* ET AERA LED OD | ATL le AE 7 } a The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St You'll be Late For the train, boat or that ap- pointment if you haven’t the cor- rect time. We are official watch inspectors for the G.T.P., there- fore we keep all the standard watches. We do repairs and have everything in jewellry. otosee R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. PHONE 82 GREAT OPPORTUNITY Some Startling Offers Made by Martin O'Reilly One of the most honest and best sales of gents’ clothing, boots, shoes, hats and furnishings for men, commences tomorrow morn- ing at Martin O'Reilly's store on Second avenue. To make room for his new fall goods Mr. O'Reilly has decided to offer most of his present stock at prices below the actual cost. His advertisement on another page is worth careful perusal. POV UV TUT SECC C CC CC CCC CCC SS i: COUNCI | Mayor's Mistake | ‘I belieye the Mayor is making a mistake when he allows certain members of this council to get mixed up in certain acts which have taken place. It will militate against his and our influence in this city if we allow this to go on. Contracts have been let, licences granted, and other things that I could mention.’’—Alderman New- ton. Turned Down Brown “There is a good deal of hard feeling in the city against the Licensing Commissioners for the way they are handling the licenses, especially about the way Austin Brown was turned down, and there is a lot of talk against the council for allowing it.’-—Alderman Doug- las. Only Two Valid Licences “The best legal advice in the city says that only one hotel licence and one wholesale licence will exist in the city after July 16th unless the amendment goes through.’’"—Alderman Kerr. All for Poor Alex ! “TI believe this was done solely in order that a licence might be granted to the Savoy Hotel.’’— The Mayor. Got no Gumption “It does not look good to me. If these men haygn’t got the gumption to apply properly for their renewals they deserve to lose them. I would not support this for a minute. It is a trumped up scheme.’’—Alderman Clayton. Make or Break “I am in favor of seeing that every man who has put a dollar into business in Prince Rupert has a chance to get his money out of it.’’"—Alderman Morrissey. Hotel Men in Danger “The hotel men are in danger. I never heard a whisper of their being in danger until it came out to have a handle made of the Prudhomme case to get in these da Batata te Baba Data bab Data ban ba bal le youve aa Vvyv PHENIX Dances, Songs, Etc. by good talent of in pp tn ip tp hn tine Dale PPPOE FESS SSC CT EEN SY OO IDOI SSIES FSFE FITTS —DON’T FORGET— AMATEUR NIGHT —AT THE— TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8 p.m. OO bbb tnt oe on Prbere ala aa haa ha aln t Mh h h n hn n ln nnhaan Danlalalhe POPP EDD D SSP POSTS ESCCTY POV VVGTESTS STS THEATRE DOORS OPEN AT 7.30 Be sure and come Aabatadad tds be tate te be te te te tn te nie PUVVUVIY PUVUVOTS - ——— a PPG GIGI GDI IP PDI FPP DPE DDS PD DESC PETC T SG Townsites NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY COMPANY, Ltd. PAID UP CAPITAL $250,000 OFFER FOR SALE— —JOINT OWNERS AND SOLE AGENTS OF— Fort George Townsite Farm and Fruit Lands Massett Townsite HEAD OFFICE:— 606 BOWER BUILDING, VANCOUVER, B.C. Local Office: Alder Block Sixth Street oa, aon: OV 14, OFZ Wy Oe XC L HOT SHOT == | “The News” Classified Ads. HE p T ILY NEW A —A~e tee im We've just received from Cassidy's, Montreal, the great glass manufac- turers, a big new shipment of GLASSWARE —WE ARE SELLING IT CHEAP— Here are other goods we have Furniture Crockery Stoves Glassware Linoleum Lamps Enamelware Table Cutlery Blinds Baby Buggies Curtains Screens Quilts Pictures Blankets Washing Mirrors Machines Ost2rmoor Mattresses | Every Description of House Furnishings. The Big BiG FURNITURE Store Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. F. W. HART PHONE 62 two bottle licences.”—Alderman Newton. In the Mayor's Room “The Mayor called us into his room and told us that the other licences were all right. It was only Prudhomme and the two bottle licenses.'’"—Alderman Doug- las to Alderman Morrissey. Where was Peters? “It’s a funny thing that the city solicitor is absent from this meeting when has at every other one since he came to town. He must have known this was coming up and kept away to avoid giving his opinion.’’—Al- derman Douglas. he been Almighty Bowser Alderman Newton—‘‘Couldn’t permits be issued to carry over the irregular licenses?” system that I know of.” Alderman Hilditch—‘‘In the Bowser Act you can’t issue permits.”’ Alderman Douglas—‘‘Oh, Bow- ser can do anything he likes.” The Mayor—‘‘I’m not taking any chances on any permits.’ Alderman Newton—‘'That me- ans we have to gulp this thing holus bolus.” Newton's Great Big ‘'‘D’’ “We are not sacrificing the interests of holders of licences, but this matter is simply a frame-up to cover up methods to increase licences in this city. We are going on step by step until we shall have these damnable saloons in this city on the lines of the south- ern cities.""—Alderman Newton. no Social Note Mrs. George Eckerman left yes- terday for a visit with relatives and friends in Tacoma. Her sister, | Mrs. P. R. Harris, will return |with her to Prince Rupert. ==Qne Gent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER-— ~ i — _ Lost and Found Secienampentatietiitenw~e | Some Money Found on Second Apply Mrs. | Shrubsall's Fruit Store, Purton Street, same | block as Mack ity. If not claimed in two days money will be given to Hospital. 145-147 FOUND~Eureka Cleaning and Pressing Com- - Men's suits cleaned and pressed $1.00. oo oui oroused and cleaned. Dry cone | specialty. Room bearer Block, | phone red 69. moot 121-147 LOST—®0 price coupons j by the P erless | Studio. These Sour ee be secapted i | | Studie, Alder Block 7" 3°@ st the Petr q re 4 For Rent : ‘ a ili ceteris Do away with this. Patronize a white Furnished Cottage, eanvenieness, ter | laundry. White labor only at summer months. Sear ie. er, 3 ve., | rote. “S*".170""| Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 opposite News O: 147-180 "pene ee cltgy tthe eu" | 3 n A a fee uilding, $45; other Westenhaver Six-roomed House to rent; modern conveniences, Fraser St., Apply Director, Cohen & Co, 143-tf Wanted—Small house, furnished or partly furn- ished. State terms te Box R, Daily News.140-tf | TO RENT Deenctiens house, corner 6th Ave. and Thomp- | PPO! Ban aged oF unfurnished, Phone 29 ' Comfortable 4-roomed Cottage in sec- | 6, $25,00. Stores and offices for rent. Apply Dr. Mcintyre, | 3-roomed Cabin in section 1, $10.00. | nile FOR SALE Phone 296 if s hee | Lot 4, block 6, sec, 6, $1400, half cash. or uaferntehnd, ouvame Om Ave, and iecueon |Lots 11 and 12, block 28, section 8, Street. All medern conveniences. | $650, half cash. Bower, Somerset | Lots 21 and 22, block 24, section 8, $500 eatly Furnished Rooms ; tlemen preferred. | Apply Mrs. Mullin, ws ic Theatre. s m “Coward” and “Funk’’ After listening to Alderman New- ton’s denunciation of the Licence Commissior ers, Alderman Hilditch rising to their defence accused Alderman Newton of cowardly conduct in making his charges. Right on the dot Alderman New- ton came back at him with the taunt that the charge of cowrddice came rather poorly from a man who had thrown out a challenge and then funked it. Alderman Hilditch retaliated by saying that Alderman Newton and Alderman Douglas had put their heads to- gether to frame up that night's doings. He had seen them at it. Three Aldermen Up Next instant there were three aldermen up at once almost ready to come to blows, and all speaking at once, while Chairman Mor- rissey tried vainly to bring them to order. “1 never funked the challenge,” yelled Alderman Hilditch. “We didn't frame anything up at all,”’ shouted Alderman Douglas. “You did funk your challenge,” sneered Alderman Newton. ‘You talk of cowardice, Pah!" ‘‘Make good your cowardly char- ges or retract them,"’ demanded Alderman Hilditch of his opponent. “Discuss the question at issue, and after that, your charges,” implored Chairman Morrissey thr- ough the tumult. “T wouldn't challenge a man and then back down from it,’’ ex- claimed Alderman Douglas as a “Teoma. ‘Third Avenue, between Seventh and | pair, half cash, : Weft MAS, TEST Help Wanted | |G. R.NADEN COMPANY Limited. } Miners $3.50, Muckers $3.00, wanted at Hidden | Second Creek Copper Co., Goose Bay. Take S.S. Vadso | Ave. er Venture. 148-tf | Two good Joiners wanted. Apply Pacific Con- Prince Rupert, B.C, struction Company, Digby Island. 147-150 G Porter Wanted Apply Talbot Rooms, 2nd Ave. | SICK iu bDeiore 10 & | HURT Boarders Wanted | Don’t forget to take out an Accident |and Health Policy—the only substitute A few cosy homelike rooms cheap to steady | for wages during disability. Ask for roomers. King George Hotel. 2nd Avenue. | rates and further particulars. All honest claims positively paid on sight, = JOHN DYBHAVN Situations Wanted The Mayor’'There is no such; Position Wanted in real estate office. Smal! sal- Open Evenings Pattullo Block ary and commission. Fifteen year’s experience | travelling for a Chicago wholesale grocery con- | cern. tof reference. Address answer to J. L. Long, 726-15th street, Edmonton, Alberta. 147-148 Has Com. Merryfield? CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 For Sale thropic motives towards Alex Prud- Before buying your Stove or Range see A. J. : Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave. Cook stoves| homme. Alderman Newton stood from $14. 121m | jstubborn and unconvinced. He First class Rooming Heuse, ten rooms, house- | ° . keeping and single, newly furnished. Price | WO" SUppoOTt for himself too. $000. For terms apply owner on premises, | Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave. 144-tf No Escape Possible A very few moments after the Business Chances |trend things were taking became apparent an effort was made by Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—Aa|Alderman Kirkpatrick to evade party to start moving picture show in Prince : e Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis,|the issue by compelling an ad- Watertown. Wis. 137-wi |« journment under the new pro- ‘cedure by-law at eleven p.m. This failed utterly because Alderman | Hilditch instantly pointed out the ifact tha » council was in com- THE British Union and Nationa! Fire aie ts Om that the council was in com Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital} mittee of the whole fro thich of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates. The Mack | x uh m which Realty and Insurance Company. W-tt | there is no such escape. There motion before the house. The thing had to be thrashed out. Palace Ice Cream Parlor vienna! Hilditch and Alderman 2nd Ave., next to old office of Optimist, sell only | Douglas declared they did not STOKES’ ICE CREAM (care if it took till ten a.m. next Best made in Seattle. Fruit and Candy, whole-| morning. So they ye i sale and Retail. Look for flash sign at night. aaenS 7 Went at }was a to SAM GOWEN, Proprietor Phone 360 | hammer and tongs. | parting shot. | "Yours are weak chargés made | by a weak man,”’ hissed Alderman Hilditch to Alderman Newton | through the noise. Clayton in the Scrap With lulls more or less prolonged Alderman |Clayton got into the melee with the battle raged on. juntempered denunciation of tht | hotel business men if make application for the renewal of their men as bum they could not proper “They deserve to lose | them,” Alderman Clayton. |‘‘Surely to heavens,"’ he exclaimed, | “these people know by this time how to apply for renewals legally. |All the same,"’ he added, ‘'] |not for one moment think that the \law will stand for these men losing their | technicality.” | Alderman Kerr was not so sure this. His | licences. said do licences on a mere lof experience as a |Licence Commissioner in Alberta |was that the merest shade of a flaw in the legality of an appli- feasible plan for gettiy matter in dispute 1 al _ none however, and the ; bin: ment to the amendment oor ried. Alderman Hildite} a "a derman Smith voted for the ; 7 ing of the disputed py law anu ment. Against havi; ; thé oma discussed next Mo; day ae — Alderman Clayton, Ald hat na glas, and Alderman Newry Wad the entangled aldermen extr Per themselves from « mmittes aa whole a motion Aiosd : Newton to have the matter} 7 for six months « rted ae derman Dougla d deal Clayton fell down, and th, mot i to have it up again nex Monies night was carried, Alderme, Kirk. patrick, Morrissey, Hilditc) ad Smith and the Mayor ; ioe So Monday night “ie more discussion, and yy rhaps die pute. P.S. PROMOTIONS Continued fror lcation meant goodbye for ever to a liquor licence. Amendment on Amendment | midnight, feebly the of Although well after | the to extricate councillors managed themselves from loctopus grip of ‘Committee the Whole” and contrived some- jhow to report “progress,”’ ther really was no progress at all. | First a motion by Alderman New- jton to reject the alteration in the by-law was amdened by AIl- jderman Hilditch in favor of ac- | cepting the alteration. An amend- ment of the amendment was made ito | week. postpone the question till next This Alderman would have opposed out of exist- jence if there had been any other Newton 1 page | lier, Milja Gurvich, Earlimond ly. trace, Larine Larsen, Jean Bailey Moya Bailey, Henry Me Ker me Sydney Hunter, Harry Lake, Rob bert Reddie, Herminia Corral Fred Corral, Lawrence Thomson, Thom. as Cobb, Helene Olse; First Primer Div. V to Second Primer B Div. V: Albert Palme Olga Kask, Walter Owen, D roll Jones, Helga Hal Isabel Kirkpatrick, James Kelly, Joh Kelly, Leonard Anderson, Garnet MePherson, Levina Solem, Teddy Linceln, Rose Day Kay Bro. man, Pearl Latuli; Honor Rolls: Deportment, De. othy Tremayne Prof Grace Carroll; Reg Punctuality, Sydney Hunter Class A Primary to First Prim er: Norman Mc! H Kirk patrick, Mary Hancq, Constas Cowper, Tony B 1 Ra mond Scherk, H rd Frizzel Grace Lee ; Helen M Rob ert Gardner, Violet M ver, Erk Holland, Clary Knott, Willie Ma tgomery, Julius Maggi, Ladao Le KO. Class B t { \ \ Lundgirst, Philip M Pass Mazzei, Isabella McK Annu Crossley, Lily ‘ ‘ a son, Alida Joh: H M Chrissie McKen? \ Nehring Class ( to { B Aleck Johnson, Eva Cay \rthur Collier, Alph e French, Vice McInnis, Robert Doug T dore Halvarso Frank Morrison Bertie Duns I re Bensté Morgan O'Bri Provincial R Pr ficiency, Norn Reg larity ard Pun inich; Deportn n Important Meeting Baptist Brot meme are requested ® church tonight } ps photo. Bring at A meeting | " es day afternoo! 1 |o'clock in tl re "7 jchurch to dis "7 lcerning wom "4 privileges. ©: o vited. This is! “a ee DETERS) ANNOUNCEMENT CORZ LOW as OW . SLIT, yy \ ATES RC TESTED OT EI Wm. T. Kergin, M.D., President SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT The company has the largest and best equipped vault in the City. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent at moderate rates. To persons who contemplate a more or less extended absence from the city and are at a loss what to do with their securities and property, we tender our services at a very moderate charge. The vault is absolutely fire proof and .the door which weighs three tons is both fire and burglar proof. the city for valuable papers, jewelry, etc. The only safe place in |- David H. Hays, 1st Vice-President M. J. Hobin, 2nd Vice-Pres. and Manager EIN Pais HAE DENG EM aici pooooecccccoosoooooooooosooooooooo ooo ZAHA ASAE TE: xeneu hands. Estate Exchange. acted. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE DEPARTMENT This company will take entire charge of real estate in the absence of the owner or for those who wish to be relieved of the reponsibility, collecting rents, paying taxes, making repairs, looking after insurance and taking all the trouble off the owners’ Members of the Prince Rupert Real A general Insurance businesss trans- ANNOUNCEMENT ! SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits received payable on de- mand. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum, compounded quart- erly. We allow the use of cheques, thus combining the advantages of a Current and Savings Account, $1.00 will open an account with us. ly set The Management of The Continental Trust Company, Limited, wish to announce that their office is now fully equipped in all departments for the transaction of business. The public is cordially invited to inspect the premises, Second Avenue, Continental Trust Building. :_ : : TRUST DEPARTMENT Executing all deeds, discharges, etc., also for bond i financial, industrial and all other corporations under mor's*s deed of trust, and in the management of sinking funds in co”! tion therewith, . Providing for safe investments in first mortgages «\( good securities, for collection of interest, dividends, other income, and for managing and winding up estat Countersigning and certifying the issues of stocks ai’! of mining, industrial and other corporations, thus pr’ shareholders against the danger of over-issue through erro! wise and from irregular scrip. For companies or firms in financial difficulties. For the benefit of creditors, in cases of bankruptcy tlement, honds ty tecting yer » friend: ar