THE DAILY NEWS. riUNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PDLLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlod paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 By mail to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United Steles, paid In advance, per year - By mall to all other countries, per year advertising; rates Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 3.001 9.00 1.40 .02 .15! FULL LIBERAL SLATE Owing to the fact that the Socialist candidates in Cowi-chan-Newcastle and Fernie have joined the C. C. F. party, the Liberals in those constituencies have chosen candi MUSIC CLUB IN SESSION Meet I lies For Season Kesutned With Catherine Yesterday at Home Of President The Ladies' Music Club resumed its activities for the 1933-34 season with an Informal business meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. R. L. Mcltnosh. Out of respect for Mrs. Max Hell-broner, who was to have had charge of the day, there was no program. Motions of condolence were passed to Mr. and Mrs. Hellbroner and Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls H. McLeod, who were bereaved recently In the deaths of their sons, and one minute's steading stance was observed.. The presentation was made by the president. Mrs. Mcintosh, to Miss Frances Moore of the Music Club Cup for having mode highest marks in the Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations. Miss Moore,' who is a student of the Sisters of St. Joseph, played a piano sok). Tea was served with Mrs. O. A. Woodland pouring and Mrs. W. L. .Stamford and Mrs. H. F. Pullen serving. The tea table was taste- fully decorated with beautiful yel- Thursday. Oct. 12, 1933 i low chrysanthemums. Program For Season The following program for the forthcoming season has been arranged: October S "Spanish and Argentine Music, " Mrs. Ernest Andersen. November 8 "Mlseellaneoiu." dates to contest the election. That means a full slate of miss Elisabeth currie. Liberals not one missing. The Liberals have the only complete slate in this election, no other party having the temerity to enter all constituencies. Next to them in number come the C. C. F. BUSIEST MAN, IN PROVINCE T. D. Pattullo is today the busiest man in the province. When he left here recently he was expected to visit prac- f mailt airat( nnnnfifunnnii . I T)HAMI November 22 "Church Miwtc," Mrs. E. J. Smith guest day). December 13 "Christmas Music." Mrs. J. H. McLeed. December 31 "Hospital Day." January 10 "MIseeJtaneotK, Mrs. J. H. Carson. January 34 "Polish and Hungarian Musk." Miss M. McCaffery. February 14 "Ballads and Eere- tivctwj nc.j luiicniuciic) in me iJiu.iJiue i cute nades." Mrs. R. Bartiett River. That meant scarcely one day for each riding with! February 2e-"oerman compes-several speeches a day in addition to attending to many '." Mrs. h. Rochester, detail matters and meeting as many as possible of the elec-! March "Hebridean Music-tors. It is a stupendous undertaking. Local people will un-iM"; Wm;H.!f.r- derstand fixm this how difficult it has been for him to cuZrmiTn iKu meet inula an jiiuivitiuauv. u woum ue useless ior mm ioiday ne eieciea in rnnce itupert ana not carry the rest of thei April n "Spring Muckv Mr. province. Happily the people here know him pretty well'01 woodland. and will sympathize with his efforts. This is particularly! pr" 26r"Frencn n Ti i ...t-:-L i i Miss E. u. Lenox. ii uc ui mc vuecu iiiuiuuc imuiius wiucn ne nus oeen unable to visit. Word from that part of the constituency indicates that he is receiving great support over there and! that he vm be given a handsome majority at most of the polling places V INTEREST IS GREAT While there is considerable election interest here, it is of a quiet thoughtful nature. Quite different from what is April 28 "Students' R. L. Mcintosh. Composers," Day." Mrs, May 9 "Annual Meeting." Man in the Moon taking place in some parts of the province. Vancouver pood afternoon foiki.x have been . .w. "'u "u ""'".r "Mam again an set for a tatk about me souuiem maemanu siow some excitement. We mustiporrue. ask our readers who are not much interested in politics to I bear with US for a short time. It will be all nvpr nn Nnvpm- Take a look at the candidates. ber 2 and then we shall be able to think of other matters. rtun are y tbrw? and eeh H Tr moans an tn thn r Uvo Ua hiA Via Jnuwl "e a e. per ot government lor the next few years, saaaaaalaaaaaaiBa ''jjjjjB " x THE FOR SAFE KEEPING To ktip voluobl popart in one's offic or home It to run a risk which may rstult In on trreparablt tott. A private Safety Deposit box at The Royal Bank cottt IHtle, li conveniently located, and gives complete protection ogainst fire or theft. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA feet in wind and Mmb and asi ready for the race en November 2. There's T. D., who has represented I Prince Rvpert iJnee lfilti. Ife saya the people heee have treated him4 well. Not many men can keep the confidence of the people that long, and still look like a winner. He can't be here for his training but he says he is with us In spirit. IIU final words before leaving were: think I can trust the people of Prince Ho pert to do the right thing.'' And1 Juke says he can. Now there's Ex-Alderman Kud-derham. He knows what it is to be elected often and defeated seldom He Is waving the banner of social- Ism but objects to the red flag. His flag Is only pink but it has a reddish appearance. If elected he will do his! bit to upset the present system, to spike the guns of the banks, and generally to play Old Harry with everything and everybody except the farmer. He says he likes the Victoria eilmate but. If not eleoted, Prince Rupert's' him. good enough fori Charles Chapman is one of those Intensely serious persons and his j backers are all serious, so serious ana sanguine that they really truly 'expect people to vote for the Red J Flag, the Russian system, the rule of the proletariat. Like the C. C. F. policy It is baed on the pliJlosophy of Carl Marx, only it would do at , one fell swoop what the others would do gradually. Charles does not expect to win. He Is too modcet for, that but he would like to. Qet quick result with a want ad , 5" THE DAILY NEWS The Letter Box THE NEW DEAL ' i soaial atedi. It got to the root ot Utopian virion of the future aoetal t...hit n It advo- istlc tate to be reallaed In the year cubes the itudy of the question of iiiimtlnn In - ---" nH i giwiHVWVil tsaau VP'i - ... order to adjust It together with the numbers of hours per day and days (of wo pet veek, the standard of Editor. Dally New: (wages and commodity prices." In The average man In the street . ank One tX tht Liberal pattey says: "I have no falUi In the oW ejere are all the fandamenUl prin-polrttcal sarigsLlbertls or CTnwer- of the N. R. A. vntlvM" A rvirpf ill nAriisfll nf Plank I i, - . u . i ., anH fnnLIn of the state In p'vate!oanemy. The establishment of an advisory board nominated by all the factors of pro duction Is the first step of a new deal. New Liberalism, which 1 less liberalism and mqre democracy, is finally conscious of the fact that national economy must be operated J.' democratic. KooseveH was also a mere liberal. All workers and citl-'bbs in aneral must H consolous of the fact that It is their duty to carefully study Plank One of the Liberal policy. Therein lies the solution of our trouble. There Is concrete pledge to grapple with the social problem in accord with Che 2000 bu ft definite Ilpe of Immediate action as the situation dnmands.-Tli ere Is no time to be lost while there is suffering, want and mis-: ery. Wliat the country neeth to an aoie aaminiairauon iikc hw unr ut Roosevelt, acting on the same line to relieve us of this oppressive si One of Uie new Liberal policy em- ;BdiaU lhat uberal polfey . TTt . 1 flrt iHtr QlllV. Tn It. A. ciple, the establishment of an eco nomic council. f This steb meant: the Intervention Hiumday. On BURNED IN AIR CRASH tuation. The Trades and Labor Councils have voiced the sentiment' CIMTTKKDON. ty GOVERNMENT OF THE OUSERYEn. Next Wednesday afternoon, the steamer Prince Oeorge will sail at 3 o'clock Uisiaad of 4 o'clock, ber regular departure time, for Anyo ard Stewart, it is announce! Caaadton National Steamship. most up-to-date trend of political The change will be for the one under a charter g order to serve i thought and action. There Is no week eiry luiMoeven pass-m--1 rsun lajBFeaenssri An i t Mil . . . list Pi Out - pwwwi. ii i. . . . a nrtmAft a urpaL rnvmnion&rv wut- il .. e.nikjMn tuitm ttt w ---- --- w. -" MI4S nuiWI ... V UiMliwii niMi m - mmHai ixt Ih. Mmf.iMiarv mixA BttDe OI Uie Unitea Rl..' old gang or kHasea faste It Is ultra TT r?m ' n iwwe oarned to dea h h, uusvwm w w a i Persons Low ,u,s Ui.. Twln-Molored I'lam- i mn lioxtn in name in lni:.llia .Chine eraibed in flam' DOMINION OF CANADA 1933 REFUNDING LOAN Tfcp Dominion of Canada offernfor public tuUcriptkn Two-year 34 Bonds, due 15th October, 1935' 1mm TVinr; 99. of) and accrued intereM, pieMuq 3.75 to maturity. Six-year Bonds, due 15th .October, 1939 Itritr: 99 A0 and arrul iniemt, yWii'nf t.llf 't to tmUurity. "x Twelve-year 4 Bonds, due 15th October 1945' A I , jldrens Colds Issue rirr: 96.60 and arcrued inUret, ' N r " yielding 4-18 to maturity. " ' t Principal payaMe wHhout charge qa kwM money of Canada, at the office of the MUMer f Finance ami Receiver General of Canada at Ottawa, or at thr eirke a the Anlstasy Receiver General at HaWkm, Sriant Msa, Charlottetown, Montreal. Toronto. Wtonhve. Rdna. Calgary or Vktoria. Intcreet pajrabk half-yeaily, 15th April and 15th October, in lawful money of Canada,' witnout cnarge, at any branch in Caaada oi any Chaptered I3ank.r Dm&ttinatuma Two-year Bonds, $1,000 Six-year Bonds, $500 and $1,000 Twe4ve-yar Bonds, $100, $500 and $1,000 Cash Subscriptions Ch subfrfptswM wW be received seay for the Six-year 4 Dsnd and for the Twelve .year 4 Bead. All a mtkmerdtmrn vill fee mini to allotment. Following t)ie anfKMMeaieat U tK plan of eAMmet,Mrvty afiateeiin certifioutcs agsintt payment In fuW for the bonds idtottctl wl be promptly effected. Refunding Subscriptions Holders of Victory Loan S) Bonds due let November, 19Ji, afUr ttfrfMfif i naafsWnf the etpm due 1 Smrmher nrrt. may, for the period during which the tubscrtpAfcm Met aee open, temper their bond tn lieu of oath on subscriptions for a like par value of bttstk m em or more maturities of the new iawe and receive alkrtntent in full with prompt delivery. The surrender value of the Victory 5) Bunds will be a fellows: 100 of their par value on auburiptions for the Two-year 3l Bonds and the Stx-year 4 Bonds. 1001 of their par value on aubscriptions for the Twelve-year 4 Bonds If effected on or before 16th October, and 100 of their par value after that date. No accrued interest an rtte new borids wttl be charged on refunding subscriptions If effected on or before 16th October. After that date accrued interest from 16th October win" be charged. Holders will receive in flash the difference between Uic surrender value of their Victory Bonds ? and the cost of the bonds of the new issue. The atnminl of this Loan is limited to $M,OOQ,000. TM, iMnM QHiiri4)m1r Act of the ParUamnt of Canada, and lo1h wincfml ami inter are e tfrnrfe on the CofmlidatM Itfimwc Fund of Canada. TiprotmlsofUti iMn unU, retire $10Sfi7l,S60 Dominion of Canada SU limit ifiatww lid A'otW'flf, WdS, and SiO,0()0,000 hort-term Treasury Ms. Tlte baUiiwe mil be um-dfor the yenmtl purposes of the (ivvrrnmcnt. fyWtfim uill he nxeiwd and receipt mucd by any bmuch in Canada of any " ffliffltWtol ffuk uttd Iru HvanjHitid Dealers, frmi irhnm annu l i,1,i,,i itn,iiWi'm . ' Jfmi nd v1 V ' official proitius containing coiopldc detail of (he "Z'Z .a. . I- Avffcmiwf mil not wifif m forms othn than those 7' prwtedly the hiry' s Printer. . ' A tiXO ' TMmiar1pti(miid mil w 10th OctoUr, 1988, and vll dote an or before 94th OtMbw, 1W, u4th or wthM noti at the dUaxihn of the Minivtir of I'inarut. ' ' ' ' ' Do ATMfMT or rnwr.t Ottawa, 10m OcniSKR, IW. Vicicc !7TTg.'.lHIIJ'HyW W 'Ar.r3. . 4