PAGE BEC TbtlU gtnuint CoHgehxm GiU Seal Rug "PICARDV Pallrrn Kc. 671. THEY ARE THE GREATEST BARGAINS A tJim nav-u A With tlie price of practically everything else poing up, Congoleum Gold Seal Hugs, holding fast to their "lonesl-iii-jrars" price level, are the greuleat liargaiits in all our history of value citing. And thrifty housewives arc taking advantage of thehe lutrpdins. Tliey are lnij ing their floor requirements for months ahead, rrpluriiig NEAR -WORN fliMtra an well as those that are mini out, xith lieauliful, t-asy to rlran, long-wearing Ompoleuni Gold Seal Rugs. C Never have Congoleura designs and sSr .-r- colorings lx-en more attractive. There is a new and smart pattern for every room. So, choose TOL'lt new floors without delay knowing jou are getting them at Itargain prices aud that the famous Cotigoleum Gold Seal guarantees complete sat isfaction. CONGOLEUM Thit dolil Seal appearM on tfce turf ace oj all genuine Conpolcum, J yur guarantee o tatUjaciion ' ""' your potifit-c assurance o fceaWer treifht fabric Jelt Itatr. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED - MONTREAL COLD SEAL THIS II A (ONGOLHM fSRUG k UTBTAmOl CEMtA.'rm J oc youi Mown SAOL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO merit's $225,000,000 conversion Joan O F Tough of the staff of In LOAN MOUNTING up to noon yesterday had reached ver"es canr'ery wU: on Cardena tomorrcrw nixht for Van- OTTAWA. Oct 12- -CP'-Sub- toial. of $125,000,000. it wu.s of- C0,lVer where he will .spend the scnpuons w me ieaerai govern- iin;ui iinnouncen Third Avenue Slippers and Rubbers winter. Election Pledge We hereby Pledge Ourselves to give the Best Values in the city in Boots and Shoes We have them for men, women, misses and children at prices that compel altcn-tion. Our stock is complete with the best Canadian makes. We bought in ciuan-tities and can outsell competitors. Come, look them over. We like to show them. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Prince Rupert THEDAILY NEWS Thurida RUGS YOUR SAVINGS Will Increase If You Deal at MUSSALLEM'S Give Us a Trial Order BROOMS-4 String i each ; CRABAPPLieS-Ctood and Cnp ! red. Bibs OUC PRUNKB j per crate 1 PKAR8 40-lb. box i per box ..... PEARS Jor eaOtaf per doa. CONCORD ORAPHH per basket MEL0N8-Casabm and j Honeydew, par lb. BAK1NO POWDBR Blue Ribbon 9-lb tin BAKING POWDHH i Blue Ribbon. 9-lb. tin 8 AI T PORK-per lb. ABUCROPT KETC1IUP-, pts.. 2 bottles i JAM Raspberry ami j Strawberry, bulk. 2 lbs. 33c $1.15 81.97 35c 72c 9c $1.17 73c 15c 25c 25c Free flelifary 0n all orders $2 or over : MUSSALLEM'S I Economy Store "Where Dollar. Have More Cents" ' M7-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Bos 575 Phone 111 OS Fl WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront ! Hockey Springs CohoeS Pink Chums ToUU 39994 Distriet No. 1 Stock SSM MllCt 1.967 tlhsaial ur BlMlHWk U71 OoteM S1.799 Pinto . 191.990 Chuau .. 1197 Totals 999 J99 Hock eye Springs 8twlhMta BluebaekJ Coast Totals 170.791 39.747 5J4H) 109 114 M.124 49.717 23J07 197.913 999.412 774.104 17.999 1J9S 21.944 71.94! 1.099 27.220 Cooow 119.746 139.919 Ptato 9I8J06 215.339 Chums mm 345.471 Totals 1JB07.799 974A29 Capt. W. W. Mottnoe. who had; been In command ot Uve Union' Steamship Oo.'s tttntar .Ctaill-1 wacn durtnf the past mwreer has now returned to the passenger liner Catala In the capacity of rhlef officer, the cmillhvt hav-, mg been withdrawn from senriee following the close of the salmon canning season Funeral of Miss Ida Ramsay Held Kites This Afternoon From II. c. Undertaker Chanel to lair- view Cemetery i - ; The funeral took place at 2:30 'his afternoon from the ettapel of ; the B, C. Undertakers to Palrvlew Cemetery of Miss Ida Ramsay, whose death occurred on Sunday lust following a lengthy Illness extending over many years. Hev. c. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, officiated and Miss M. A I Way presided at the organ to ac-i company the hymns. Sons of Richard Arlen and Bing Crosby Baptized HOLLYWOOD. Oct. 12: -Baptism servloes were conducted here for Richard Arlen Jr.. Infant son of Richard Arlen. noted screen star, and Oary Bvan Crosby, infant son of Blng Orosby, screen and radio entertainer. RAMON NOVARRO RISKING DLATH FOR LOVE (7 40 Si 9 40) WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Admission 15c & 50c r V ... J W,lh ttkb, A M L M ti.i. in "The Barbarian" A fiirl of the West A rrinre oi me neeriA Caravan " " " " l- r nonm- Sunt of Love other .area , on the coast Comedy "Tlll'NDEUl.NO TAXIS Cartoon- "SNOW aDart from the Skeerfe River, the sKairnon pactes-nave Dcen as iojiows :fm& year and lost up to September 30: Naat lllvrr fiotkeye .... Miaiililisiiiss Csg 8.039 14 vim 42.704 - 9694 Dates 13.181 4,011 7,744 40.187 13,819 Tfetta - 1UW WjDM Klvers Inlet - 1WW U8 449 430 at m Ml? f.766 1.393 t70 nm -8I4M 71.W4 Smith's Inlet - MM . m 4i it . so - . 4JW 3U Plato 11,999 1.149 otaKHi tjm i oobow . Plata Chums ... Totala Central Area Mm 17.19 199 SjlHl 104 SIS mm Mjm mm 99J04 MM.731 mtM 0. a IUndi Total ; Fra w IlUer Sockeye M.714 8pruta . 94M Uluetwxks 1M74 Cohoai lJt7 Pinlu ChIBM . 19947 2 rn SJ05 J.415 3Ai SMI 7C.434 SISM 16.971 1BM 9447 MM 15XT Friday and 1-S naturday "Io.l.I,. m 4 N IH'SI Ihin' CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP Cd-putt, wholeiome, and economical table Syrup. Children love its delicious flavor. tut cawada tTAc on pMm n tioeruu ) fcnsn' Wifdrnargcsa MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 900 Square Yards I.lrnurum Oood qaaUty To clear, pei square varrt TUc InlaM Unoteum Rag. ggtot HM While ojr sUkSl per squan yard 99 Congoleum Rugs Oold Seal According Ui use ui fram 327 Ti-ird r. We Give Heat Away 86c 81.45 O ft n a v. I Italkley Vnttey Caul Mfcttflia are heat w ' v other coal this markik. and - " any on yet ens s r Specify Bulkley Valley COAL OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the rkbrrman, Lofgtr, Miner ROOMS-J10 per month, S3 per week, 50c per night KIIOWIIR BATHS Third Avenue Phone 948 JIMMIE CICCONE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarvlli rr -A HOME AW AV FROM HOME lUtes 1100 "P 90 Rooms. H.! & J lW Prince R'ipr c Phone 391 r BJl The Fish which made Prince Raperl Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK CO Prepared Daily liy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., A PRINCE RUPERT, R.C IX your paper does not arrive, telephone Uc u m