Of")ber 12. 1533 1 L TEA Jasmine LIQUID CLEANSING CREAM jver Thursday p.m Us r. or LIQUID FOUNDATION CREAM With a Magnifying Mirror Both For 55c MENTHOL SHAVING CREAM and Combination Screw Driver 65c ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF RILEY'S TOFFEE In Bags at 25c Ormes lid. Z7im Pioneer Druggists T? irrxall Store Coal Cost Lump Best Kg Host Stove Kuir ;ml Cedar, V. , per cord HYDE SAVOY HOTEL Leading Hotel ' i in all Rooms 1 J pKl IMIOMMi:, Prop. rKR RATES i. and Up I N ION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED B'timt. Ua. laws.... n..u - " --" L S( C ATAI.A KVEKT TUESDAY. 1 :30 P.M. H: , ' , NA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. 1 1 wr Monday a.m. i ii to rrt Birt sad Simpson. AJIee Arm. Anyoi CANADIAN PACIFIC 3ftr' leave Piinc Oiean Falls and Kupert for Vancouvrr tla V&:.Adfllldp- liSo " r-rldS. P... 1 "KlTr Phones SI 12 Prices $12.50 n-r0 11.00 11.50 jier IoimI 5.00 6.00 TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Developing and Printing Send Your Films Direct to WHAT! I ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Rapid Service Prince Kuperl ' ' 11 rettming all Mlllne d UcMa " P"t Agrncy: Second Avenue. rbne 568 rim... jk . ... . . . s. SV Kl arui.M-, wet, it 2 t I'rinceM woran. j HlKAN, WKANOKlsU UlSiWV ami SKAC.WAY. W i ,m WfHoiw and Information 1ATI;S. nrnfnl Ami( Irlnr. Uunfft. B.C. k I .this DAILY NEWS J LI... I I LOCAL NEWS NOTES ECONOMIZE... Just arrived carload of Hlnton Coal Central Hotel. 237 Basketball meeting Monday, October 18, CHjr Hall, 7:30 p.m. Election f officers. M. p. Nlckeraon. manager of F. E. Hunt Ltd., U sailing thla afternoon on the Princes Louise for a brief business trip to Juneau. John. Mellor, well known Stewart merchant, willed by the Prince George yesterday afternoon on his return north following a brief visit to the city. Percy Temple. Kltkatla Indian, was fined $5 and costs by Stipendiary Maglitrate Andrew Thompson in provincial police court yesterda j afternoon on a charge of drunken- nens. I Nick J Coulter left by jrester-j day afternoon's train on his return i to Port Edward after a brief visit j to town Mr Coulter was at Inverness cannery for the summer but has now taken up winter residence at PortEdward Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised that Isaac Victor Soderlow has been fined $35. with option of fifteen day' Imprisonment, at Stewart on a charge of Intoxication , and ordered interdicted. ' Oiler Bexner of this City, who was injured in an airplane crash on) ! August 15 last in the Bridge River district, was released from St. ' Paul s Hospital. Vancouver, on Fri-1 day of last week. His condition Is reported as being satisfactory ' ! J A Crawford, purser of the ss. Prince Oeorge. who has not been i In the best of health of late, will ; be leaving his ship on its return to Vancouver following the pre- ent voyage for annual vacation He will be relieved next week by 'Norman A McLean, regularly pur jser of the steamer Prince Rupert. Delayed by calling on her way up the coast at Union Bay to load roar -for atfif cmtctentner j Princess Louise. Capt. Arthur 81a-' ter which ordinarily is due In the morning, will not arrive until 3:M ithis afternoon from Vancouver and will sail an hour or so later for Alaska points whence she la due to return here next Monday afternoon southbound. CNJt. sesufier Prince Oeorgt. Capt H E Medden. which la now carrying out the weekly service be tween here and Vancouver for th winter, arrived in port at 11 o' clock yesterday nornlng from Van couver. Powell River and Ocean Pails and smiled at 4 p.m. for An-yox and Stewart whence she will return here this evening southbound The vessel brought north .i very light lis1 of passengers. Week-End Specials Oranulated Sugar- H IT n 3b 10 lbs Cresiwood Creamery Butter 79p Blue Ribbon Teal-lb. 39c pkg. . vine Canadian Cheese-per 20c lb. Blue Ribbon Baking 23c Powder, per tin Jap Mice No. 1 23c 9 lba. Alberta Bggs Fresh 65c Seconds, 3 doa. Aylmer Diced Beets 10c per tin rnpren Orange Marmalade gg Ubby's Apricots a's 28c per tin . Nabob SHIeed Iaches 2 s 20c )er tin Christies' Soda Crackers-Salted, 23c per pkg. Concord drape ' 70c per basket Otasslo Ctassnatr 8c per tin Sunlight Soap 20c per carton Oxydol Oranulated Soap 23c per pkit Alberta Market Fifth Street rhone 208 Mrs, R. W. Riley and daughter of Terrace arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train from the Interior to enter the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital for treatment. Too Much "Party" Last Night Too Much Food Late Hours. Smoky Atmosphere MI YET This Morning A'o "Acid Iltadacht"No Upset Stomach Scientists iiy this it the QUICK EST. EST. SUREST SUREST and and EASIEST EASIEST way way to combat FEELING THE EFFECTS of over-indulgence the most powerful seid neutraKier known to science. Just do this: TAKE 2 tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in a glass of water BEFORE bed. In the morning take 2 more tablespoonfuls with the juice of a Wl IOLE ORANGE. Thafs sill Tomorrow you'll feel great I Or take the equivalent amount of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia tsblets. Each tablet is equal to a teaspoonful oi tne uquia. Get genuine Phillips ifls Milk oi Magnesia in tne 4ssssssssssssssb2 familiar liquid form, or the new, marveloudy convenient tablet Be tare it's PHILLIPS'. the kind doctors endorse. NOW IN tAMT OI 1IOUI0 I OIM . USED CLOTHES BADLY NEEDED Campaign Ends Wednesday and Distribution Through Churches And Salvation Army Wednesday of next week has been et for the final closing of the Oyro used clothes collection by the Gyro Club. The distribution will not be made by any of the club mem-ben but through the Salvation Army and the local churches. Up to the present 490 articles have been received but no action will be taken In the way of distribution until the end of next week. Many applications have been received and evidently the need Is great. Hotel Arrivals Old Empress YV. Oalllaux and J. N. Chevrier. Prince Rupert P. Anderson and II. Enocksen, city. Itoyal C. L. Cauthers, R. Webster and A. C. Patrick, Anyox: Mrs. F. C. Bishop and child, Terrace; E. Dlx and V Dix. Kltsumkalum Lake; Nkk J. Coulter. Port Edward; M. Ltmtad, city. R. Montgomery, city. Savoy F. Patterson. Surf Point; T. Walsh, Dorreen; Thomas II. Bubb, Port Edward. Central P. Holden, city; James Newman, Burns Lake; II. Lain, L. Oarfln and C. J. Philips, C.N.R. Phillip Heay, Vancouver; O. E. Brown, Victory Cove; B. Erieson, city. Prince Kupert II. Campbell, Stewart; W. J. As-selstlne and D. MacAulay, Premier; D. C. Scott. F. P. Shanahan and it. L. Batten. Vancouver: T. B. Campbell, Winnipeg; J. Wlllman. Usk; Mrs. R. O. Johnston, Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Sundal, Terrace; W. M. Hart, Edmonton: H. S. Meadows, I New Westminster: Mrs. S. R. Don - 1 aldson and Lorna, Port Easlngton. I W. M. Chapman and T. Kave. Vancouver; A. J. Buttlmer, Balmoral: Mrs. Thyra Merrill and two two sons. sons. Chester Chester McLane McLane and and II. Mrs W Barnhlll. Anchorage: Mr and Mrs. P. H. King. H. W. Cham bers. O. F. Tough and R. Q. Johnston, Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ellingsen, Petersburg; Miss Reta M. Johnston, city; T. K. Jasper. Robinson Tark; H. R. Robinson, Jasper Park. Bllversldes Bros, for Wallpaper. Olass, Paint, and Murescpt The shipment of local men to re lief camps down the coast and the provincial election were the ehlef ! topics of discussion last plght at a largely attended meeting of the Unemployed Councils In the Ca nadian Labor Defence League Hal: Angus Mclver was in the chair and J. M. Dunn acted as secretary. H. M. Eillngsen, who has been looking after the handling of mile cured salmon at the plant of tie :anadlan Fish It CoW Storage Co here during the past season for an American company, and Mrs. El lingsen will sail on toe Princess Louise this afternoon for Ketch! kan en route to their home In Pe tersburg. Following their marriage this evening, John Durraa and his bride. Miss Ret Johnston, will sail on the steamer Prince George for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver aro elsewhere in the south after which they will return here to reside.. There are a number of guests in town from Inverness for the redding. Special Harvest Tharkagivlng services were held in First Unitec. Church here on Sunday, the church being attractively decorated for the occasion with seasonal flowers, fruit and produce. There were appropriate sermons morning and evening by the pastor. Rev. C D. Clarke, and special music was rendered by the choir under the leadership of J. S. Wilson, the anthem in the evening "He Watereth the Hills" includirc a solo by Mrs R. G. Large and quartette by Miss Cathie Eastman. Mrs. A. J Squire. Bert Cameron and Frank Derry There were large congregations at all services DON'T PASS, BUY I THRIFT SPECIALS SUGAR Oranulated 73c i Limit 20 lbs. i 10 lbs. RAISINS Australian 23c Seedless, 2. lbs. - POTATO FLOUR C&sco 12c per pkL COCOANVT-Deaeicated 15c per lb. WHEAT FLAKES Kellogg 11c The new cereal, per pkt. APPLES Wealthy ne 7 lb. TOMATO CATSUP-Fine 12c quamy. per oottie LOBSTER Eagle, tins 15c per tin TEA Victory Blend 30c per lb COFFEE Victory Biend 24c per lb. . ASPARAGUS-Chosce, l's 24c per tin LEMONS 15c per doc. IIONEY mntfn 27c per 17-os. glass RINSO Larte 21c per pkt CLASSIC CLEANS BR 7c per tin : PEAR LINE 7c per pkt i. WAX ROLLS 40 sheeU 7c per roll PINEAPPLE Sheed 14c Blrk's, Choice, per tin EGOS Fresh Seconds 20c per doa ORANGE MARMALADE 45c Empress, per 4 -lb. tin BUTTER Alberta 23c per Hi FIO BARS Smyrna 21c Fresh 'stock, per lb. TOILET. TISSUE Paragon 11c Large roll, per roll APRICOTS Royal City 16c Choleq. 2 squats, per tin PEAS Aylmer, No. 4 ter tlA 12c I $3.00 Orders Delivered Free Tl fi O 1 n O I hrilt LaSll & L&YYy rhone 179 201 Third Ave "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention ci im ! turn xm immiu m in rn tr with Nestle' s Evaporated Milk for every milk and cream use , Every year sees an increasing number of women using Nestles Evaporated Milk. These women have learned to their own satisfaction that their threefold question as to when, bow and for what Nestle's Evaporated Milk may be used, can be answered with one safe, simple and economical rule "For every milk and cream use". For Nestle's Evaporated Milk can indeed be used wherever milk or cream is required, with amazingly satisfactory and economical results. Diluted with an equal quantity of water, this pure, concentrated, doubly rich cow's milk is used in the same way as the original milk. If extra "creaminesa" is desired, the milk can be left in the rich form in which it comes from the tin. In cakes and pies, soups and sauces, you will 6nd Nestle 'a Evaporated Milk "Nestle's Milk has taught me the secret of inexpensive, successful cooking. I use Nestle's Ht. fcvaporated 91 Milk in pre- vM ference to Jm any other SSSSSSW liraml. in all my recipes that rail (or milk. I certainty find it invaluable as a mono and time saver." PaorjiirrnrfJJtAOftl Nestle's Toronto, many Nestle's w taw ; .uav Mil! fisrl tVAonoATCB. TALL sizr baby srzx a EVAPORATED MILK NJSTLIi'S World's Ur3tst Products arc 5eers of Condtnstd tnd Evtporated Milk. Announcements Lutheran Church Bazaar, Oc-ber 11 Moose Novelty Ban. Friday. October 13. Prince Rupert I'tateers' Association whist and bridge, October is. Catholic Baaaar October 19. Recreation Clab Scotch Dance. 3ddfeUows HalL October M. Hyggas Baaaar. October 27. Tennis Club Hallowe'en danc roUc October 27. HUl M Hallowe'en Tea Oct 36. The Little Clodhopper" United Church Nov. 2 and 3. Nov. 9-10 Cathedral Dramatic Society presents 4-Act Comedy. "Oh Susan." Cathedral Hall. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red IUys Massage All at Reasonable Prices . W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Oreen 241 Thones Green 511 Etchange Block not only an economy but an actual improvement. There is a finer texture M to cakes and pie-crust and a smoother, rich creaminesa to soups and sauces when Nestles fcvaporated Milk is included. VouH even notice sn added richness in the coloring. If you want sour milk, for a special dessert or dressing, you simply add s tablespoon ol vinegar to the diluted milk; for sour "cream", you do the same, leaving the milk undiluted. And last, but certainly not least. this amaiisg milk will Whip! Below we give instructions lor wrapping Nestle's Evaporated Milk. Whipping Nestle's Evaporated Milk The Nestle's Evaporated Mik must be veil chilled (below SOT.) bet should not be diluted. If it is scalded before it is chilled, it whips more readily and is somewhat suffer. TO SCALD Nestle's Evaporated Milk, several cans mav be nreoared at v once, by covering them with cold water, bringing to a boti and Dotting lor 5 minutes. CHILLING Nestle's Evaporated Milk is quickly brought about by DOtirin? it into a freeziar trav in vour electric refrigerator and leaving for about five minutes. If not convenient to use a freezing tray, to chel the milk, pour it into a bowl surrounded -by chipped ice and salt. Whip the milk rapidly. It will not "turn to butter" no nutter how long or how many times it is whipped. Nestle's Evaporated Milk, when whipped, increases in volume about three times. MAIL THIS COUPON Mflk Products (Canada) Ltd, Metropolitan Building, tw Canada. Please send me free recipe feMer ghrfnr wa vs to improve dishes by the us ot Evaporated Milk. -1 9 Name- Address.. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and BulUey Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 BulUey Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. M Phones lit Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Decks Tout capacity 2t,IM teas Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Kleetrle and Acetylene Welding tt-ton Derrick fer lleavy Lifts Sawmill and Mlnlnr Machinery Repaired and Overhauled iij J r. : l s II ili. .I J : t . ... r:it si 'ill J ...l i I