f AdS TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE ROPERT - BRITISH' COLUMBIA Published Every AJternooiv Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. POLLER - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City, delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid in advance per ween By mall to all parts of British Columbia; the British Empire and .. United Statea. paid In advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year , ,, . ADTmTISINQ RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per. lnrertlon . Cliuiiied advertising, per Insertion, ptp word . , Uegal notices, each Insertion, per agate Up ,,, . . L' Local readers, per insertion, per one Contract rates un application;. Editor and. Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations GET CONFERENCE OVER FIRST The Weather Man came through In, (In style for the annual Cllu' Flag Day on Saturday and great interest was taken. In a big Gays gunberg, cHriiiiS iwinuinj. uiiii(iii uy wic rear was the orchestra and a dosen At 2:15 the sports events commenced with many children contesting, the feature sports events of the day were the relay races for the success ot which much Is due tq the co-operation of the Sea Cadets. Following are a list of prize winners for the various event of the day: Olrl. under 6 Mavis Overand, Mary Boulter. Boys under ft Billy Leveret, Upward Hogan. Olrls under 8 Norma Schjjrk, Betty Payne. .91 s.oa lQf 3.00 (LOO 1.40 Monday, June 12, 1933. BRITISH GOVERNMENT AND WAH DEBTS Will the National Government of Great Britain go on the rocks on the war debt issue? Such is the question tha,t SONS WIN INOPENER Elks Lose Out in. Free Hitting Hall Game Yesterday Uy lj Patrons who like their baseball 23 wild and their swatting free and easy could not complain about yes terdaj afternoon's opening contest between the Sons of Canada and Elks which the Sons won 10 to 6. E-?taXQ oiUcUUy opened manv neonle are speculating uuon today. Certainly a cab- for eiu the season by pitching the first ball over home plate or thereabout in pexleci baseball watrw. Although .Sons oi Canada v're outhit 9 to 6 their inner and outer works were more steady and they managed to get by. Ray Commons did nicely pitching his work being good en- inet crisis appears to he impending in the Old Land as the u8h to win any ordinary game, jtate for paWnt of the U instalment to the United SJSgJS j States approaches on Thursday of this week. by bu of mu8 by hu It is significant that Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, fielders than the opposition. ultra-Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Rt. stalker, coming up to bat in the Hon. Walter Runciman, old line Liberal President of the sv?ruh with no on on, slugged one Board of Trade, appear to be leading the cabinet faction f stiles' floaters to the outr gar- den for the extra base hit of . i u i e- i e m i i e n. only Which is definitely m favor of complete repudiation of the tne game and a rally lhat debts, Possibly the Wide divergence in political Views Which ended by Common rolling an easy they represent may be a factor in holding the government one to st'iie after two runs had together for at least a While longer with some Sort of a been netted. Beside SUlker getting enmnrnmicp two hits were Mitchell, Douglas and Meantime, the announcement promised by Mr, Chamberlain for tomorrow on the government's position on the war debt issue will be awaited with. much interest. Stiles. Johnny Comadlna, in the first inning, made a nice single to centre and went to third when Stalker let It roll through bis legs-Bill Lambie did the spectacular in the final canto when he had. to cover a lot of ground to pull down Eckt 3b. 4 Q Bobby Long. IJibbard If 4 0 Olrls, under 10 Ella pahl, Mary Kelson s, - .3 1 Pierce. ' MltcheH e 4 1 Pays under JO Pfck Cameron, stalker cf 4 I Peter Byrne. Barry 2b 2 1 Olrls under 12 Mary Ericksen, DoukUs lb. 4 X Genevieve Waugh. Boy under 12 David Dick Cameron. Boy Junior relay Booth Memor Pong tt 2 o Houston, Raabe rf. , 0 Commons p 4 1 Olrls, under 14 June Gomez, Betty Wood. -ratal .... Boys under 14 Jock McGrcish, o. Cr-Jim trtlne. Bury r'(. airisuncjerift-juneow".') Smith 2b. program wmcninciuaeq a complex, B$a, under 16-Tommy Byrne, spoils program in we atkemoun jack Lindsay. followed by parade., comic basebaa n0y,. Band. Boy Scouts and Sea game and dance In tfce evening. Cadets race frank Dfrry. Jock Starling at 1:15 p.m. there wasiMeareUhi Jlm Currle a kiddles' parade from the West- J00 yards open Phil Edgcumbe, holme Theatre led by Cowboy Pete , rjw Amey Chenoskl on hi merry mare fol- olrU. Junlor rtlayBorden Street lowed by Sea Cadets, Boys Band. 8chooJ ,Emu Ymanaka.Kay NIc-car containing May queen ttten- ,k Re,dum KlIdah, Bett m. riant and Commissioner Vf. 3. Al- n c, Suom Hama. der. Then there wre hundreds of ,mUwd Gta Dahl. capUln.. ial School i Lloyd Keys, Dick Oam- Veltch). 80, Yards open Phl Edgcumbe, Tony1 Bussanlch. Bicycle, one mile Jim Schubert, Jim Jrvlne. Junior football High School 1, Borden School Q. CoriimHtee Walter Vance, Harry Mentles, Bam Joy and Lee Gordon. Startfcr Sergeant McNeill. Judaea Chief Service, A. Sutton a)d L. Holtby. Mis Blanche Harte sailed far (Vancouver on the Prince Rupert MU Saturday, night. t Stile guie. p. Comadp lb. Arsenesu if. Moran 3b. Johnson a. Gurylch c-Erickson c Totals scorer. F. Dlngwell. II POA 0 1 0 0 0 -34 6 9 18 OH Apn l POA E J 3 10 10 4 0 0 3 2 1 . 4 1 0 3, 0 0 4 2 2 0 1 0 4 0 1 4 0 1 4 110 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 1113 2 1 Q lQ 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 10 0 21 7 0 6 uai, uim huu- v., uamuu vv.iiuium .wr.oum ually interrupted the procedure of the narade bv hllarieus antics and ier. Qmer Perkins. Ralph Anderson, struck out by Stile t. Common fun makinV Kazl Jlshlo and Fletcher Hem- !: left on base, Sons O). EJk V; On arrival at the fair grounds, the mP"1'-, ban- ?urT,e1h,I'a1 - ItMHCncU , OUU' senior t relay-Booth w Memor- 0; stolen t base Mitchell. Barry, children lined up facing the grand , Oomw- Douglas Bury. Smith. Ourvlch; stand and. after Commissioner W. urn- 1 1H.r'. iHitn tki honnv thmno iubcjt miu Jmn w. uuc. nine ui rat, I H stood at attention and saluted the s"nber5, , . . raising of the flag while the Boys' Mn or "lay-Borden Street Band played -O Canada." Following ?ch01 3my I,rv,ne Tommy Jelt "nwln and hi. t ,h. Huinh..Mi.n nt h fr J"t Stan ice cream and peanuts. FOOTBALL June 13 Canadian Legion vs. C. L.D..L. June 15 Regiment vs. Canadian Legion. June 20 C. L. D. L. vs. Regiment, C. N. R. Trains for the East . Mondays' Wednesdays and Vrt- days 9:3Q p.m Prom 'the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays - 10:15 p.m. THE DA11.T NEWS Monday. June V: -- i:-, lmg.K&BJ;garaaUWd9i BUaU.sl ifiMw.WKma.wuLmMmi-Mm.mHm . LWAlh w m I News and Views of Sport MjmfflaaattgttaCT Baseball Scores SVNDATS SCORES National League Pittsburg 11-3. St louts 7-0. Chicago 4-9. Cincinnati 5-8. Boston 6-2, Brooklyn 45. Philadelphia 7, New York 5. American Lea rue Philadelphia 6, Washington. St. Louis a, Cleveland 1. . . New York 8r9, Boston Detroit 1-5, Chicago aJ. SATURDAY'S SCOUE8 National League ' Boston ?, Brooklyn a. Philadelphia 1 New YoA S. Cincinnati 3. Pittsburg 4. Chicago 4. St. Louis 3. Apitrican League Hew York 5-7. Phttadelptifc Vfashington 7. Boston 4-Detrolt e. Chicago 4. 34. Louis 2. Cleveland 1 FOOTBALL IS CLOSE Ilish School Victorious Over Harden One la XU c Junior League King Edward High Schoo) Just managed to win from Borden, Street School in the Junior Fbolb4.ll League game on Saturday last by one goal to nil. The game was not up to the usual standard, the player evidently be lng tired " after " ' the various ' " flag Day "r T" 4t r X. wMw,iiuiiB wit(iwuuu MitcheU's llife driv to eentre and . appear to t threaten early t breaking up of the National Gov- rob htm of what ordinarily wouw rta, enU wl PJ"tM tf pmmpnt nnrl. with thnt vprv nrnhnhlv nrmthni election in Great Britain. The remaining span of life for smith got away to a bad start. thft.ntlminlstratinn. whioh has. hppn instrumental in hrinrr. striking out in his first two at- It Is greatly to be hoped, however, that the government P,tcner h8d a kt ume. continues in existence at least until after the now oneninrr A week from tonight, weather - - . r i O ia.s il a, i . ill with the tjualitj' of the pla. High attacked but Utawin cleared weft. Borden did not settle down auleklv ing about a number of important changes in the Old Coun- iVsXe tuiy iSicates that and cmpbeH 10011 wnm to try during its existence, will notbe ver' long now, it is ex- the boys were cracking the stuffing 11 iTJSVJrJ nantaA , , . . . tea away a good snot. Bertie QN.elll Pectefl. out of old and new balU and the M. ..f.T and, with Davf ilouaton, showed how good the lltUe follows ean be. World economic conference in Wndon is over. Traditional p"" u"m w veiich and Irvine made headway British common sense will nrohahlv insure nt least that & I7 1 tlle..eCQbaUefor bat RlteMe was very safe. ii. ill. ii iV F ' , t me urme uup. uarry ts.enneoy pro- s . . , It might well prove disastrous to the economic conference, mise to have hi strongest line-up to which the world is looking for salvation from the de- doing their stuff against stan Mor-pression, should a cabinet crisis in Great Britain come to n' Dand of J" hwtters. a head durinc that momentous natherincr. . Tne lu Scor? FLAG DAY SUCCESS Annual Affair of Llk' Lodge Saturday Afternoon Favored by Good Weather Many Doings ELKS ABR In the second half, Borden had more of the play. Jones centred well but Veitch was slow. Irvine shot well for Anensley to eatth and der. Shrubsall and Lindsay were, steppe! by Msh and, after Bob Houston had cJrarBd, Voltch. nearJy'beVAhnesley but the baH bounced on thecros bar and went over. Postuk cleared 1 from Lindsay and tatfer Campbell 1 missed an open ' real. Full time found HHih sUU holding the one-goal lead. High Anrtsly;. Bmmerson, II Itch le; Ourrie. Naylor, Munro; Lift(. say, Shrubsall, Campbell, atQls, pat vie. Borden Postuk; Urrafy). MllU Bertie O'Neill. R. Houston. F. mk. croft; Jones. D. Ilouaton. Vitthy8, Currle, Irvine. P. IjSdgcumbe refer)d'and D. Oo mez and D. ChrisUsn were line men. On Wednesday evening next Booth and High meet In a gtme trtat will probably decide the winner of the second half of the schedule. The Junior League Foothill standing so far this sac son H of fol lows: Score by Innings-Elks 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 Booth W. 5 S. O. C 2 0 2 2 4 0 x 10 HJgh 40 Summary Earned run, Son 4, Borden . . ft o E3ks 3; 2-base hit. SUlker; base U F. 1 U 2 14 0 4 P. A 0 Elks Win Oyer Grotto in Spff Ball on Friday Elks defeated Orotto by a score of 0 to e last Friday night In a postponed game In the City BofU ball League. II' av . r agfl wc. - ESI To Celebrate Dominion Day At Kincolith The KincolltM Athletic Club aire ha.s plans, under vaj; tor a big celebration at Kincolith village for Dominion Day. according to word brought to the city from the Naas River. There wuj be a. full program o( field and track sports, bas-ball and football games and aquatic events and visitors are expected to be nresent from all Dart of the SOFTBALL ON SUNDAY initio IWeaU Km press and Naval Reterve Down Elks A large crowd of soft ball fans were treated ta two snappy game yesterday afternoon in the regular Cltjr League fixtures when the O rot to overcame the Empress in a final ninth inning rally and the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Na River country a weH as from mnsed to keep the Bin many coastal points. SOFTBALL June U C-N R-A- v Empr June lV-Orottd w. Elks. KstKlnH fttam in th Mntil sfiaitoa fcSSSSS VIIU . IVItSIIU The Empress got away to a good start and kf4 pretty well ahead of Uwtr opponents, having them top-. pad 9 to 8 In ta eighth inn lng bu, " the tofeaec boys stepped out in the ninth and sewed (our raos. malting Thanks to Life Insurance 1 1 1 kept in force If Mm sa mu They can afford' A Second Honeymoon AS happy ami carefree as on their first honeymoon,. these two oltl sweethearts are? off on a wonderful vacation. And nil their rx pons will he paid by tho proceed of their matured Life Inournnre policies. . ( They can afford lo travel ta visit friends in distant places to enjoy' a life of lriur Can you look forward to a "second honeymoon'1 w !th all your, expenses paid ly Life Insurance? If not, do a little planning tlow. I'u( your Mvlngi to work fojprou, in Life Iiisurance, It will Lc the happiest invcimtpt you cVcr made in your life. WHAT A BANKER THINKS OF LIFE INSURANCE "Tb U(e Iqturanre (xintuinira nf (Un. have irtlr(r.l hrlr iMilifilioMrr ritki uf dealh, lnlirutry and ddtrett. All thinking CanailUni tlioul.l frrl thai In Ihrir Ufa Uturanra . Intlliullona lliry hare ana of llir Miumlftt farm! nf prrraaafnl lneitmrni.H sir John Ainp, PrnlJtnl, Canadian ttanh of ommttf. Life Insurance UARDIAN OF CANADI g7VWHgggggggMMlga automatic! 1 BOOKLET ( T 5f it .U'i g- J, - the imal score 12-0 in thetr U : In the second game the Navy r.u i a disastrous second inning e Brother BUI stored five tum ?,y alter that, managed to setn lu., and pulled throtigh wlnm t tv , .x-ore of 9-8 Bill Stone, plu i m the Elks, worked hM ail Ui.. s ... through but cuulU not quit-necessary runs u pin hl op,: , ; under. Tb next guns W.11J be m .. wImsi Ksien and Ska win u .Attn a postpotwd flatuse and m . WHr JesjHi bftwef N R A. and Rnpreas wflT be pi.,. , morrow night. AN HOMES 1 On o f fr miiaii $pontorJ bf Lit iMurwwa Ctwnaf