''her r"nr JB33 Ibf K' xall Ktor JfXIf Terrace, R.C. Ta t-rrt Voa, t. nnhr -- 1 rxlae nw 1 in senrice intahrre en the lake. UaJttM Jl SO per bead "0wL S crd toe big. N- Job tso tmalL icmc rtnTiEs tvrnv THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishin or Modtro I ;inrnlfnces N'niM.., Mosquitoes rfr .weak half rate MApAMF ItAJAUT '"M l Jil.nJ, Riley's OLD ENGLISH TOFFEE 25c Jbags Gardenia Talc and Puff 50c yalue for 39c Menthol JShayJng Cream and Roll-up Rule I or Mv and Insect Hitcs, Etc. Ask Kor GYPSY CREAM . Soothtap apd Healing Lotion) Ormes Ltd. Sfitt Pioneer DruQ&t'Jts lhnr: Rt & gj HOLIDAY RESORTS fa Coming lo Terrace IiU ArinjemmU Kith l' T f. LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to Holiday finest of fly fithlng, hunting. hathlng and boating. Arrange for transportation with V. II. Burnett. Terrare. B.C Kates from Terrare (o the Lodge Including boat tenlre: One adult, 11.00; each additional adult. JU. Wlte or Wire W. II. HintNETT IVe Iok After Your Want iioti:l akkivals , Jtoyal I Mr and Mr A Yortte. Maaselt: .Mrs M Sherwood and Miss Ada , Sherwood. Pacific; Olf Soecer anal J Johnson. Prince llnpert. 1 Old Empress 2. Moused. A. Vmmm, Bd Shn- Umt d Mm Molo, ettr. Central II. c. Pragnell. itayapoH- Savoj R. Joh-son. city. rrlnee Itupert 1 Mr and Mrs Ross W Orajr. pu nk; 1 E MerryfleM. Vaaowiw: Mr. and Mrs A H Humphrey and 'A D Mathenon. Cariisle Cannery; Bwnund 8teens SaidagMe; lUrty Deaver. Queen iirtott CANADIAN PACIFIC ,w"frs P3V, rtnff Uujett iM .Vtncouwr tU ocwm Falls and lot Kllrn', Uulw' Ag. llUi, Z6th, Sept, 1th. WClllKAv. 1VUANGi;iJ, JUNEAU and SKAdWAV. "rlnir ... i oul,. . .... . , . , lor HeserTatlons' and" Information " v L ( tATI.H r......i itnnrrt. 11.0. I M0N STKAAISIIIl'S LIMITED K v,,? ' WlUAV, 1:30 PJV1. rAitiiiv. Thursday pjn. Va Van, Jf ,r'KDAy H1DNI0.1IT. llw.r M 'f ri. 10 fon mpoa, Alio Arm. .Anyv. 'rdlog i tailing ,n 1 and tWHU - town "P"t Axenet: a.. Kfrn i ........ jl'Jipne J" IOllr Par 0oi .not arrive, teJcphon the ff,ce i He had an insane patient Jor s-aoncaie In hU charge. I W Edgar Orttrtthsef VMorta. bead of the provincial govern amt unempioyinent ie4ef or 'Captui after toaklns; the tround trip to Anyox, Stewart and other northern points qci of ficial bust- ness. i . Ron W Orey s-f Sarnia. QoUrto. ; liberal member of the Hoote of Ommrm for West Lambfen. and Mts Ore, Air anw made the round trip north from Vancourer to Sktry. dteerabarked froo the ateaanor Pttaoe Bfigmat yesterday; 'and proceeded But on last nlfM'f train. i C W Dawson, aeooontant jn the .local branch of the Bank of Moft- mi. leittfneo to Abe ottf on ye t(dy aHemono tfjdp imm Tar- JWiss D, Hogan Will Ueopon JIAN() CLASSES and PItlVATE LESSONS Tuesday, Sepie,mkr 5 Phone Black 232 lissMlieLawrwce Teaohrr of VIOLIN andTHEORV Phone 177 419 8Vond Avenus Vesl m DAILY ICiWi JLOCAL NEWS NOTES .Blgbor (Da Sports, Acropolis Hill, Monday. Tor day and flight -Tail service Phone It tf ' CaUlolIP Tea unci cooking at home of Mrs. . .Rlffou, Thursday. Aug. 31. 3 to A. 203 M. P MeCattety returned to the n yesterday afternoon'! train from a week-end trip to-Terraee. I 7he Cemmerrtal and Mtwlc aass of . JosepMs Academy 'wttl reopen on. Tuasday. Septem ber . cM potior. returned to the eRf on yeatefdAy afternoons rata bm a ttip to the pce fltt on official 1 Women'a and Children's flc4d,and ("WW At Labor Constable Arthur r. WeMens of! the provincial pottee sailed on th Prrnor George SHurday evening. iter vacation trip to arouTer. ,1112 dflnce In Moose Hall Labor Day evening. Sllversldes Bros, for Wallpaper. Olaac, Paint, and 'Mureaeo. The best sports program the Traces Labor Council ha yet offered on Labor Day. Nuf sed. William Maguire, Jr. Haines. Alaska, mine official, wa a passen ger aboard the Prince -Rupert yet-1 terday bound couth. He will visit ( In Seattle and San .Francisco. .Charles Graham, .inspector of mines, v(ho ihas .been on a trip to the Atlfn district on official du- Jntoecter John Shtrass. proyuWUas, .returned to .the ,elty from the nqrth op the PrlCX -Rupert yester day. Mrs.,0. A. Wymari and daughter. Gloria. rrturtM to the city on the Pdpc .Rupert xesterdey trom,KH Uay chlkan where they have beeni ipertjnc a yaeapon visiting with; Mk Item Biftey sailed by the1 Prince Rupert yeaterday afteraoonj ni uer i wj w rcwm Biter a week's visit here as the guest o Mr. and Mra. John Bremaer, Plftl Avenue Bast. Harote MeBwen, ONJt. HrMnaJ freight and pMsensjer agent, re-i IxlMtLnn ..'. . .1 I - " W" Rufrt yaatrday after making a the Catala tooav returnt-yt to the ,T.. Jn. M..v?MJ Up as far north Whkteborssfl as on oJftta tHsstneso. 1 WUIkun Nelson, sob of Mr. and Mra. W. J. Nosbm of this oter. re-1 twae booie on the Prtnee Rupert voatorday trfm Junoap where e has ibtsti spsfidlng a part of the summer eaeavtaon. Miss ,BdiU MUlor. daughter of Mr. ard M. P. C. Millar, returned to the on the Prince R- LPeat reottdy 4rm ptUlne whase sue tat &ea pending the summer vacUon 1h hex brother. Duncan P. Miner, customs officer. Major Albert E. DaisiaL. chief otkr of the Saltation Army Jar1 race where be has been reilevtn pmw, ortomhla wMix heowrt- the manager. 0orge Beveridge, , who hoe been o his annual vaoja- ! Uon wtetoh he spent at Lakebe jLake I Some tkO04er(ul ,s;UdU grown I by Xtrs Oladys Sherman. 744 Tay-i sr Street, are being eown hi the wtod of the. QapMnl J3arper i Shop. There are several blooms of i rarlous colors Including one of the famous fritted gteds. Some spqal l dnhihui KFBWft by ,tbe same lady are also jtwu. Arrangements have been mode for the steamer Prince Rupert to run a apectal aursion from Prinee Rupert to ort SJmpaon and return ai iaturcUy atternoon of this week. The vessel win lee re at 10 pjn and apOPd about three hours at the native village, returning at V4 etdoek in the evening. Constable J. C. Devlin, for some tune attached to the ataff of district headquartets of the provtnetet naliee here, left on last nltht's train for Dawson Creek In the Peace bivor jHstftot a whtoh pMt he thas been transferred tie ue tape the Blaee of Oaastabie A. J. Pomwoy whp U.habig transeited iron Daw-1 eon Creek to the city detachment! jhere and who Is expected to arrive I In Prince nupert tn uooui iwo weeks. ers to Vancouver, who has been presiding over the rorthern Bd-. ttsh OQwtosa native 0004701 here this week, was .the speaker today at the rewalar weekly laneheon of the Prince Rupert Qyro Club in the Commodore cafe T. W. Brewn, oreakdeat .of the ehtb. was tn the citah- and there was . a good at-teodaaee of members. School Notice High $&ool puptU moat register at the High School on or before September 1st from 9 to 11 ajn.. and from J to 3 p.m. The fees for children sixteen years or over wiU be iHM per annum, or $26.00 at the beginning of each term, payable at the City Hall. For those unable to pay a fori term fee $5.00 on or before the 1st day of each month will be accepted. Anyone desiring to take Senior Matriculation please report at nce. 1 206 1 Grade I. Class Probability of continuation of Grade 1 olass. Phone at once names of children ready to enter to Miss Marie Muasal-lehv 348 Fourth Avenue West. Phone Blue 801 By Rail nd By Waferin ,the Triangle Tour HIRTEEN.kunJcrd mOet tkiouk Btgnifetot peuattia cawrr . . . Frytr V1W . Rtinbow rlU, Kit Rotwm. YUoWd Jtircr rtt. Kitwuip tnd flrtoi Kiw cauattki . . . Q fircui umtji At .Kmie fcrnVrt of BriuJi Cohiba. A mi hundnd sk tnim U ii VirmuMe. P toftitt Wijl SdV Wl .it Jtirr M lent M jtm hie. Noobrrt nth mfittmtm. 4 mc WT Jot k knm .ataxy. Jloufl trif kt ncVw Arrhw nj fir 1 t fa Triii(l Tot liiluttHMiOT. call or wrlto .Cllr Ticket Oflkr, US 3M Prlnrr nnrrt. mr, TT1-U XATIOA AL et a carton 'todmmk EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Get ready for the dull days of flail and Winter. Fill empty lamp sockets at economy prices. Here is your chance. Edison Mazda Lamps in T. J. 8henUn returned to the city at the end of the week after a visit to Anyox and Stewart in the Interest of his Jadependent 'ebor eondfdeture for AUin riding m the forthcoming provincial Car tpAS of Si ior Siitt 15 Co 60 wttt Iutd Frcwtrd Dr. and Mra. W. C. Aspinall and laughter returned to the city on ,1 the CaUbt today after making the'1 round trip to Anyox. Stewart and' jther northern mints. i Miss Dorothy Skeihoroe of Rich-1 tnoAd South, .England, who ha been vteitir.g at KMaumkalum with her untie. Fred Hampton, on her way book to England, arrived tn. the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior and sailed on the atoamer Prince Rupert tor Vancouver. Enioute home to the OW Country, Miss Skeihoroe wjlll vuk m yancouvar. wetogta, ponton -d Toronto, satltoc tim Montreal towards the end of Oc tober. Announcements Sons of Norway dance Sept. 1. Preabytersan tea September 7. SSth Aoidrrraary Supper United Church September 11. .Catholic Bazaar Qetootr 15. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 937 Rump Roast oj Deef-- 4 lbs Round Steak per lb. Boneleaa Stew Beef 3 lbs. Boiling iBeef . 3 lbs Carrot, 2 bunches Pot Roast of Beef 4 lbs. .... Shoulder Veal. 4 lbs. 1 tin Poas Stew Veal 2 lbs. 1 tin Peas Veal Chops 3 lbs. Leg of Vtal- . per .lb. Hamberger Steak 3 lbs Tomato Sausage per lb. Phone 957 50c 15 c 25c 25c 35c 25c 50c 15 c 25c 10c MI LADY BEAUTY SH0PPE SPECIALS .FOR AUGUST Steam Oil Permanent Wave $5,00 and $3.00 .Marcelle.fc .Curl .with Hair Cut $1.00 Shampoo and Finger Wave 75c PRONE W Fpr Your Health Chlropraetle Ultra VIolet Rays .intra Jted Rays Massaxe All at Reasonable Prices W. :C ASPINALL D.C (Chiropractor) Creep 241 .Phones Green 549 Exchange Slock WATtK NOTICE Jlffl!H and Ve 140 n.i .t TASK NOTICE tMt Ttdf lk. SfO-dtrM Ltd. iMIntafl how Hftw to 101 Prrotwrton BlOt.. Vtctofl. B O. 1 pplr for Uoaww to k and u Ti 1 10) ouMc fr4 pr Mcond of w-tor out oi SuauuM Crrrk. wtUch How Ncrthfdy Mid drain Into Tide tmke Bm (bout 13 mlln North of Big Uto-sourl Mine. Th nin UI be dlvteted at a point bout 1200 twlr hundred) fec be-for enterim TMe lake nd will be used for moinf end power purpose f 383 iod Pioneer arntng cielm and Ml Joining swim. ThU noMC tu posted on the around on U SUi dv of Aucuta. tS3. A w&J of th( oqUce nd an appliea-tton puntMUM tfcereto nd to ta,MWa-ter Act" wfU h fl)ed In the office f ibe Wfcter Record cr M Prtnoe Rupert. B.C Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 I Classified Ads .f.or sale HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT feiuianent W4V VA.Yl?iQ.l ig.z .CHRYSLER -Sedan, good eeudnJan. i fwatter's Mu Siore. W . lUngletttr $5.lf. FOR SALE English baby carriagevU almost new. Phone 77. 222 f . .iJQU.SE, 5 rooms with bath, near! Nefsons Beatity Shoppe PAINTERS 4hool. rent. $5,00. ;Phone Qreen PAINTJNO and Pajrhan.tng 098. , M oiler. Phone Rec 802j f ------ - FOR RENT HOUSES-F. W. Hart. TRANSFER CAMERON'S TRANSFERS Xurnl- FOR RENT Six-room house, folly', ure moving, .wood. jwj. .ch? modern, dose In. $20 DO mojth. -for rent. . tf Apply Collart Ji McCalfery Xtd t - -..... . . Phone Ji. 207i w.itcb xotice BUSINESS Rid has room to rent p. Tc ""ui 7 T. suite to share. Central location, i sitf uae jee btT ft. pr Meond. .oj Phone Green 414 after 6 pjn ."s ci fwt ouj par Uk 'tO Surf Ink Tk tKi&C. UM TH. OO TJ OOK 4. Write P.O. Box 895. raoantlotuiic oi eoatUtkU a letawt ts-s Tkit wttfr rm b UMdfoe GOOD Location for small buslnesi ' p pupon. Tats aMtc wsa posuii in centre of the new buslne j."- Sptkt K district, Third Avenue. Will Ten-t-iw ud n uiictkD puritatth nvt tn milt tenant Riit nnU 'O B4 to the "Water A at" UJ be $20 a month. McClymont. rud tn t otOcc or tn waur reeordr M Pftne Rupert , Piwmho saay pe oojeenoas to uve p- sttM WUh tha ld FOR RENT five -room cottage on mar or rttb ta Compiler Build (n. Third Avenue. Oood location for Wtn Rittu. PwiiMMat vwort. bo, witfein thjrtr orl ttt anvone wish hie to reside -close ; ik Htm mmxiouk t ias acxfti in. a lp or for a tea room, ir&r m:$rF& u Sly0!? j. a woonwoRTit. miN uirotiicos. a aaviiv ru. a rvr HELP WANTED WANTED Laundress to take borne lady's laundry. Apply Box 184, Dally News. 203 NOTICE ramilKH SMITH PECEASED trxicx is HBAEsr oivsn tht ii MrMM avaa eJaHa Mtiaet ta but of Rbails Shnltrr formerly of Pmlf m to rrormee of Brrttah Oardatl. mho died on Urn atn day of Mav. IMS. Hi required on or befer th Ut di of Sfta)fcer isas. to detlrtr or eAd bv preptld loMer full prtteu!r ox eilteu OVlr WilW to THX ROYAL TRCST COMPANY, Admtautntar of th ESWt of the Mid Obarles Smith -teoMud. at iu office ase wt Pender .isfWw, Vtaeouver. BC. A AKq TAKK NOTICE that after tha .mi- mentionea um to Aamiminiior rtll proceed to dtotrtbute the uwrti of h DrorJd unoDf th prfMA q titled tliereta having reftrd mij to toe chUm of which U alum thea ntra hid notice DATED fct Vnceuer. B.C. thU JMh dT of lufir 13 ROBERTSON DOUOLAS ft 8TME8 Scie muTc 3 N Jgjf WT.neouver. B tt Solicitor for Th Royal Tru oomponv ObleeUona to the ppMot4on mar be (to, Ut Ulntoa Recorder for, a Wed ilU tbe ukl Water Recorder or aote of anvrovetueiH for ttt purpoaa MirtwM mnn tn ouinpuuiier at weter Kifnw, ioi onirwng rrniM tittodmgi, viotori. uu.. ooti enupn. aMtnta UUfty day after the first ap-; AND fettner tk notle that aotava pejkiaace of th n.-ilce tn a tooal newt- under Beetkan 88 of th Mineral A at i)er. TIDE LAKE SYXDIOATE LTD.. ApptioanS. Per W. J. Janoowskt. Aceat. UV.HT CHANCE Ml.NtB.VL C'UVI.M Crrtlfleate of Improvemrnti TAKE NOTICE that I. W tf. Muoa free tniner'a crrtUtot Not 41S7. Inund 90 day from the dot hereof to tpplf eertin a crown trajrt of tlia mum pe eoroueaoea ix0f toe laevajM; of lueti certtftcaA of larermU. Dat 3rd July. lMlT TJv data of the ftrat publication of Tint uuertian of adrerilMcnrnt Aii tM notle U Auiuat 28. 193 J rut 7. 1003. If you lose anything, try a classified ad