June 12, 1933. rea daily mtwii The R,e"U Store HOLIDAY RESORTS LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge Ar Ideal Place to Holiday Y i of fly fbhlng, hsntinx, lathlnr and boating. At ne.e for tramporUtlon t"! W II. Burnett, Terrace. B.C. Pa) - from Terrace to tbe L.i Including boat service: 0: adull. 13.00: each additional adnlt. Write or Wire 1! M'RNETT W- Look Alter Your Wants Viten ComiDg to Terrace Make Arrantemcnts With Swain's Tranter & TAXI, Terrace II.C. To (irect You. " t all trains. might h ..or service anywhere Lake and LAdfe. new. tl A 8 i now in service lake r.t rr anvwhere on the lake, cue tcduti, tilt: II .St per head additional No crowd too big. No job loo small. PKNIC PARTIES EVKRY S I'M) AY Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Lotter, Miner ROOMS $10 per monlh, 1 per week, 50c per nlxht SIIOWLH BATHS ti Avonue Phone 048 IIMMIE CICCONR FREE! Aft Automatic Pencil with a pad of linen writing paper T ike the Oailv Neirt with you THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Conveniences No Flics, No .Mosquitoes Home ftaklnx Par r.srrlence SI I.N Pec Week Children under 12. half rate MADAME UAJAUT Tlrll. Q C Mands NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zu relit. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY I KOM HOME" Hates $1.00 up so Rooms. Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert. D C. Phone 281 P 0. Box 106 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamns leave Prtnce Rupert for Vanonum:-TS.S. CATALA EVERY TUK811AY. I M P.M. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. TS.8. CAItDENA EVKHY t'UUMV MIO.SIOUT. Due Vancouver Mpnday a.m. "Wy saUing, to Port Blnpasn. Alloe Arm. Anyox. and Na.. ttcseAa si 1 -I'riin.-t....-.r 1 nd '' information reeardlm all Un. Avenue. I none ats 35c " SPECIAL! 50c Sc.? MI 31 TOOTH PASTE and lG-oz. Bottle MI 31 ANTISBPT1S, a superior mouth wash and deodorant; $1.50 value; both for Ormes Ltd ZTiie. Pioneer Druggists 89c Phones: SI U XX Conductor T. M Spencer arrived in the city on Saturday nigLt't train from Smtthers to spend the week-end at his home here and wBi 1 resume duty on His 'run between Sraithers and Prince Oeorte. Mrs. Ispenaer returnee, home last week from a visit in Smtthers. Delayed by havtag had heavy frefghU to discharge at points of sail aionj thejeeast, Union steamer , CaUla Capt. A. E. Dickson, ar-i rived In port at 10 o'clock lost night from the south and sailed a jesittpie of hears leler for Aiyex 'and Stewart us weJlae other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning and fail at 1 :M pm f a ttv smith IL F. Bulks, wto ha been oa a trip to various. Unertar points is now expected jo return to the city an tpmotrew. nthtt train. He had ! planned being bck o-t Saturday night wUh Mrs. Putten and V daughter, who hate been vMtlnl in iteguta. out owns were enangea and Mrs. Pullen is remaining over for a while longer In Regina owtng te Ua tether, who hat been III for some time, taking a, sudden turn for the worse. Frank Dibb. chairman, reported t pie regular monthly meeting of jthe. hoepMai board last Frtday ev ening tint some of the members of the graduating nursing staff were taking two months' holiday, one month with pay and ope month without, this summer n order that some work mtfht be provided for newer graduates who otherwise- might not have any The spirit of suefc nurse as were ooing this was ta be ooit mended declared Mr. Dibb. Announcements Sea Cadet June 17. Canadian Legfert Mantf, Juc 18. ow Tag Day Saturday. Please, Ilbj BaWern Star Jrt. June 24. United Ch,iirth ehjatr tea, July 6. Moose Plcfilo, Dlgby Island. Ju) 16. Presbyterian Tea June 29, Dagles' plenlc July 30. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar Nor. P. 1 summer fares tp points In fyatern Canada nnd U.9,At On Sale NOWt ror infoftnatton, ml) or write riy TifVrt rire. MS rd Are. rrlute Ruiwrt, lie, V4MI IVatioual in LOCAL NEWS NOTES For day and night Tatl service Phone. 32. tl ! Women's Labor League whisv drive June 13, sharp, C.L.D. L Hall. Admission 25c. The hospital board, at Its regu- Alex Tolmle was found guilty in l city police court Saturday on a , I'hai uo t1 havincr ertnlon svnrwisi in Yiim . ... Mr.b w .p, QrinM minor risetMl flnmita I poast'siuon and was remanded until ... ,u. , .I,, artnowledgel the presentatton to three months' Imprisonment.. New styles. Suxnjnw Doners, Dresses, lates, tlilverjldca Eros, lor VtfaBpaper Olass, Pallet and Xurpsco, Special loir ten days, onto me'6 The Easy Washer pays lor itself .suits cleaned an,d prettied,: i, Cv the clothes It saves. You can't nadlan and Pionf Laucdrle Laucdrlea afford to be without one. M.Itae Limited. Bros. m,-w;.-f The new chassis for the citya fire truck arrived at the week-end from tar monthly meeting last Friday . VarWer and work of erecting the evening, made a grant of S10. toly and cqulpment on the ma- yi uiiWiV ttkiv ww suaaa' ted this fall! I t' . H duy . when v- be was ,,. sentenced to XTIchine started Saturday. In her monthly report at the meeting of the hospital board, last (Friday night. Miss Jean Harrison R.N., ' lady eBoertntender.t 4 of the the hosplkml from an anonymous donor through. Oordon's Haniware . . , . . . of an electric beater which was much aDDreeiatea. Miss Harrison freight to dlfieharge at cannery reported Wort of the ln. poinu. on ner way up tae coast. lUtotlon t Kotn? along nlcew union steamer ua.taena, uap. tr- Members of the nursing staff were nest Oeorgesorv arrived in port at now Mkll,K their annual vacations. 8:25 SHturday morning irom van,-, couyer and wajfpolnta, several hours Reporting for the house com behind time, and alled at 9 a.m. on mltte at the regular monthly meet V. BAXth ' M . . ..... . . . " wu. .mg oi me noapitai mara Frtday ' ruzot. Robert Gordon informed On motion of p. P, Tinku aad the board that it had been found O. V Wilkinson, tte huspltal , neeeasaw ta make fnriKr romir. boara at Its reuuUr month meet-! ta the domestic water ninine of the mg ian rnroiy ntgni, passea a re-, rurs' home with wmh there solution of M.U4alon to MU had been a food deal of trouble narrwon av suDen-vnaens. utely. Kacessasy kaboetininz oa the suoeess wncfi pfld been ai- paintin? and varnishing had also satneq oy aortaioates eni up uow . been earried out in the nurse' the local training school to the.fcoa eleantng of mow from reatnuy nevq Kegwetea nusaer,the roof haa been attended to -xaminauons. . i Also a leak ta the roof, of the op- I crating room oi the hospital had uisugurauRg rompangrs been repaired and a eeneral in serWoule of weekly towrlst ssjlrnas , o the whole roof vo iw wuirnn, vj4i. . wnicn nad been found to be ln steamer pnneeas Noran. uapum , fairly good shape. Palmer, arrived ln port at 9 o'clock fhh from Wnurer with memtinc j city of Trlnce Ropert t terae lift f paentera on! FOI( SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS board and sailed a couple of hovrs i The following dwellings built un- ater far Wtagway and other nor- d'r the SoMierk' Housing Scheme hni Boina& TnektMrfSllv thte la wicuti etwy momniy , . j 1 payments. the final mmee of the seisson lor r rt 19 nwt i c.i K Uhe Prlneese Nerah on the Alaska ( Lot 1. Block 26. Section g ftottte. The Princes LmIs WtTl ! Lot 3. Block 3. Section 2 take up service on the run next! 3 Bkk - Section 2 ' w terms and conditions apqlv to ..b week with t. ih. the Tn. Princess Charlotte pity rnMwissinNBn gwng mso eommHfion tne iohow- 1 isg 1 lag week. The Princess Norah braoaht 190 passengers on her arrival here, seven passengers leaving the vessel at this port and thirteen boarding her here for the north. An Interesting JournaUstlc relic has cme into the possession of William CralokshAnk city ticket agent here for the Canadian Na- Itaoal Railway in the furm 0. an orginal copy of the New York Herald qf April IS. 1S96. in which the assassinations of President Abra ham Luicoln a'ld S?retary of Slate Seward are recorded. Students of American history will remember that President Lincoln was fatally at by Jabs) Wilkes Booth, an actor, during the presentation ol a play at Ford's Theatre In Washington while Secretary Seward was stabbed While he lay In his sick bee at Washington The old paper gives full details of both tragedies The papr ate contains. dUpatch.es of itewa ) the closing days of the Otvtl War. Seh newspaper antl- flfuea are now comparatively rare and are. therefore, much to be prised. "UuHd B. C Psyols' Pacific's Whipped Cream Recipe mm Please ftlPyf details closely. 1. Have Paolftc Milk cool. 2. Whip briskly two minutes. 3. Add fresh lemon juice freely 5tnc whip 3 r 4, mln.vtea unUl cream is thick. 4. Fold In slowly 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar: 1 teaspoon van ijla. Serve Be sure M tq whip 2. minutes before adding lemon Juice b to use grqnu.a.lfd sugar e to fold sugar ind flavoring In with spoon, not whipper. Pacific Milk M100 B. O. Own4 and Conirolled" C(4NT AT AfJHQTSFOliP City Hall WARM WEATHER NEEDS Electric Hot riatcs$2.00 o Electric Toasters S2.75 o Screen Windows 55c o Screen Doors $3.15 o Sweet Pea Twine 15c ball io Ulack Leaf 40 plant Spray 33c o Kajen Hardware Sml(h Block Phone 3 Ladles' DRESSMAKING Desltning and Remodelling MISS N. ROGERS La Parislenne Beauty Parlor The very latest permanent waving and hair dressg Phone 917 For Appointment i . . I. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 ila U til tng u4 nwtl ttrw; Ifittir C.. I44:, TvrgnU, Oat. POR SALE good ofttec safe. Can be seen at Dally News. tf FOU PENT HOUSES F. W. Hart. NOTICE OF SALE SI .HT TO THE Ko. C. In the .Huwrm tl XEVLY Renovatfd modern, flat. Rand Block. Max Heunroner, it .fODERN HOUSE. live rooms and Bath, with Elnge, Phon, 88. tf FURNISHED house for rent during July and August. Phone Black 232. tl s"0B RENT Store on Third AyswS in centre of business section. Wijl renovate tc sut tenant Thomas Mcpiymont. (tf- PIANO TUNING IAN OS Tuned $3.00. Walkers Mt sic Store. 4 CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasonable Benkendorf Third Ave., next door to DalV News. by siirjtirr. r -r.xi:cVtro act-. i4ia Colamhla naween Court rirltlb ntEQDOR . CARLSON. pUtoSttt. psemieh Exrstieiaw aou mining COMPANY LIMITED Drfeodaot (Judero"' DeMr PuratMjM to Ute ortW at the Hoe ounble. the ChM JvwUce of the S-nrrf Oaurt of BrltsUi' CoTumbla. mad DflTin oo the lod at May AJ. t t m otrer for aete and proceed to tls-pace of at public auettcn at tbe S!ntf office ta the Oourt House, rrtnee Rupert. British Octaabia. oa TueKtay. th( IStb day oi Juo. AD, t3S. t tbr hsur of eleven o'clock In the fctenocr. the hereunee iwlbed property t' tetiofy the Judtanent obtained by th Judgment Creditor. Theodore Oartmi a tatawe the udsment Debtor. Premier XS-tenston OoW tmuos Oo. Umlted. on th ltb day of October. A D . tor tae um of SIS.V5S80 and taxed eonta to tbe una ol a-79.20. OMttnc totel oX 113 -bSSOO aud tntoreai thenron at i't pyr wnuen from tbe date of aald Judmeat and roate of eale proeeedlnga- the aalc JudfBMM beuif rUte.rtd in tbe Land ReflAtry Office at the City of Prlaee Rupert. In tbe Province of Bntleh Co-ivjabia an tne Slt day of Deoeaabea, A D, Wt m No. Deecrlptiati of property: All mnerel. precloua and bate, aare coal. petrote ana aaAireJ gaa under thoae eertfk: paerela or traote of land In Uie Oat star Dtatrlet ln the Prince Rupert UaM BeoMreAlen DMtrtot. ln the Province BrtUea Ooluaabla. beinc mnre particu larly deacrlbrd a follows: Ixst 4117 knom as "X rractton' Mineral Caalm: Lot 4110 known - "Ruby Silver No. 1" Mineral Clslar: Lo 4tM kflO aa "Ruby Silver No 1 Mineral CSahn: UttllS known ai "Rub, SHver" Mineral OMnt: Lot 4124 knowr aa "Vancouver Ko a" Mineral Oatur lat 4I9S known as "Vancouver No 3 Mineral Claim: Lot 413S known aa X PraeSkm- Mineral CTalin. Taxes . on wld Stlnerai Claims are paid except 1033 tsee which aavount u itAnn The charges appearing oa the RegU-ter eteinat tbe lands: none. Teftthe of aafe: Cash. DATED at Prince Rupert. British 0 luBibta. this 1Mb day oi May. A D. 1S 8 A. NICKBRSON. Shertft of the County of Prince Ruoert. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping St Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W, C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 311 Phones Green 84) Ezcbsnge Block Headaches aid Pslins li SUnaeh Mr, 7. O. Biraptoa, Buis, OaL wriui: "For two yer I ws( trpulkd with Mvert kesdaenes, and psins la my itomaeh. )if dnijgut told m to Uk Bordoek Blood Bitten, aad unes tsca 1 kT aot bca troabkd wiik eitlisz. E ipriaf I &ad 1 bottls B.B.B. U just the thing to eleaa tfca Uoyd e( the pouonj gathered in the ijiWm during the winter months.''. aictu4 tt the pt SS tfn. mif Classified Ads FOR SALE FOUND FOUND Two keys i chata. Finder may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this ad. fOVND Black kid glove. Owner may have, same by calling 'at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. HAIRDRESSER PEltSNKNT WAVING! -pir JXSp. "Ringlette" $3.W. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe PAINTERS VINT IN a and Paperhanglng MoUer, Phone Red 803- TRANSFERS ;AMERQN'S Transfer. Phone 177. Fvumlture moving. Bottles bought. Chairs for rent. Wood for sale. TIMBER, H.W.F. 1J9T Sealed t&len wUI be received he MinMUr Lands at Victoria, B.C fur of of Ler X Caast Land DUtrlct: by -tot later than noon on the Sftt day July. 1S3S. let tb purohase of 14-Bce ta cut 2,63a 00O feet of Bfoce. Cedac. Hemlock aad Balaam on ta area sMuSed on Slatera talet. Usee m jean wa of auowet joj ' re-aaovai of timber i Further particulars of tbe ChletiPpr-wter. Vtcta. B.C. Or DUtrts' Itores. ter Prtace, RURrrt. BC Vtl CT Not Iff of lntrnkui to apply to Lrnue Land ln Prince Rupert Land Recording Diane of Queen Charlotte Islands, and )tuat fronting Lot MS, QCJ. Tat notice that J. E. UoryU of PrtnCf Rupert, occupation SslesnwJl. lr. tendt to .apply fox a lease of the IcJ. an1toi devrtbed iands: Oooucrneinc at a post planted at the KnC-weat eorner of Lot MS, QCJ. theci 1114 chains to tbe Sohtft-et: hehe 17 S cnabM to the South-west; '.bene 10 chain to tbe North-west and leC kith water mark to' point of .otoinenreisent. and oontamUig 80 a n more or lest. JOHN ELLIS MORRIS, Osted April 10th. 1J3S 11. L. I - 1,-"1!"-? L.n ACT otife of Intrntlon to; Apply to Prrlise Land In Fitnre Rurjert Land Reeordinf .Qli-taet ef Raaee Four Oaaat PJatrot, Sal flaty about five roMes from the tnouttt the Kiutee River on the East Fork. Take nUee that I. William Lacrasge Olfbrrt of Vancouver. B.C. oceupatton Utne Operator Intends to apply lor permission1 to purchase the foTewlE descrfbed lands:. . ConyafOOttvg at a post pUnted one Foot ditant from the Witness port cf .he West aide of Lot IT2: thec westerly 60 chains: tbence southerly; at) ehalos; thence easterly 0 chlltu; thence; northerly 10 haln. as4"etn !fnmf 100 acres, more or less. - ' i WIU.J4M LAORANOE OILBERT. rvued Aerfl tTth IMt PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan, & Latta Phone 211 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD pirating three Dry Docki Total capacity tO.IIQ fens Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for 8leel and Wood Vessel) roa end Brsts Casting Cleet.rU and Act fyleqe Welding ll-toa Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and ntlnlpgMachtneri ptpsUtd and Overhauls 1 4-': HI: