HHIHIHMHflHHHIIIHHHHHUHHHIHiHUHIHBHilHBi I i 1 paok ron School Opening Specials This Store is Showing Complete Lines of High Quality Foot la RARE Opportunity For Finest Tailor-Made Suits We all are tired of cheap clothes, now times are better and depression has come to the end. We take this opportunity to offer to the better-dressed public our finest English Worsted, Indigo .Serge, DIamey. HeatherhlU and' Foxhound Tweeds, Flannels, Etc. At a bigger saving than.'eve'r was experienced In Prince Hu-pert. I Reg. $40 SUIT Special for Keg. $15 SUIT CJ7 J Special for Reg. $48 SUIT CTJQ Special for Reg. $50 SUIT 49 Special for (Extra Trousers, $10) This price good for 30 days only LING Tailor The high class tailor and reliable dry cleaner Second Ave. 'ear Tost Office COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Vvf also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. I Prince Rupert Feed Co. SS Phones Ms The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping Si General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 120 GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 8(1 Exchange Block lrSMBBaBSgSSWBBJBBWfSTBSBTgl wear for SCHOOL WEAK by Packard, Leckie, Sisman, Aird, Hcwitsons, Etc. SENSATIONAL LOW PRICES WILL PREVAIL k Leckie's Boys' and Youths' Sturdy Solid Leather Boots for real hard wear CO 7ff QO Special Price $-5.D, $.VD Boys' and Girls' Goodrich, Fleet Foot and Miner Tennis Boots and Oxfords will sell at below wholesale cost. SEE THE PRICES. BUY NOW. Growing Girls' College Oxfords and Strap Slippers, in calfskin or patent; real values Q4 QC to Qff Now priced at P.7t pA.Vt) Children's and Misses' School Day Oxfords & Straps, Q'C to $1 Q t 0 1 vJ.eeeJ real wear in every pair GEMS FROM LIFE'S SCRAP-BOOK OrPORTUNITV "Not only strike while the iron to hot. but make It hot by striking." CromweU. "A wise man will make, more opportunities than he finds." Ba- coa. There's p&ee and means for every man alive." Shakespeare. "Forth in divine Love supplies the ever-present help and .need, and gives the power to 'act In the llvlrg preseat'. Mary Baker Eddy. J "If Qod says 'Polr, He wOl give you a rope." Anon. "There Is no elevator to success. Step up the stairs don't stare up the steps." Anon. j I You dally. write your own history WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS Cut Rate Shoe Store George Arliss in "Working Man" At the Capitol: TOT DAILY NEWS Wedneadav Aura . MALADY IS INAVYBOND DISCUSSED, OFEMPIRE Chance of Getting Tuberculosis capt. W. F. Wake-Walker of II. SI. Less Today and Recovery Pos sibility Greater and the importance of Isolation to a certain extent was recognised. These factors, together with improved living and housing conditions, better food preparation and public education, had played their part In bringing about the condition where today the possibility of contracting the disease was much less and the chance of recovety much greater. Fresh air and rest had become George Arliss comes to the Cap!-' the treatment of the disease, the tot Theatre this raid-week in "The speaker declared. The Importance Working Man." a delightfully en-'of sanitarium treatment was al-tertaining comedy drama which , luded to although the disease could presents Mr. Axhs In the type ot now be readily eared In the homes, pie hire with which be has had his Climate ws not such an fanpor-greateet successes on the screen. ! Unt factor as had formerly been "The Working Man" is ef similar : believed and. even In Prince Rupert pattern to "The Millionaire.' al-1 with aU its wetness, some nice re-though It is entirely different in covert had been recorded, plot j Referring to the matter of "sun As the bead of a Urge business, cure." Dr. Lamb described this as Mr. Arliss masquerades as a lowly a powerful Instrument which fisherman in order to save the chU- ahouW be applied reasonably. Un- dren of his ene-time most formid- weu-regulated conditions, it able business rival from moral and mroabt but eases were known llnancJal ruin. It is said to be the excessive sunshine had done "We make a ladder tor ourselves most human character he has yet narm insieaa ox gooa. of our vices. If we trample those i portrayed. ! A vote of thanks was tendered by -small vicss vrcss under uiKK'Trooi. toot.-" Aueas- Aug as-1 Aj a. usual t in an Arllu aiu. nietiins President T. W. Brown, on behalf tine. i i there is an unusually strong ,- Lam" Ior porting cast including Bette Davis. Inmlnating Ulk. HartMe Albright. Theodore Newton I and Oordon Westeott. Coming north on the steamer Never another. Prime John this trip from Vancouver were three miners for Gold walk one way and look Harbor. Their left the vessel at Queen Charlotte City. "TILUE THE TOILER" (l QUT THC TCB. L.it (StTTTAi f HAT tT's ttjo much por ctbi"" a HE t CAW PlMO fjOStE M Qo SI BIrM i CUjTJ PiSPOae N KB6P I fATV J SHE ' Vi SAV THAT OCMOtf tiOSlE TORS HHTfi S. Dragon Interesting Speaker At Gyro Club Luncheon "The possibility ol contracting lThe BrUtah Navy u an lmport- tuberculosls is much less today. ant jactor in binding the wtde-than it was twenty years ago andLnrMd mrU of the Em-,!,. to- the chance of recovery. If one doe!gether and play, an eemfe,! part contract It. Is much greater than It m protection of trade not only of was then." Dr. A. S. Lamb, travel-' tne far Ilung Domnlon and colling provincial health officer and onlej but of homeland to which chest specialist, assured the Prince Km toot of food must be dellv-Rupert Oyro Club at yesterdays ered weekly by water." Captain W. regular weekly luncheon of the lo- F wake-Walker O. B. , corneal service club. Dr. Lamb gave the officer of II. M. S. Dragon, club an interesting talk In which dfcUrcd tn an interesting Ulk be-he disclosed some of the excellent (ore Prtace Rttpert Oyro Club resulU which had been achieved as at uncneon yesterday, a result of the application of mo- Wake-Walker was descrlb-dern methods to the prevention m and treatment of this once dread of p, u MaJesty i NtTy. malady- ' Such cruises as that on which the In the prevention of the disease Dragon now engaged served. Dr Lamb stressed the Importance among other useful purposes, the .if tracing contacts and spreaders, persuing of the personnel of the This had become an Important part nayal Tesseli to JM9t ppie 0f of public health service. Where pre- other tanda 0hef f the .iously tuberculosis had been re-(Emplre aDd whal they were garded largely as a hereditary dls-dong and how they lived. It also it now recognised as be- ease, was ggTl. opportunity 0f see ing more essentlaUy Infectious. Dr.. country. Entertainment Lamb explained. After this had ttut ht or might not be accorded been established, more efficacious; ottictn and at pomu methods ot prevention and treat- W, mifht vislt an tocon. ment had been developed. Uespon- quenUal matter. Cspt. Wake-Wal-slbUtty Of preventing Infection was ker his listeners, and. while now felt, early diagnosis mater- courtesies that might be extended ially assisted the chance of curing were alwayi ap1Metoted, the mat- tne disease ana preventing apreau tef entrtainment was not con- sldered In the arranging of the cruises. Capt. Wake-Walker told of how such vessels as the Dragon from the American-West Indies station made two major "showing the flag" cruises each year, one along the Pacific Coast and one along the Atlantic. Cruises were also made along the South American coasts Once in every two and a half years, vessels of the American-West Indies station returned to England for recommlss toning, the personnels being usually changed almost entirely at such times. T. W. Brown, president of the club, was In the chair and. on behalf of the members, expressed appreciation to Capt Wake-Walker for his very Interesting talk. Other guests of the day were Commander Fltsroy. Surgeon Uevtenant-Commander Qutnn. Capt. Relss-Smtth R. M. and Sub-Lteutenant M J W ' Bertelott all of H. M. S. Dragon; Dr. A. 8 Lamb. Vancouver, and II W. Birch and J. E. Wlekett of Prince Rupert. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Rosie Meets Her Match Uxuc Voo At5 VOU MAD A WAV f!ssn "the aiooms 7 r IKM 1 BUSH j ' Cv I t-jirtgHSSsyCSstfiyacirfezr. !) Wednesday s Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Feature starts 7:40 Si 9:40 Admission 50c Si 15c When Coming to Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You. We meet aU trains. Freight & passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat H. A. 8 i now in service urr the lake Fsre anywhere on the lake, one adult. $3.00; $1.30 per head additional. No crowd loo big. No Job too small. riCNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY (occur TAe.oM71c5s?v4 fjXt nsrvb to 1 S'm A System With a Sock WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront i Union steamer Calais. Capt A E Dickson, which arrived tn port al 10:44 yesterday morning from An-ylx. Stewart and other northern point and sailed at 1:10 pjn. for Vancouver and wayportei had on board members of the crews of Ar-randale. Mill Bay and Wales Island canneries In the Naaa River division which have discontinued operations for the season following the closing down of seining in that area at the end of last week The most of these cannery workers were going through to Vancouver where they will spend the winter. I "SAV- Wnfl t OaMB OUTA VUA. TO STBAL ST BV m I 3 Fit! DAY and TIIE IIA1TIEST HIT OF 1933 uuts & KEL! ,im rvr.i iiiwL.ir in ir. iit.ir.,i HAYS THOl'BLf GEORGE ARLISS In the Great Comedy "The Working Man" With BETTK DAVIS, A Warner Bros. Kelease A Story That Will Make Your Heart Glad Comedy W. C. HELiis in "iiik riuiii.-UACi.vr' rrm I QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANft SHINGLES The Rest Made v am ft io. l ax, per thousand j No. 1 .'Jx, per thousand t Green Shinties. Air Dried Retaining All the Crdar Oil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 58 HOLIDAY RESORTS LAKELSE H( Springs Lodgi An Ideal PU U IL.,1 Finest of Hv fbbinr, td bathing and tai'-jj Arrange ior in-.-ycrj with W. II. Burn tl, Ti nc U CIVIII l' 4.7 vt Lodge Including t:at t?n One adult, V '3 tz i i tlonal ad fl . Write cr i W. II. lit PNF1 We Look After r Hi THE DUNE Bathing, Hunt Fishing Modem tor.vrr.:." NoFlics,oMiti Home Cooking Tar tin" $11.M Tcr Wftk Children un - 3IADAMK KUAtl Tlfll. Q. C l hr.it A? ertise In tn - r By Westover.