f Tue.Ml JWE 7WO THE DAILY NEWS -Mfiuoobcj: : THE DAILY NEWS. PLAY WAS, flUNCt KLHEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA TSi Its Nice.. EXCITING Published Every Afternoon, Except' Sunday, by Prince Rupert v Dally4 News, Limited. Third Avenue Kaiens Win Spectacular Matrlw H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Stiles Stars and Is Also 'oaT SUBSCRIPTION RATUg City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlodt"pald In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week . By mall to "all parts of. British Columbia, the British Empire and ' United SJtttes. paid in advance, per year j Bj mall to all other countries,, per year ADVERTISING RATES . Tjnnt " dUglay adyertWng, per Incfi per insertion .. t- ' Advertising and circulation Telephone 98 ' Editor and Reporters' Telephone ..... 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDTTfON 2! that they own the world. Coal Prices $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 1.40 YESTERDAY'S ELECTION premier Pattiillq is to be congratulated once morq pn haying been endorsed by the electipn of four out 0 sjx of the Liberal candidates in Vancouver and Victoria yester day. The members of his cabinet, H(in. Jorm Har.t m Victoria and Hon. Gordon Sloan in Vancouver, were elected and one othej eac distinct victory alt the Liberals to fee in Vancouver and Victoria.1 It was a hough not so great a victory as to cause Byron Johnson, who led the polls in Victoria, carrying the Liberal banner, was known some years ago in lacrosse circles as Boss Johnson. He is personally very popular in the capital. Herbert Anscombe, Independent Conse&'ative. was reeve of Oak Bay and then mayor qf Victoria. Now he is a member of the Legislature and will doubtless be making a bid for leadership there in a few years. Rev. Robert Connell, elected on the C. C. I ticket, is a clergyman of the Churph of England at present without a charge, a writer on nature subjects, a keen geologist and botanist, a socialist of many years standing and a very fine type of man. J)oubtless it was his personality rather than his political creed that plaped him in fourth place among the winner. Of the losers in Victoria Rev. Clem Davies, pastqr of thV City Temple, is very popular in the capital. He had attacked the new leader with considerable virulence and would have made a good opposition member. The failure of such men as Hayward, Clearihue and Moresby and the ajpiosl total slighting of Joe North, at one time hero of a polict commission fight, indicates that even in Victoria political opinion changes quickly lhe large vote accorqeu trie L. L. r. both in Vancouver and Victoria is an indication of the dissatisfaction which exists at the present condition of .affairs both in the pro vince and the Dominion generally and should be a solemn warning to those who still think all ihey have to do is to sit pat and use the police forqe in order tq insure stability. That time is gone forever. We are at the beginning of a new era and there will have to be many political change? in the very near future. Those who do hot fall in line Will have to fall qut. The evident (emand of the British Columbia election is for a change qf general policies and tht f ame demand will beXelt soon in the Dominion field. Happy is he who can envision the new eal anu bend his energies toward bringing it about. e AI$ JpSE LYNCIIINT.S The local reaction to the lynching's in California seen: to have varied a great deal. While some pepple feel that it is a good way tb deal with such cases, others look upon if as a reflection on the United States system of dealing with criminal caps and, indicates a, fear that th.e criminal niay escape that retribution which is their due. Also they look on it as a dangerous precedent. Once it bco.mes a, haty for the mob to take the law into its ovn hands, the system of dealing with crjpiihals is apt to degrade into one of mob law. Unhappily the mob is often vrpng and, under the excitement of the moment, is liable tp commit worse crimes than the criminals whom it is designed to suppress. It is dduotful too what may be the moral effect on a few thoii-sod people who witnessed the execution and who jeered at the criminals as they were sent to meet their Maker. It smacks too much of the savagery of the North American. Indians years ago. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edsoit. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give saAtaf.acUon, Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley W also sell Timothy Max Wheat Oats and. Barlex Prince Rupert Feed Co M Phone 8 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 Alboi'ta's BesVLump $12.50 Alberta's Best Egg H.5Q Alberta's Beat tOVe fl.otf Pepibiria Egg . . . . 11.50 fek and g$dar, per load 5,0A Local Wood, per cord 6.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Inlke ornitur Whwi tie sun feeglns to sHlne-cnd you,ve"roHed your 9 n" with Ogdeni Fjna Cut. That, fragrant, friendly cigarette sure does put a rnile on the 'day. It's $0 cool and satisfying. And so easy to roll. Oden's Fine Cut and. "Chant.ecler" parsers ... you can Vanjc 91 "roll your own" combination, rooming, noon or night. SAVE THE POKER HANDS OGDEN'S FINE CUT Your PlpKnot Of Arn't Cut Plug The Letter Box By iT HOME CAMPAIGN aVlitor, Daily News: As discussed with you personally, the junior section oi ttje PJUiee Ru per) Chamber of, Commerce lsipon- iing a "Buy at Hojiae" campaign in mis ciiy ana in iacv. certain as ects of the campaign are now ac- ;ively under way.' With lhe permission and co-op ration of Inspector llall and the irinclpaU of Booth. Borden, An luneiation and the High Schools iie student bodies are writing es- ays limited to 'five hundred (500) ords on the subject "Advantages Dt Buying in Prince Rupert." To iach public school, prizes of J5D0 and $2.50 are being given for the best and second best essays and to the High School $10.00 for the best and $5.00 for the second best essay In addition Kalen Hardware la distributing $10.00 in sporting goods among the competing schools. There Is also a prze of $25.00 be ing offered to all attults of Prince Rupert, exclusive of school children and members of the Junior Cham ber of Commerce, on the same sub Ject. namely. "Advantages of Buy ing in Prince Rupert." These essay are also limited to 500 words and should be forwarded to Box 864 not later than December 4 when they will be placed in the hands of three Judges for examination and selec- itlon of the winning essay. Although neatness ana" gramma- tlcai correctness is desirable In the i writing ipf all essays, still the most , important basis of selection will be ; the logical array of facts and explanations of the "Advantages of Biylnjg In prince Rupert." i 'The prizM are being donated bj I the merchants of Prince Rupert and ; their names will be pubfisried In a later Issue of this paper. I The wlnnlnjf essay from each school also the winnlne essav sub- jmltted by aqult competitors' will b ijjrlnttd In the local Jiress. ' j Thanking you, I arH ' Yours truly, JOS. E. WICKETT, Chairman, Publicity Committee Senior Lcague-CJiJln ; Ka tens. 49. Ladles' League High School.. 01 Cardinals. 18. Intermediate League Merchants. 15; High Scliooi,v27. ... Junior League Trojans ' 21; Scy-'. thiahs;'9. Se.-ior hoopiters last nlit puf up mrat exciting gam.? inai nas bej n seen In this to-n 'jtor many a' moon. The game openeji upwth the ifonrnongf rs taking at) pdny lea't over the-' trainmen. 8-2.' The ralhvaymen, towever. soon'g&t tl all-clear signal and led at the breather ftrA The second ftolf was more or leaa a repetiuon 01 tne nrsi nail vmn the C. IJ. R. A steadily ahead. E. Smith olavunr h nmt of the seajon for was bound off the floar tflJ minutes bsiore full time. JBoj bcou weo an, a sqooung oy gna drew his uMkmmates up Hljp winning distance Steffe'"mjfl up the game' with a field goat. Stiles fouled Kelsey and the Islra suk the winning basket and. "But lei Joe" crnchec it with a rlpSr, The Rallwaj-nien hd the game well in hand until the latter prt of the second half whet) Lary SUle blew up and started o axgtt ulth the re X pee, coming qut second best and also losing (tie game for bis team-mates. Earlier flamj In the XUaktr opener XLe Tro jans swamped the BcMuans 21-9 hi a on-l4ed game. ; Mexcnants oet to Hks;h.fhooi ? a rdufh aad tutftbj jrinedta .game E7-15- The Carjdjnals dead te sUt-Uet (0rU 18-9 yltb HM girVs putUr hp 1 M, Senfor league C.N.R.A.-tfles M: 'Johnson 6 'D. MotTison. E Smith lit J, Mo-irtson. C. Smith. Tottl. 16. v Kaiens MWEhell 11: KtUvy IS i Scott IS: Steiumrtid T; Tbey a j Total. 49. : Junior Leaeue I Ttojars Lindsay 15: H tra no 5: Nafle 1: Kendo. W- ne. touu. 2i.ii ScythUns qiHts. Murray 2: Do minate 1; Byrne 0; Obuettna 4 Montesano 2; Astoria. Total 6. Intermediate Leaiae' Mercnants-Greer 2; Arney 7 Kanaya 4: Dlngwell. ArmetrVnc 2 Blake 0. ToUl 15. llllh School . Naicamoio 4: Suetilro 2: Davie 1: Santerbane 13: Miiesjan, MUle .2; Moxley 5. Tobey. ToUl, 27. Ladles' League' High School Brooksbank 2 Blaine. Rltehie 5: Berncr 2; Mm saHem. Turgeou, Btlls.' Toia Oardinels-Rlvefte' 0: Lowe Xi Kaen, Boodle 4: Stone 2; Brand Ituilst- lUUli, 10. T. Inter-League Badmintpij Is Played Monday Standings in inter-club badmin ton after the first games of the league piayed last night arc as fol tows: A Dlvlsion-c. N. R. 7, Rupert 8, aiteena a. B DlvUlon-Rupert Bast 10, C N. a. 8. No 2 Rupert 7. No. 1 Rupert C. Skeena 6. United 4. Cribbage League Fixtures Pfeyed Result of last nleht s nlav in the Prince Rupert Cribbage League were as follows Canadian Legion. 15: Elks, 12. Moose. 14; Empress. 13 Musketeers 14: Oddfellows. 13, Orotto. 18; pi nice R.upert Hotel. 9. Hunters! Sptortsjei! Have your trophies, mounted by an expert Bear rugs mounted In any style' Oame heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class,. FURS MADE UP ttt For rcs E. Dix, TaxIdcrlnUt Pay only $10 (Mnce iitfead over (wo years. WO.lcaoo pen; Hdrlda. 14: Aub Nebraska. 7; Iowa. 0. SLMa.ry.22; U. L. A.. 14,. Un'lversUjr of Wathjngt Washington State College, 17. Columbia, IS: Sjrracu, 8. Ernetoji, jO: Rubers, 0. GeoTgia', 7: 'Oeofgta Teeh, a. Wisconsin. 3; Minnesota, 8. At Your choice of three Northern SleeUlr Approved ABC Washers at at new low 1 ! 'J mnm een thousand fans witnessed the (ante. It was the fifth defeat of the 'rlsh so far tots season The moat :ames they nad lost in any previous" vsasbu wuj four Tne wn of 8outh-;rn CltfjfnU evened wp the feud with the Irish since 196 at four saj&es each. The first period was scoreless. Following UwUr 7 to 3 vtctorj over California. Stanford Unlver-itVy recaived an official InviUttpn frm the TownAnierit, ,91 Rotes .jftmrnlWee tc pJar in nual N's'w Year's Day Hose Bowl game at SSaaadan. Tbt lovltaUon was ac-:eie4 tjr Wnipr4 whch will have iui right to safe he tM It wQl Befqre twenty thousand fans. University of Micujari defeated rf0(lltVtD 13 to nfl to win the lUe jc seaspa n tht confer- Army's de(eat ot Ngrj bj a score QUier scopes included the follow ing: 11 larvard. 19: Yale. 1 OjW? State. 7; JlltnoJ fl. 0. 8; Maryland. 33; Washington and Lee, 13. Louisiana, 21: Mississippi State 6. grotto alens Flashee imac' n v' IjAoy Scouts Senior League .4 4 : i y.igii tt$p$ 9 Junior League anumg Intermriliate League Varrlofi' ' A Merchant 3 Ulgh'Sshool 2 ' $y&s S L. 2, 2 6 1 2 0 8 2 10 e 0 10 a 2 0 p.M.e: Mociei .s as allow n i al 0jv uiiq XWdels C and V. the fotmer T with oycr- ny oi uie yoar Any one oi inest sturdy, handsome maemMrs. or a ike (tee as$lc Will take rd wort: erf of vmmi W Unysual Values in The folio tn Uiie-Ui 1 M nounced for tonithU Billiard League future between cahaMn legion and Blls p P Tinker! Canadian Let km " C. P. Halasm ks Alex Mufja, ?s Waa rt Charles fapttf vs JOQP bi- C L Tountman vs. yk Mrnne. M M Lamb vs J. boherty DEMPSEY IS HEARD Blow of Luis l irpo in IlUtorlr Garden Itout lUnlnt o( parecr; Early Hthts Teugbest 1 r ff York. In 192jS when hf was knocked out of the ring by Luis frrDQ of the Argentine "For truj rest, e( ttigt round I hardly knew wtat' I was doing." admitted Dempeey. "Wi I was able to come back and $rx$k out nrpo in the eeco rer M Asked as to what he consMeied the toughest tyght Urtq bat rtog areer. Dempsey refligd that' he. 'yght some of the early fha fore he became UU-nofMr (n Dempsey is ort a hree g-aek, tpur af the northwast armeartcg M Jt Xeree m wrsstiteg i&nti, Heaf 1 rr- leree a neaanne boot on Brrtll llank'4 squlrsing ga'rdMn Veneasj-er on Thursday c-f Ink weA artd vlll also visit Spokane.. . Asked as to his wrestling exp4r-ence. Dempsey explained that fie iad been a wrWtter hefere he W-ame a fighter. Today's Weather Prince Rupert Raining, fresh outheant wind; barometer, 30.08. emperature. 42; sea choppy Dead Tree Points Overcast, fresh loulhwest wind; barometer, 29.90; emerature. 43: sea choppy Triple Island-Raining, fresh leutherly wind; light swell and iliop. Terrace Clondy. eolm. 30. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 32. Anyox Snowing, eulrh, 34. itewert Suowifig. calm, mild. Iiaselton Snowing, oalm. 31 Smlthera Cloudy, ealm. colder. Burns Lake Dull, onlm, 23, 3ILUARD November vs. Elks. 28 Canadian Legion give yqu extci h-w corpora les uH-to-tS tniiiU; menu i n iui, .-, . j here Suiuiit . : tCajiadleiu b it. 1M1 ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHERS LAl'NUKV B4g dueenent. we offer a m Urge capacity Uandr h II is far II cents to s0 faster i)ons.Watloi) 0? Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited IRISH LOSE IN FOOTBALL Ideated jr Southern California For TbWlralcht Year Stan- SOUTH 13 END Ind . Nov 21 -Usrsty of 9oloero CsUornla tUsl Noue Hwt U the third vear In sug3sJon p VUHtsd fttatM ders incollegUte football here 8atur- ( Alex Harvey vs. John Besys lay, we score Being iv w nu inir. SPORT CHAT CANADIENS HOLD LEAD Heller reillwi al Top it Ilv ' I lBllliW M Jtelt "f W" I 14 11a ! DBTHOrr. Mi. thotuth drlt.iM b ' .gin .rtuc oaiuroa i.iui ' ' i .isafe at luu.i.if .it... bed on flr-i p.-ice n tionaT dtvUhir, ' I thr s . key LeaaiK t ;i ttr t The? Mtmr.i M.iro new leas ot' ..re ! oal to defeat u..? iu k Ranters in s4"i.: rei s and crept up m'o ihi: : mtermtlonei (ItvWrm u ; behind the Ma(4e U.,; New York Amrriaaiu. b. ""tJ. rlM, ronqu! .f tl heavyweight bostat champion, in a I otuwa moved Int. -radio interview from Seattle leaving' Ottawa m th nltht declared Uiat the hanleetl Trr, wrr nu blow he had ever received dnttM American division t hU long fighting career was Out of wt4.K.rn(l at XUdWon Square Qeolen. New- WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront A hnntlng part Caat. H. Oamaton. 1 it onae. X E u. Bovd. Marten 8ki l)9con returned to por ter a 10-day hunttiiK ' 1 Ujttifaty Bay and ot ii : , coast. Stormy v . St' ted against the tu.. arid complete sucrrw Vt thet 'ls not vim' huntenUn did not v It ard UJKk a good l' dueks during the rout ln. the trip was m;ii modioiis Oammon & Bfrtha O " I have a big orclrr f-1 ra and.mpr'eVrobu.TtlP prlcM. Before srlllnf tb where let me re lufel 1 am I" P"i,,fl" ", . '. ... . more tbn i 1 v ni miirn ars bers ami ou jour ca at once.'ellher by retort " or by wire. GOLDBLOOM The Old Hellable lit