At I-. ' J l TUB CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED mVii-iiitifiMi roi.i .Miu Manufacturer of ELEPHANT . Itr nil fllt.MM l. I IKIII.IIIIM Producer & R'lnr of TADANAC Brand F.I.KCTItOI.YTIC Terms, of course AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINl, CADMIUM-BISMUTH THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except 8unday. by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line City dellveiy. by matl or carrier, yeariy period, paid In advance Contract rates on application. , Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor, and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Monday. Dee. 4 MENUCE r MODEL tA U I I Pretty Wedding. Here Last Week Nuptials of Miss Mary Mazzrl and Spirn Gurvich Thursday Afternoon j A very pretty wedding was solemnised last Thursday afternoon at f4:30 at St. Andrew's Anglian Ca- thedmj. Re. J. D. Gibson officiating, when Miss Mary Maesel became the bride of Splro Gurvich. The bride, who was given in marriage by her. brother, Pat MaueL looked, lovely in a gown of mauve net over taffet fashioned on 'long- princess, lines with hatv aloves and shoe, to match. She carried a bouquet of; Ophelta rotes and earnftMene. The! bridesmaid. Miss Ermie Zarelli,! was most becomingly attired in a ! gown of Wwe taffeta, also faahtooed ' o5 on princes lines with hat to match. $5.00 IIer bouquet consisted of Laddie; carnations and imioenhsxlr fern.; , The groom was attended by William j Schrelber. i After the wedding ceremony a re-1 1 ception was held at the noma of th ! groom's mother where many! 1933 . friends gathered to offer the feltet- j itations to the happy couple. The' STIRRING THE COMMUNITY !brid' wi tntred with a: m, ., , t, . Tl , . v . .. , , .. four-tier wedding cake whkh was me city 01 prince uupert is Demg stirred Dy tne action eut by tne brWf and was surround- of the-Junior Chamber of Commerce in its campaign to ded by four silver sconce hoWmg urge people to buy at home instead of sending their money carnations. The toast to the brWe i away to the mail order houses. proposed by Mr. Schrelber and Thereare in Prince Rupert a number of merchants who; my "P"ti byth, keep an up to the minute stock of goods and who sell at : fu , prices which compare favoraby with those in all the large to the popularity of the bride and cities from Winnipeg west They give good service and take; groom. They win take up their re-; a good deal of trouble to try to give customers just what idenee in the city. j they need. These merchants are worthy of support. That is one aspect of the case. There are in Prince Rupert a number of salaried people who have no particular interest in Prince Rupert except to draw their salaries. The argument that buying at home will make the city prosperous does not appeal to them. They, say they have-nothing to gain by buying at home and thy can get a little advantage sometimes by ordering from a mail order house. They see no reason why they should buy here. There then is the problem with which the Junior Chamber has to deal. Can they meet the argument of the unattached' salaried person? It is their turn to speak. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront i H. V. Morehouse, manager of Na-mu cannery, and A. Hamilton, accountant, will leave the down coast cannery on the Catala this Wednesday tor Vancouver to spend the winter. Mrs. Morehouse and Mrs Hamilton went south last week. 3 No More DANCER of CrushedVmqevs of lorn Clothes of Broken Button They called wringer "mjngltt" in the miM.' ity fcy. And 'manglei' a right. They mangled the cWrt. . v-.W die fingei mahed the button. Bm thai tl over EASY hat delivered a death bW i 6nft rh Uiangle ' The lateM. finen EASY When are VPINfifK I W5. Yet thr dr clothe quitter, eatier and bef hti n vrWfr ever rotiid. The EASY Spin-dry compartment (imply whirl fh mm m el a hole tubful ol clothe in lea dun three maun . . wkh even changing their position in the Spmbya rtmt , CiUNCE of a button getting broken Kvoi the ne. 4 mm delicate garmenu are perfectly uJt. Ytt W a. big pint . . . thu wonderful .pin-dryer will wih the water out tJ hlanana, pVm and other heavy article that couldn't you dry w y thv v. The EASY Wringerle Waaher (imply rJutini( hoot laundering. Now, at thi low anuting price, you caa llord to one Come In and let u how you hi many oth wonoWui liw EA5Y WRINGERLESS WASHER McRae Bros. Ltd. THE DAILY HEWS BANK OF MONTREAL- Ejufcliihed 1817 L presentation, in easily, understandable form, of tbe 'Bank's ANNUA! STATEMENT Call Loses in Canada 3 lstf October, 1953, UABIUTIES Si abilities xo,rmPUDilic 'Deposits . . . t, i i ' ""tsftUt itmsmj sJ pr HHt. f5 ' J Notes of the Bank intCifthilsiioa i Bills Payable . i i i. i ' Ttt" J'fli intrJ a elilsJtt. t ! Letters of Credit OatstsAdiaj (Hf f ff l flint i ' ttytiU t itmtti tpi ttlttti ftttttt htltt lit lit Jttmi. : ii i. i Other Liabilities i fttmi ia it 4 itmt afey S,"!"' UtJiiji. r-dJrt t1.tli,M af r.liie fVfli. ffM'"V. aairf Tit ftm Ait Total Liabilities lo the Public . i. i. LIABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Capital, Surplus sod Undivided Profit and Reserves for Dividends Tin smint titrtimt ate ilitMinf llftH it lit a, rr uii.i lulilititi It lie w lki , f'i,tJtti, Total Liabilities . . . . i RESOURCES Ta.mitt tht Jortfoing Liabilities tb Bank but Gash in its Vaults sad in tbe Central GuIJ Kescncs . Notts of sod. Cneques on. Other BsaLs ,. Money on Deposit with Other Banks i i AttiUilt t JtmtaJ ae tl ihtrl tint, Governinsat sod Other Boods sod Debentures. i Utt tit n Jit i mtrbl . 74 7i"r ' fH tfwiim tf litl-Jtt,lttrififf mini mMu tt'tmlj ititl. Stocks s i RtHtHj mi ItJtilnJ.ttd were nttki, Call Loins outiide of Canada. . t s i i. itf'ti if lJl. Unit tmJ.tfitr.tthtHt itf,iitj(i tj tutitr tJtt iIm tit. I i tti ttrtifiii ' iaJi0 tftiLlil uki Vii'U tffuftt tttMittl ii U, ij it til tJ iiviil tf Bankers' Acceptances . i i i, i frimt J'tflj tfitpU i, tlbtt if it. TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES tqmtl 7f,13 LUHIitm U tht, Ptilir) Other Losns i Tt tltttftfttftrt, ftffft, ttfttitmlt tti tlitflf tt fttji Itoti tttilitttl mii itttd itting. Bsnk Premises . . , , , , Tint, fttfntitt tmjf ttt imtltJ h lit ttmtt tf itlJitf Itifttttfi lit.iltii ttd itmdi tf llit,ttmttitl ft it-, Httl, ttmtd. ij lit. Am, d tptltr f.tit ittit tt tl H it llti utt. .Ml ttitr tf lit Rffl ("tniltl, lit tmitt tf Ittftl, tttttdi fH.WJKt, tftt, ttltt linhtU'm't, Keal Estate snd Mongsgcs on Real Estate . t AlttUti it lit tttftt tf lit Btmi'i ttiktfl ttj it hum tf ititi ftJhid tftm. x Customers Liability under Letters of Credit Rifttittit lUiiliiin tf ittttniri tt.miii.ti tf Untfi tf Qtdil iitttd ij lit Btti ftr lit ttitptl. Other Asiets not included in the Forejoing i i Making Total Assets of i . t , fitt ftj-ftl tf LUlUhitf H,lt. tttyi t PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT front f the year eodiAi JtM Octaiea, 19)5 ... DivUenJi paii of parable w UmtUaUtt . , " f ),Ui,(hM YOu PtwitUMi for T", Dominant) GvteiacMu , v'jSlj ReerTatioa for Nnk firmaet. , , , , 100,000. 00 BaJaiKC e( Profit tai Ltm AccowK. Jin Ortvher, )3J , . BiianceV PrK oJ Li cirJ;iwj4 , , , OtAftLFS . SPORT CHAT COIDON. ftnldttt Tonight's basketful gomes bring together Joe Olllls and his league-leading Grottos and Joe 8cott and his lowly Kaiens. This should be NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelli, Proprietor -A UOMU AWAY HtOM Rates Sl.eo up 50 Rooms, Hot tc Cold Water Prinre Rupert p.c Phone 281 1.o, Box 1B6 Kt t i' I 2J8,57t04 6,151.280 M 10,642, 4 ins 76.51i7i0JrO20, I 78,6ij2I.g !2o.953i;,B2 23,33Tj9.7 3l6.9i7j73l9 S14.91t.33 ,363M;28Q,9i 7.067.169J2, 111,293.01 -492,326,91 490 231,822.61 Hj)6o.oob.ho t ;742,$0.77 ( , . ' 6,131,21854 1.739.629.H3 768,53 5,.08,63 692.3 18.8J M hsting sn txrtil AihU trtr LUiilttiti H tin PmblU S 76.317,090.20 JACKJQtt tJODDs. lfri Gtttitl .Hi ft j erj Tht itrtngtb at pi it JtttrminiJ ly iti,hinrj, hi ftlicy. Hi miftmttit T I hJ lb txttnt tf itt rutmrui. Ftr 116 jttn lb litnk tj Mtnhnl bit I hum im thtrtrtnt tj CtntJU fimtttt, , J - i !' A well worth watching, EIJa Steen and Vleryk back In the line-up, provide her stars are pitted against the the Junior opener. High School girls. The students should come throuith as they are about due for a win. Merchants atid Warriors battlp In the lntermcdlata Jack Rose, well known, Vlilte-' horse merchant, and Mrs,' Jjose passengers aboard the Princes Norah PHilnv II a a m ----- - mj Htll UV I KVI'im aiujnim aim pcouui. wtin ititougn tor a trip to Vancouver. 111 1 Central Hotel American and fcuropean plan Housekeeping Rooms Wo Also Sell Coal That (JIvcs Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert, llcar rugs mounted In any, style. Game heads a specialty. All work guaranteed lint, class. TUR3 MADE UP Wrlle For Trice E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, n.C Monday. Decembo, Want Ad FORSALE FXDR SALE good jffw , be teen at Dally Nrw UVR Xmas present, hoi ,. I rles. Ouaranteed in,... n totanee. w. Hut,n ryti nAua-ant-iseie Bout! , nanglB, fn good conditio mtftl in old hou,f l!ltH 7tM FOK RENT for rent. WW aiovi Vo, PtsotieBW WANTED SViMTWV-Ptano . Most. Uset be Apply Hox 195. in k"i ehecip. v. Daih S, IlQlfaWKRlMsK under 40 dwer Md aon Mut b ' T. H. 8cott. Terra c 1! FOUND Lifelong Satisfaction Heleetioa of a h-gagement rtnt; 1 doaMe MtlafaeUnn Usnty that tne qu ,: er ll f t iocs Usat iho ntm are right We have a fm diamond ling In new with three aaagll and engnvvd side .( o Oihen. 2i . 1 W to $1 ff ar e" C CjEVELLtlp Tltt! ST0HE WIIM tt I 'X PRINTING Office Supplies RciHo, Cowan & Lattn ' Phone 131 s 6"., Rand ' Bend KWNf-Pord gas un ner may have unit' u iuy News orrin- j :, lr tttia awrUaenici.v PAINTERS PAINT1NO and Paperhir KeHer. Phone Red Wl TRANSFERS OAMUtOrf-8 Tran fr' r tf&tt, Jaekplne Finil"r ra HAIRDRESSER PERM ANIENT WAVLNG' Clutter Curl: Utet St'lei NFLSON8 BEAUTY SH :2 j ICOAL! COAL! . i-auj.ui.' jt n.u. m Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Hulkley Valley Coals are guarsn-wrd to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Uulkley Valley VY also sell Timothy Hay. Vne4,k Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones Ml Fresh Milk and Cream Dafly VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 'I