."5 4 J : J ,1 ' PAGE rOUR IZS29R Uppers and Moccasins Wc have Just received a HUGE SHIPMENT OF HIGH GRADE SLIPPER SAMPLES In Women's, Misses' and Children's Fancy Boudoirs in Patent and Kid with heels; warm, cosy, fancy Felts and Plaids; attractive Moccasins in all colors. Men's, Boys' and Youths' in Brown and Black Kid, Plaids, FelU and MEN'S SHOES Fine Dress Oxfords up from Sturdy Work Boots, solid leather; up from Watch For Our Four Big Display Windows of Guaranteed Good Value CHRISTMAS Merchandise You will find the Kaien Hardware a satisfactory place to shop Bring the Children to See the Toys, Large Variety. Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop In PHONE: 3 We Test Kadlo Tubes iHEEjRISCMSmBHMMiHHBMI WOOD! WOOD! ll-In. Blocks, delivered Q per cord Split, Ready for Stove CO per cord V" Kindling QUI per cord JJLU Half QP Cord ?0 Phone Blue 825 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Decks Total capacity 2t,OIO tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 1-ton Derrick for Uravy Lift Sawmill and MlnlngMarhtnert Repaired and Overhauled Advertise In the Dally News S2.95 $2.95 GEMS FKOINl LIFE'S SCRAP-BOOK Augustine. FAITH "Faith opens a way for the under- ' standing; unbelief closes It." St. "Our doubts are traitors 1 And make us lose the food we oft might win By fearing to "attempt." -4Sha1cespeare. "Faith is that courage in the heart which trusts for all good to God." Luther. "Faith should 'enlarge iU borders and strengthen Its base by resting upon Spirit Instead of maCter.'V-Mary Baker". EddjL "Faith is letting down our nets into the untransparent deeps at the Divine Command, not knowing I what we shall take." Faber. I "Faith Is taking God at His word.' Evans. "Faith has given man an inward . willingness, a world of strength! wherewith to front a world of dlf-1 ficulty."-Carlyle. REGAL SHOP You are cordially invited to call in and look over our Fine Assortment of CHRISTMAS CARDS From 5c each or 50c per doxen. We also have some very fine box assortments We have a very large assortment of Toys and Christmas Tree dressings and a variety of Christmas gifts of all descriptions. We will willingly hold any goods you care to reserve for future delivery. A fresh supply of fancy work has just arrived. These Sampes give you all an opportunity to buy at AWAY BELOW MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Snap Them up at the ASTONISHINGLY LOW CUT RATE PRICES, GREAT VALUES! BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS. WOMEN'S SHOES Snappy New Styles In Pumps, Straps, up from Oxfords in Black and Brown. New Shawl Tongue; up from $1.95 $3.49 Everything in Rubbers CUT RATE SHOE STORE - - 3rd Avenue Reginald Denny Becomes Father Daughter Weighing Nearly Pounds'. Born to Wife of i , Screen Actor THINK TWICE Before You Buy a Bargain in Jcwelcry It's so easy to be tempted by sensational offers but remember this: Every store must make a profit to exist. You never get "something for nothing." Our prices are fair, our profit Is reasonable, and the quality of our merchandise q is backed by the T.'ff9 reputation of our store. 1 Jewellers 1, HOLLYWOOD,, Nov. S8:-A daughter weighing five pounds and thirteen ounces was-, born here Sun day to the wife of Reginald Denny, well known Screen actor. dn a regular voyage from Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Jsland points, C, N. R. iteamer Prince John, papt:, Dan McKlnnon. is expected to ' jirrive in port tarty tomorrow mtrrfing The vessel left'Skidegate Inlet at 10:30 last night for Massett Inlet where she Is making her calls today. iTtit STORE WITH THE CLOCK AdrerUse In tne Dally News "TILL1E THE TOILER" STYuf. Deo MADE ' MERCY'. ' HAVEN'T HEARD r-CM MAC SlMCE HB AHO -jOSlC. VJJiMT TO SRE PRor. .THE DAILY NEWS CASE IS MYSTERY Chicago Authorities Still Baffled By Murder of Beautiful Youne Woman CHICAGO, Nov. 28: Both Dr. Alice Lindsay Wynekoop, mother-in-law, and Earl Wynecoop. estranged husband of Rheta Wynekoop, j who was slain in Chicago's operating room mystery of a few days ago, I are under arrest charged with the I iHtifflap rtf Via KAatltlflll vnnno tl'O. man. Each evidently trying tol shield the other, both have "confessed'" to the -crime and the police are at a loss to decide which it either, is the bona-fide contention. The young woman, authorltit have announced, was given an overdose of chloroform on the op-orating room table in the mansion of the mother-in-law where Dr. Wynekoop was presumably giving her an examination. There were also traces of mercury in the liver but the woman Is believed to have been alive when a shot was fired Into her body, this being indicated by bleeding from the wound. That Is another theory that the mother-in-law and husband may have collaborated in the killing. Meantime, the investigation la pro ceeding and the case continues to excite much public interest. Anthem Presented By United Church Choir on Sunday The anthem "Sun of My Soul-was acceptably presented at evening service in First United Church on Sunday by the choir under the leadership of J. S. Wilson. Mrs R. O. Large was soloist. ANGUS McKENZIE, ALASKA PIONEER, HAS PASSED AWAY KETCHIKAN. .Nov M Angus McKenzie. well known pioneer of southeastern Au&ka. is dead here. S. It. S. Tune m 1 opics HIGH LIGHTS MM" MONDAY. NOV. 27 6:00 Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. KQIN. 7:00 Contented Hour. KOMO. 8:00 Musical Cavalcade, CFCN. 8:30 Stars of the West. KOMO. 9:15 German Band. CFCN. TUESDAY, NOV. 28 6:30 Nino Martini (Tenor), CFCN. 7:00 Lives at Stake. KOMO. 7:30 Maurice Meerte's Or-. chest ra, CFCN, 8:15 Memory Lane, KOMO. 9: 15 Yodellng Cowboy, CFCN. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28 6:00 One Hour With You. CFCN. 6:30 John M e C o r m 1 c k, KOMO. 8:00 Opera of the Air (Madame Butterfly). KNX. 9:00 Memory Box. KOMO. or Cowboy. CFCN. and Itemember We offer you a modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone niue 320: 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER rore as env -r-r r I DRAMA IN NEWFORM "Narratage" Introduced In Stirring Siory "Power and Glory" at Capitol Theatre Something new in the presenta tlon of talking picture drama is de- voloned in the filming of Power and Glory" which is running as the first of the week feature on I the screen of the Capitol Theatre I here. The picture opens with the j showing of the funeral service oi Tom Garner, president of a great western jail way system. That evening Garner's old and faithful secretary relates the life story of his chief to his wife in order to make . her understand that he was not a man to be feared and hated but rather one to be plUed. As the narrator talks, the story Is unfolded; with its inany dramatic and romantic incidents It is a most original picture with fine acting and direction. "Narratage" is the name given the new method of presentation. Spencer Tracy gives a fine por-1 trayal in the leading role while Colleen Moore Is splendid first as a young and later as a middle-aged woman. Ralph Morgan has the Important task oi narrator Helen Vinson and J. rarrell MacDonald art also seen In Important parts. COLD AT DAWSON DAWSON. Nov 38 -Twelve below sero temperature was recorded here yesterday and the cold was reported to be xpreudlnK southward toward British Columbia THE BEST SERVICE We can give our customers Is the RIGHT QUALITY at the RIGHT PRICE. MUSSALLEM'S prices are made to suit your potketbook. Ulte u jour order TODAY EDUCATOR CHEESE I THINS. 2 pka. MAGIC DA KIN Q POWDER , 21-10. tin ... MAGIC BAKING POWDER 12-os. tin VI -TONE 1-lb. tin Jig Saw Puttie FREE DR. MIDDLETON'S 100 WHSAT FLOUR I 7-lb. seek ! APRICOTS Buffet stse I 2 tins PKAHU Bullet site 2 tins JAP ORANO I per box ... ' per I bundle !l MONOGRAM TEA per lb. 25c 90c 30c 59c WHOLE 35c 23c 23c 90c 51.75 39c" Rem! value; Try a Pound LUX For Fine Laundering 3 pkgs PINE OLA Miracle Cleaner all general uses a real buy: 2-lb tin 25c for 90c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" S 17-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone II Monday & Tuesday Admission 15c & SOc TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 vMBOKBasssnaHBflrJI mmmm "Oil" Thirsty Kl I Musical "t' AIT. HENRY'S SIIOWIIO mi YVEnvtciit.. "Voltai TIlK LIHL'RTY 1 STAIt PICTL'HK nd ... THURSDAY aire "THE POWER AND THE GLORY" With SPENCER TRACY and COLLEFA moV,. The' I Couldn't Help lt-I Fell In LoveAnd I am Still Younr a I, . L' III'VIIIIII . " " I IrT t Comedy ".MAHHIAOK lIl'MOIt" MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Christmas Gifts for the Home Good the Whole Year Kitchen Linoleum. Kitchen Tablf Klti-hen Chairs: High Chair for Itaby; t'ongolrum llugs all mim Complete Line of Furniture Prices are Low Phone 77j Third Avenue Prince Vmu, We Give Away For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet lUys Intra Red ftayi Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 541 Eichange Block TH AT euv jRos'E L f HA 1 i! I 1 HEw voo I T Heat Bulkier Valey Coal coritaim more hciit uniti than any other coal on thie market hih! yet eotU no more. Specify ulkley Valley COAL Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareitl. Propriety -A IIO.MK AWAY FROM II J ap 50 Rooms, list St Cold WtUt Prince Rupert B.C Phone Ml PO BntlK TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" Phone: Blue 901 The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating- Wrsppm St General rurnlture Repair List your goods with tat rtione Ulstfc 1M GEO. J. DAWES By Westover. My pipe' I ' UUDO