V- t; j r r . F- F.. , Fr F r !1 I A ; r , f'.c A r K K Ft 77 TAXI - 77 TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Theatre Block Day and Night Service 7-Passenger Chrysler Car 81. s 102. J48. ! Sic.-, ru in lOrtl.ill Vancouver Stocks Vancouver n r x ooid. f : I: v.iuri. 19. F Kiver. 17. l'!'vince. .61. ' Uold. 14. r River. Jiy. M ,n S3 Son. 09 'tve otl. "Hie. H '"ho. M. 1 21. MrDonaW. .is. 06. ' 1 '"t. .01. ' 46, ' -ater. .M. v Tangitr. M. Oilt to ""wlidated. .16. ' 10, gParlfic, M. Toronto f ,r"lrta. .01H. iiMo, le, ' 'r"' Tatrlrla. M. ' , ""la 35.50. ''Mltf flnMu, Vancouver Wheat . , 'Muotedat&Scon the i,"",6 yWdy. Ttef H " 957Hc Visit to Stewart Cost This Man $50 She HIS VIEW ON DEBTS Cancellation Would Not Improve Economic Situation Much, Says Senator Borah BOitG. Idaho. Oct. : -Senator WIBtam E. Borah has eabtod London newseapers expressing his view that . . . 'fH cancellation of war debts by lienwtee - Turn t?p Ataln In Canada ThttM, r, u. . nut Tali Into Hands of Police Constable . allaht effect upon the ncoeral eco- nomle sttuaUon. He expreaaed the ; view that the United State had al- -n-..., Wealed Great BriUin was reewnuy vnienceu w six . rtwrottgly in connection with war Twnths Imprisonment at Stewart ( and ured w for btnuegclnc and ordered d-l ukalmood of achievtag re-Torted. turned op again rerenUy in , wh- m about Kono. Stewart and was taken Into cus- mlr imnrnv.m.nt . lh. .m .. toa by ntrrtodalOonRable Lance trally bj. urkltng uch other major FwUerton and ftoad 9H and costs. lpfoWwMi as dinnament with option of one month's Im- ; prlaonment. on a charge of Illegally , entartnt the eotmtey He paid the nil 1 Mpr T fme and wm escorted to the border IT! M liCi 111 Taxi Office In Chicago Robbed Seven TlMHwand IMIan Taken Ry Armed lUndils last I riday .1 TELEGRAPHS II. S. Meadow Succeeds L Waugh as Manater at Canadian National Office mmln W. II. 8. Meadows, who arlnred In the CMtCAOO, Oct U.-x armed. city earlier m the week from New bandits held up a weal tost off fee j Westminster today assumed his du-and made their getaway with $7,000 j Usas manager of the common i d )n cash. 'office of Canadian National T-1 graphs In succession to L W Waiie,h wlio has relgned s ; Mr. Meadows Joined the srrvic. of SUBSCRIPTIONS roi'RINO ' the eimpany In 1918 and was fui 4 IN TO DOMINION LOAN thirteen years manager at Prince Albert. Busk.. hTing moved to t.h. OTTAWA. Oct II: (CP) j eotvst a feiw years ago. Ills wife and Subscript Ion to the federal, ; family will arrive here later to ukc conversion loan of $116,000,000 up residence. by Istest estimates today had , Dean of local telegrapher Mr totalled $156,000,000 wiUi sub- Vaugh has been located tn Prince i 4 icrlption in large volume sUll ( Rupert since the very early i.s coming in Hon. Kdgar N. ( and was with the Government T ie Rhodes, minister of finance, graphs for many years before jotn- declared that he was extremely Ins the Canadian National Telc- pleased with the success of the graphs. He Is well known and popu -4 two days' response so fsr. lar and It wtU be generally regretted : u uie enange m wives nts oepariure i Simpson I-atly Was Buried on Monday Mrs. Joseph Moraes, 66 years of ae. She learn a widower and four sons and three daughters. The funeral took plare Monday. Rev. P. J Lofr offlciaung. O O McOEER Tomorrow's Tides High 9: ajn. 16.2 ft. 21:17 pjn. 16.6 ft. Low 2:30 pan. 7.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 15:00 pjn. 108 ft. ? V JIXIV No 037. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDA Y, OCTOBER 12, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTb NO WNEY v. FROM BOOZE INTERESTS PROVINCIAL FUEL OIL TAX SUSTAINED BY PRIVY COUNCIL Liberal Party Is Not Controlled By Liquor People, Says Pattullo Contributions Received Solely in the Interests of Good Government and He is Absolutely Free and Untranv mclled, Declares Leader of Opposition K RFMEOS, Oct. 12: (CP)-MAs liquor money hai pfiially singled out, let me say that I am advised - liquor money has been contributed," stated T. D. " i". Liberal leader, in a campaign address hre teat ' s He wa." dealing with what he termed a suggfetfon 'in' Liberal arty was rontrolfed by the liquor inter- E. T. Kenney mu tnrougn contributions to camps ten funds "I am golnc to be quite perfectly frank." continued the Liberal leed-. er I have not ben advised of the name nf each contributor to our oniuUort fundi, bat my tastrue- i Uon were that contributions were only to be received free from commitment or any ktad and solely In the interests of good avrnnmettt MimiM ear. Uibated for Improper jjHKMMi wjivM be Ukjbt stay: category whether tiSn rtfsjbr of' thrr intrmiu. If anyone has contributed or proposes to eontrtfeate in consideration of rerelrtng seme )riviier not In the puMIe interest. n-. nwnev ha been or would be i wasW I und before the people of Bntlvh Columbia absolutely free uid untrammelled to formulate cgiMtiun and carry out the admin-1 uuatxm with a purpose single to; he public welfare " Transportation De Luxe In Northern Wilds MOV.tr Husky and her off apri. g. Usyexmes ana Oscar, reaching Telegraph ine pup were oorn on the trai: and cradled as seen here -CNR Photo GEOROE KIXLY AND ' : THEIR WORK W1IL Sfi.VrR.NCLO TO LIFE IN JAIL ! OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 11: ! CPi -Oeorge (Machine Oun) Kelly and his wife. Rose, con- 4 victed today in the Charles F. 4 Urachal kidnanaan eonmir. acy. were sentenced to life lav- prisoniaent. SIMPLIFIED .New Rciculation Under Elections Act retaining to Independent Candidates VICTORIA. Oct. 18:, (CP) A re gvUtion under the Bleeslans Act which has been sitned br the Lieu. , Wnant Oovernor-in-CounaU is ln-' WrpreVod as placing all Independents In VancouTer-Burrard, Vn- ; couver cesUre. Vaneotiver Bast, PORT 8UiPaosf. Oct. 11: ttse i Vaaotwvsr-Potot Grey and Victoria death occurred hen Friday last of lander a aeneral elasalfMatkm at ' T l. a . . joocpaiaenta ui oroer to stmpltiy we work of the returning officers. A number of candidates running had qualifying names in their McGeer Promises Liberals Will Put Fear of God Into Bennett and the Bankers Likens C. C. F. Rule to Hecklinjr at Vancouver Meeting VANCOUVER, Oct. 12: (CP)-"If elected we will put the fear of God into Premier Bennett as well as-the bankers." shouted" G. G. McGeer, Liberal candidate for the riding of Vancouver - Burrard, amid a crescendo of commendation and protest at a Liberal rally hi re Tuesday night. "Judge from this disorder," Mr. McGeor replied to hecklers, "what government under the C. C. F. would be like." Government of British " Columbia Will Collect $400,000 by Judgment Judicial Committee Finds That Impost is Intra Vires as Direct Tax Under British North America Act I LONDON, Oct 12: (CP) Nearly $400,000 revenue will be restored to the Province of British Columbia by a judgment of the judicial committee of the Privy Council today which finds the provincial Fuel Oil Tax of 1930 valid. Their Lordships allowed the appeal of the Attorney General with costs from adverse British Columbia judgments on the THREE ARE To Htat It Oat in Prince ( It-ant fr Prtnr Pnnrt i bTThe ' nrwrfneiar election an ' closed at 1 o'clock this afternoon I -rlsVlb rut f xs4K- vL.L-. a-.. es r entered earlier in the week T. D Pattullo. Liberal; O. W. Radderhara, C C F.: and Charles Chapman. United Front The nominations with their sponsors were as follows: Mr. Pattullo Proposed by S. P. UtUe. S. E. Parker. John Dybham. T. W. Brown. H. B. Rochester. Dr. L. W. Kergin. Robert Gordon. C. Q. Minns and M. P. McCaffery. Fso-einmem nana in a teat ea$e I against the Kingcome NavtgaUoh ' Co. for tt0Q ta back tax. The pre- i eakVk r km 6 TWaI. ---- i ' AJOMTM A TEH Kjfl U lrect taxation within tha llVlTlIllril lAJ nin of Section 91 of the Br(- tih North America Act and A, therefore. Intra vtres of the Rndderham and Chapman vinee DEBT TALKS CONTINUING field other than the three who had j Surrested That BriUin May B Wlllinr to Pay United SUtes Ten Percent WASHINOTON. D C, Oct. 11 Debt reduction negotiations, which , reopened here a few days ago. are proceeding. It is suggested that Great Britain may " ask for a settle - McMordte; seconded by J. H. Pills- """T . V! f ment 011 tMJ BiS hrr .nU,, Mr. V . Laren. Mrs. Adele Jabour. Max HeUbroner. Mrs. Annie MeO. Nelson. i Miss Jessie Roth well, Najeeb Mus- sftUetn. W. P. Armour. W. J. McCut-cheon. D. C. McRae. A. J. Prud-homrae, Mrs. Margaret I. Patmore, J. J. T. Collart. J. J. Judae. J. J. MUST MEET JUST DEBTSi SASKATOON. Oct 12: CP'-Ad- dressing a public meeting here last J night. Premier R. B. Bennett de- els red that the Canadian people' I will new. "so long as we are in o( Mr. Rudderham Proposed bv J. ; fw - ho hnmui 6fc t frlASUk wWn ra S. Black; seconded by Etnar Larsen. fused to boner thek just bllga-assenttng. D. A. Macphee. John tlons. Bergman. James F. Andrews. J. R. The Premier iiM-lrwri thai k i Mortn. H. J. Smith. J. J. OlIUs. T. J., people mast tarn a deaf ear to Shenton. Frank Roma. Frank Derry, I those who would urge reckless G. V. Wilkinson. W. S. Hammond.' spending, inflation of currency and Mrs. Bethla K. Lawson. Mrs. Re- disregard for f bunds 1 obllgatloni oecca t.. Mcuanny. Mrs. uouise I Carlyle and Jorgen Anderson. eeeeeee e Mr. Chspman Proposed by W. j e H. Montgomery; seconded by WU- ROLSTON INDEPENDENT llam McLeod; assenting. Robert OF INDEPENDENT GROUP f Kydd. Philippe Laporte. Andrew) , Bernardson. Pietro Florin, Mrs. Ma-' ANYOX. Oct. 11: (CP) H. bel Ward. R. J. Barr. Mrs. Maryj W. M. Rolston has Issued a for-Field, Duncan Uieson. Frederick j ma! dental that he is affiliated Murphy. Frank Guest, WUlismi with the Independent Non- Brown. Mrs. Conswela Oomec and! Partiaan group as a candidate Mrs. Albin Iveraon. for AUIn In the forthcoming Polllne Places j provincial election. He states Polls will be bead November 1 at j that he Is running as a straight the following potnta In Prtoe Flu- Independent with no strings pert riding. j attached to him except the In- Prince Rupert IKysport. Inver- te rests of the people of the ness. Ooose Bay. Humpback Bay.. ridln which he would rtpre- Fiewin's Point. Jap Inlet. Lawn Hill. sent. Mr. RoUsan had been Us- 1 Lorkeport. Maasett. North Island. ted as an Independent Hon- - Oceanic. Oona River, Osland. Port; Partiaan (Dowser-Donaghyi ClemenU. Port Simpson. Queen candidate. Charlotte City. Refuge Bay. Sand- . spit. Skidegate, Squadaree. Sunny-side. Tletl and Woden River. . Prince Rupert's polling station will be in the premises on Third Avenue opposite the 'intersection of Second Street formerly occupied by I the Electric Bakery NO FISH IN TODAY wt uv i . i uoth) unm iu TOO QIKUBS, there- was no sale of hattbut on the j local fish exchange this morning, j -- eeee e. Dominion of Canada 1933 Refunding Loan Prospectus on Page 2