Phone 77 TAXI (TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Thratre Mock Any time, anywhere, 60c is the f' l 7-Passengcr Chrysler Ca Tomorrow's Tides High 3:20a.m. 18.4 ft. 14:47 p.m. 202 ft. Low 9:02 ajn. 9.4 ft. 21:43 pjii. 4.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMIHA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXIV. No, 371. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1933 WHO: KlVfc CfcNTB PROHIBITION IN STATES NOW ENDING VESSEL OWNERS APPROVE OF HALIBUT CONSERVATION Uncle Sam To Go Wet Tomorrow After Many Years ot Prohibition Sale of Spirits Will Ik: U'jral in Sixteen States of Unior Tuesday Following Official Proclamations Others Working on Wet legislation WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 4: (CP) Spirit, forbidden ir, (he United States for thirteen years, may be legally f id again tomorrow in at least sixteen states of the Unior wiMi the official proclamation by President Franklin D. H iosevelt of the rejieal of the Eighteenth Amendment. T:,c legislature of several other states, dry as the veil of p hibition lifts, are at work on bills designed to permit t - sale of liquor. TIN FIND i CAN MEET IN NORTH! SITUATION Suite h Made fn rrt flrahsme Area of Northern B.C. in -neofnt hops. dc 4 icr - K f a Un atrfke 1M miles north-t : t her tn the Fort Orahame - ry has been brought here by .Hy of afaapeciora returning the Ptndlav River area i- - of the Un have been aent l a assay, they said, i Vancouver Stocks lOmilMf a D Johavft l-1 Vaniouier IU Missouri. .49. Bitlorne, n c sirm. m. 0 R X . M. B R Cons, M. ti.-rgta Hint. J1H akarf). fi.-tlan. 01. M.nto. .11. M. rlnian, XI. M rnln Mar. .16. N.ittve Sao, M Mke4. N itlunal Um. N'.blc Flv, Mk. r- nd OtvUfe, M. P"rter lit, Mk. Turnler, IJf. , . R'-evee, .11. R. ward. M. H- no. u. Silver Crest, .9L Wjyuids. JIVi. Whitewater. MVk- Wavcrly, MV. Oils F ibynn. .60. I U-ime. 1U. C Ac E., M, i toehold, JD0. a P Con, .18. ' t c tlmont, 10. Sterling naelflc. .41. Toronto ''. Alexandria, .01 Vs. C-ilumarlo, .43. Central Patricia. .40. Klrkland Lake, Jl. ' Noranda. 33.85. Sherrltt. ,W. hit Nickel, 21.10. Granada, A8. Mucassa, .78. Blo, 1.48. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, cnlm. 30. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 28. Hazclton Cloudy, cnlm, 3S. Rmlthera Clear, calm, colder. Hums Lake - Bright, calm, 20. Liberal nrtfete ThHr rilirir Best lor limo Confidence In Matkenile Klnf OTTAWA, Dee. I: tTM Deflating the ronWctton "that the liberal naity lll u'P'y measure adequate to meel rhaitging eon-illlkin ami tliflkolt qurttlon oi Ihr 1 1 mm ami will Imorc to th wlilr rommtinity advantages and opt' tumtlMi Mhkh the rcurc ef thr eowntry provide." the National Liberal Federation con-eluded it annual meeting here jea'erday. Approval was recorded of the platform as outlined in declarations of nolley made hy III. Hon. William lion Maekeitfie King, federal leader of the party. Deputy Minister Of Fisheries Here Dr. W. A. Found in Prince Kupert In Course of Annual Western Tour Dr. W. A. Pound of Ottawa, de-t minister of ftaheriea. In the eottrae ot hla annual waatern tour. Mtlred In the city on Ue uaiaia yaaterday afternoon from Vancouver and will proceed on tonight's iMh tn Ottawa. While in the south, Dr. ftmnd attended recent meetings ot the IntemaUonal FUiteriei Com- ( mtelon In SeatUe. lie la In confer-1 tnce with local fisheries intereeU tottay. I American Football Vale. 3: Princeton, 31. Army. H: Notre Dame. 13. Hoaton College. 13; Holy Croat, 9. Htttwra. 13; Villa Nova. 18. , George Washington. 0; Kansas. 7. Oeorala, 0; aoutnern wi""i Florida. 19; Maryland. 0. Butte. 0; Oeorgla Teda, 6. , .,ii.,,a 1- TuUne. 7. Texas ChrUtlan, 36; Southern Methodist. 6. VANCOUVER. Dc. 6: Wheat sold at 58V here today. Amos Sundstrom. Ketchikan merchant. wMaj.Maooara ,w- princess noi " Inoon going through for a trip to IVani'ouwr an.. Seattle MIRTEEN ! VACANCIES Late Senator Fisher Served In Municipal, Provincial and Federal fields OTTAWA. Dec. '4: (CPi-Th death at Paris, Ont, at the end ot Uat week of Senator John Flahei make a reaord number of thirteen vacancies tn the Upper Chamber. lion. John Henry Fisher of Paris. Ont:. member of the Canadian Senate, whose death took place late last week, at the age of 78 years, had been a member of the Red Chamber for over sixteen years, his iDpointment thereto hern nwk Juty.M. 1917. following a long public career In municipal, provincial ana federal fields. . j Bom April 33. ISM. at Parts. Ont f BngUsh-Irtah descent Senator Fisher was educated tn that city and lived all his life there, becom-ng a prominent merchant. He was weceastveiy alderman, reeve and Ttayor of Parts, being chief magistrate for 'five years. He was also varden of the County t Brant for - ttase He st -defeated bv-eandl tature for the Ontario LeWatre In 18M and 1P9S but was elected for Vorth Brant seat In 1906 and r . "leeted In 1998. He resigned from the Legislature in 1911 and was ejected to the House of Commons thnt year for Brant. riefeaUng Hon. WP-1 liam Paterson. minister of customs In the Laurter government. He was a Conaervattve. In 1 83 Senator Fisher was msr-rtad to Miss Jessie Martin of Paris. They had one aon. Harold H. Flaher. Senator Fisher, who was actively Identified; with all kinds of athletic sports, was a Presbyterian. WAS SHOT BY POLICE Alleced Pandit Injurrd by Police nutlets In Vancouver Two Companions Arrested VANCOUVER, Dec. 4: (CP -William Scranton was shot In both legs by the pqjlec last night and two ajomanions were arretted with him. The trio arc alleged to have beet) holding up a Fourth Avenue drug store. Joan Crawford Is Reported Married To Franchot Tone NEW YORK. Dec. 4: Rumors were current here yesterday, although not definitely confirmed, that Joan Crawford, well known screen star, was married two weeks ago at Harrison, N.Y., to Franchot Tone, one of the newer luminaries of the talkies. Miss Crawford is due to get a final decree of divorce In California from Douglas Fairbanks Jr. In April and could not remarry In that state until that time. Wong Hong, driver of a Sunrise Orocery delivery van, is appearing before Magistrate McClymont tn city police court this afternoon on a charge of driving to the common danger. The charge Is an outcome of An automobile smash-up at the west end of the Section Two bridge Saturday morning when the Sun-rite, vehicle side-swiped the delivery car of Selvlg's meat market, both vehicles being damaged. I Russ-Italy I Peace Pact t ROME, Dec. 4: Following a conference yesterday between Maxim Litvinoff, commissar of foreijm affairs for Soviet Rusiia, and Premier Renito Mussolini, it was announced that a complete understanding had been reached for a non-aggrefef ion pact between tne two countries which will-be signed at once. RESIDENCE DESTROYED llom-ofWiIllani,lnRliv Tark. Ave. nur. Gutted by Fire Kariy Sunday Morning The residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Inglis. 1143 rin Avenue, is practtcnlly a total loss as a re sult of a fire by wtuch the entire interior was gutted early Sunday .morning. Mrs. Inglis and little girl, aroueed from their sleep by the smell of smoke, made their escape i by climbing through a window to the verandah where they dressed. A few clothes, pictures and effects i were saved but the blase had such a hold by the time the fire department was called at 3:80 ajn. that It was impossible to save the home. There is understood to be good Insurance coverage. The cause of the fire appears to e uncertain although the origin is believed to have bean near a stairway leading from kitchen to basement. There was a good fire on In a hot air furnace but the kitchen fire was out. Mrs. Inglis and little daughter were at home alone in the house at the time. Mr. Inglts. who is a customs officer here, having left last week for the south to visit with his son who is in the Queen Alexandra Solarium on Vancouver Island. DISAPPEARS FROM SHIP i O. M. Harvey, Whltehorse lirugKhl, j Going South For Treatment, Lost From Princess Norah VANCOUVER, Dec. 4: (CP-Graham M. Harvey, aged 36. White-horse druggist, disappeared from the steamer Princess Norah, southbound from Ska g way to Vancouver, early Sunday morning atter the ship had passed Alert Bay. He had been In ill-health and was coming to Vancouver for hospital treatment. A. A. Crawley, proprietor of Sun-' set Inn, a popular summer resort i at Davis Bay near Sechelt on the! lower mainland, was a passenger1 aboard the Catala last evening go- lng through to Anyox where he will visit until after Christmas. He Is a brother-In law of C. P. Ash-more, general manager of the Oranby Co.'s general store, who will be returning to the smelter town on the Catala next week after hav ing undergone an operation in BOYS HAVE ' BANQUET Annual Junior Football Dinner-Shield is Presented" j The annual banquet of the Junior Football Association was held last Saturday evening when the boys of the King Edward High. Borden Street and Booth Memorial Schools assembled for the preaen- i Uton of the Rochester Shield and oiedais. After a splendid repast provide! by tne parents oi tne players we presentation of the shield .was made by S. D. Macdonakl In the ah sence of Mr. Rochester. Bert Mo. in. president of the Prince Rupert Football Association, presented the medals. Jack Frew spoke on the value of football as did George Johnstone, representing the Sons o( Canada. Alf Ritchie, captain of the High School, winner of the shield, thanked the executive on behalf of the teams, the motion being ably seconded by Stan VcUch and paaaed by anetanmttaa. T. 1U8 thanked the parents and those re sponsible fo. toc"aBtTC9urtfec- banquet All aeeaker Joined In expressing the appreciation bf their organhta tions for the valuable contribution to tne snorting life of the city bv the Junior Football Association. They had built up an enviable reputation and were maintaining It and the senior football teams were beins Mipohed with fine material. In addition to the members of the three teams and the principal speakers, there were present Miss r Mlsa E. A. Mercer. Miss 8. A. Mills and J Campbell. W. W. C. ONelll. N. Mcleod and J. Hutchison. J. S. Wilson presided. The convener of the refreshment committee was ' Mrs. O'NeBl who was ably assisted by Mrs. Bnstman. Mrs. nitchle. Mrs. Carlyle and Mrs Bby. Has Portfolio Of Industries Hon. John Hart Takes Kxtra Department in Cover men t Without Additional Indemnity VICTORIA. Dec. 4: (CP) Hon. John Hart, -minister of f Inahec, has been given the adldtlonal portfolio ot minister ot Industries in the new Pattullo government without extra Indemnity. Travelled Hy Toot And Horse From New York to Paris City BOURNEMOUTH. Eng., Dec. 4: (CP (Harry dc Wlndt, Aged 77, who travelled from New 'York to Paris on foot and torse-back via Bearing Straits In 1001, died here at the end of tne week. j UNITED STATES GOLD ' WASHINGTON. DC. Dec. 4: CP i The price of gold as set by the United States Treasury remained unchanged at $34.01 per ' At 13:10 midnight Saturday the. fire department had a call to the, home of A. Caraven, 831 8ummlt Avenue, where there was a chlrn- ney fire, no damage being done. At 8 o'clock this morning there was mother chimney fire at the residence ot Harry Jones, 311 Fifth Avenue West, where also no da mage was donr t Halibut Men In Favor Of Lay-Overs of Third Of Time Spent Fishing Delegates to Recent Conference With International Fish-' cries Commission Present Report to Local Association American Fleet Going Under N.R.A. Code The Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association of Prince Rupert, at a meeting yesterday afternoon in the aiy COuncil chamber, after sident, Capt. George f ntz, and past president, Capt Dan Larsen, on a recent conference with the International naileries Commission at Seattle at which conscrvatiot ,u.atkns lor the 1934 season were .ecussed. ised, approved of a plan set uth by the commission whereby tc boat nU would would remain remain in in port port be- vein trips for a lay-over amount-tig to one-third of the time they ire out for each trip. In other worda, if a boat took fifteen days for a rip. It would make a lay-over In ort of live day before starting ut n Its" ..ext trip. -Such a -syatemlUOs. believed,. would have the double effeCt Of curtailing the amount of fish taken and would also stabilise prices, ae-ually resulting in more profit for he fleet than if there were no curb whatever on operations. It is expected fishing will open about March 1 next year. Capt. George Frits, president, was in the chair at the meeting. Under N.fLA. Code SEATTLE. Dec. 1: More money the fishermen with less work and a greater measure of conservation for the fishery was stated here yesterday to be assured as a result of the signing up of the Pacific halibut fishing Industry under a National Recovery Act code. CRAIGAV0N ENCOURAGED overnment of Northern Ireland Endorsed De Valera Elected , BELFAST, ire.. Dec. 4. (CP- NOTUiem irriana u assurm ut ic , solute and progressive government for another five years," said Viscount Cratgavon, Premier ot Ulster, j following last week's general election j as a result of which his government won 33 out of 52 seats in North Ireland Parliament. "I am much encouraged by the endorsa- Uon." Bamonn dc Valera. president ot the Irish Free State, won a seat In South Down which, however, it Is not expected he will actually occupy as to do, so would involve his taking the oath ot allegiance to the British Crown. ' The standing ot parties In the new House of Commons as a result of the election is as toHows: Unionists (Government), 3. Nationalists, 9. Independents, 2. Laborltes, 2. Flanna Fall 1. Republican. 1. Still doubtful. 4. Hockey Scores SATURDAY SCORES New York Ransjers 3. Boston 0. Montreal 3, Toronto 8. New York Americans 1. Canadlens SUNDAY SCORES Toronto 3. Detroit 0. Chicago 0. New York Rangers 1 hearing reports from the pre n flLMCC VjCOFffC Grave Digger Goes to Pen , pniNCEOEdRGQDec 4: (CP) John Doneaater. chanted with Of- pf inff-tndignltirto a"faumarHwjrr- vn. EiintrrMiArt tn tttr vMtr fm. prbenment in penMenttary by Judse H. EL A. Robertson here at the end of last week. Doncaster. who was grave digger for the city, removed clothes from corpses in the local cemetery for bis own use. Funeral of John Jeanes is Held Serv!re at llaynor BroV Chapel Followed by Interment In Falrview Cemetery Under the auspices ot the Moose Lodge of which deceased was a member, the funeral took place this afternoon at 3:30 from the chapel of llaynor Bros., undertakers, to Falrview Cemetery ot the late John Thomas Jeanes. whose death occurred last week In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital. Very Rev. James B. Olbson. dean ot St An drew's Cathedral, officiated and char,M P ulagno presided at the organ to accompany the hymns. , Following the servtce. Interment was made In Falrvtew Cemetery, Pall bearers were N. 8. K. Brewer. D. C. Schubert. Gillis Ro ver. Hans Olske, B. M. Simpson and W. Gray. The late Mr. Jeanes, who was born In Dorsetshire, England, 65 years ago and had been : a resident ot Prince Rupert tor two years. Is survived by his widow and two sons, Edgar and CeeO Jeanes ot Edmonton, and two daughters, Mrs. Lee Hulbert of Pomona, Cal., and Mrs. Ounnar Clavrlng.of thli city. Slit DAVID MURRAY, BRITISH PAINTER, PASSED ON SUNDAY LONDON. Dec. 4:-8lr David Murray, noted British painter, passed away here yesterday. ft TERRACE LIGHT PLANT DBSTROYED BY FIRE TERRACE. Dec. 4: Fire de- stroyed the Terrace light and power plant last midnight. Agar motor garage adjoining was badly scorched but many witling helpers prevented the 4 ! fire spreading to other build ft lng.