Tomorrow's Tides KLi:NOK 1IOUM ; VW(M)D. Aug. 23 Notlot m to merry wu died i t lx-ir by Beanor Holm. i Kunming star, who rejoined the movie, and Jarrrd. movie singer. H iiin is nineteen yean old ' irrcd. 29. Stock Market Records Gain Movir shfM I'artlcuVarly Popular "Pillar In New York Yealer-laT-(ieneral Motors Mils High Mark W YORK. August aS:-8(ocll - showeo a further upward ' ' the New York taohange ' : ''''. movie sham being 'ly popular. Genera 1 Motors up to new hlti for the Tin- Industrial average at ctos-lii ww 101.24. up U7; rails, W.T9, Jjn utilities M.61, up .08; bonds, C!l" up .11. Con Man Wanted In Twenty-Two Cities is Held 'ncAao, Augustas The "' this city arc holdrns- a man "; ls wanted in twenty-two elites " countries for playing eon u unc-s. u was announced Doubtful, one (Victoria). One seat. Cape Breton Bast. first tied . chako Valley nave vn """" Ik ritime Province, ranld growth duruig wie pv wik.. a irood rainfall would now be appreciated in orirejn to maturity. The extmnely dry last three or Tour .pell of the wMks has been acceptable for which have hqylng operaUons. Mac but son e been proceeding for the needed moisture is now Tt a question In the minds of owing to the late to whether, m fro- twHl not ta- and co.d spring, terfcre are proper tllf ' '' " b(. (HIT Capturing Two-Thirds of Seats To Marry Ml. PREMIER GORDON HARRINGTON AND RUT TWO OF HIS COLLEAGUES SURVIVE VERDICT OF POLLS; ANGUS MACDONALD, YOUNG LIBERAL LEADER, AMONG ELECTED; STRAIGHT FIGHT. HALIFAX, Aug. 23: (CP) The final standing as a result of yesterday's provincial election in Nova Scotia was announced this afternoon as follows: Liberals. 22 seats. Conservatives, eight scats. Cape Breton East, which had been tied, returned a Liberal and Victoria, which had been doubtful, a Con servative. Angus Macdonald, aged 13, the Liberal leader, will be, Canada's youngest Premier. He hasncvej previously had a seal In Clio rlgislaTure, V : v ' C'A ' ' HALIFAX, Aug. 23: (CP) The Conservative govern ment of Premier Gordon 5. Harrington was defeated in venter-day's provincial general election and the Liberal narty under Angus L. Macdonald scored a sweeping victory. Premier Harrineton was personally re-elected in Cape Breton South by a small margin hut all his cabinet) roUrasiKv wiin iw esxepwon oi Hon P C. Black, minister oi highways Colchester. and Hon. JiiM-ph Macdonald. mlnlaUr wtth-nut nor t folio, were defeated. Six Independent candidate wew not a factor in the conteat lor a total of t thirty seat. soon aiier in wu. wmu. mmm evident that the government bad been defeated, the earUeet returns MINISTER IS RESIGNING William Cnlberlwn. I'nited States .measMd0r to Chile Quilting ; Office muking roe victory iw n i ' WASHINGTON DC. August Z3 party apparent. Irteeicnatton of William SCulbert- The latest standing today wai aa w3 M united States ambassador follows: ,U Chile U annoanced. Conflicting Liberals. SI seats. 'reports are hearo here as to Mr Cociservattvea, I. iCulbertson'i plans for the future It Is stated In some quarters that he will continue residence in Chile while others say he will return to The Conservative loriuoent united state to resume private had been led by Premier Harrington law practice. He Is only forty-seven for the last three year. i vears or age oiu nas naa a ou- The sweeping Liberal victory saw , Ungulshed diplomatic care;. five members of the executive coun ell go down to defat. The Liberal leader won Hawax South from Dr. Murphy. Two co-operative Commonwealth Federation candidates polled Jess than two thousand votes between them. MOISTURE IS NEEDED IN FAVOR OF TITLES Hut Not For Politicians, Says Canadian High Commissioner In Interview OTTAWA. Aug. : CP Tttlee from the King might well be bestowed on Canadian lleutenant-tovernors. chief Justices and on Rainfall Would lie Appreciated by j distinguished scientists but not on vwhako lf Valley Grain Growers politician. Such was the view ex- I pressed by Hon. O. Howard Fer- vanderHOOF, Aug. 03 While guson, Canadian high commissioner oat and wheat crops of the Ne In London, in an interview here yes terday. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORKMART NEW YORK. Aug. 83: (CPl Bar silver closed at 36c per ounce on the local metal market yesterday. Cop per was steady at tc. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Auc a3: (CP-Wheat was quoted ut 67sc on the local exrh,im;e yesterday. VICTORIA IIOHCIICD HltlUI the Wet Coast Motor From "City of Prince Cieorje" Itrouiht Out to Stewart and I Taken to Vancouver Taking south the engine of Col. Victor Spencer's Junkers seaplane "City of Prlnee George," which was wrecked in a recent crash at Mc-Connell Creek In the Oratnera mining area. Air Engineer Fred Staines and C. 8. Cameron, Insurance representative, were passengers I aboard the Cabala yesterday after noon bound from Stewart to Vancouver Salvage of the engine was effected recently by a seaplane of the Canadian Airways from Car-cross piloted by Norman Forrester which flew Into McDonnell Creek from Stewart with Air Engineer Staines on board. lease a least Today's Weather 2:49 tun. 20.7 ft. 16:10 p.m. 30.0 f ' Prince Rupert Clear, light J,.,w 9:08 a.m. 3 Smfo southeast wind; barometer, 30.30; 21:30 p.m. 4A 'S temperature, 85; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL RR1TISI1 COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V XXIV. No. 197. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS NOVA SiOTIA GOVERNMENT BEATEN WELL KNOWN AMERICAN HALIBUT BOA T SEIZED IN SOUTH Liberal Party Is Swept Into Power in Ma Capt. Frank Hawks and Plane United Si.ite." airman who a-.n .;nri- ,u mtrnt.on of making r..i-up fght aerj& Canada. Seattle Vessel Curlew Taken on West Coast, illegal Fishing-Charge mXl River San Josef Hay DROWNING IN FRASER looet While Coming Down In Small Boat REPORT TO '.Au.23: f CP) Three1 world" a nirker. Frank Vlnall . and an Indian. Ambrose Jacob, are 1 1 PRESIDENT Norman If. Davis Conferring At Hyde Park With United Statu Chief Executive Backs France Important Statement Made Br Roosevelt In Regard to Armament Control $JEW YORK. AufiHt 23 Nor-lan H. Darts, Urited State am-rassador at large to Europe, arrived at Hyde Park yesierday to resent a report to President ; "ran Win D. Roosevelt on the pro-Trees' of the Geneva disarmament conference. Davis plans to return Ui Geneva shortly to attend the -esuroptton tf sessions of the con- 1 lerence. 1 At the conclusion of the confer- Ttuee Men Lose Uvea Above Lil- ence. President Roosevelt Indicated that the administration Is prepared to baek the French government pro posal lot SHOttymao and control of rrrtarsenta - believed to have been drowned ln! Is Towed Into Victoria by Patrol Steamer Givcnchy After the Fraser River, eleven milej li.vdy and axxeto Hr-int? Taken Into Custodv in Vicinity of bove here, last night as they were FLY TO DENMARK r : ----- - . . ..nt. , .1 i i a. CODIUIg QOWII UW IHtl ut a ouiv i boat. REJKAVIK, Iceland, Aug. 23: An Indian on shore reported see-. col. and Mis. Charles A. , Aug. 23: (CP) Taken into custody by the tag two men standing up as thoughU Lindbergh, here In the course steamer Givenchy, Capt. W. Redford, off n ...Ifr ITSr or J1 1 of Vancouver Island while alleKedly fish- "i! ! incr in Canadian waters, the American halibut vessel Cur- am a a il JiV t a? lew oi aeauie, togeuier wiin ner crew oi live men, was nut It Was by Areidrnt in Mistake For Rabbit JACKSON'S POINT, Ont, ta (CP. i Lake Simcoe cottager were startled to hear a well-known minister had she bis wife at their summer home near here, the report spread abr&sd In the tetany of the summer ejtony. a o the spiritual adviser now receiving a lot of advtoa.tmn his friends. He went out In his garden to hont rablts. He peppered one with bird shot. Not knowing that his wife was within, she recei ved oue lead pellet In the calf of CARNIVAL PROGRAM Tonight In Exhibition Building On the stage entertainers from H. M. S. Dragon, followed by hard time dance for which priEos will be given for: MOST ECONOMIC DRESS AND MOST ORIGINAL DRESS A One Dollar Entertainment for the Price of 25c success. brought hre yesterday. The seizure was made on Sunday t J Woaf rior morning in the vfclBtty of 8sn 1 OQaV S iTeaiJlcr Josef Day. It Is alleged that the Curlew had miles of ground gear out. The Curlew Is weU known In Prince Rupert, having frequently' called here in the past with catches from the northern halibut banks. Engine of Spencer Seaplane Salvaged Ontario Pastor Shot His Wife Dead Tree Point Clear, tempearture. 66;P sea choppy. light Triple Island Clear, fresh northwest wind; sea choppy. The fire department had a call at 10 o'clock last night to the City Aug. Hall where there was quite a spec- taclar chimney was done. fire. No damage preparations for an early take off for Denmark via the Shet- land Islands. northeast wind: barometer. 30.24; ' Pound Sterling and I Cnnnrlinn Dnllnr on New York Exchange NhW YORK. Aug. 13 The British pourd sterling close at J4.-494 on the local foreign exchange market yesterday. The Canadian dollar closed at 94. Fair Board's Carnival Has Good Opening Night With Upwards of Six Hundred Persons Attending Thn mrnival. which is beincr staeed at the Exhibition leg. X-ray revealed the bullet. jau jj,js year by tile f air IJOaru in pince OI me annum e.- but it was too deep to bring out by j,jijjtion na(i a g0od opening night with a total attendance r" -STLS iSllS of between GOO and 700 persons, paid admissions last eve-SThe? ning amounting to 364 adults and 170 children. The car- . . nival continues this evening when it is hoped that there Miss Florerce Pars, daughter will bean even larger crowd in sup- of Mr. and Mrs, 8. K. Parker, re- port of the worthy object of paying turned home on the Prince John off the Indebtedness of the Fair laet night from TleU. Quean Char- Association, lotte Islands, where she has been! The feature of last night's pro-spending a holiday visiting with ceedlngs were the contests for best- friends. dressed girls and dolls, the winners in which by popular vote were: Best Dressed Qlri and Doll with Carriage 1. Joyce Morln; 2. Mary Margaret Bulger. Best Dressed Obi and Doll 1. Anne Stevens; 3. Ella Dahl. T1e evenng was very enjoyably !pent by the large crowd In dancing with music by Charlie Balag- no's orchestra. Refreshments were sold by mem Dragon were prominent among those present and It Is expected there will be another large representation from the personnel of the warship tonight. Halibut Arrivals American Explorer, 38.060, 8c and 4e, Cold Storage. Diana. 14.000, 8.5c and 9c, Atllri Fisheries. . Canadian Cape Spencer. 10,000, 6.4c and bers of Toe H who donated their j 4.35c. Atlln Fisheries. services to the Fair Board for the White Hope. 18.000, and Teeny occasion. Mllly. 3.500. 6.5c and 4.36c, Cold Carnival attractions operated from booths also proved popular Officers and men from H M S Storage. Capella I. 31.000. Royal Fish Co. 6.7c and 4.35c,