THE DAILY NEWS a eee |. 7 rn ‘A STORY OF THE |S, Pri |= THE COSY CORNER = || ae "LATE P. W. SCOTT a rince George DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN Could See Pushes into Solid} Vancouver Rock than Most Mining Men, Victoria | Sr ermeonorteeres asst ~ Robin Hood Flour and was Ready to Tackle the AMD This is a little secti hich from day to day will be devoted silt debian Sab a } section of the paper, whic aay e Section 9 to subjects of special interest to women, Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert Biggest canoe: Seattle Lal nt are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions, Sug- | A story ehivietaan the kind of WE - HAVE - FOR - SALE (CROWN GRANTED) —e and criticisms are invited by the editor, The hope is expressed that “The | Your Dealer Has It Mondays, at 8 a.m. = | osy Cerner” will fill a social need. 5 SSS stuff the late P. W. Scott was Toe ) PRICE: $15.00 PER ACRE, EASY TERMS ee | made of is told in mining circles. Special Over Sunda , Yass SOCIAL AND PERSONAL {going in for who wish to keep| ~ {Near the Slokane Star mine in - y i+ es This is an excellent section and was one of the first to be Mrs. McIntosh entertained ve ry|supple waists is taking move- SESESSES {the Slokane district, P. W. Scott Excursions to Stewart staked in the Valley. jcame upon a huge boulder lying | Prince George sails Sundays 8 a.m. The Digby Rooms Paul % some hundreds of feet below the Recsess 2e $9.50 including meals ; . a . he a . : an rth, table was prettily decorated with |line as. the fulerum, in the manner |§ Lecaled ou Sixth Ave, nan Baltan. Ie level of the eee workings. No ss. Prince Albert sails for Port Simp- e a centrepiece and correr vases|of a pendulum, . ooo | One had ever paid much attention oon ee River, Masset, Naden of ferns. The guests i-cluded| Get a Turkish towel, and hold|& tre of boosiness district Hine. mie the bouliet Per ati Seer sia toe CT ae a e Mrs. Bullock-Webster, Mrs. F.|it from corner to corner until the Hen eee ce 9% |look at it P. W. Scott offered the Queen Charlotte Island points, Sat- Stanley Spain, Mrs. Ang Stew-|arms are stretched out on a line telephone. Newly furnished. ee Sum of $5000 for it to the owner| urdays 1 p.m, y Spain, Mrs. Angus Stew ) Railway Service to Copper River pleasantly at luncheon on Friday.|ments from side to side and for- Covers were laid for cight. The|ward and back, with the waist Jnder new management, Brokers and Financial Agents, Prince Rupert art, Mrs. Hubert Ward, Mrs.|with the’ shoulder. _ Drawing aj —___ ies a of ‘the property so or s) en Mixed trains from Prince Rupert Wed- ; Burroughs, Miss Monica Green. |deep breath and keeping the arms| § INSPECTION - - INVITED 3% € oer was refused, and late nesdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m., re- P. W. was asked what he intended| turning Thursdays and Sundays taut, sway as far down as you can 20 p.m. inilntibianelyrsaisily a! " Mrs. Angus Stewart was a char-|on the right without bending the to do with the boulder had he The Grand Trunk Railway System me eee ep rey > ‘ ‘ eo > i Ty - ~ aed. ming hostess at bridge on Thurs-|knees; then slowly rise to an erect secured it. He said that he had | connecting with trains from the Pacific ime ee ++¢ bf . wanted to take it just as it stood coast operates a frequent and conven- Y , ient service of luxurious trains over its day evening. The drawing and|position and sway down on the dining roomw sere most attractive- | left side. L YNCH BR OS. ly decorated with shaded pink At first this can be re peated only z ictlamtesd Hardware— carnations and softly shaded cand-|a few times, and the dip will be yi a ’ les. Miss Marion Johnstone car-|very slight, but with practice Builders’ HaiJware | . ee Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, first to the East, and thence Portland, Boston, New York and Phila- across to Europe on_ exhibition | delphia. Atlantic Steamship bookings : . of arranged via al! lines. Full intovens- just to show the sort of stuff the tie ead. télets: Ghee Gan ae Mis ried off the first prize, Mr. H. P.|the swaying movements can be Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves ? district could produce. Asked how | office of General Merchandive - - Largest “Stock Wilson the second and Mrs. Mc-|followed until the tips of the Graniteware Tinware eo he intended to have a boulder A, E. MCMASTER weighing nearly 160 tons trans- FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT off the ground, and convey it|double track route between Chi —SS= = lS Lennan the third. The players|fingers touch. the floor without mec eetinemti he aatianad % Id h were: Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stewart, | bending the knees. ported, he declared he would: have Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. Mrs. and Mrs. W. E. Burritt,} After swaying from side to side, se abe AV ENUR Ee & Special Ch Cometreetao eee Canadian Pacific Railway a) oe 2 ie 3 —o—4—-@—® — o—e—e—-4 as eve “ 2 ine Mr. and Mrs. F.S. B. Lucas, Mrs. |stretch the towel in the same way, os was even prepared to have stren %4.C. Coast Service | ; catat Vestrtet +++ 3 Naden, Mrs. J. C. McLenran,|jholding it in front of the chest, pees. the” See Bec 9 om ' F Nee mer ermermermedprmeet rmedprmmermarmmarnmsrmmsrmesrmmsremsrmmsrmearees | Mrs. Donald McLeod, Dr. and|and bend slowly, front and back, | p. 0, pox 28 PRINCE RUPERT mui: The id ore CANADIAN Famous Princess Line vat i — — =|Mrs. MacNeill, Mrs. Bradnt, Mr.}on the waist line, until finally one alee ene ywe -r Wa i= oy ia ik aad Why. Wien, Io. JOHN E. DAVEY wards broken up and passed | Waglalale Dip. LDA sd : Svat. son. , re . ; TRAC 10 Wea CESS ae — Do not.perform these exercises TEACHER OF SINGING through the smelter. It turned 5.5. PRIN ROYAL , he WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BEERS WINES AND " : ; He: : ne PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ, A.R.A.M.,"10N., ENG |OUt to be almost pure galena, and er LIQUORS, AL WAYS IN STOCK- The ball given by the members |jerkily or with too much vigor. . , renter wet 8¢ on 3 Frid Jule 7th. 9 am ¥ f =--s a of the Kaien Island Club on|Move with the steadiness’ and the smelter product returned just FIDAN, NUS ft, 2 S.5ti- 75 , me } Fey ees a little over $5000 in value FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE HERE ARE THREE OF OUR SPECIAL LINES——— a Friday evening was a most brilliant | regularity of 2 pendulum, imhaling GEORGE LEEK " yan attair. The large gymnasium was slowly and deeply. These move- are Cy J. G. McNab “ General Agent Budweiser Beer, We are sole agents for Northern B.C. wall ienork ted nek flags. The|mer ia diene every organ in the MERCANTILE AGENCY Strawberry Festival Double oo Whiskey ; reading rooms were most attract- | body and keep the waist flexible. ee ee The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid j Guaranteed OTe nents tena being bottled ively done with huge boughs of | ——__— Peake SIXTH STREET PRINCE RUPERT | will hold a Strawberry Festival ; ¥ Victoria Phoenix Beer wild apple blossom and ferns and | FASHIONS FANCIES = in the old Presbyterian Church d BS dil 6 p S "a : P: ‘ eaiieete tite t' | contained many cosy corners for CARTAGE and /°" the afternoon of Thursday, : ‘ 17} sitting out. The floor was in|A Host of Pretty Little Items LINDSAY STORAGE July 6th. 3t|/f Tickets To All Points a Phos, No. 7 splendid condition and the music| That are Fresh this Season Se ee eae eee come any —BY ALL LINFS— Northern B. C. Lauper Citas P.O. Bex 577 § was provided by Gray's Orch« stra. | oe 5 a ress enn ene FIERCE BATTLE ; PINE WIE Light refreshments were served} White bands on black chiffon or Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. 4 at midnight. The patronesses were |black tulle are in favor, but | OFFICE—H.B. Rochester. Centrest. Phone 6s, IN PORTUGAL ROGERS’ Steamship and Ps Mesdames A. E. McMaster, A. J.| beads of steel jet and colors are ‘ Ms Royalists and Republicans in a Railway Agency * nites Portland Cement... EMPLOYMENT Morris, J. Lorne MacLaren, W. S. |also lavishly used. Beautiful scarfs u FRE orice: : {| Hall, F. H. Mobley, J. 0. Reddie, |of fine lace are always nice, and] THE [ROQUOITS | Clash near Oporto—Thirty |] Second Ave. Phone 116 G. C. EMMERSON 4 tae G. D. Tite and the stewards were | some of the new ones in both real Republicans Killed. ree AGENT For all kinds of help, cooks, Messrs. F. G. Dawson, M. P.|and imitation lace, are yellowed to POOL a ; } | | ! "| | | waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- ae “anediz oeee’ WT haaee : tS” Meden Black is a Sila all Shade of tubcohe ak een McCaffery, J. J. Chisholm, R. G.|the tint of old lace, and would English and American Billiards (Canadian Press Despatch) S S INLANDER | ee Rogers, W. S. Hall, H. E. Tre-|deceive any save an expert. Twelve Tables Seconp Ave.| London, July 4.—According to| We We Phone No. 178 mayne, J. A. Cade oad) Brandt. Wide, long scarfs of plain chiffon the Morning Leader there has — | Fe ath aaa oe lin color subtly harmonized with) , j been some fierce clashes between FOR iz . 2 . ° eee eee Pe ghd ° FOR A SMALL FAMILY | the toilet are preferred to more} Fruit : Produce : Feed {the monarchists and republicans a CE nd H t | ou ol ve een - ee }elaborate creations for many uses, in the north of Portugal. Thirty HAZELTON mn i. Sor 0 e ee eee eee Handy Hints Here Hard Boiled |even whe: the question of ex- WHOLESALE republicans were killed in one : ; Poems commer nese 50 tesrmsenne ~~ mi ess, hae eam Take the fast light-draught steam- RST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET for Happy Home Makers | Pe nse need not be considere d, and battle near Oporto. er Inlander for Hazelton, , Newly Furnished and _ | sez irfs as plain in tulle are par- H.H. Morton - 3rd Ave. ee Ve tee d Steam Heated Rooms Any cold porridge may be pres- j tic ularly liked with evening toilet, ot ics tiamnrs Omer AS Went South j FIRST CLASS BAR AND penee sed in a round mold, like a baking | the diaphanous folds being draped About 100 passengers went south | H. B. Rochester - Agent , ming i g g ji IN CONNECTION powder tin, and the next dayjand attached on one fashion or FRANK D. KEELEY on the Prince George this morning, | a ee RATES 50 CENTS AND UP y sliced hilf an inch thick, dipped |another to the bodice, while the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST 47 of whom were first class. 7 ri oe ee oe ROCHESTER & in dry cornmeal, and fried. The |long ends are left free for graceful | phone No. 200 P. 0. Box 580] Among those who have gone W.1, BARKER (mel )BT. ASHLAND a MONROE syrup may be either maple or cane. | manipulation by the hands. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. away for a holiday were Misses : Architect : - it . , P.O. BOX 37 ; eee This is a great season for ribbons Miiigan, Johnstone, Mercer, Mrs. Beoansiayee pe eat ree rons mara SMITH _ We there aie children in thes@! every description. Both black ey W. Manson and Mrs. Dr. Hall. Over Westerhaver Bros.’ Office. ’ *CoAL- family they should have a cream jand " ofored velvet ibbons are | a = SARA Ae ) ‘ soup at lunch. For hot sandwich, |See”, in the wider sizes. Fancy ee Ps Se Sy MUNRO & LAILEY otel Central Cor. First Ave. eT Eo! ham. or other meat with | floral velvet ribbons are also pop- F. W. HART wre 0 Architects, ee nion his with egg, and drop into ular. eae gna Ave, ot? St. W HAVE THE FOLLOWING IN j Stork Building, Second Avenue. & sn and American plan, steam onion, 4 8 , oe ae rey re M heceen Berrie, experien STOCK ON OUR WHARF. ser couventenega ates hot drippings, Heat ater een Eee ee 7 ae ; thin slices of bread in the oven,|@rTeé shown in both velvet anc STUART & STEWART Proprietor spread this between, and press, taffeta, with black velvet stripes sages yy" oo ar ACCOUNTANTS -- AUDITORS ve ’ , Steel Car Wheels and Axles with roller Law-Butler Building Phone No. 286 esl BOWLING, MOebe Bi cim neatly, and serve on Rot}, peseencentieenss — =] b raceieD®ttings 8424 in, enuge Bits Baners SO te wal aorcmnnnnet 9 and POOL plate. sb bbb bbb hb bb bh bbb hh bat ] * steel cable is d, 4 Alleys. 7 Tables A good exer- ° VOU Tee eee ee _————— 4 clean spor die th 4 gular plank is} + > ere a rand Hotel ae Sere. Meas be Aidough' 9 seqiiler pian a ARE YOU EATING z W J M CUTCHEON 3 —PHONE 818— ALFRED CAkSS, _C,_V, BENNETT, B.A. i ee tween 6th and 7th Sts. very good for fish, it is expen sive, = o Je Cc + of British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sas- ; WORKING MAN'S HOME TED MORRISON, Proprietor and Manager gt PRE : at } + + Rupert Marine Iron Works & Supply Co. and Manitoba Bars. katchewan and Al- ig Bed V and one may be made at home out | @ | F Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special ¢ a » Clean White Sheets 25¢ f plain oak Cinna ddock and | @ attention paid to filling prescriptions. i LIMITED B CARSS & BENNETT : Oo ME Oak. . ‘ hz ) z i | Rooms 50c aka: —————| remove the backbone, leaving two t Theatre Block Puone No. 79 Second Ave. z BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc, ’ IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY illets. Fry brown and_ transfer —~————IF NOT————— | Seganeeeaeeeeeneeeeeoeoes Office Exchange block, corner, Third avenue and J. GOODMAN, Proprietor ——F EBY @& Co== fillets. Fry brown and transfe S.0O.E.B.S icte atroaketnae Bnet. 3 a Pere ~~ {to the plank, brown side down, mene The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of a Tre REAL ESTATE surrounded by rosettes of mashed Abbottsford Creamery Butter NEW WE GTON COAI England, meets the first and ‘third ‘Tuesdays in WM. S. HALL, L.D.5S., D.D.S, PAL eac i lum Land For Sale and creamed potatoes, and return "OU 8 , LLIN F. V. CLARK, Sec., DENTIST. Kitsumkalu ind I IS WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE b. Or Bes til Prince Rupert | ee ICTORIA CAFE KITSUMKALUM - B. C. to the oven until all are brown. It is pure and good LIME BRICK PLASTER CEMENT BY het deve ert ae He Ae iiaual a Reidge Work «Specialty... oF Inch and Meals at all hy h eae — SHINGLES, LATH, BLACKSMITH COAL oon, ineesbonies Nor camures foe Se Daluleas aes a pe pe Ws atall hours; Lunch ide, eho a A t age Meals 25¢ up~Come ‘ Y | Everything in groceries and provisions Helgereon Block, Prince Rupert. iia ae Se vp~Gome and Bee EXERCISE FOR FLEXIBILITY | Breryiing ROGERS & BLACK Phone 116]? paealing | aunches Rey Bers «| ——— £ * SET A SQUARE MRAL ANY TIME Littl ’ NEWS Agen way f : Raber es } os bine tel UneWeeelt asoilhe Laune eS, and Canoes ee cl e $ cy Makes for Health and Happi- Me eee MIT iy an ee eer For Hire by Hour or Day ; re oe oa a B t on a white taffeta ground. Black ~*BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED— WILLIAMS & MANSON : = | Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers ness as Well as Beauty ee : ee Hany ee , } H. Johnston Cow Creek —~P.O. Box 187 Barristers, Solicitors, ete. ADVERTISE IN THE CIGARS TOBACCOS :: FRUITS —— OvVISION OUSE | satin stripes on white taffeta are PHONE 269 GREEN Box 285 NEWS G.T.P, WHARF A new exercise that women are | qhird Ave, near 6th St. Phone 190|@lso shown. Prince Rupert, B.C $28 ene sees Th oS screenees cece iC ENCE CORORRONNERENNO esi cipinrorroreremes eco ASK UN CLE J ERRY.. JEREMIAH H. KUGLER==———————=——= He sells Buildings He sells Contracts Special Bargains in He buys Leases He loans Money Kitselas Lands Francois Lake Lands Lakelse Lands H e has Farms For Sale He has Houses to Rent Hazelton District Lands Bulkley Valley Lands , ; Kispiox Valley Lands Porcher Island Lands i De He buys Lots He builds Homes Kitsumkalum,Lands, Sand, Gravel «1d Marble Deposits He sells Houses He rents Stores List Your Properties with Uncle Jerry - - - Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. i , ry ‘aie Ceca oeRNONONoRaRRNECRRIRRENONOIRAONGIOENOIOKOAOROH ENON