.may. tfqVnber oON'T TAKE CHANCfo Wil INFERIOR BAKINp POWpER USE THE BEST. WITH rJAGIC THERE'S NO UNCERTAINTY ABOUT YOUR &AKING inf. irnnvtlon I'ltiMi; iii nitT .m:SCVs Steamers levi i DrlnnAca For VANCOllVKU ".ftS-SA otvo maa iireeip HP nnTll gtsssssssssssssssssssssssJPfeH VltMlvr u IMfanioat t Boih lUm llakrti' Sihwli MAGIC r. CoM not quite of a cent more per bk I.. A 1 1. ...it.. -l,.in.t lnfrlr tttklnd MW Wfo) Jirs. Why not use liiU flnf-quaHty baling cgyy ' powder and be ure oi auiaciory resumr rOST Al NO A l-t'l ' ' Thl Hilminl n ry U tour urnl tUt Xtk lUklna riJr ji rtw frc 'um fcarmlul lntrdlnt. Third AMiiue M4 In Canada Greeting Cards in Ixixcs 50c and up Xmas Stock on display itiunerv. Tujlpt Sets, Chocolates, Perfumes, unu ras,' Etc. A teautiful range of merchandise to choose from. SUGARED JELLIES J5c lb. box He sure to use your votes for a little lnty or girl OimS Vlie Pionter Druqgists " tt on: The Retail Rtor. rieFish uiAicA made Prince r( Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Mian Fish & Cold Storage Go., Ltd. IMUNCE UUTEUT. HC UNION STEAMSiuirS LIMITED 1 ' . ... V,.n.'. u rr TS S. CATALA KYFUYaViL. 111Mr Thundar i Ocean mi ina n w" - tss. carukna i;vtu'.iiMY Arn Vl(""rr --" ' mfvr tnrf Naa. -v Haiiuma to Met artiM" .'1' nnv Rivet p.inti, 1T Fr'"T 1,1,1 11, .,,, Tim. l-KINCK and I rrth ndu. MeaU Hi ltn i:UT TO VANCOI'VKU. 31. 1M4. March limit On Sale Nov 10 to Feb. 28. return l'hon 5S WlntVr Kscurslon ftWTOi TlcklUon sale Nov. id, l ?iB ' I-rlnc; Huner't for Vancouver W 1 V-Wy, ports: nat Adelaide, tmw V 00 m rrlnfe ltupfrU W. I. nt ITT'I "rn"' - An Interesting aeries of atort mi.vlna nirtures on Canadian sce nic and geographical subjects Is !being shown, ae each week, at the CapM Theatre here The reels are tuuduced by the Canadian rov- T I eminent and are Oetog exmoueo by the Canadian Cluj under special arrangenienU with the Famous Players Canadian Corpora tion They are Ming anown eaen week-end and the next "Open Skyways in the Rocktee" will be this Friday and Saturday with "Lake of the Woods". "Lauren tial Lures" anat "Trail Riders ol Jasper Park" fqltowtttx in order mention. Fowr sueh pictures have aixeaay oean shown Iters. pyncewents Baales' Dance Dexsember I, Adm. ILadlej c .. QejjU c. ttlreah- nenta. rs wsck s W. A. Cana4lao Lftp Bajaar. aMlaj HaU Pic. 5. United Church Qaaaar Dee, 7. Sons of Norway Xmas Tree Dec. 26. Moose Hall. Hogmanay Dance. Qujfen Mary Chapter. December 2V- LQW Winter Fares from PRINCE RUPERT and Ocean rails t? VANCOUVER QounUrsbruoJT.M un)lJuU. Hatch ai are a4 Onf:1. ysoUand Includaf. No SIHIV" - HsA nti1 Oft 9XX y.uui CANADIAN jzz -tj zl: . j v .THE DAPXWCWa t Asii MCWC MrYFFQ LJJl MJLuVVU fWiiJJ Sllversldes Bros, for Wallpaper, rjfcsa, Paln,t afui Mo. See our wi.F4ftw, showing a com plete line of ladles' Jackeu ana Slacks for outdoor wear. Bryant 'Company Ltd. E. J. Smith returned to the citjr in the Oatala this morning after making (he round Wo to Anyo and Bl wart o.i b urines. , Charles Hartadlne. O.N.R. yard-; rruwtsr. returned to the elty at the end of the week from a t'6-weeks" ( holiday trip to Vancouver. . I S. J. labour will aaU on the ax. Prir.ee Dearie tomorrow allcrnoan for a week' trip to Rr-inler on b tut neat lie expects to return to the city oo Tuesday of next week. Pleading tufty to a charge of vagrancy. Florence MoCalhun. I dlan. wan fined UO. vtth option of seven day' Imprisonment- by Magistrate McClymot In city police court this morning. I Aims HJWWt'V W'F' taken up todajr t the tMuMr weekh; UAnelMgot of the Prince Rupert Oyro du in the Baa ton Cafe there beta s apeaker. preakient T W. Brown wm la the ctate. n W. SincUlr of Inverneat from tftw York. Nofember 17 on the Qrace liner 8anU Tereaa i ror nruni. uosia nica. Nicara gua. Honduras. Ouateflala. Mexico, and California. Mr Sloclalr U on a holiday trip EaeV T'aer wire only tore P-isejngrrs bd the mt Pfin-eex Marab wblet u in part yesterday bound from VWKWer to Skagway and alx of these disembarked her one )eft here for the north on the teaeei. Miss WJnnilred ajby ci y stu- Ident nurglni ataif of tt Prince Rup-rt General hosptUl sailed on i the Cataia this after- oon for Vancouver enroute to TrmnqnUle Sanitarium where she HI take a !ourse in tabwevtosta nawtog. ta-iter upendint a ttme at Va -couver ioenera.1 Haepital fo studi in diet etic. Unpalnted furniture makes an keal law-coat ClkUtinas UUt. A larg,? Yrtety, to fhoo Iri at Oordon's HardajCf. 27& ppv a c. Woods, well known metchlkan ckr)yman. wa a nas- j sender aooaro vn? irmress now.i i yesterday returning to te "First 6lty of Alaska" affr a trip to Se attic ad' elsewhere in th; south UOTUCDC Hi Don t eipn- rotnt with cbildrtn'a coMt... Treat tbem your own mother did ln(l Jolt rob throat and ch(t with . . . WICKS Y VapoRub D. H Burrow"! r''tuin'd U) the city on the Cataia u.is morning after making the round trip to Anyox ad 9tewsurt on buslneta. Latest models in Pure Wool Ski Jackets for ladles and men. New jattractlre colors. Will be pjeased ! to show you. Brya t Cojapany Ltd. Union rteaaer Cataia. Captain James Findlsy. retur ed to Egrt at 11 30 thU morning (rap A wax. Stewai-t and other northern polrts ano sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver acd waypointa. Dr James Ftoblisop. who has been physician and surgeon for Premier Oold Minln: Co. at Premier fnr the past few years, ar- ived l the city oa. the Cataia this morning tram the north and will VSiiif.-- tram bexe by train tomor row atternoon to we Auaauc Coast where he win embark for the OW tourJsy .to.take up poat- work Mrs Robinson i. Saduate ready in a.e O.d, Country SUMMIT CASH ! MEAT MARKET tesb Killed Bulkier Itound Steak . per lb. fVune Rib Boil per lb Iump Roast per lb 1' Bone Koast per lb. Lfg of Pork per lb. Let of Veal 'pet it) Lag of Lamb 4 per lb. Pprk Chops- . pet lb, a-...:. Veal Cutlets per lb. Lamb Chops per lb. Shoulder Lamb per lb Hambarger 3 lbs. Sew Beef 3 lbs Baloana- per lb. Pet Roast 4 lbs. Corn'Bfcl- 4 IDS - Spare Ribs per lb i . Valley Meat 12ic Fre,sh Flounders 15c 12ic 15c 15c 15c 18c 18p 15c 10c 25c 2c 15c 35c 25c 10c PROMPT SERVICE ASSURED ' IVe Deliver Phone 66C1 I NUhtriione: Red 911 1. HKRTKL TYPEWRITERS Fyr, Sale or. ljcnt R95e, CoTO Lata. Comfort and style in our ladies gkl Suits made by.O. W. O; Bd- r . m. ... r A monion. uryar uiuuy iu. noon. on tftft .Wtfl W Vancouver. Tonight's traio, due Jrom the past at 10, o'clock was reporteo thia-piornlng to oe on time. T-1.V nn1or rpliirnd to the cltV on the Cabala this moroi item a usi.-es trip, to fitjfwfl Aj St. Andrew's 'iay Banguet, Com- mnrfnr Cafp NOV. 30. 650 DJri. i Tickets 50e. Adijreai Ijy T. W. liau jfollcwed by musical program. On a eharze'bf Uieft of tools, E. iBatchford appeared before &isls-1 trae MrClymont in city police 1 ! court this morning and was rp-nia ded for elgrt days. M,rs Thomas YoVty of Arran- dale wa a ptseaaer aboard n-; Qatala th's morDjt gjt rouh ! on a trip to Vaocpuferrjitt Vu-1 ba d It wat:hmajk ol thefiJ at Arrandaie. , Mr. W. L. Armstrong returned on last eienlpg's tra to hcrbpm? in prirse George iri company wiit b?r young daughter who recently underwent aft operation heje and is now recovering nicely. Mrs. F. J. Hall of Stewart' was a .passenger aboard the Cataia this mornlne Koine through to Vancou ver when.ee sie, will proofed to the Bribffe River district to Join her itiD4 3jb4 tk wfl wUrHnee Hotel Arrivals .--. a Royal . aenbera. BetedsJe. Prince Rupert IL E. Whyte and F W. Teague. VMoria. net oulck remits with a want ad Want Ads if qr sale FOR SALE good ifDoe safe.- 'Can be seen at Dally News. tl FOR SALE Six-hole South Bend Range, in good condition, also material In old house. Phone Blue 704. tf FOK RENT HORRENT 5-roprn modern house. like new, nfloor vsew. Mcysr-mont. M FURNISHED Houakeeping Rooms for rent. Will move you in iree Phone 390. lm WANTED BLACKSMITlfS Lac Vice. TQ lbs 'or over. F. Crookall. Osland. 276 WANTED Piano in good condi tion. Must be cheap, tor cash Apply Box 1M. Daily News. 1 LOST LOST Ctf of keys. Finder pjsjase retui to PkU News. Rawata. FOUND FOUND-Radlator cap. Owper may have same by calling at Daily News 9Jfre and paylrg for this avefMseqent. . FntiMDFDtd aas tank can. Ow- ner may nave same oy caumg at Dally News Office and paying tM thli aAvertisemeat HELP yANTED WANTED outside salesman. McRae Ttrnthprs 276 PAINTERS ' A I N T I N 9 and Paperhanglng; Holler. Ph hope Red 802. i;iansfh;.R9 1 CAMSOM'S Transfer. Dry hlrch. , cedar, lackplne Furniture mov- ! ini " HAUtDRESSEfi rERMANEN' rERALNENT WAYtNO1 j in; Ulcs( ayira UeUTX SHOPPE WELL 1 YOU can nolice the difference right away when you replace hlackeiMyt "hargain" bull tfillt edison Mazda lvj.ips. Foe real comfort make the change today. HP EDISON MAZDA LAM PS MA0( IN CANADA Cards 141 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, LIMITED CaTXattaTRIKrV gumpi Largest Assortment of Fine Christmas Cards now on display ISTMAS This year's low prfces enable you to renejnber every rie of 'your rfrlwids vrtth a cheerful greeting We have an extensive range of English and Cn $1.00 Canadian Cards Iron tV to YMU BeaaUJui Scenic. Floral and Oonjensional Designs, also Local View Cards and Comic Greetings. OCp 2.00 Relative Cards. Boxed assortments from to Came in and get the p.icv pf th$m all Last mail for the Old Country closes about December 4th. Don't delay, get your carua now. eHfaeMvs.d Headquarters for Tovland and Bookland. Va.tch for further Announcements In this paper SjsaggSsgaXKaBSMBtts.SSBBflaaa5taagHaa 1 . " tl FURS! FURS! TRAPPERS, FARMERS AND COLLECTORS We want your MINK. MARTEN, FISHERS. LYNX. CROSS. SILVER and RED FOXES, WOLVES' WEASELS to fill In our orders at once Our prices In these articles cannot be beaten. Prince Rupert, naturally located as 4 lux centre, is ttw m logical place for you to ship for quSk returns, and you will get Just aa rattca. it not more. A trial shipment will convince you. All shipments kept separate until our prices are confirmed by you. When you are In Prince Rupert make bur store do.r qnatje and rvei at nome. ( John Clones Prince Rupert, B.C, P. O. Box 361 i B4BaBas3Sgcaa89a1BaBjBjZgZ " - - I Third Ave. & Sixth St. WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS 1 I r-fTTll It's sure to J REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD, Phone 618