PAGE BEX i lii . i .THE DAILY NEWS April .J1"" IS, lm --! L- j i DRAMA OF HUMANITY "Twenty Thousand Years in Sine Sins" Opens at Capitol I The human side of prison life, with its laughter and tears, its ro-1 mance, its thrills and its urim tra-1 gedies is painted in vivid and dra-, mate roloring in the picture "Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing." which is coming this week-end to the Capitol Theatre. This screen drama was taken from the book by Lewis E. Lawes, Warden of Sing Sing prison. It is a document of facts and trvth which j are said to be stranger and more: fascinating than fiction. TttA mtnrv rfoale with thp Hfj. n f finally convicted, believes he can rule the prison as he ruled his political gang. His personal attachment for the warden becomes so strong that he voluntarily returns to the prison and the chair when on parole, rather than let the warden down. BIG AUTOMATIC BOOKLET ft- 5f Lr aerlynisi romancx. ;i;.iui' inspiring ty tlit' tourhinii ioy.ilty ol convict's women for thur misguided husbands and sweethearts. i Spencer Tracy ha, the leading a "big shot gunman who, when .. . , , , VT 'Arthur Dyron, Lyle Talbot. Grant I Mitchell. Warren Hymer, Louis Calhern, Edward J. McNamara and Sheila Terry. There are no uninteresting Besides the many thrills. Including things: there are only uninteresting a prison riot, there is a glowing un- people. O. K. Chesterton. THIS YEAR CLIP OUT THESE INTERESTING NEW RECIPES Now that Swift's Premium Hug it "Orenued" every cot give eitri iitb-fiction I You'll find the new "OveeiMd" txxlncu In the butt cod, the think cod, or the centre Uiccs of the him. for BREAKFAST Broil fairly thin tllcet of Swift'i Premium Him in hot ores or oq pt util crbfljr brown, ruroto g each diet owe. Thit method briagi ok folly the rrc new "Oveoued" (kmar. Add a few drop of sauce if detked. Nt. If yon pa fry, doo't allow fttmkm lUm to rcsuia in fit after it it browoef. for ) EASTER DINNER The bwt half of an OrnUied Prnrfwi Hasi biltd. tcrred with frkd pint, apple rise decorated with mrwhlou (facrrki tad gtroithed with pnkf. Aa m abtrnitive ikrwiog yo cu ttm fried (partially ripe) hioaaat, tffed wkh red corraot icily. Or yon ta apread a thick tike ol Pfeahm I lam with rcaoot bwttcr d awtud, coyer with nillc tad bale ia orea until thoroughly dooe. Buy . with confidence where you see this seal l. (WlfTt MtMIUM MAX jm So that you may readily kirmiff Mem carrying the (miu Premiuai Ilia aod Bacoe, tomtit t have lupflied their dealers with a display (taturiog thtatal ahnwn abort aod a replica of tak adTTtiiftnc. Such aeon maintain Swift'i own uiadirdt of quality and clcacltncu. They arc rdiable ahop to deal with. Patronise the with trmeaienu. Atk for wAay'a km price oo Swii'i rttalm lUai aod Ukwu. NOW 0Vi MEETING OF MUSIC CLUB Interesting Program at Home of 1 Airs. G. A. Woodland Despite inclement weather, 25 members of the Ladles' Music Club attended the regular meeting of the club which was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. A. Woodland. Fifth Avenue East. '1 -l, . - 1 ... J u . Aiicic wna a sptriiuiu iJtvgiaiu 01 part songs, duets, trios and quartettes and Mrs. Robert Blanco prepared a short but interesting paper, which was read by Mrs. Woodland, dealing with the origin of part songs and leading up to present dav music. Mrs. It. L. Mclntoah. the president, was in the chair. Airs, j . a. uiacK ana .miss swanna Olafson were accompanists for the afternoon and the remainder of the program was as follows: "O Canada." Piano duet, selected, Mrs. Robert Bartlett and Mrs. W L Stamford. Vocal quartette. "Annie Laurie,''. Vlts. J. H. McLeod. Mrs. Ernest An Across thotisamls of Eatcr dinner tables this weekend will pan flattering comments on the delicate tuw goodness of that famous old dish Swift's Premium Ham. And it won't simply he complimenting the hostess . . . because the exclusive new Swift method called "Orniizing" 1ms made Premium better in four remarkable ways: The fLiwr is finer ... a matchless blend of "tang" and 'mildnes". It is much more ttmUr, yet finwru the same time. Richer colour, too. Every home can enjoy Swift's Premium at today's economical prices. Order promptly from your dealer to avoid disappointment. But be sure you get the pmtitn Swift's Premium . . . with tbe nunc Swift repeat &J dawn tUc Icegth of the ham. Remember, only Swift'i Premium Ham is "Oveoiied." Aik for it by name. Swifts Premium Hams derson, Miss Lillian Ilalllwell and; Mrs. C. E. Culllrt. Vocal trio, "Spring Song," Mrs. I P. W. Allen, Airs. F. N. Good and: Mrs. James j Vocal quartette. "Love's Old Sweet ' ,Sgo," Mrs. William Millar. Mrs.j Ernest Andten, MUs Lillian Halli-I wtil and Mm. O. E. Cullin. Vocal duet, "Maybells and Flow-; era," Mrs. J. II. McLeod and Mrs.' Ernest Anderson. 1 Vocal quartette. "Birds In the Night." Mrs. J. 11. McLeod, Mrs. Robert Blance, Mrs Slielford Da r ton and Mrs. C. X. Oullin. Piano duet, selected, Misses Ruth Gillies and Margaret McCaffery. "Ood 8ave the Kin." Mrs. James Lamb was welcomed i as a guest for the day. Tea was served by the hostesses. Mrs. Woodland and Mvs. Blance, With Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh and Mrs. James Lamb presiding over the tea tables and member of the club acting as serviteurs "I vagtar marc a futi1. incompctanfc jpl age than I finny form , J eeath." William Allen Whila DEFINITELY BETTER IN FOUR WAYS . , . became of an exclusive Swijt improvement in smoking. FINER FLAVOUR from etui to end; yon notice it ifuuntly MORE TENDER: In thank and butt end at well as in centre slices DELICATELY PINK: Eeniti and Tea and Sale of Hot Cross Buns Is Held Today A tea and sale of Hot Cross Buns Is being held in the parlors of the First Baptist Church this afternoon by the Ladles' Aid. The hall Is tastefully decorated with Easter lilies and crocuses, giving a pleasing Easter effect. Mrs. J. Hampton, assisted by Mrs, Norman Fraser, is general convener for the afternoon. The sale of Hot Cross Buna is In charge of Mrs. Larkin and those assisting in the, tea room are Mrs. J. Stromdahl, Mrs. V. Houston and Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod wth Mrs. B. Morgan acting as cashier. A delightful pro gram of music will be presented during the afternoon. TRAINS 'or the Dat Mondays' Wednesday and Frl days 9:30 pro 'rom the East "Hiesd-aya, Thursdays and Saturday .. 10:15 pm color is x point of tlUtinction FIRMER: It saves ! in looking aeon SMOKED AN IMPROVED WAY IN OVENS FIUDAY & SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 0 p.m. Feature Starts 7:10 Si 910 Admission J3c Si 50c mm Rebekah Hard 15! Times Dance is Enjoyable Event IHe RetekAli nurd time bailee, teal night proved a vrry enjoyable. affair despite tbe unforluat n-' Umt and Uuw present had a very jolly eveninf. Scotch and Cm uan dtocea were vtry much enjoyed to Use (tralna of excellent mimic pro-' rAtA by Mrs. J. 8. Black's orchea-1 Ire. Drinf tbe erenlnv prises arrrc mm wttd to Dn Iarent and MIm Owtnt for the costumes most appropriate to the e renins' enter-Ulwnent At mkrrUfht deUctout relrMhmcr.U wrr rn1 denci f mi kept Hp until the early hour tbh m'rntu Jek HoddVe was a very capable and fentu nutcr ot crremonlei. lln. Ikrt ktorgn. aaanted by J 8. H-vknr. preildcd at thr door. Mm. 1. W. M'ltlnlry. Mrs West and Mn. J. 8. Inrl-e were hoetctaca for It' evenlnc. JONES' Family Meal Market twlng Veal, i km. IW. 1 Un L Of VuU. ' t tta. Dutum of ismk Chop, Mm. Pew. I Ua . JiMnd Staak. t lbs. 0ton. 4 Iba Wftoin mmk. f lbs. Onions. 1 Iba But- 3 doc. 957 Phone 957 50c SOc 15c 35c 25c 15c 50c 50c 50c 50c SATURDAY MATINEE 'tc atjjo Admission feature Starts - iicl at 3 It " . The Sensational Romantic Drama "20,000 Years in Sing Sing" With Spencer Tracy, Bette Davis. A Vitagraph IMctun She wanter his name the State gave him a numW Comedy "CALI KNTK LOVK" MLTIIO N,u Musical TIIH MILLS IIUOTIIF.RS SING "DINAH- Last Time Today - "RAIN" Monday and Tuesday "THE FA1THITI. HKARI" EASTER SPECIALS We WLtii you all HAI'PT KA6TKR. On thu ocrion c uffer you real buni.iins wtndi mean real savings RUPfcRT LOCAL UMJb - rot boiling, per dox ALBKKTA KKK8H EUUH 3 doa AYMUflKK ItACUN Mild eurc. per ib CHOCOLATE EA8TKK KK28, from c Uj OOX cuoorxii to from&cto (ilUKt)U1Mi M f.AR lbs. v lb 30c 55c 20c 25c $1.25 $1.45 'Limit 30 lbs I" r.i u.'o ii" CANAIU: CHltlSBE line flavor pei lu 18c 50c PASTRY FLOUA -3rka Jg i IIOI ( IKiftli lll.VS Z 25c V "nuna arul !(! ilikr t.W Hplliiti'wii will br i" (or vniir mnvnlrnir i KHissii vh(;ktauii:s ( ALUrliWMt eacli rKJtti84'iNAiH per lb. hKA0 UHTUCB 3 for CBLBRT- Iftt. Uc and CTUtSM TOMATOK8 nmr lb CAMFXHtflaA CABBAdi. 3 lbs 25c 10c 25c 25c 25c 25c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store t ilflltrr all nrdrr. I or off JU-19 Third Atrnue Wt P.O, Bos 575 fbone 11 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PKINCK KUPBItT, H.C. We trbullrt thnn a Shoe Repairing Hrlnit your Shu-Cra(t BatUfftCtlon aoarame M. MocAUTHUB Third Ave. Nf S-