A 5 A LL c i. r' Such Crowds iL Must yf. ACME Here is Just One of the .Many SUIT BARGAINS We Ifave For You Reg. $37.50 Value Men's 18-oz. guaranteed Blue Serge Suit,, hand tailored and beautifully finished throuxhoui Yes, sir. it s a wonderful bargain at our sale price COO QC ot only jy&AtOO MEN'S ENGLISH FLANNEL SHIRTS Reg. $4.00 ralues. Men's pure wool English Flannel novelty cheek Shirts. Your choice CI (HZ Sale Price ?XJ MEN'S PURE WOOL SWEATERS Reg. $4.00 ralues Men's Pure Wool V-Neck and Coat Sweaters, assorted shades. Your QCp choice, think of it. onlyfwv A SELLINO BOYS SUITS. LONG PANTS Reg. Reg. to $13.95 Boys' Long Pant, good wearing Tweed Safe Suits. Really an outstanding Bargain Sizes to 39. rteg. Your choice Off QC Sale Price iyOuO Price MEN'S UNDERWEAR Reg $1.25 values. Men's Boys' fieht weight sprint needle Combinations, short sleeves Safe Sale and ankle Price length 69 c REG. $1."5 VALUE Reg. Men's medium Weight Combination Underwear, art silk strip, long sleeve, all ankle length on Qfa Hah sale at only per suit SaW ACME IMPORTERS Mag ician Saves Life of Indian Boy Yesterday Due to the presence of mind of Prof. Roy, palmist and fortune teller, an Indian lad was saved from possible drowning at the government wharf yesterday afternoon. n lad Hnnfwl anrl fIl (Mm the wharf into the water. Prof Roy. who uak rt.rh Ah.rH h. v-. plight and threw him a line which he grasped to be pulled to safety He was, apparently, little the worst for his cold ducking Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Phone 95 Shoulder. Pork ' 50c 4 lbs. Perk Chop 35c 5 lbs Vial Chop " 35c 2 lbs. Lamb Chop 35c 2 lbs. - a akMn. Steaks 35c 2 lb. - TiBone Roaster 15c lb. Romp Roat- 50c 4 lbs : P6t KuasU-, 35c 4 1. i.iA.,,,... . Round StoakJ 15c per lb. . JH....,....-.. .., Himberger feCeak 25c 3 Iba. .. .4 Billing Beef, 3 lbs. 25c 1 buntfi Uh6U Tomato Bansace 10c per lb .! ... Spar Rlb4 25c 3 lbs B6neless Stewfng Beef 25c 3 lbs I hat Can Draw I i IMPORTERS ,000.00 PUBLIC Us doors OPENS clock sharp bargains than ever.REAI) comparisons. Come (o the Positively no reserve. Wc - .... bargains! Uuy till it hurts! isavc as never bclore: STANFI ELD'S HEAVY UNDERWEAR Reg. $4.00 a suit. Stan field s Red Label 2-piece heavy ribbed Underwear QO QC Sale Price ?Ut7U tooke's flight simrrs Reg. $2 50 values. Tooke's Broadcloth, well known Flight Brand Shirts, assorted blades and pat terns to choose from Althouah thL is a contract line 1.95 they are on sale at EVENT THAT WILL MAKE RETAILING HISTORY FOR THIS STORE SHOE DEPARTMENT $5.5r values, Mens BlkCsJf Oxfords O QQ Price t?A.OO $4.50 Men's solid leather plain toe Work Eoois 82.95 sond leather School Sheet sizes 1 to 5 QO QQ Price V0' TRENCH COATS $930 values. Men s steam vulcanized Trench Coat, guaranteed to stand climates, made of En texture Price $5.85 Sale made In !HIS FUNERAL HELD SUNDAY! Stewart Pays Final Respects to Late' Commtaioner Joseph Wilson thJ marrU8e t00k P Very RTFWABT STEWART. Oct V.t 19 12 -One On- of f the;qnlet,y at 2 o clock yesterday after-targest and most Impressive fu- uoqq c parsonage of First Unl-aerals ever held in Stewart tookited churchv C"D of place on Sunday afternoon whi . , f Mta vwu Commissioner Joseph H. WUaon was r , ! takI at re,t T" wa held at St. Mark's Church, Rev. Q. H. Moody officiating. The church was packed to the doors and over a I hundred people stood outside dui-ilng the service. ' In his funeral address Rev. Mr. Moody spoke feelingly of the unsel- i f hh service for the community performed by the late Mr. Wilson in many different capacities. Mr. Wilson was a member of the school 'board and a commissioner of the village of Stewart at the time of his death. For many years previously he had been the secretary of the Stewart General Hospital Associa tion and. In other capacities, had served this community. A profusion of floral tributes bore added testimony to the high place Mr. Wilson had held in the respect and affections of the dfetrlet. Be sides Stewart, the communities of Premier and Hyder. B.C. and Hyder, Alaska, were well represented. Pallbearers were W. R. Tooth, chairman of the municipal council; Commissioner W. L. Newell, P. 8. Jack, secretary of the School Board; Clyde Hagar, Secretary, Pioneers of Alaska. Hyder Branch; II. P. Oibson and O. J. Hutehlngs. Rudderham Off To Islands On Campaign Tour a. W. Rudderham. C. C. F. can- idate for Prince Rupert In the i irthcoming provincial election, left yesterday afternoon with Jaek Prescott aboard the latter' gasboat for Massett and other Queen Charlotte Island points on a campaign tour o' i I be Good SALE tomorrow morning at 9 o' with a greater array of ON MEN! Note the price greatest sale we ever held. promise you bargains, real I - . m D ME.VS PYJAMAS Reg. $2.50 values, Men's extra fine quality Flannelette Pyjamas Price S1.65 Reg. $4.00 values. Mens fine quality English Broadcloth Pyjamas. Tooke made Q-f Q Sale Price QXVO Tl'KNBl'LL'S COMBINATIONS Reg $4.50 Turn ball's pure wool medium weight Com- CO QC binations. 3ale Price 0i0J MEN'S FURNISHINGS Of the better kind at prices that will bring hundreds of shoppers hurrying to the Acme. Beg. $1.7$ values, men's Tweed Caps, Sale Price Reg. 35c Men's heavy grey woolen Work Socks. 8ale Price Reg. 75c Men's heavy PoUce Suspenders. Sale Price Reg 05c Men's SMfc Tie, a wonder ful selection to eboese from. Price Reg. 85c Men's Silk Webb Suspenders. Sole Prlee 79c 23c 48c 29c 59c Reg. $6 valuta Men's Pure Fur Felt Hats, by Blltmore en aq Price 3.HO W. 0. GRANT Full Charge of Sale Terrace Girl is Bride of Anyox Man Yesterday Dix of Kltsumkalum Lake. ai Charleston Cauthers of Anyox. The wwe wore a brown ensemble. Witnesses of the ceremony were Mr. Sam Haudenschlkt and the bride's father. Mr. and Mrs. Cauthers left yesterday afternoon by tram for a week's honeymoon trip to Terrace after which they will take up residence at Anyox. Surprise Party Tuesday Night Forty Friends Gather to Honor Occasion of Miss Caroline Mitchell's Birthday In honor of the birthday of Mia Osrottne Mitchell, some forty friends gathered Tuesday evening m a surprise party at her home on AUIn Avenue, Westvlew. The evening was happily spent in dancing, music being furnished by Charlie Balagno and Tony Rorle. At midnight delicious ref reshment. trotifht by the uninvited guest, fe served. A handsome birthday .ake wtfe presented to Mts Mitchell who received the hearty congratulations and best wishes of all for many happy returns of the day. IS SERVING 10 UK MONTHS It being hi second offence, Reg Rudland was fined $300, with option of four months' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McCIymont In city wllee court thto morning for tup-Hying liquor to Indians. Rudlund jl serving the time, iprjoN is IN SESSION 1 1 cnvion Board Appointment Pre tested questionnaire to Elee tinn Candidate i The Prince Rupert branch of the , cnnadiarr Legion. BrtthTt Empire Service League, held IU half-yearly nieettrrg lasf evening. PfesWent J iPreece was in the chair and there srtis a large attendance of members Election, of officers fr Uhj ert- halng six monlBW resulted hi the I return by acclamation- of the pre sent executive as follows: President, 3. Prsoee. First Vice-President. W. J. Ranee Second Vfee-Presldent. R. T. Ar- derson. Bxecutfv asembers 8. A. Bird. S. B. Martha. 0. L. YOUnnsna, It. K James. H KMfn and ET. 6. SeW- jert. TrsfeeT Stivers, S. A- Bird and J. S. Wilson. Auditor C V Bvitt. Honorary officers were a4e reelected wfth the Mkfltfsti of Liewfc-Col S. D. Johnston, the eompfcfe list being: Honorary Presrdea. Oai 0. W. Peck. V.C. Hnjrary Vice-Ft widens. Mafor J W McGregor. V.C.. DS O.: Lieot.-col S. p. McMordtP. D0, and Lreul-Col. S. D Jonastoii. MC . VD Pratest Appointments A strong protest was made to the Dornfnten government against the lppofntmenU to the present pension eeinmtislon and non -appoint tent of CoL C Peek to the net-board. ew raenvbert were BUI Bailey, Hfnry Catderwood. P. A. MatCal-'um. J. G. Suthertsnd and Oeorge MaekHn. A quesflonnalre (0 candidate In he provincial election prepared by the provincial command was dls- usied and copies are to be sent U the candidates In thk riding wit), he request that they send written replieh to the branch and. if they at' desire, publish them in the local pre6 The WornfVa AassHary I staking -;ood hea4wayuitt kta preparations for the bazaar to be held In the first week In December. The ladles have mapped oat an extensive program of relief work among returned men and their dependent. Plans are alao under way for the annual Poppy Day and Remem-orance Day celebrations. Prt:rrs on Building Gratification was expressed at the progrexg being made on the rebuilding of the front portion of the inbrooms. The new building will be a decided asset to the city In appearance and provide adequate facilities for the local branch and the Women's Auxiliary Is Committed For Trial in Interior Frank Miller Alleged to Have Come Into PoMrsslon of StOO By Illegal Means On a charge of obtaining poasea-akm of iVtO illegally from F. H. Gleeaon. Frank Miller has been oommiUed for trial by Sttpendiary MagUtrate o H. Milburn UPrtnse Oeorge and wui be appearing hortly In Oounty Court there before Judge H. A. Robertson for election. Ofeeson, who live at Dome Creek, bad paid a vIsM to Prmee Oeorge and had rfrvn $300 from the bank in that city. While on his way home accompanied by MHIer, Oleeson lost the money, reporting the loss to the pdHe. MHIer stayed for two day with Oleeson at Dome Creek and then went back to Prince Oeorge and entered hospital. In Miner s clothe was found $200. the numbers on the bill, according to the police, being fourid to eheck up with the money Oleeson had drawn from the bank. Miller arrest and committal for trial followed, according to report received at divisional headquarters of the provincial police here. Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted In any style. Oame heads a specialty. AH work guaranteed first class. FUR8 MADE UP Write For Prices K. HIx, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. SEMINOIX WINNER OF cwArtnrrTcrr sTAnrjr a . .tmff milKKT. Erie. Gel. e'li.CP.-J. i. WldenVti SemVl 4- note, a long shot, won the "CeaarewTtch Stakes yesterday, defeating toote Strife by two 4 iengths. Rio de Paris was third In Uie field Of twenty-three horses , 4. MEETING OF GIRLS' CLUB Hlfh School Group Gathers U Ite ; organiie For Year The first meeting of the High School Otrl Club was held yester-1 day for the purpose of reorganise-j tten. The meeting opened with the i honorary president In the ehalr. A There it no better fishing coun-brief talk was given on the purposes) try than Canada, beneves Mrs J of the Chris' dob far the benefit of the ftrst year stadenU. The following officer were etee- ted: Honorary Preeioent, Mia Mar- jorl Dimeek. Preaidsnt. Miss Maxine IleM- Vlee President. Miss LueiMe Brookseank. Secretary-Treasurer. Mlsa Cered- wln Morgan. Reporter. Mia Dorothy O'Neill. The executive stoo eimfltat f re presentatives from the different classes. They are Mlaaea Dora Ar- ney. Winnie Cameron. Leah Basso-Bert. Lillian Jones and Yotond Domtnato Gyro Club Appeal For Clothes Meets Splendid Response The campaign of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club to collect suitable used elethkng for dtstrrfeatien among the needy Is meeting wftfc good resaiu and many asrfendM donations have been made. K was re ported to the crab at Hs boamess luncheon on Tuesday of this week ti the Beaton Cafe It at expected that the campaign vrrH be eoneroded within the next week or ten day Matter pertalnfog to the elub's trust fund were also dtscassed at Tuesday's luncheon. Monoplane on Its Way to Anchorage tVnman and Two" Boys Fattentm On Air Marhlne Which Put In Here Lat Night With Pilot Chester MeLane at the controls. II. W. Barnhtn a sir en gineer and Mrs. Thyra MerrM and two boys on board a passengers, a Seattle monoplane landed here at S o'clock last evening from the Pa get Sound eKy and hopped f f shortly before noon today In con- Unuation of a flight to Anchorage. Alaska. The machine ref Betted while here Today's .Weather Prince Rupert Strong southeast wfhd; raining, barometer. J7; temperature, 48; sea rough Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh southerly wind: barometer. 29 64: temperature. SO; sea choppy. Triple Island Raining, strong southwest wind; sea rough. Lahgara Island Overcast, strong southerly wind; sea choppy. Altyox -Raining, calm. .4. StewarU-Snowlng, calm, 40, Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 41. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. 39, Burns Lake -Cloudy, windy, 40, B. C, TEAM WON GAME Salmon Bellies Come lo Life and ItegMrr Vlelory In Box Lae rowc Series NEW WE8TMIN8TER. Oct CP The New Westminster Sal moh Denies defeated Hamlltoi. Tigers 8 to 1 In the third game of the' box lacrosse title series last night, making the series count La , dat two games to one In favor of we riiNvcrners. iiie fourth gume will bs playtd Friday night, (1 PLANS FOR HOOP GAME Moone Half k rjifated fr Season's Play snd Annaal Mcrtlng.Kct ... For Nest Monday Night With the Moose Hall engaged it the Venue for play and the aphial meeting of the Prince Rupert lfcy ketball Assoctatiqn scheduled far ' Monday evening hexT an active hoop season In Prince Rupert this l winter la already assured. Plans preliminary to the organizing of teams have already been set I in motion and It Is anticipated that there will be keen competition in the usual various leagues. Considerable Interest is being manifested SPORT CHAT 1 ID. Abbott, well known English sportswoman who has fished and bunted In many countries She sailed from Quebec recently for fcrr home In London wMb four fine souvenirs of her feet, fttfetng trip to this country They wre at square-tailed speckled trout, the largest speesmen weleMng sight pounds one ounce, and were mounted In special casus which Mrs Abbott had set up m her stateroom on the liner "They were caught uii the Ntpsgon district." she aaM Next year she hope to come barkn and do some more Hating In Can ada. With aU branches of local sport rag activity quiet a tana at thl time. cutonaty infest was displayed last week by Prince Rupert batefcall fottnvers fcn the World Series between the New Yarfci Otants. pennant winners of the National League, and Washington Senators, champions of the Ameri can League. It is some year since 4ther the Otani or the Senator have been In a World Series and neither of them were fsvred at the outset of the im seam ta Uriah on top. OomisyHutry. there was a good deal of apeeulauon as to the outcome of this year's Series and much difference of opin- Hm. some felt that the plu-hinr 1 staff which contributed to much lo the feat of the Olanta In win Meg the pesmaat. rtd see them through to the world'i :itle the other hand, some fast that th' Senators probably had Ukt afror. ast all round baseaaU ortantea'.iur. when all department of the game particularly batting were taken Into OMteideraUon On the whole it was apparent that the 8eri. this year would not be the rlir' It wa last season when the Nrw York Yankees conquered the Chicago Cwbs in four straight games fa tM years Series the Olantt snowed themselves to be decidedly the most effective batsmen. C.N.R. Badminton Is Opening For Season Shortly The Canadian Nstional Recrea-BadrrdntoN tfon Association duto Uy TVrHftf l.orgaataation plana for the 1 $11-54 season with P. M Davis as dvoiee for ehalrman OfflcUl opening ceremonies will const f in American tournament on Sunday when a large entry list U anticipated. MARKETS CLOSED TODAY WFW YORK. Oct 11: CP- The American iinancial market were dosed today Manure For Sale SI. 00 a Load Delivered DOMINION DAIRY ZIG-ZAr TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable nnd economical pairing of all makes of rau guaranteed Phone: Blue Nevr FTAT Book mil T r I, 1 gaSk - r 1 n o-r-r-r! What a draiigll coming throu4l that door! A fw pt on 'a?:.. on th- fi.a ' ter. Get the new Ozite Strip for w in 1' mni. Kaien Hardware PHONED The AUCTIONEER Packing Crz"-z tt General F . , ; - 3 1 List your r- -i sJJ a Pbne Wscs 11 CEO. J. D AWF RADIO SEASON Enjoy Uic 1 son with y tuned to m.r efficiency V, Insure you l ' having youi evar now ari : JuiVed to Iim' .condition, as fkient opeu': poor Invest ni' Battery st s trnlred with -1 3 eeonomkal ' 'I tube. Superior Radio Service JM Second ATMioe Phone Blue 320 p O, Boi ir, A. O. BARTltTT C.H. IN8UtaN-ERl Tonight East at l" this rnoinw.