Ad I 1WO THE DAILY NEWS DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. MUNCK RUPERT BR1IISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince ftupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. POLLEN - - - Managing-Editor (El? Continuation of Hanson's Popularity Shown at Meeting in Support of Pattuiio at Q. C. City QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, Nov. 1: Much enthusiasm for the Liberal cause was displayed at a public meeting which was held recently in Miller's Hall here in support of T. D. Pattuiio, Liberal candidate for re-election In Prince Rupert rid JACK, IM TO 9iE C1.AR K AtOur THAT SIC ORDtR IM3 MINUTES AND I HAVETIWlflC NtURlfH... WHAT CAN I DO ? OQtfl WOOdY! GET SOMC ASPlKIN.TWO TABUTi WIU TOP THAT 9K'H IN A eew minutes Man in the Moon Song of the Defeatrd Candidate If they vote not for auoh as me. What care I for whom they be? What of Duff's majority? Or the Beacon Hill in May. If I be not there to see. What care I how big It bet ing. There wA a large crowd to . . . A hear the speakers who were Olof Sha" m M 1hert J"1 I the voter kind- Hanson M P and m p Mrfi.ffirv see of Prince Rupert and Aubrey Peck Du" ln .m,,andJI of Vancouver. Olof Hanson demonstrated his continuing popularity on the Islands and made an excellent and constructive speech. The federal member, who Invited any supporters of the C. C. F. who wished to do so, to come up and apeak, none, however, taking him up. spoke very htajhly of George Rudderham as a Shall I, wasting In despair, Die, because I didn't get there, Shall I play the fool and die? If they alight me when I woo I can scorn and let them 90. What of Duff's majority? Or the Beacon Hill In May If I be not there to see What care I how big It be? 2 I ATI WEU. JACK, I GOT THS OAMU! YtS.ULT Fit A A FIDOLS . YOU (IT, rU AIWAY5 GET AfPISIN WHIN I WANT i S. 0M AIN. fZ-Jy lii:B Real ASPIRIN Starts Takint Hold in Few Minutes Now comes amazingly quick relief from headaches, rheumalimn, ncurl-ti, neuralgia . . . iht fatlttt taertlirf, it is $aid, rf discovtrtd. Those, results are due to a srien-tifie discovery by which en Apirin I ablet begins lo disw.lve, or disintegrate, in the amaiing spare of two secomis after touching moisture. And hence to start "taking hold" of pain a few minutes after Uking. The illustration of the Rlaiw, here, tells the story. An Aspirin Tablet starts to disintegrate almost instantly you swallow It. And thus is ready tit tf fe uwir alnmt instantly. nWhen you buy. though, be on guard againit ulntitutes. To be sure you gel ASPHUN'S auick ttlirj, be sure tljejwne Uaycr in.lbeiorm.of a cross is 00 every UWct of Aipinn. 1 WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST Drsp in Aiptfta Tt4i m tUm 1 iniff Not iki BR-IOKEII Isuctin km-torn. 11 hM ttwlnl t dnlnlir(f. What H don In thtt Um It don In your tiomtch. Ilcnc lit fttt c(lon. MAM W CAIUUUk Does Not Harm the Heart The Letter Box KtXKlIOUS views the people. D. MACPIIBE. Agent. PATTItl.1.0 .MAKES FINAL APPEAL TO HIS UIIUNfi (Continued from Pace 11 the barm which was apparently In tended. "With 1U prestige shattered," Mr. Pattuiio declared, "the Province newspaper Js now suffering from a bad attack of nerves until it has reached the point where it seems to see forty-seven Pat-tullos where formerly there was only one." Mr. Pattullo'a address was heard quite .satisfactorily by local radio listeners, reception conditions being good. The Liberal leader appeared to be somewhat hoarse, undoubtedly due to the arduoaity of the campaign. He expressed regret that he had had so much ground to cover in touring the rest of the province that it had been impossible for him to pay another visit to his home eity of Prince Rupert prior to the election. He voiced .confidence of victory at the poll tomorrow. In addition to his radio address, Mr. Pattuiio spoke before two large audiences in Vancouver East and Vancouver-Point Orey. He was introduced at both as the man destined to be called upon to form a new government Asselstine Greeted Continued Irom page one) lor the whole province and asked which was the more democratic Editor. Daily News: He said the C.C.F looked Hke n Apart from Its political infer- Soviet organisation to him. The P ence. I was very Interested in the CJ propo.wd to take over our editorial appearing In the Daily banks, mtnea, mlHs. pulp mills and Wednesday, Nov. 1, IMS Newg yegterday wltn reference to all industry ano socialise Vhem Orgurjlzfd Religion. You say, "It Is The speaker agreed that there was VOTE OF PRINCE RUPERT ' pnUy fe to say that a majority need for a change but not the kind m ; An r.,,,1 it io 0,.;,inf ti,nf fln-n OI em une I'-w.r. canaiaaiesi mat wouia oe done in nr. auer- Tomorrow A , is election day and it is e ident that thei e w 11 antoanWte to organ. noon.s work. party be a large number of votes cast. Probably most people w religion." "The C.C.F. Candl- lleve in changes for advancement,! have already made lip their minds whom they will support, date for Prince Rupert." you say. constitutionally brout-hl about. ThU To all electors we ask that they have in mind the future :"y am tow. iwWs views very party has always been on tht side of Prince Rupert. It is very easy to be led astray bv some fBlUar to n Ped by the of humanity. 6on,e of the change.. new-fangled , 111 catchword 1,1 and to forget ri- that, i,f the future of f Vancouver , kmwn candidates." Prlnce Ru harped e upon by the Dr0unt C.C.F. spea,k- about Prince Rupert IS bound lip With the futlird Of the provm- pert c. C. F. candidate personally federally. . , cial g6vernment. tor some years and I haw ouly your Indcpcnder ts I'uiniportanl j Take for example the matter of a pulp mill in this citv. " w nt " vlw re with retrenee to the indepen-, Ta enable such a mill to be built it will be necessary for J tot 1 CM12flm, 1- ,not r u ;., f"i, 'hat a man's view on religion. Ueve Utat tteey are much of a fac- of to have faith m(he future some or group persons person wbaUvar may are a mat. tor te -(-toa n hard to, Stability of the province and the dty. Would they have COn-. ter between he and his God alone, deal with an Independent pollry I fidence if the people here voted in favor of the taking over, However, such views would ap- or platform because they varied ' of industries by the government? Facing SUCh a condition Pr to somewhat rutlng for freouently that one could never say seeking emolument from the Just whf or what they were The !t .,.U Ua ltt,. fnt. annlo u ith mnnpv tn Innk- pIa.iS , , . . . . . -wown. either as a mem member wnere ior a piace 10 invest ineir niunuy. iLeensu Legislature of the IndeperdetiU. he sakl. were mostly or a Minister of the ConaervaUves and it was well i'nnce Rupert IS ambitious, ine people nere nope llUSiCrown. J. Ramsay Macdonald, known that the basic beUefs of a will become a great city and Seaport. The only hope forjPrJme MlnMer of Great BrlUki. Conserratlte were hard to change. SUCh progress is to choose a suitable representative whoi311 to our Sovereign. The other arternatlve was the nimc Pnnlfl Cont-ira Purl l11 Oeofge Fifth. hoWs similar Liberal party, a party to be proud ,..:n will help us B s m cairying ,.h,.; r.nt out oi mi., i aims. Could Oeoige Iiurt-;yJew Qn 18 m a UUed of wlth a be prouc; of- derham help us in this respect? Could Charles Chapm:in;..Brlttah ubdr Speaka" in the Pattuiio, with a urge experience do SO? We think not. The only hope-we have is to elect T.iPrlnce Rupert Public Library he is in poMic life as an alderman at D. Pattuiio. the man Who it is presumed will be in a posi-!afce this question: "What ta your Dawson ami at prlnee Ruper a tion within a few weeks to set about his great work of 1ttlM uw4"to maed Christ in nixing uctvn. iji ujci lu tiic people worK ana wages ana wno win .use ms great m- tod all my life again the swu- suoee. a memoer i im legutature and as pronnce, ui u iuv.c, giun giving thej uic ,,e anwMf u foUowa:-"I haw poaltton he wa a dUU- gulshed fluence to set I'nnce Rupert once more 011 the roan towaril jlar and materialistic conception of Mr. Asaeiatlne dwelt at recovery and nrOWth. .thlnta. I have worked almost aa lenttt: upon the propoed Wp siifrffpst thnt nPttv nolities be forrrotten for now and hapd ta lh ChrlatUn brotherhoods nomlc OourcM as some Ero- ., , 00 i . j fn ,i u as I have in the trade union more- Liberal ylatforsn. This council be and faced tomorrow that the great ssues met by gi-lBwnt. Dut rra out of a now. or- would be wied of experts tt ing Mr. Pattuiio such a majority in the election that he,ganhd Christianity has largely the various jMoWetns with which will feel bound to reward the confidence expressed in him. lost its position, at least for the the people &e confronted And if present. I feel I would be helping I am elected I will see that labor ENTHUSIASM ON ISLANDS to crucify Christ aatn If I helped from more than ooe Industry. H to support the work of organised Included on that council." said Mr Christianity, as rt la now." Asaeiatlne. j I do not Impute to you any mo- Mr. Aaaelatlne assured his per-' tlve of an attempt to make polltl- sonal support to the requeat forj jcal capital out of religious bigotry, compensation for miners suffering I ' I" fact I truly believe you are ser- from tuberculosta Duet by Chapman and Rudderham louv alarmed, and I feel sure. On Side of Humanity I now mat you are Informed that J. The Liberal party has alway I Ramsay MaedonaM to opposed to bean on the side" of humanity It organised unnaianlty also, you was the Liberals who created the Cr malr n1 mv hlr uritll MM ...II, i. , . ...... . . . . . . ... . . - "- - jwiii tuuajr rivr uuta fanornu in poruoao or Minister i Laoor a Because Pattullo'a rosy are. heavy type appealing to the Oov- portfolio which has fallen some- ! ercor General of Canada to have what sadly by the wayside of late jl. Ramsay Macdonald at once re- Mr. Asselstine was most esnpha- raoved as a menace to King and tic In bis statement of hU belief .Country and the British Empire at that there should be full right of ,tare. "BXODUS." access to the public to company towns "I am absolutely against j NOT C. C. F. CANDIDATES eltmtnattng competition of any commercial enterprise In any piac t Bdltor. Dally News: where the employees must make Retarding your editorial of Oe- purchases. They have the right to .tober 31 wherein you state that the spend their money where they see Vancouver C C. F. candidates In a nt" he said. Dealing with' mlnlny letter to the Bishop of Cariboo de- he remiroed the audience that It nounee religion, we, the campaign wma Liberal Government that committee, wish to correct you re- hreed the public posting at the ! sardine that statement. These Van- " f Mine Inspector s report, eouver candidates you quote are not ,or perusal of the employees C. C. F. candidates and are bitterly D"Ung with unemployment l- opposed to us tn this campaign. " P"" oca application, the jn me raine or a camera at the You also stat n n.uM.rh. tu. speaker said that "we should not recent Uathotk basaar here, Len .in., ... .1 ...u.. be In that ttrAimamttt lr Th. man and invited him to accompany Brewerton was the wtrmer with . r.i- .L " . same mineral DosatbiliUa are th Liberals op their trip to Sklde- ucKet nwnoer Id worma McKay ibllsh this letter of denial. m in the boom days and pnwpectt gate Inlet. The gesture was appre- won a pair of field glaatea with elated by the people of the Islands, ticket number 42. H Quick Relief Now From Neuralgia In future you would be wall ad. " y r better " In the In- vised to confine your editorials to tw' f wining he urged that the economic problems confronting one be sent to Victoria who knew what he is talking about ard who, when mining to under dissuasion, could put the matter up to the government as it deaervet to be. He stated that he would work for a 25-ton portable customs concentrator for this district ,TL "Iknrr 41 k b nude ... . t.Httv xwv go- ne sale. The cost would be Ml l,Mr Vancouver liauy province. Ml.000 to put It In operation In The persistently silly references of this district iU.l a. t-i 1 ,,cw,i'"' w uinwu were m conclusion he rtmlnded hH reaiiy qomg mm gooa instead or hearers of the three alternatives. the C.C.F. with an indefinite pro Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Decks Total capacity ZI.Hf teas Bhlabslldert ang Bhl RMlrcn for Steel and Wood TesstU trea aal Rraas Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding Si-tea Derrick fer Heavy LUU awmlll and Mining Mac hlner; Keyalred and Overhauled ANNETTE'S November Wednesday, N-ive CLEARANCE Sale Starts Wednesday Nov. 1 at 9 a.m. Sale Starts Wednesday Nov. 1 at 9 a.m. Hats! Dresses! There are Mine exceptional va- 'Yi'(vtt Iue in thi line, velvet, swt- v1Ih. to $12J; Sw. dines, satins, fdu, etc. Kvery , . , hat in store Q -i A Q . V"Iy 1,1 Sv?n ? A - loc,e"r reK. val. t $15.i 9 Only Corduroy SuiU. stars 14 to is QO Qff 01. ! BkirU. wlntrr weight 11. CO Q-re values 6M; Bale Special OuJO i,;ark wv. etc . SperUl $&J0 6 Only Sklrta.Usrht weights tn black 0 1 Qff l' only Incy Ihilhrma SI 00 V navy and Burgumly; Saaesal . Ol.HO Sale peial ( 12 onlj White Turtle Mask Staur CO (Z - with puffed stoevas. tparlal Loats . 'brt 0. black, awm (iCn r 1 . , . 3 only, Chinchillas Re value $12 95 Sale H: . ,,: $8.95 u 49C Annettes Ladies Wear Co. Ltd. gramme w! irl; ? 1 .1 t f.i;r i wh. : ; had been tried tlx Iiilcpeniri,t. who were the CJ nervutive supporter of the last government, and the Liberals, a uaaji party with a afe and sane policy ICoUton and Shrnton The chairman ther Invited Mr (3) (4) (S) !. :.!; .h ,m-.ik lii lili! i ttf'u ! inn-tinti biM,v efr elm the u-ual ioutfMf to Mr Ajittute m bumerous vein Mr Shtnlon was then aakad to ay a tea- words. He apoar at considers Wr u gin rapeaUng eonaltf-erable of the speerh he had made the previous week Night School Classes . m i nilLiT!! " of Comml,lon" Alder. Bvenlng Classes in the " . I u . ,brt0w re ""d during ah coming ve-k. to be -held in Harden mreet School. For those oVrMs any person of fifteen year, of ae or ovfr i. eligible Howevdr. the classes are not d gned for sludenu at present aUondlr aehool. katt f or thoae who wiali to extend Uielr previous education. According to the regulations of the Department of education, all maintained. T7 aTen,fe """ X t ieaat ton in order to be CLASSIC: U ) BNQU8H FOR NBW CANADIANS. (Twtoe weekly ) A course In spoken and written Bnheh Intended far persons of foreign extraction who desire to Improve their knowledae of the language. (2) UOOK-KEEPINO AND ACCOUNT iTwIae weekly.i Oour- o'Tincjiuiry aim a a va need Uook-ke)lng. uuaiNBSfl ENGLISH AND ARITHMETIC. (Twlet weekly.) FItBNCH FOIt DROINNEIW!. (Twice weekly.) APPLIKD MECHANICS. (Once wtekh;.) If aufflcltnt interest U alwwn, tm mm added to the buve. . li:iJS: Feta rnnglnis from $U0 to oo ,w month vrtM oe elmrged for these courses. ItDfilKTKATION: A. rlaaaea will begin on Monday, November ftlh.. aludenU may reglater at any date previous between the hours of 4:00 and 0:00 P.M. ut the office of George L Ilorle. Wallace Hlock. where full particulars of the courses offered may be oblalnod I Hunlers! Sportsmen! Have your tn ; hy an expert It-tad tn any ' a sfwclatty A -teed I FURfi m; Wrile tot Tn .1 K. l)ix, Taxidcrmbt Terrare. n t . worth waiting for... You will say 1 ymx m m"1 New DE FOREST CROSLEY -i Star RADIO - at - Kaien HardV, Drop in nnrt Larger sioik in" 11: '