PAGE FOUX CREDIT MAKES ENEMIES So Let Us Be Friends PayCash Pay Less SMYRNA FIGS 5 lbs. DESSICATED COCOANUT 2 lbs 35c 35c INTERIOR FRESH PEAS OCn 5 lbs. VITONE 5-lb, tin $2.79 Fre with each tin JIO SAW PUZZLE V, SUNBEAM DRIED APPLES OUK, OQp J-lb. pkg CERTO 9Qp ft ..... ... OXYDOL Large 2 lor .. 45c PKARLINE Small " 00 per pkf. Ol MAX-I-MUM COFFEE A4n Vacuum Packed, 1-lb. tln"A CRISCO 9 An 1-lb. tin There Is Still Time to Order PRESERVING APRICOTS MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 817-19 Third Avenue West P.O. not 575 Phone 18 Lawn Mowers Ground Made to Cut Like New Star Welding Phone 313 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 120 GEO. J. DAWES WEEK-END SPECIALS For Thrifty Shoppers Astounding new low prices which will suit the family purse new shipments arriving daily. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY! Goodrich; Miner and Fleet Foot Outing Shoes Men's and Boys' Athletic Children's Tennis Shoes Heavy Brown Duck with Ankle Pads and Trims, In Strap or Uced Patt"W 5 On & (!Qo C'c"lng at. a pair Rugged Rubber Soles. Priced below cost. Men's QQp Boys' Bn College Styles VVK, ODU Sizes Palr For Qrowing 0irls In Lace or Strap Patterns. : Tl S1.95t0S2.95 Leckie's Famed Boys' Boots TTTi i 777 Children s and Misses All Solid Waterproof School Boote-and how they sturdy School shoeg Oxfords and st m ZSSXZW S2.95 Ztos. . 98c to S1.95 WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS Cut Rate Shoe Store Joe Merryfield ! Is Visitor Here Organizer of "Non-Partltan" Party I In City Enroute to Atlln After ; Tour of Interior I J. E. Merryfield, who is on a tour of the northern part of the province for the purpose of organizing the Bowser-Donaghy "non-parti- j zan" party for the forthcoming; provincial election contest, arrived j in the city from the interior on I yesterday afternoon's train and from here will proceed to Anyax land Stewart, the principal points in Atlin riding. While here. Mr.: Merryfield is considering the poi; Isibllity of entering a candidate In Prince Rupert riding to oppose T. ' D. Pattullo. leader of the"Oppotl- !tlon and sitting Liberal member. ! Rt. Rev. E. M, Bunoz OAIJ, Ro. man Catholic Church Bishop for Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, returned to the city on the 1 Prince Rupert yesterday from Dawson where he recently Installed 'Father E. M. Leray O.M.I.. formerly stationed at Stewart, in his I new duties as parish priest. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Oood runs of pinks in Lowe Inlet, Bella Coola and Bella Bella seining areas were reported yesterday to the fisheries office here. In Bute-dale area the run was reported to be fair. Throughout the district a fairly good run of cohoes is Special For Few Days CLEANING Children's Clothes For Boys and Girls Under 11 Boys' Suits cnp Cleaned and pressed " u Olrto Dresses ftf Cleaned and pressed0"' Ideal Cleaners Second St. Phone 858 "TILUE THE TOILER" too W-TTa THE BOW CJDNH U ffr?BU BftO THICCVJ RO80B , mo ear r2s vi - , ; Ty I TOT DAILY NEWS PASSES IN PR. GEORGE Charles A. Pyne, Aged 80, Weil Known Insurance .Man, Succumbs to Stroke on Sunday Many friends in this city will learn with feelings of deep regret of the death of Charles A. Pyne, Northern British Columbia manager of the Sovereign Life Assurance Co., which took place suddenly in Prince George on Sunday. Mr. Pyne, who was approaching his eightieth birthday, was seised with a stroke ad rushed to hospital, passing away while being admitted to the Institution. A noted-horseman in his younger days, the late Mr. Pyne was at one time prominent throughout Canada and the United States as a Judge of horse mega as well as of stock, his services as such having been for many year in great demand as far south at Mexico. Mr. Pyne had been a resident of Prince George for some twenty years and, before going there, was located for a time in Vancouver where he was manager for British Columbia of the Sovereign Life Assurance Oo. Always active In com munity affairs, he organised the Cariboo Automobile Association some yean ago and for a considerable time served as its president. He was also a past-president of the Prince George Board of Trade. Despite his advanced age. he was quite active right up to the end and had known little illness prior to the final seizure. Born in Woodstock. Ont., Mr. Pyne was at one time Interested in the hotel business in that city and also had mining interests in the Cobalt area before coming to British Columbia. At one time he was closely m touch with the Ontario provincial government but never entered pdttica actively. He was a great admirer of Premier R. B. Bennett of Canada and T. D. Pattullo. Liberal leader for British Columbia, who also hails from Woodstock. Ont. A member of the Masonic craft, the late Mr Pyne is survived by a widow In Vancouver and a daughter. Mrs. John O. Wilson of Prince George. The funeral, it is understood, will take place In Prince George. Centenarian Jigs; Has Fractured Hip Hugh Adam, Agrd 101, of Houston, Texas, Falls' While Dancing And Suffers Break HOUSTON, Texas. Aug. 29: Feeling rejuvenated on hearing old time music played over the radio, Hugh Adams, aged 101, got up to dance a jig. fell and broke his hip. He 1 now a patient In a local hospital. ACTIVITIES REyiEWED Biological Executive Unable to .Make Plans For Future Owing to Uncertain Appropriations Business at the meeting of the Pacific sub-executive of the Biological Board of Canada which was held at Vancouver last week consisted largely of reviewing the present season's activities of the board and its workers on this coast, it is ireported by John Dybhavn, local member of the Biological Board of Canada, who returned to the city on Sunday after attending the ses- I sloru. Due to the uncertainty as to ' appropriations which will be available, it was difficult to formulate ! concrete plans for the future but all these will be taken up at the annual meeting of the board to be held In Ottawa during the coming winter. I Among those In attendance at the meetings In Vancouver were J. J. Cowie of Ottawa, secretary-treasurer of the Biological Board of Canada, and Dr. A. T. Cameron of the University of Manitoba at Winnipeg, another member of the i board. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental station, who wa also In attendance, will be returning to the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning. L. B. Jones, general agent for the Canadian National Railways ind Steamah4is at Skafway. was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert yesterday on his way to Vancouver where he will spend the winter. LADIES The purchase of an Enterprise Range means the exercise of good judgment and true economy on your part Sec the NEW ENTERPRISE KITCHEN RANGE For coal or wood at Kaien Hardware Easy Terms Another Break For Rosie lit HA8 TO aeries rro So Soil raw- J If feoifi'S Mao a Cboo CVaSLAh: AiT HB-S A. BuSfr out cjoes Putting Rosie to the Test IP HAVC To WMiigWC 1 HBI2E V-lP . Wr attest WHAT, loJ ' MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Feature Slarts 7 35 & 9 35 Admbsion 50c & 15c II 1 . f . I TVIII v.. rvm Adrertlse In the Dally News j La. MgWDK rlBV Hac: Mv Miuri rio. iy wove IM Hp EUBCTftlC vyl?A0 FT-'. If MM r Wednesday & "INTERNA 2 Dining SET .00 It IQ.00 1 Crib Drop Si : Tables . . & at 1 Dnlng Table. Drop Sides and 3 Chairs for 1 Vanity Dresser. 3 Mirrors, snail Drawers and l Quarter Cut Oak. at ONE-TIIIKI) THE COST. Above all used goods and In good eomii HOUSE ROMANCE IN UNUSUAL SETTINGS "ZOO IN BUDAPEST" With LORETTA YOUNG, GENE RAYMOND, 0. P HEfirit Youlh finds love, while hundreds of jungle beasts snarl and " t J A Fox Release "1 MICKEY MOUSE in "MAIL PILOT" Comeuy mill mami in -miimi a: mmv - .-screen honr Alniul MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE SIS S11.2 PIIOiNE 773 Third A ,-,! OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fhherman, Lotter, .Miner ROO.MS-310 per menlh, S3 per meek. 50c per nlfht SHOWER BATHS Third Avenue Phone 948 JIM.MIK CICCONE I, r NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZareUI. Pr : t "A IIOMr AWAY I ROM I HOME' Rates $1 00 sp 50 Rooms. Hot St i tA Prlnc Ru; n Phone 381 i n The Fish which made Prince Rupert FamoA "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Di CITY PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce per cord, delivered S6 COAL FOR SALE Furniture and riano Moving i COAL! COi Our ramous Edsr- Afi I Oulkiey Valley t ea ; c P1 ied to sift satiste ' T1 ton of No. I Bulk Vi- ' also sell Timnthv F: n k 7- s a i IT' 1 i s igggsn Oats and Bi ?7 Prince Rupert Fcfdfj 58 Thones - By Westovcr. J HOLV '