D.AY EDITION. 4. ftdi iwo THE DAtLTJiEWB Wednesday,. August 23, in mi KLKimt mxrniM. KsmsmzMjMAuzui tsr sr. sri at spaaMaigSB.ri2is2iia.2sB3:7i1nii THE' DAIHY ADDRESS TO " - ' PRINCE ROPERT -' BRITISH COLUMBIA i 5! Published Every Daljy Afternoon. Newsj. Ltaijti.Thir ( Except Sunday, Avenue by Prince RuRerjjj, WHiGRQUPi News and Views of Sport H; FPPLLENj-- -'Managtag-Edltor Captain aptaln Wake-Walker Wake-Walker Tells Tells Ga Ga- JaV" therlng AbouL British,, Nawy, isis.:sm:w;hb SUBSCRXPTlbxItATES City deJlverjvbyriMqr carrier, yearly perlodt paid In advance PrJ.eecperi(dVPaaJn.pan.qee.efk By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States,. paid. In advance. per,,year. .. . Bjmall to all other countries,, per year ...... ADVEUTISINaiUTES Transient display advertlsing,aj3er.;lncht.per ,insertlon Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Legal noticeveach insertion, per agate, line Local readers, per insertion, per line - Contract rates on' application. Advertising an, Circulation. Telephone 98, Editor .'anc Reporters.'. Telephone., 86g, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations $5 00 1Q 1.40 L .02 .15 .25 Wednesday, August 23, 1933 ttPFTXTINf! TT S nni.n It is quite possible that the Canadian refineries may .!.,. i Ai. ... f r:.. . i.i .. i .. Oapt. W. F. Wake-Walker. OJ3. E., commander,, of. HilAt.Drazon addressed, the.Prlnce Jtupert Group Tat TT v-4ri(r TVio Villi urns A -sinejflg Dresent. every cnair in. tne ' Cant. Wake-Walker gave a very mterfting outline of the career of the British Tar from the time he first Joins at the age of 1! fears to the completion of his term of service. It was a very pleasing lotight l-to the 'family'1 life of a Harrymorc Yacht in Port After Alaskan Cruise. wnner VICTORIOUS r? British .battleship, while on one of,.nwty of, Excitement , Caud by their long cruises such as,, the Dra- ' VugllUtfc Dllay ' at gbn Is now making. fjafj ' The Commanaer-aiso explained some of the many duties the Navy h called,, upon, to .perform, i while, Nlrja puryich. making a different ?tatlod In this part of the world, fight than of yore, took one ud a mere nave oeen manv "Dra- irucuon minuies w aisuo.se oj adic : GURVIGH IS ' As .I istic Crown Changed Heads C.N,R,WINS- Lt)(l,( Hoer,. Knocks,, Out Sailor In LlttJe Over, a S(lnjijs of Fighting jLasf Sight Gpodjard. uuttc a iuu ua .iiiuiiey iiuin ieiiiuiiyi;uii;viiua-Jir ,gon" In the history of the British Seaman. Tbi)rs.ton.f fl. M. S Du precipitates. produced . in the UnitefiSttes.. ThebignjillO, navy the first one, was built In gon in the, Jifhj6uvent of u.- at Juneau is planning to ship its ore to. a . Canadian relfneryj the rele of "tnw Eighth, sir nigria bogcagin. tha Moose possibly at Trail. This would give business . tQ Canadian fncis Drake, saged on a ship Hail. it. lurpjiha, fap warn conic ix t.vjnj v '.yu yuiiuua 10 nub ovuy icuj , mct.i. iJAy vf ernment. STRONG CANDHlATBi The nomination of Professor Weir,of4the, education .,de? partment of the University of Britisjv Columbia, for, Van-couver.Point Grey will add prestigeo the Liberal party in British Columbia. At first he was rulgdjout by .th.ggvern- mpnf U'lin trior tn nrnViiViit nnivorcitv mon tnHnrr nni-t in politics. The pressure became so strong and the ruling was found to be so unpopular. that it was. modified and. ' it was J ji. i. i i eAjJiUJueu mat n was oniy in pase acanuiuaie was eiecieu that the government would consider his position adversely. Presumably if the Liberals are elected and Professor Weir z recti gon nas la Ken . part m nearly none the worat of it. uu every Important naval event in .floor and mliHrf -jvn hit hark tn ! , ; jyv i -TT' .J" T1TT" , v British History since.. Uie, tlme,,.of..thre,jiardJ)lqw4to1th! iead-; fir gon" was built at. the close of. the.jihQrt.Dunch., aiarar ff h rh- 'World War. euUins..a ath aaj hit rWhi , Cent, Waker Walker wasjtlven a 'olefldW ovation at. thgclose. of ably go.abtmtorjha.next.few Uay "c "":fK- t-j.groue prgeeiifc.rqr seeing the,. v.rJdUhgh a very 'ayed hU addrets immensely Man in the Moon nmnnnf thom tho nncitinn fit.tho T Tnivocitr ill ha lrort I xr... j .... ,. . nnon fni tha mamhar nnlaoc Vila cVinnlrl Vu morla m!niciat nf nnnMlna isnH4itu fnn eaucauon, in wnicn case ne wouia not neea tne proiessor- 7X"h. Jr cJtln momenu. rkn Parent, who jViin notning to what British r Columbia , , , . .. . . ,. ... P- J! lO0kNj ke a mld Able will will do. do. Alrdv Already there th.r. , are over one a..n wpi rmip tup nt iTP.TAPk'PTc: The blqe-jactets were the centre. of attraction . on the streets yesterday afternoon. They looked familiar as they marched along with a swinging stride, reminding many people of the(old days when they were often seen on the there was a British naval, bas&at the latter place. These are days when people.are looking and hoping for peace but when attacked it is a great thing to be in a position to defend ourselves. We have no navy of our own worth mpntimiinn and vp still lnnk tn th Rritish navv fnr nnr dp- V fence, by ,sea., lor thisAve danotpay. The .visit of the.wai 'O vessels Irom time to time reminds us of our debt to the Did Land and of the value of being a part of the British Empire. TO REPEAL' "DAY," TIME Seattl? . Chraljer,, of Cammetce Urtes City Council to Repeal .Measure It Instituted SEATTLE, August J3 The Seat tie Chamber of Commerce, which spo ored the movement for daylight savlnt here this year. vetr- Sarnia Member of House of Commons Is Visitor-Here Ross W. Oray. Liberal member of the House of Commons for Wast Lsmbton. Ont. and Mrs. Gray ire here today aboard the ateemer Prince Rupert going north to make the. round trip to Skagway. Their dt. reo,iHtett the citr council to home 1 tn Sarnia. Ont. . I Mfuutl tama mmahm schools for the fall term. Unless! ' the council . orders its, abandon.J If WM-deIre to know, do not tea-ment in the .meantime, daylight.10 a$lt- sav--g woykl, hero contlque unU September 24. OUjer Washington citle . and Wwbs. some time ago returned to standard time BRESBXTER IMSESSIQW United Church Meetines In Progress Witfj,M wUot of ,C'ey. Frorri . Diitrtct Attending I i PrjrjftB upr.t Presbytery of the United Church of Canada )s in session at Flrat.UnW. Church here this afternoon with members of the clergy from .various parts of the dlstrte In attendance. Rev. Dr. O. A. Wilson of Vancouver, superintendent of missions for the church in Ornish CcmJbjlvJs .among those ! present. It is expected the seslons,) wmjonfihi4e.tonight, i Rev. 8., V.(Hj Redman of .Har.e)l-ton and Rev. C. A- Wejch .of Ter-. race arrlyed In'jhn cttjf 'on last nlghl's tralp from the interlpr to. attend sessions of the Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church of Canada here today. . 9 i THE WEATHER IS JUST RIOIIT For Outdoor PAINTING If U u 1. i, l , ii, jiiay ou me last tnis year Touch Up the. House, t and keep it in good condition, Use, Our Moderately. Priced Paintat$3.0P Pfcr Gallon Kaien Hrdarer. f $mltb Block Phone 3 Germany, France ard Italy Intl. mate, Willingness, to .Sign" Agreement to Curtail Wheat LONDON. August 23 At the. In dark ontic on. the .starboard side The rnin .go, was,,jield up or a while when. Ourvlcji.was made to ttake, tap andageiff dtis hands through a misunderstanding of hi; second. Rol BameA of the service -rules which call ..ipr thm cloth wraps. Other Boats The rest of the card had its ex . ora,un row'- "U mu- PP". hundrwl HnM nn for h 17 c. to be filled and Ita effli S nnt vt st v uacu ,u,, '"waifcc a pwvon " ,u r ..... . Iboldld bwk 10 wln a U4I?I? dH Nova Scotia pretty well for the Liberal party but, did noth- . . e. u, fj ReeT( sk,nn the wkT probably got tne th.. n h p n n 1)? --" biggest hand In the fight from the customers as he did In a previous bout a from one Way down in Nova Sfotta, They had a goii oW scrap. a"ta?n.a.U8ht. h,m. They banged down. each other up and 3"ST TSS And.hitqUt fror and.bacjc, nowjt ali, Is ovfr. Good friends ,th,ey. are, .agajri,, 'Jntll election come( once more. And they begin, to train. bounce up again before the count 01 one. Chuck Jlickey took the worst of it froin Bqy,AtheIey of l. MDra-J gon .woatL, coauinR aiog in the, MS. ,n . .1.1., , . . . a . m ot ,ght matwged to Its a'guwt a nulearxe If eeU un hnVoii!,? ihtT .the storm of btown for the ton too ,ri early but a calamity If she. gets . . . ., tnn - w ui ii if ruuim aim now nu own " mc iiiiai m(iM), mini uiire- the and ,ud" American hhlory will tell of .f mj n more aggreenve opponent. uj,t. , . . hundred, of young, men who star- A n,,.,, lhTZZZ h., Sirr'1 th "T? 0t 'taged by Marine. HadlowVnd their own but a , two-cent stamn . . . ." . ... , .. r rkcm oi iiir ureson wno gave we wta.. in- nf OIJ rvuinln .,..1 U.l ulatlon and hard work became so ieh.ihav did, not have- to nav In come tax. !IMIT FOR: PRODUCTION w. u .... j u, UUAIll Johnny McLeod. matched acalnat Marine,, McManut in four roundvl iook tne iirst two and dropped the others when he . seemed Ao become winded bujt stood up well to hts much' older and stronger rival to gain a popular draw.. Tiger Dahl chased Battling Peacock aroun dthe ring for the three-round opener and when catching up to him which was quite often, received a straight left on the nose to the delight, of the erowd.whlhJ rewarded, the boys with a shower of silver. Brick Sknner refereed all bouts with Lieutenant oreen of the II. M, ernattonal wheat conference here f--uraon o..uragon and ana Bert Bert Morgan Morean a ml 'estercay estercay Oermany. Oermany, France France and and '"K6- Ma3 "el'broner vviir -was was time- ume- -w feyfit theeholc seats being vacant Ah 01k ahoIa..- S 1 1 IU..U1C fiUilOUlU iiaii. I A pictorial r, ...i ,: )i.,nsci 1:1 the worid i :n.d:i;. wnglu dy nasty shuiii. I -i Bm iii jrd a! id :iset di'::v,-M t '.he left ti the ja :h.i- ll Riroc! Ben Jby below fur the n.unt at New York Brouillard a C.ui.uii.ui, formerly held tf.r wltrweight title BRAVES ARE RUNNER&UR Boston Moves Into Second Place In National LeagueWas II- Inninc Oamf BOSTON. Aug. 23: Boston Braves, who have not finished In he first division since 1921 won their fourteenth victory tn the Uat seveateen starts yesterday by de- eUng Pittsburg in .a lourtoeO' nnlng struggle and replaced the lonal League, seven gamea behind he first place New York OlanU. Wallle Berger'a home run In the fourteenth gave the Brave the victory. The Pirates and Chicago Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. New York .68 BpUm 84, PHUburg Chicago 02 St. Louis 03 ft- l-l j m urooKiyn a taly intimated their wllllngnesj atV Olllh Royer announrJ Cincinnati 45 nf .imin. There -- was a near Ffltvirttv rrnwH.I v. .iK.iuiK ail aKicciiiciiL ul iiiiiil . . vjrv(( w vV"U " 'he production of the grain.. Ses lons of the committee 'g the. various, wheat-producing ountries of the world are contlnu ing. . York Yankees won over the Cleve land Indians to pae to seven. and a half games the lead of the Waal). Ington Senators who were losing to Detroit Tigers. Yesterday's Big League, seorss: American League New- York 4, Cleveland 3. Washington S. Detroit 10. Philadelphia 7. 8t. Louis 0. Boston 1-0. Chicago 8-4. National League Pittsburg 4. Boston 5. WgttypgUW. ';-aj 77, t Before the main event thejnascoti ' " from..theUIJtI.J3,.DragonJwas 'cai-vn, led.upon.lo draw-a tiekeL foe thaIPW- rQUn.d trip to .Vancouver. connect phja 57,, uon witn tne Moose bazaar, Frankr ' " Stevens of the Knox Hotel was the ?fn , - The Rhythm Vendors' four-piece Alter an enjoyable, cruise., of orcnestra played selection, betwem i nearly a month In Alaskan waters, fights. . jonn uarrymore4v noted screen ac- tor. accompanied' by, his wife. Dol ' - ores Costello, and son and daughter, Mrs. A. 11. Bailey, lormerly of this Is In Prince Runert strain tht af. ltv onrf fnr iVi. n .......1 llernoon aboard his handsome yacht residing, in. Victoria, accompanied, ... ' " t TnfnMrn ..V. IU. a s & t - i,,,B,, wmicu arrivca.. in - pon; oy ner oaugni?r, mim Moya Bailey, About 11 o'clock this morning and nnrt Mnxtpr fllnbn.nramner.or. - a " Mtviltlltt- " at ma.k .A 11 m - a m . ..... " H wifcjiqaoi vnewrf nvea.m lhe,city on the Prince Bu- rnour Salvage Co. The Irtfon,)alll .pett IhU morning from the south leave in continuation of 4t cruUc and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. back to. California Jonor.ow rnorn- John. Brenner, , Fifth Avenue. East. ,ns ' They will be )ifrs-ootii next week. kjy. MJUIB 11 CITY 43 S3 93 53 S3 64 06 71 AMi;UICA.V.I.EAr,I!E 39 46., 00 , Qi. SO 03 08 , 77 Pet. .813 J47 JU9 M3 34 .430 .409 3d9 .60Q .503 .491 .402 419 .364 Transfer Phone 950 DRAfiON;WIN.S Scores were as follows A. B. ChaUlnor H M. S. Dragon i 10; Alex Harvey 'Canadian Le gton. 104. C. P. A. Hayes. ISO: 0. L. Young -nan. 133. L Seaman Palmer. 100; M. M.Lamb, m. L Sig Price. IM; A Beatcv M. L. 8. A. Cole. IM: Jack Morrison. u. Stoker Bourne. IM; t. 911m-ides, tn. Stoker Kldfer, IM) R. r James. IM. Ch. Stoker Ostourb, 107: J. S. Wilson. IM. Scouts Were in PortToday Bound South From Alaska The power boat Tvee fWtut nf Seattle arirved In port at 1:15 this arternoon bound south with 31 sea ou4 aboard mostly from the state of Oregon They left at 2 30. The boys went as far north n Juneau and said the had hmi a splendid time. They struck bad weather as soon as thev raahH Alaska but were delinhUd with th. glorious sunshine at Prteee Rupert. ' wany iiowe of Seattle Is the captain in rtiarge. Hanging Jury IsS6ughtin Lcimson Trial SAN JOgE. Cal. August 23 Th prosecution in the case of riiH A. Laoason. charaad with murHsr.l ing hto wtO by bludgeoning her to' wwi as an retried In her hom.e. near here In June, nnnar.nti.. sought a "hanging Jury" yesterday Hemlock and Spruce on 11 classed the , prospective per cord, delivered JJi) WWa in regard to their attitude coal COAL for FOK saif SAI,K , , ;. WIW punishment. Finally, a jury of m an(J Furniture and J'lang Moyl9y,. ,wos enipoueUed and the trial u' mmmsmmmmmimjmmmtmmovi rJroceedmgy'WxMtuwi S.OETBALL J)f(rald lOlrf, Empress La Slftx to Capfure Second Half of Season ' 1 'I he Canadian National Tlnnr., tldii AsuocUtton softball tram 1, nl; ht elnchedjthe second h ill , Im l"gue by defeating On ,. F n.oroas by a score of B-3, The game was not very i-x, : th final deetaloti not being in at any time. Tlie C. N R A played good ball from the M.,r .. had counted five runs to u.n by the fourth Inning. Howevrr. - . made few errors In the fif! nine, and the Empress scon-,! men. They were in a tigh' ,., again in tbe etgilth inniiiK the Era press had tae bases k , with no men down but mnn.ip. pull through, wth only ,m scored The play-off games betw. . Rki and the C. N R A n. : ably Ukf place next Sund.i . - .NAVAL MEN AGAIN DefjafedNaHveMHtftars by Sfore 0('rrlto,llJn,$ef(cerItch YestcrdyAUernovo ... , ' Tb fUiU team Irwm H IN BILLIARDS jSraf at hg Aoronoito lliu groumi Canadian legion Defeated by. Srore. it vanquished an all-star t' . Of lot; to 97$ Lat Night prosenUog natives of thi.s iby srofeoH toiU. There s The vialtjM V4.m from 11. M. 8.'' ' Dragon won from the Canadian Legion last evening in an eight- a -side billiard tournaramt by a' core of 1007 to I7S. a margin ot It It points. Tlse NavaJ team won-ftyo of . the eight games. Highest breaks. , were n, and SO both by C. L. Young Pirates in second place In th Na-Jman. captain of the Leg km team, third round he was drppped jor theJ Jobs, who were Idle yesterdsy. are T 4 . . . 1 In the American League, the New Philadelphia 43 SOFTBALL August 24-r Helens vs Nav: Ilawn Mowers Ground Made to Cut Like New Star Welding Phone 313 Needs a Hdllio. Q JUya im instil one f our, new,., seta In your.-bo8,t.,No, Bor C.BtWrlpreflulr f4. cperata.dlrectly 8H any.,, sU , volt, lighting or Ignition ytem.i A demonstraUon Pur. shop will convince you of the simplicity and eco nomical operation of this set. Superior-, at k A I Rhdiov Service 331 Second F. O. Box J3J A. a. hartt -tt .,11, INeyLArfpEIl L A