for rent, or Mlp Wd i iflijU adffrtj,,Wfntl In fnls in-Uo, rlurjrd ai ralr of : rem s Mia vst inwi tM .I IPWMw r Hc price pf four. nr tj, j. i j. u. tMrge (i, .. No sdrfrtisemenf taken for lent than 50c koksaLe ,; : I wilt Ub Pram ., new. "huiw Own (4 vMJC 1 Co.-nor JCJsvtrt. afc;llflc. juaiiy pw . i r. .'! Apply JJIim 4t liE'.ViV R novated oWMftt flfsf Blork. Msg Mtltr f F K liKNT Modern stuczo houe )t,.ar Place. Jnon QreeQ rrl! RENT - Jtewly rfljttfaled , . !8U7 7U Ave Eaak. Pfcooe! W (lured to 118 a cionii) Apia (im-r. Suite 4. Levin .iirnis. dw KKNT Pine Bungalow, mo- uk floor, prutnllMnt cor- !i...f prloa. Srr Hart. U r i: HKNT 8 to re on Third Afm , .!, of buataett taction. Win .: to suit tenant v i . ir.'int HAIItPRKSSER rptMAM.NT WAVING! Oil MX -WiiiUtte $5.0. Nrlson'i lleautr Kimppe fCLEANINfi & PRESSING rv-iryi .cajon&Dte Htnkendort. ! A? next door to Dallr WtTril MIT If I. net thM J p. WoxiwMtlv i'"iM or Wo. Vsmou rpiT s Ikmar tue ru a per tMwl sat 9rr far- out pf Qugw irf InU Uta'WH Uir bditiay vtr if-Piu I nlii trill b ur tot This iwUo f ffsaX a ih Hshlwiany ims a r ,py of tK ao' 'int"-ion purausni am' J W Ae" UI M 'fW of it ?aW forJf ' lrt fXajy-t im to be lilWl Ui th Mid " r with tt (npriif ' Piii4aant ouhin thirty AST '"ilur of tllU DuUt In , r I'irf di of thr ttmt ' hM notlr m Mr"b IS i n WOOD WORTH. . ApkUxaaf For Your Health Chiroprartlc Ptra Vfolel tays Intra Krd Kays Mauaee A t'' rtr;iMnable Prlcei W C ASPINAU, p.G. (Chlropracto frffn?ll Phones Green SJ Kxclianre llleek saaaaaggjgjl' M v Correspondents The DaUy News welcome! wr pondence on Uv topTcs M day or ny other iub J" ' public Intertnbut leU pmust be brief and tq trie f-- The long-winded' cpr- i-nndrnt has pp place In Kfrn journalism. ' vny letter rnuat be slrped g v writer, not qeeelwrTiy' rtibiicatiQn but'ai g rpftt od faith anef'couriesy. ftiitim igtvd docMrn.fnta gp to w :t paper baset.rLT-I! ."1 caustic character hare Ue algtiature" op. K'.uea for publication. should b, wrUtt-n on ae de of trie p7pir'' only! frpimdenta must avoid r aJltlMapd tDeinnguaw lWittwM4: SALESMAN WANTED M: ' wanted in vi rv town i., 1 mU Ifyianuu to I..aU. fOui Commission. S. M Hp? Inc. Iflp'-r Dundas St.. London. Ont. FOUND tr r PQUNI) 8m ill sum o. mu y Kmnt O recti 4M. ; JANO TUNIiNfi i JANO Tuned WUU. Walkerl M i Kc Store ti HAIiNTEIlS .AjNTfNQ and Paperhaiiftna MoHer.' Phwe Reo 802 , 1 , PRINTING in Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta At Phone 241 I It i The AUCTIONEER PackJneC rating Wrapping ti Orneral PurpHare Repairs LUt your foods wttb me GEO. .?. DAWES Phone Black 129 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD llpffstlnK three Dry Dorks Total cspsclly 20,ttf tons Shipbuilders and Ship Itepalrers far Klrrl and U'ood Vessel! Iron and Orsss CsUni e.lerirlc and Arettlrne Wrldlnt Jl-lnn Drrrlrk for llrsvy Lifts Sswmlll and Minim. Machinery Krpalred snd Overhsulrd Aiinouiia'iuent On Postal Rcduclion Kxpoclcd Shortly v WASjilNOTON. DC, April II:-Vosimaster Qeneral farlfy annouu- tsei that he expects to decide within ihe heil y or whr Lnot hvrtuSe possible to fnatrtuc- tlon of postage rates In tne USiteci 8tates "THJ IE THE vsrgrr ON ; 13 if ( iSEMENTS l riii. If M I l'O SEARCH'": ripest Yesterday Itspectgd lrtp Kathn lhai uPi AUruii Patrol HtW YORK. April 13: A vlu.ent sloim yeaterday prevented- U. S. 8 vum u.uiai irom oonunuuK ner patrol of the Atlantic Ocean off the Mew Jersey coast In search of. wreckage or further bodies from the wimc auiica navai air- Iglble Akron which was destroyed In morning of last week. It waa expected, however, that rZ irr MHIKU,e the desired end and that It would be Inclined to bring wreckage and bodies clrwer into shore rather than sweeping them further out to i Defreli Known WASHINOTON. DC. April 13 - ! the naval Inquiry into the Akron disaster, which Is continuing here, was revealed by officers of Lake- hurst air sUttop yesterday that structural defects In the great dlx- Iglble had been dlscorarad prior to the last flight, it having tkmi the airship received annjMJ ovarhayl late this month. Steamship Sailing! ' Por VanconTti-Tuesday j Harden a 1 20 pjn Tburs. aa. Prince Oeorge 10 bag Friday aa. Prin. Admle ID kl 8a. Venture msdnlgia AorU 14 aa. Prin. NoraJi bjb , April 2S at. Prin. Month pin from Vaneouvri Sunday as. Cardena pjn Wed. aa. Prtaee Rupsti 9:99 ' Prlday -as Prin. Adelaide am 8s. Venture pm April 10 as, Prin Norah April 14 -as. Prin. Norah am for Stewart aad Anrox Sunday as Cardena S pjn Wed. aa. Prince Rupert, 4 p rr From Stewart and Anjos Tuesday as. Cardena 11 30 ajn trd s iladnu aound s unqj lor Naas Itlver ana Port Mmpoi Sunday aa. Cardena . I pm. fum Naa Itlver 4; Port Simpson Tuesday -as. Cardena 11:3)0 Today's Weather Prince RuperW-Raining, strong southeast wind; barometer. M.10; temperature. 14; sea choppy. Triple lslnd Raining. WlUtherly ' 4ae; heavy chop. j Langara Island-clear, atrpngi southeast wind; sag choppy. I Dead Tree Point Overcast, light southeast wind; sag choppy. j Termer Rain. calm. 3. Alyanah Raining, calm, IS. Anyox Raining, calm, 2J. Ha ltajg - Rgln. palm. L , SmRherv- cfotra. calm, 41. Burns Lake Ram. calm, 40. TOILER" ABOUT TVT' OOOD THAT TMIMk.lNQ7 OR vou -rsri. 'icj, .vh ri v i uckv fuvamg t t av : v i a AID i ' x.f TIIE DAILY NEWS FAG2 FTV2 Thousands of People Read The Advrtisemenls on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERT he Markets firluil prs cuinnt here a) i," sent are as fpjlows Vugctal'ic .Vlatw up river. 13 to 15 lbs A",' : .u k. J! 'Ul tfi IjOU. -..J-. buiuii nips. 8 lbs Ca. bunch tQ arruU; C las iron; Peppers. WHS rUid lb. vcvt pot atom. !l;lhiiuu Tomal BMC' lb ?4Wi:an Tomatoea, lb 39 jewsmp. 0 lbs. Ja.ifornla Cauliflower, 25c to In Jnlons. DX;.. 6 Iba- . vaiifcrnla Celery. hea&. 16c. to JO Asparagus, CaU lb 30 OarHc Imported, per lb 35 Cajtbjuje, lb. 6c. and J uaitfoinia iiraa Luuce. 10C to Splnapb. Callforta .15 YeUosr Mewtonaiwy 4 Hu ' $2 Yellow Newtotu. "CT grade, lb M 1A5 vvinesaps. fancy! Mi 3 lbs. 25 boX j 2.50 Wlneaps. r grade 4 lbs 2y bxx 215 Delicious, tanor fBttM. 4 lb. box .. Rpe geptt't "fT trafrff i i$ box 2M ' FrpUs MaM, v, en inoS WL. li firisWwriwi r t6 Wl. mSL. 1J CospBut, 1. amZ- ' Dnrd rTuits iwonr rip. , r . iu (sues. DUJX. B.. fii tm it Latnon and i -range Peel 41 Citron peel 4.9 Prunes. -. lb. . . Pnjnea, 40-ap. Ip ::: 3 Prunfs V Hftiains. Australian geedii.$ 4sjru. Gal seedless, 2 log. CUrranu, lb. AnilcoU. lb. . He to Apples, dried tic ip Peaches, peeled JC. 14 Flour Flour. 4's. No l' hard wtaat Second Patent Pastry Flour, la lbs. 4(sc. t. Aust Pastry FlpW. 10 lbs. Eft! B.C Fresh PxtraJT canned B.C. Pullet extras, dog. Local, new laid, 4of BuJJer Fancy Carte neo. lh No. 1 Creamery. 3 Km. Honey svtu .IaJ tt..u gH n. 4 . sin Comb Honey . . Cheese Ontario solids, now U) Ontario, mature. pJ. . BUKOn. H. sdam. lb. vtt Roquefort, lb. Oorgortsoja. lb. .Mi Sugar v White, 100 Mk 13h Yellow. lf0 lbs. Lard Pure, lb 15c U 17 ,eats 1. W - -2$ ltoaaung Chicken, lb j Uam. sltesd. first grade ...... 31 Hap. njenb. first grade, lb 14 Baton, aide, diced, bast erade JO Park, shoulder, lb. ..-J...... .... .11 Well Ufy. Ajyut- IF v i .nil PfN 1 CAuv fo MltCHLMRrr, 1 1 S i line in Tha People; The Paper flPMftHW lffl "Wf Dosoi road is being adyanced. Thia'dunlMl tt carefully laWainffllWl I screen it ftpm public view by a 12KWW I lor I tie flevMonmeni oj a , I inri I. tiL T JSFVZnri arJi lira ft Is suggested A PfJNfftt- Ute ot$ ojft- me fQr?s OJ rbge s neiog ifc- . PW rf fiiW River rep bt ellifqiUd. mapng au actual mm mm y- 87 f JW f covering SJth aoll ayijrbie fro excavation. (P fW8f W it is dumped Maf ay- ltf&icusd odor naan. I fs paotanded. would, as niaraa ha enuralv nnninateri : a, Wash.. U if oqlnted out. if tt? .d.'Wf of f municipal w&JL? produe 1? Ssich a method as this and is thus quickly transforming Idle low-lying suburban hinds, which have lonu been n I eyesore of that city, into useful public lirboerty. Incidentally thta U)od Is belns found in f4tlJe to far tags costly an TOstly mqre fkejsn and sanitary thnn the me-lodjf'of pumjhi, chemical reduc- wi flntt Inxllurailbn In pnmmnn Following are some particulars tyaf the Seattle method: ' i.Method An area of low marsh or waste 4M;JWd WW1 i vK'w to its daveJopsaent fnr a nark or for otiier HUrpoiei. 4 VO Mt 10 Uus iourxi ' W frl PlPiiiW plam, on Ui phfes.' IracaClng the level of ihe deirred final grade A Wjilfleni guarjH o ' cover the waste products eacn nignt to reserved nearby, preferably a Begun, Half Done eh W - I T VlB. MAC sjm- a aj 4 1 i ..a '1. .Wk nAiJcst . oT v i'T5 With ADVERTSE in The Daily News TeIephoner-98 that has the circulation and that Brings Results high appt of grpupd above the level ul the final grgdj. A capaj Bjan, placed In charge of each deyepxnant. confines the r - nigh- As a part of his wages, he i puts ip a small cabin on skids, placed there for this purpose and i valuable virtually without cost for his general u&e. Before unload- j property values about the area to ing. diinw trucks are backed overv rMuiined'are actually increased a pipyaj platform directly up tO lather than (IhnjBished as is the a wheel-stop at tUf edge of the rase abit ordinajry' apen dumps, lojf area in order ip avoid reband-1 Ttjf sfPfi faf used even during lin. - The -mflvgble platform tsmalXh prfipeaj or rgspt6aation right up of three by ffve foot, double-ply. jiT the fencad gjp as a playground, pfanfc sUong. te pUnks being ' patjig fra. fjofge space, etc. nausyi logatnar csoas-wue.) Sach evening, he material dum ped during thf day Is covered with one )nch of soli. ' When a section has thus been completed, it is immediately stjdad with rapid-growing varieties of grass and rye. and the portable fence, cabin, platform and whjtfl-stop are moved to another mft. The whole area to be reclaim ftl 1 raised by this method six feat or )PSs at a time untU the desired ftnal level ta attained. Sanitation and Economy Induntrtal average closed at M.M. Files and other dLsease-bearinit off 29. ruilg, lfco off 37 and utl-inserts are kept away from decom- IKies. 208. off &5 mrm mu nif SAVE WRiGLEV Se WRAPPK$-.Nyrii, vo: . ppsipg waa inaterials by the soil cover. Twi odors, fires and other nsanas are eliminated, i A single cellection system takes aU .wasja producU from each sec- tjon at tha afty dJpU, to the near- -r rrr rw-r,v,T-w ' different fonns of waaie are avol- i . Idle iaad is f Iliad and becomes NO FSII ABKIVALS No boats being in with catches, tfettt 'WH Pal ttfe Of halibut on the JWt mmm M" momlng. AH cfuriip5 in Slump in New York m" i? : a t W yppC. Apsil J:-AU aecuri-ties .went Irita slumn on the New York Stock Skehanite vesterdav. ? pRUM Ctft CATALOGUE Mac oa "ma tfiA t