlsr-, a new style, a outlook on life! ?car Kuropois closer u you ihsn for yoar pas, in lu tkchanjc rates arc all in your lnowr t'uliilav or travel iloUars go ssach 'srtber is) Bal(w i ny where else in tk world todsy! Tfclalc of it h.ilc mooih in Eaglsnd for st low as $30 si I ivstut rate of exchange. Small wooder m many iiilj--rkers are going to Iiarope this year. in v ansdisn Ihirifk famous White "Bmpf ," i 1 Ducheases" popalar "Mooi" Ship-- I comtort in evcty class. Sfttl Att Bnm tHUmmv! Frequent sailings ffra 1 iiircal and Quafcec, Atk Ammt AU-Eim lri lU tfrmlin jrmm ymmr TmiW " J. J. rOKSTI'K . , .uusUip ueneral Paaseniii-i Am-nt I ,i ,-, , V iiicc.uvfr, B t. CUABIAN PACIFIC -" LDi GREATEST TRAvEl SYSTEM CANDIES and NOVELTIES Easter Eggs, Bunnies, Chickens and Egg Cups, Easter Egg Dyes We Are Now ShoHinjr TIibh; Unas For Kasler Prices Range From 5c to 25c Ormes IM. 77 if. Pioneer Druqrjists I'hones SI and 82 D-iij3 EVtRY DAY! Nttf Atnactiont BiirtaN ISLES Kiit at AtnJimv Art --"iM ! 4"nrv l Air SW, Tmm. KiitM- SWk. nMd Naiw t)p mn la IVx ll mtvr rinM yiill riMMHit Sjkusy M 'la:tlB. OlRMANy raSaw rminiwal Kwiv.l i Wurttun - amail AttHVkunl l-aUIWti t Mm -tir WD-Mn Mmi!) ..f Alnii,Mi nm. in nnwi Waaan Vr ' ITALY W VABVi SMSVVMtlrhSnUMt Ani Mlkui tiF )4 I's." i S'im. Runr Sonl Giaml M Auip . ti. Rome CZECHOSLOVAKIA N' n . ..,,. w . nii T.uiimn,.in i IVitgur B Anderson, arrested on the charge of intoxication, , was dis missed in the city police court thU morning. . Tom QooH.arTotnWrcwew each fined $25, or fourteen -Jay imprisonment fer intoxication by" Magistrate McCSymoftt in city police court this morning. Mrs. Benny Wlndle and dauga-ter left ycaitarday afternoon on the Prince George for Anyox where they will take up residence. Mr. Wlndle has been working in Anyox for the past month. Folio log the closing of the schools -for the, Cuter holidays the following leathers will bt among those leaving on the .Prince George tonight to pehd the vacation la the south. H. Johns. N McLeod. Miss E. A. Mercer. Ml M. Delan-ney and Mrs. B. Walker 10 THAT DEPRESSED fEELWS IS LARGELY LIVER Wale up your Liver Rile Without Calomel Tm v "f4c part" mmrh jmmt Sr m it 4y tmm ml (mm UllUwUH.linllHIMlllMIM r kk htmttm4. mmi rmmr raw Tmm a mwrnmi. , W v4 ) knr fQarahai. Snw Wu tkat mi Iikmt Usi . nnl , fcrti K WuMll M . fmnu lw Am Ut by MM. UMa MtMitaUK. ls. i U mrutrmm SI T Hendrickson and W Sirtnirfl charged with vagrancy. m .re Recreation pril 31. Clab soMah dartee St Peter's roh Sprteg Sale prU 17 Meeting. Wemast's Auxary Ca-iad Ian Ugion. April 30, Lsgfan Rooma. 8 pM AafheftB YSJi. play April JT-S8 Rkhey Home basaar. Ma t. Owntdy United Chureh,May 1 Variety Entertainment Prewby-ariaa Churoh KUy i: Phone S3 1 ye om English Fish Shoppe Wc deliver srr.ciALs in rncsii msh Red Cod FlHeis. per lb. lie Halibut FlUeta, per lb lSc Halibut, Sliced, per lb 10c Red Spring Salmon, per lb. ltr Crabs, each lie Smoked Fish a Specialty Phone 131 Second Street Seasoned Box-ends, $1.00 per load. Albert & McCaffery. tf. For the Easter Coat, Hat Gloves, etc.. see Wallace's. Prices were never so reasonable. 8 INTRODUCTORY OFFER 1-mtUU CUmMt Crmmmvm mrf-r1 rf.ri fm that aukkM mm " tS .kta. . 7S tW. "HJ OSW. S. (MmU. Hair f tmmUm, tu Mb, S tar tU, rMU. rH Iot Hat. ClBSfULt CO. f J. Ba 1171 l.mmm,m. tJC Garden Earth. Manure, Phone 303, Casey Cartage, Prompt Service, ti'! The Imperial Oil Conipaij'sj Tanker Imperial was in port ye-: terday on a regular northern run Paul Zigmmd, on a charge of keeping liquor fot sale was, farthf r remanded for sentence for 8 clays in city police court tMs moraine uooa rraay eveniiif at 8 pjn j . the Baptist Church present -Release" a Lenten Drama in one a-'.' 1 aogumented by Cameron's Orches tra and soloists Tickets 33c. 37 Miss II. R. Anderson MA. Pb D. : principal of Lonsdale School. North Vancouver, and member of the ex-! ; ecu tire of the British Coiumbi-t j ; Teachers' PeoeraUon. will arrive i -1 the city on the Catala next Sunday' . afternoon from the south and pro-eeed by train to Prince Oeor;e to artr d and speak before a convention of Prln-e Osorjte district tea- etsers at Prkue Ooorge next week manded unUl Saturday whci oh. n h. .u. I mmtm-. w mm kn VMM. a SSSUW U1I IU.K. jo.oufht before &tagisate .MeCly- M joe, tea-hors wnom she v- ill mon- m m url taMreas on Monday afternoon, morning. i Announcements lance April 17. Moose Da not, April tf. Miss E. A. Mercer. Mrs. B. Walker and 3. S. Wilson are sailing to-ntfjit on the Prince Oeong jr Vancouver to atte d the ennita) Easter eonvention of the British OotemMa Teachers' Federation a Elks Dance. April 13 IHlagno'Tl.k, Print Rupert tin. gvoaraphiral representative for on w.rv tv.ff I., i Korthtri BrttWi ColumbU and a mt ruber of the executive of iMrowtncial association restored to rormal X I VNI0N fK'AMSHIIS LIMITED . Btesmtn itsvt Prtno Bupert far VssMjor: T.S-S. CAT.L. EVERY TUESDAY. I:S0 PJL vtt Ocean ra'ls and WayPomu. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m T. 8. S. VENTUtE EVERY HUD AY Ml DM (HIT. Dae Vanenuvrr Monday am. Weealf ssfltag to rort Birapsaa. Altr Aw. Am!. Btm sad Ksm PuHber lafMnsUon rer-Mlni sn tttllnt and ttcksls st I SINf C Kl ITStT AtltSCVt ttfrmmi A eiu. tUmnm SH the Tonight's stub train from Mile - ,4i oanswettaK for transfer of Spring SaWanfl I---.-. rn.ii . Anglican Spring Sale and tea ipril 1. over a rofraaisd rock shod with the r?gttlar. tram from tl.e East, which is due on time at the scene of. Interference, is not expected to United anarch Easter 8aU Aprtl rTT crtlrtt It will be a week or ten day before traffic over the line is PRESBYTERIAN TEA AND SALE Highly successlul was the spring tea and sale of sewing, home cooking and candy held yesterday afternoon by the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church in the Church Hall. A large turn-out of ladies visited the hall which had been attractively decorated for the oeca- ,ston with spring flowers and colors .under the direction of Mrs. C O 'Ham. The financial returns were 'most satisfactory. ! Mrs. O. MeO. Hunter, president of the Ladles' Aid. and Mrs. W D Grant HoiUngworth. wife of the 'pastor, received the guests. Mrs. M. Mr Robbie and Mrs D. C. Stuart j poured, the tea room being in eharae of Mrs. J Walker assisted by Mrs. Robert Cameron. Mrs Tho-j mas Carlyle and Mrs Ben DaJaarno with Misses Eu oh em la Flnhay. Reulah McKlnley and Dab Fell acting as servlteurs Mrs D. O Stewart was cashier Mrs W D Vance and Mrs O W. OWN SAME FINEST QUALITY BROWN LABEL NOW 25c Vi lb. Order a tup ply today. FREE For FREE Recipe rVlct hr Jtun Abimtt. AYLMER Diclitiin. dc-.tihinc M ty v tu rc curn. FOWL 25c lb. PORK Butts, lh. . . 14c Shoulder lb. 12c Swift's or. Kurnt' HAM Half or Whole 20c lb. Cello Wrap MACON Per pkjr. He Its Secret is FRESHNESS Yes - A YLMER Sweet Corn rvafry i "fraeS-fma-thc ah" , . . picked just ax the kernel? arc at their plumpest and juiciest . . . canned the same day! FRESHNESS! That's tbe secret of its goodness . . . frr&nes that is perfectly prerenwd by special cnamcl-lined tins. Other ATLMER CORK varieties mrc GaUen Bm-turn. WTioU Krmei tnd Or of i GoUtn Street. umtc ! CANADIAN CANNERS (WESTERN) LIMITED VANCOUVER, a. c. s chi Mutt mi a. c cr. i. Abbott were in eharat' of the sew- .ur.tnne-1 by Mrs 3 H Carson, tiling table. Mis H M Foole and eluded vocal soios by Mrs. William Mrs C G. Ham. the homo cooking. Cruickshank. Mrs H N Brockleaby and Mrs Robert Davu ana Mrs W and Mis R Geddes Large, accom-L Sandlson. the candy pr.nlst. behiK Mrs W M. Black A delightful musical program, stock and Mrs E. J. Smith. MARKETS S3 a Phone n M .IsBsB - i i s i nir ii i mwL & Poultry for Easter TL'HKKY 27c lb. VEAL Letr. lb. 20c Shoulder lb. 15c WJ Prime Slmm I LAUD J FREE U ELI VERT Phone G3 CIUCKKN 28c lb. BEEF Rump Roast 1 10C lb. T-B(Mie Roll 25c POT HOAST Ppv IK 12ic noiMNr, BKEF Per lb. He i : .7 A li ''ft f