I a ii. riLOa TSSZJ "If;. .'in (I WGMl I$QAU.NEWSNCO!E& NEWSNQTS.f I IF " Hi Riley If! .... FVdV,JUnl5L,iTMl aer- SUSldeBrj n ii mass, raint anc Muresco". 0LDENGU5JWFB 25'cbags Gardenia Talfct apd Ru 50c valae:for 39c: Ken Jiol SKayihg . Cream, andj Roll'up Rdl6 63c l-r H and Insect Bites, Etc Ask For GYPSY' CREAM' southing and Heating Iotlon) Ormes ltd., Jfm Pioneer Druqcists TV tri ' More fhanra. II & 12 fijh which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert- Brantl" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared ,l)ai)7 Hj ssl- P r. J Al.-. IV IU if iiiiiiii 1'ivii nr iuii. inn hf 111 in PMXCJ2 JtUIKUT. IkC. III LMIJIlI.'t'C w Win 1LiJJ i HOTEL Wtw Miner .TMim wwk it, i.., '0IR R.YHIS -nr. i it i i iv K - a NEW ROYAL HOTEL. J. ZaxtUl. Proprietor.. -A IIOMH AWAY UtOM HOME" lUtrs 11.00 op 50 Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert B.C. rhone l. PA Pax JH. CANADIAN; RAGIFIG featf p rrinreM i ' TlVivi..... -""Hl.lt f a r . a r 1 1 in tr ""lla.1 "ii c itunri f v...ir i iifAin.lalli ana ,-. W. .OT..V.'... " ' . " 1 Viiv rorli "'-nr, rrkiaya 10:00 p.m. uireet: '-' A tlx. l:ihZfith.. Sent. 1th. AN' MMVr:ni . ihwiit i Kir.f11V.JlV.. nsV !i .' Auc- ,tu. Spt. Jnd. ir , '"' 'rTatlons and Information n L COtTt . . . . .. . net ticnrrai Aieni, rnnre nupem STEAMSHIPS LIMITKD fynty nni)AYVMioMGHT BiIon, Alc ,An. Any BltfjH M MifUti, ki mium, mui tlckaU at - Stfond Avenue. Pliane 5. r'y Ad, Codv kv nnnrpri at ed f-v r r r i "TV lf - r at W .... . . " NKruus, re turn uf thelt.on. l4Hbt i train after spending the week-end, at Smithera c V For dntnfcenntta, Halvar .Sigurd-wi wa flnea. $& wtthoDtlon.f 4otfttt days' tanprfconmenV- tnp -pwf.couK,ytGay, FrewUdatw. to. Ui .Drara.!. In the course of an official tour of the dbtito. arrived In the city on the Catala yetterday fiwa Anywc and to now payi-f a vfett to the Diby .Jand radio sutkm I Rlatiinand. Mortimer, who r.aa ,heMi 111 at the hme of hto par-:e u. Mr. and Mn. E. II. Xbrttmer. PMlfc Avanoe. BaH. for the pact year eotittouMt to make eieeOent prmotM towahi raaovenf. He la nowjMe.to baouUada and to take 'anrt walk. , ErrtwSt JauUjuA Bert Anderson, ejiamd Hto . umpiring Hqtnr to eBi bad their casaa refer ekf h dajrs In ctty po- jHe. esxHatrdiy. dmnUfueas Hwfpi seilnrt. Cerfe Wesley and Joajh ,'. sotii Indians, be-atmiUrly renai4ed. ' DriaaaM pwemers, null and iMlstKV C. XRl ataamer Pxtaee! retuM aouth orer the HoteKAtrivals Itajat. Mrs. P. Johf naen, . Skeena; route D. H. CIncnU; H..Oree, Bupnyajoai Robert llartts, R Hipp and MBeat. city. Jtmini Leeaoo and Joe Rosa, lltrenrU6. WaUer. J RWlaj, J. Brockmf n, J. Urowu,ana f- uoiwnw, CentrsU, '! M.KeUeon. Brfi Mn L. flafsi. C. N. It; M n Val- " A. W, PetrorkimM Chles Rik-Vu. crecen.t JuteW Mr F, Lak. MeilaksMla, Prince Rupert , nnru a iiiann. Vancouver; u. w. ' , Stephenson. Vlctorta A. Rebertoon. Maseett; Mrs. J. KOfldon ati4 J. I n Prank. Terrace: Miss D. Hogan and B. L. Terrln. Prince Rupert; H. nnnnlii nnd J. Smith. H. M. S. Ahnpunceraeiitsi . Salvation Army Annual Congress Augr 2. -7, 28- PrebXrn.tf .SepVpmber 7.. ?tlv AnnWf rsaty iSupptf United ChurcU Stplbj.li. CsVJiollc BM" Octo0tl having a fl&&aop,jfiqp adjourned for eifcfataayf ;i city police1 " comj -yejierdajr ... '! An, tavJUtJpn haj bef p.rxie ded feJuMs.qf CJVTOriJ at the ii!tItn at, exhibltlpn Mease HlIaJluUHiltht Rhthm. Vtnr 1 H- fcrs FreJeriea. Clare and Mary .6orS..OraheLaa. l.uiui artmltl KDW ti lnial ftf JMmhi mn. ! .free, uuUuJQ0O juu,. Oenti.. J5jy enl wfnj have been, ape dln$ a; ii Jaf,.36c. ; vacation, at Victoria, returned $o! -. i arte eny rrom me sown on me V. WWL O, IUCatey.. who has Ptne Rupert this morninij V teen pendJtm,pMt few.es AllfwAam, dotoK ,wf)c o., his Mm, Burnett, wife of Provincial WWt. oWHk. tp the j cosiaaie Burnett of Areaa- the j;nHwaSinon.on LJUjlta - wm wa a pamntr wnrf www ooayd Mtl Pctr of ..Vancouver, wtp b? visiting at A-yax .with ..MM (mnuitrln-lw, Mr, 0. PW POttrs, was a pajfetv ahta the Cauia. yastaTdar ktUrnM..rtuivUit. to her Jf h th. soothe V. vw.Vf (tor at BeDa, Ooola. arrhwd In p city on the Prince Ruoert this Tnonrg own tne coast to attend the muoiu of Prince Robert Pmbftery opeatoj here thu Irternoon Catala yesterday afternoon reteir- on thAtaae piWitmtrosnLfA. daJXft tot, whichp wui. be gijl, foci Ma.B-pnK Dreas aM Ugt wOr1flDalIga. A one-doQai, entttatnmtfpt, fori the prfct Ma Of9rye, P, MgSnll cf ,Pwt Slmpipn, vLo has been on. a trip to her lutttre hojn to Sotland. arrtvied tn the city on the. Prince L W: Stophenaan of Victoria, bi- Biipert UUa morni a inn Vaneoo. pector of radtoMegraph rtatioaa. awL.accompaakjd byM MeR OqQ. "bp came to to$9,.yatday to meet her. wfl proowib th afternoon, .to Port Simpm by PAINS IN THESTOHACH- n m m i u am Hi V b$ oa tbe iwit( for tke j!. M JTr. ii eUaa W plf rtfa-, rrtiible and effertare and miff freia, ebolmt, niie, mm and paia ia tbt sU)tncb rocact promptly. Price, 0v WUe Jt aQnitfitU or JktSftt: Mt up oeJr by Tb.1T. MBbura Ok, UnAed, Torooto, 04. Jaia4. Ospt Dan MaKtanon. arri- T7. . .. -r. c... fed m port at 10 o'esoek ia ntatit CoL j w Nlchttlk. comnBUa. from VtnPMter U the. QlwW of lhe canadJap FUh & CoKLStor-CharloUr I4WHU nd wUi wsnatoj company returned, to the over here until 10 o'dpek Friday,, Rwpvt mini wBt iim hi ;snarnin,lc4kwt a uir EaW m Canada and the. United, Stow on company business Mrs. Edith R. V. Todd, of Victoria, president of the, Retekah Assembly oi British Colunbte. fol-lowtnc official visK ke Anyox. Burrows, Vancoorer. Calrin H.Xtc- arrrred in the city on e Catala Lead. NeJiOtU ueflL. BWPfKi J SCBiy mm uw ametver -ibwb H Chopplns, J. W. Murphy, W. Oas- and last nUjht paid an of Metal visit ; km. W A. MuftyF. J. OasfcfH, IUto the tocl lodte She will pro-M 8. Dfa eon, S , Warren, city. ead on tooiarsVs train to Terrace1 Old Empress I and other interior pphs en route J Ryan, city; S. McCulloch. norae XUijdUws, L. Er Downing. Shantes, , , Cv Johnson, and .John SuodyPort m Jories' Family MEATt MARKER A Phone 937 Round Steak.. 2 lbs. Carrots, 1 bunch Bamberger Steak, 2 lbs. Carrots, 1 bunch Boneless Stew Beef 3Jbs. Be;n8iBfrl. 3 lbs, Or rota, 1 bunch Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. Turnips, 2 lbs. Loin Lamb Chops 2 lbv Lola-Pork, cheps-. , 2 tplrv ,VL,Chops-,- tiytTi lb, Baon. 1 lb. Rutnp Roast of Bef ptr lb. Prime Rib Rolled-per lb. Phone 957 25o 25c 25c 75c 45c 35 a 35c 25 c 65a a holiday tup to vanoovrer, re-iirned to tr.e city from uie aou i tne Prince Rupert this roorn- tng. Mrs. James Dougui aaA Wl who have beer- on a holiday Tiai. fcyip90lmt. ratpof to thc.dty m tne south on the Prince Ru pert this morning. Mr a-il M, SptorJSaW. whj. rrJhate beeq. on a Taxation, trip to VanrauTtr. reuus)d to the city from the souUim the Prince Rupert this morninf . Mr anc. Mrs J. O. Johns anc soi. who have been spend inf a baHdax at Tlett, retansoi to the ctt. fromt Quee Corow laiands on Uvn Prkwt Jobp last nhjhi. Mtas Caoltn Mig..rtriae4J to the-cltf Su nday eventnc on. the Laura . F. from Carjieie Cannery wtrftreahe has been spending a holiday a the gvast of Mrs. Ma- tnesan . R P. Wtlmot. travelling aqdtlpr for die Liquor Control Board., was l passenger aboard the Cataja yesterday rfturaing to Victoria, after making the raq-d trip to Anyox and Stewart on ofQetal dwttajf. Miss Margaret McCarferj- return! ed to the city on the Prince Ru-I pert this morning from Qnajhcum1 Beach. Vancouver Iaia'd. where she has been holidaying at the.' summer home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McOaffery. while away, she also attended a musical summer school at Banff. MI LAUY BEAUTi' SIIOPPEt SPECIALS FOR AUGUST Steam Oil Permanent Wave "Mar5Ur: Curfalth lalrCu'v $1.00 : Shampoo and FInt.fr Wstc. 75c i rilO.NE 65i MissNellieLawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 215 Second Atenue West Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NEW FORD Thtubieiest.Iow price-car Is the new. Ford .V-J.wUh J12-Inr whf.tUtase. It's bif in ijiqd,ticJii.lg.npthr outstandinr feature is- the Vtype eirht cylinder engine, with the all aluminum cylinder heads. It's smooth, iuf efficient and economical and will do better than 80 mile, anjtifkuree us for a demonstration,. &BUrlter Ltd.;- PJfoneJ-t William Ranee, who ha be0A,pnl m 3838.00 andunO.jB. Prince Kuperfc-BampcraH Taxes, Spare Tire anreiftljt, include, AiSnap BEDROOM SUjITE Bed Walnut Dresser Walnut Vanity Walnut Chiffonier Walnut Bench Upholstere4 .. Price $91.50 Mackenzie's Furniture -- Phone 775 I Oassif ied Ads for sale CHRYoXERiedan. good roudltsonj Walker's Musk Store. ; SWLY, Renojrated mflom flajU, Baqd Blpc M tf brapar, 0 rXRf SALS good ?fflee safe. Can'; be seen at Daily News. tt rOP. RAIT. 1 Gil aenu Ta U7 Range 5. iutsuniuiun ill asi . m .u . O tT U'lUnn lit T m Kt tie bongalow and a wonderful garden of choice flowers. Bouli- FOR REN illQUSES-wF. W. Hart- t BUSLNES3 girj bajoom to rent or ' W suite, to sbaar. Central location. ' vw M . . . 41 t tr none ureen it aiicr o pja. i Write P.O. Box 995. ! jj. ovate to suit tenant. Rent only j $20 a month. McCTOont. tf ' CLAPP, Building Apt, 4 rooms, j Monaror. range in.pO and tM 00. I 9 rooms, over Ttte's Store $20.00; 4 room. Apt. over Brackman tt Ker torc, $V5. II 0. Helgerson Ltd,, agnt. 108 TRANSFERS fAMSROra TRANSFER Furnl. turgp rooting, wood coal, chairs ior inn. n NOTirE riURLCA SMITH nECEASEI NOTICE IS H HUBBY OIVEN that M DrnlM ruts daiuM suat ibe BttaAt uOf Chaitea SaklUi fornMHr of Pmnif in. tb Prarine of Brtttah Columbia who died on the au tar of liar. 1M1 art rrauirM oa or ovfore tne mn ox Jot Optembet. 1S9S. to.dellTer or Mb4 by prepaid levar tul) panwuMra w their claim duly Mettled to THK RO TAL TRUST COMPANY. Admloletrx f the Ebute of taa aald Cbartea Smith dceaad. at IU ofnea SM Wrt rodr dttret, VHjoouver, BC. . AND TAKI NOTICT that after U) kn mantlened date M4U proeeed ut.Drceaed among pereona eo Kld Uvere-ao. harlna recard only to 1 the oULyu whkth It abaU aben barv r DATED-at pay 4f Jxtlj the Admlnlatrator to dirtrtbute the aaea at vaneourer, ov., wm wo 199S.. ROBERTSON DOUOLAS A 8YUES V40 PMer 8trct West, Vanoouver. B O. Botlettora for Tb Royal Truat Oowjfanj HAIBDRESSER PEB.MAXEXT WAVING; 'Oil," -Rinrlctte- J3.00. S'tlson's Beauty Shoppe, Pirn HkMrtloa PAINTERS AIn'Q nd PaperhapgingH MoUer.'.Phene Red 803 Lt t"MlCK riltTTCL MORTOAOE i I Wf attrr tet UO bv Seoktett ? . 19S - evrtata w beat 31 tee, lattg, 1 tru Ms - . taihe In. breMRh an. we . Ii- als.2 A SACRIFICE: m Vktorta artl- ehHU aih aitfi Jfctewd t j N- ISM. -ki which ii lawllm oo. VI- : ruo satoAar .nwtnt t Hf. .Nfc ISM, . hiott m c uaa fkMS at JV I varded sUeet. beat locality In Fowl ' ZZ'tZZJZ, ffual 7. ttas. LkflSSnf at. Bar. Price SIJOO. T'errna. Phone wtrrrroot. prase Busvct. b. ' Black 363. l mrJ"JZ'?!Zl I ' rndn wUl be rcea4 by bm as ww t . Htm of WtUlamv iknoo. Brova & i aarrn Pnnos Ruprrt. B C. untM S 4 IPai an Wsontadai. 3M t risjav1 'mama, ' vmr naf nran jbt mry qa nwsrjly. . ceapud. SAtn't Prlaoe mapKt. BC. thU NSth day or AatuK. ST.CIJ.WCr. M l E RAi..rL4 IMa Crt!flr!e of Impretenirnta, . PQCLUan-Jlor.-aawll bustnoH ,Sir7Si jnu. vnnANN-. t w. . UMOti . kkktr Mo. 47fc aatead i Uf Jator hereof r'lSMorderS lor a misrj oate of aasiewatem foe ww purpoe of obutntaa a crown gaa of . atoov date. AND rartarr take noMre thai acJan. antec Saetkaa SS of Um aUarna Att mum. be ooauneoeed beror tt fawaaata . of aawh crrttnoM of bapeoremearta. ; ' CMe ard July. issa. AS' WtTER NOTICE TAKE NOTWS tKat X B. Woodirorthj- ?a.7' aftd uac 390 cu. St. per aoooad. M tiOre 100.000 ere tr out of Ownr Itafce lata Svrf tnfet. Tbif bnc. Uia IpsondltjMiaaa of eoodrUpnal walat b. pbr purpoaea. Thla notlea waa poMeJ on tne minnain aay A oopy of wa nio- fltt ua.aa appilaaUoa puffuaattbera-4 aad to Uve "Water Ax" wUl ba nhyd Ui U. ottlce of tn water recorder At Prince Rupert ObteciSon as tba p-nllaHon ntajF t Hied tab the aald water reoordar or wltb the Onmptrotier t Watr HafMa, Parliameat. Bupatea. Vtatona. wljailn tmrty earn after Lbi flrat aafeaaaace of ShM buSVe lav a local newspaper. The date At the tfratM, .BJtaasiL.o( noaare U B. WOODWQRTH,. G. NaJRHains r the East-Mondays,' Wednesdays, Fridays and.SaUirdajft., ,.9 30 pfn. rpm the Eat--Tuesdays it .Thursdays jdQpjn. Mondays &.Sturda,2ll5 pm. i 4 1 1 i