I. Wednesday and Thursday Exhibition Hall Rihg Edward High School StiiiteHighcHobi Preliminary G&mes at 7:36 SMlTIlEliS HlriH SCHOOL GIRLS ' vs. COMKTS Prince Rupert High School Hoys-vsi Smithers High School Roys Referees B. Slimier and A. Mitchell Thursday's tiair.es will be followed by a Dance ani lio't w ill ,: . he,served the High School girtC 'Admission: Wedncsua;., .ac: Thursday, 33c including dance westwards THE DAILY NEWS. IMtlNCE KUPEKT - BKITISI1 COLUMBIA Publlsried ' Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Now, Limited. Third Avenue H, F. FULLEtf'- - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City-, delivery, by matt or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance per week 'L BJrnVU to all parts of British Columbia, the British ETmpire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year - .. ADVEUTISI.NO KATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per ineertfen Olasstfte'd advertising, per lnjertlon, per word . Advertisint and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulation ' MFEf INSURANCE WEEK ' S extent that life insurance has done. CUTTER AT KETCHIKAN Brand, New Vessel Shoshone Cuts uiic ricurr uii airriruiii of'Northerri Port oW Repairing Bring your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Ouarantenf $1 MacARTHUR Tlilrd Ave. Next Federal Blk. .SS Prince George" Benefits'From1 500 10? t 3,00 9.00 1.40 Wednesday, April 19. 1HI lnis is lite insurance week and. all over the countrv. ripple are bringing prominently before the people the TEA-SALE SUCCESS .May Attend Affair Stated by Catholic Women Yesterday Under the general convenorship of Mrs. Ilarold McKwen. president of the Catholic Ladies Aid. the Ca 4i TOR DAU.Y N1RWS,. FAOE 1WO WednesH i April 19 'BASKETBALL GAMES1 Wicftnen InvadePolb .sammfaamnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV AfaMta maid tiies her njnd at the an "teat u'' ! pclo M!sa Frances Post of Lon Inland piiv ; ir.e alor.j :he iMfeUaes during a recent matjh betwr n stri teams at Attken. South Car ollna. US. MINING- N Noteworthy Gold Developments Properties Near Production Now VANDERHOOP. April -Devel opments In the northeastern mln- tholic spring tea and sale took: place eral survey dutriet m 1932 te con-yesterday and was an outstanding nection with lode gold were note- success, worthy In a hlah decree accordlnc Ibe tea table, which was presided to uouglas Lav. resident mlnlftk en- value of insurance to the insured and to the nation -a ?M?. B-! ?J.lMr": "mr iMtt t: r. sfaking whole. ft pteed out tltnt during the dprion tfZS ZZSSZL CHitn r6 are ndW two-thirds of the emerging- payments appearance of the spacious hall termed the renaissance of the Man-riiane by the companies' nave beeii td living policyholders g an air of spring and holiday ..on cret section, oermanaon inland not to heirs or beneficiaries. Loans havelleen riiade feln -era ud. had' reached the produe-against' policies for the purpose1 of helping the insurdd to . wnln ?oc!1 "M Md tk,n th clo crry through the troublous ,Um. In some cases pol icies innST " r" 22 have been surrendered j and the cash value of the policies The mam event of the affair was m Toad construction and 3Ing Utilised: Nothing has helped to stabilize business to the 'the drawing in the raffles which equipment to Its holflmt on State i were won as iohows: Creek mw. by Mrs. Hubert Wort. Many new dtocowrtes were mode 'tlekut Mn MIX i- .w. . . ut wrc psevr im botwsw fnwer- Pt Mr. J. L. Melntosh. At- errt points. smf whietf HoM out M AtiMs, tie Met No. 1JTT. pranls of ammirig eommerelal H9M. b Mr. Loaders. Vernon Importance Rooms. UelMt No. 1571 Columario OMd Minos at Usk had. t . t r - " -.. irppiTwnuy. pafsjBo Dvyona tne raa- interior Dooriii1 UU &knm: tut at w n M' BtUt. Mrs. mm Jabaor. tk-ket wttaon & Sons at DAYne MMntaln. !N0. S3.' rtMF THran xvf iKa MMiV f air. A. McD. Young of Prlnee Oeorsjc, ' Oatuly, PMAor Grant. No. 2. wB6 tm been visiting with His par-! Wse cuMaori. Mrs. Joe OS rem. No. KETCHIKAN. April 19 -EnroutO ante. Judfce and Mrs. F. McB. YbBS';28. tbe Behrlnc Sea where she wUl here for the past week. U returning' Pair of pttJow slips. Mrs Frank St. operated in patrol work durlnx honte tHu evening. Amour, No. 14. the coming summer; the new coast- Mr. Young says that Prineei Bridge cover, Mrs. A D. (Mines, No. guard eutter S-hoahone was a trial- OfeoTge Is feeltnt tile effect of trie57: tor in Ketchikan yesterday, mak- gold development of the; Cariboo' Luncheon sat. Mrs. R. E. Moore, lf al impMfng figure on the local and other mines nearer home. The No u terffortt. TW hundred and flftv whole country Is staked almost t Rd doU- M1 uy Scott. No. ft.-Wfnd crrvin a personnel from Barktrville to Prince Oeprge2- of iOS1 officer and men th" Sho- and It is estimated that ten thou-1 tMn 0n' Mtas Bl,en Moore, Nb. shone is th very last word In the -and people will bejn BarkervWe line of coastguard vessels. Urn, summer. The home cooking and candy AocOrnti tiled by the Alert, an- Mr. Young went to school in Dooih m ohate of Mrs. R. E. otHcir' coastguard vel. the 8ho- Prinre Rupert years ago before Uie 0'' Mlt'' by Mrs. Hubert shorie stilled this mornlnj! for the wni ,ind hits been renewina old ae.'W"'- otiainMnces in the city. SAVE"vVRICLEY 3e WRAPPERS-Writs for PREMIUM GIFT CATALOGUE Fresh Milk and Cream' Daily VALENTIN DAIRY" Plt-tUn fir? ft uuiii; vie M tiam ana rancy sewing doom waa i in charge of Mrs. 8. Datener, assis ted by Mrs. E J. mtapatriek 2sr ,or ''-nr nonh I and evening were in charge of Mrs. F Marnet mid Mrs. Murray, j Cashier for the afternoon was groan on Hudson Day Mountain and of the Jessie Gold Mmeo Ltd. on Hudson Day Mountain hod beeti moat gratifying Mr. Lay exoreond the bttfe'f that there was every reason to feel highly confident as to the future. FISHERMEN FOR NORtH TOFINO. April 19 Owing to the run of sprint? salmon on the banks off Kyuquot Sound being so poor this season, the majority of the KVIWIIWlt tr..m! flu Umm Charlotte Islands, where a good run occurs ev ry year at this time. On aOMMSnt f IS m MMua'O tlai.... M Mrs. A. D. OiOlea and for the eve- lZ ". ZJViZ Th L(n tne Seattle markets, it has k been ,fru a, n'nK M" 81 Amour- I ttshed very litUe in past years. ! Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, tempera ture 40. I Ayansh- Raining, calm. 42. I Ahyox Raining, calm. 38. j Stewart Snowing, calm. 35. I Ilazelton Cloudy, calm. 43. Smithers Cloudy, calm1, 40. ! Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 38. LOCAL NEWS The" Kyuouol Trailers' Co -operative Association has established a fish, buying uten at the northern point, and lu fleet of packers, chartered from Nelson Bros., of1 New Westminster, Including the WeWrn" Chief. Western Spirit olid Mary Taylor, will convrY the' catch to the Sound City. Just how Iqng the run at the Queen Charlottes will last is a'maU tT of conjecture, b'tfl it Is expected Vhe fleet wtll be there for a month or six weeks, in the meantime only S. C. Thomson sailed on the half a doten or so trollcfs remain Cateta yesterday afternoon for a fishing at Kyiquot, b'elrlg mostly brief business trip to Ocean Falls, the smaller bcmU unable5' to mum tlie long run to the new grounds. M J- 8. omy and grgnriohlld' TJitt Ig the flrsninte the trollfrs of of SMiUlers are paying a brief visit the wW Toast, M an onwuilivM to the city, living arrived frombody, have Invaded the saMifftm .Interior on this mornlrg's trolling ground's, off the Queen "nm Charlotte coast. The LetteY Bo THE l'OttriOAL' slTl'ATiU.: Editor. Daily News: -. IhV pndln appeal to the cUv-tors will, beyond any doubt, be otu of" the m'oHt tfec'Hffe in" tlfe' History of li d. The grim reallths confront-lnar u are retHry pe.pWWrrt Unemployment Is Increasing and the nov-ernrh'ehtihave' deciVfed td pontlnue in th'elr bWhd pbllcVot thV'dore y -tern, thlnlctrfg that) evertullly providence wuTflhd o; wtlotlon The pro'vmcM arid munlclpii! credlU irte"nori-exWfeht OuUtand-ing obligations cannot be met. Taxes cannot be paid beruusc tho average source of tneonw Ita dried. partieutaHy the on oflubbr Hun-dredi of "hemes throughout tiie pro-vihee" art- lf danger o beln od tot taxet that cannot be paid The whole life of every coinin nitty Is hanghiK undr a sTwcio n( griMiavdeapM: as to trfe outeome of all this. Three long years h.ivi-gone by and the governments have so flif cWft nothing to rfmedy the aituattoh1.' lifrf irt U? C the Urrp. tent Tbfenl admtnlstrattbh eartnot evert decMe' td dl decently Another' pdlHiea! leader u umt tng the sotifn pIH of the ptc vlrtce in a vain cttttafde to try to perpetuate a dead pofHieal wtihtM. prompted only by selflttffleu and greed. It is remarteaMe how certain elements eanrWtt read the slgiM of the ttroe. The eteetMb In the great Republic te the sotttri of at hat failed Only sr poftey of eemtrofflve ag-to tetl them anythteg. grestiveniia. dAnc away wHh atl orxrue prtvtMtea ana tne nssont-tkm of the fbnettgn of money sad credit, irt pf ovfdmt work for the masses, will solve the pressing problems. It U Imperative that pom tea! power be concentrated hi the hands of men imbued with a sense of duty to serve humanity and not special Interests, of men fired with the spirit to serve the natMn and not a' few elaase of pfbtderfcts The first and foremost eonsJderatloa of men lnltleB to to provide fdf the a chlnce'U make a ltvn in the old usuaVwy that has been ; familiar throtttfi the asjaa wrk T. D: PattuML our future premier. Has all thV rentes. Ilia main ob-i iect after assuminc office is to brlnsn oown toe waaes of money on wttH the wageVofTayttr' t nh down the exuMve rete of interest thwt is unbearable under present cendt-lions, and to provide work by mo- oMIttnt the rosaureos of the ns-! Uon, thus breaking the vicious drele of ufsenipsoyment which (a oppress-tng every ebmrnunrty. MK PattvUd has the slamviai. the vMon mni the w4tl-power to ear the elements that, in their Mtndnea. have ruined the eesmocay of Canada and evefi' now persist in being busy oonvf notmhg to remedy the shnaUoA It fct Ufue that tne people of this provhwe rose in Utok might and1 flnafly drovb dot of pontics the in-competent, unwilling and oWt-bf-dato forces, unable toy understand the present necessities. , , OBSERVER. SPORT Clft At Tortlght the P'rlnce Rupert High School boys will oppose Smithers High School boys, who arrived with their p&rty of sop port ers on this mdrnlng's late train. In the first of a two-game series, tin? second game bainf scheduled for tomorrow flight Rupert high will be represented by a fast quintette mode up of the cream of the Intermediate division and at several seniors. The local players will be O.ncar Wlngham John MfjfTUoit ieapt.1, KfcVu Nuka-meto. Joe Ollll. oarl Snflth. Mt Fotboa, Rujiert Rosd artd Bill Tobey The boyi make up a fdrrnldable team and should give a good account of themselves. Tile openlnu game U tb be pteyed by two pick-up UWm from the Itlgh (5cho6niasket ball League and fl close arid interesting Rame is anticipated. There will alio be a Prince rtupe'rt-Sml-therk girls' game. Baseball Scores 'Canadian Press) Amrrlcan Leirue Cleveialld 0. St. Ldtils 1. Philadelphia 1, New York 2. Cltlcngjd 12. Detroit &. Natloiiil iVac'tie Net VdtVf J Phllftdeljirila 2. Pittsburg 1, Chicago 3. 1BII iBIIIBBH lii-lll,IBBIBI a a par par i FAMILY SHOE STORE Ltd, Sale Continues a1 FeW More Days v - . Better Bargains Than? Ev6i BVgaiiis fori tKe eh tire family PllfJnt' :S7 skk ouihVtfiNfmu's Mri A C MrCoikrli and Mrs Oebrge Of ton have left lor Vn oouver where the forajer. who. has been ill for some time, will recetvo treatment at the Vancouver Oenentt HoKpltal Mrs F It DarrarR aatf son. John, have returned home after spensunf three aontha at Salmon Ann vtsJS-tng with Mrs. DrrCnts parents Dr.fifandyHome'' With HisBride. Itesidrnt Mining Enilneer Martito" hi Vancouver t Ml Midgr Jfttiet f IndUns Dr. Joseph T Msndy. resident tfifnlhg engineer for the northeastern mtnerai survey di strict, re turned to the ettyon the Prince Ru- pert tMs taofTtlrtg. sOFOnvnattMl by hlr bride, wtkff was rormerly Mis 8 MedgW Jbneo of Ftlrhaiond. Indiana, aval they are reeetrmg hearty ron-grbtatationa rrom many friTida 1 The niSTrtage took plsee m First 'JnHed Chofttt Vancouver, on April ' 4 with Rev. Andrew Rodd.tn officiating, attesvdamts of the coopie be-' ng Mr and Mrs James Welsh Following a luncheon m the Oeomu Hotel. Dr and Mrs.Mandy enjoyed a two weeks' honeymoon In the south sod are now taking tip reM Oeneeat tMl dralum Avenue heir ltRIT.tl.VtTArtFS ACnoS'-TO FORCE COMMUTATION i5NmSTi!nsv srxTE.vcrs fOorrtinued from Pe i ber, hewn, sawn, plain or dressed and articles manufactured wholly or In part of wood and timber No mention was made of fith On the basis of cumin trade figures the embargo would bar tm-orts aggregatinic fO.600,000 in value .innuallyk Wouid'llrlp j. C. VANCOtJv'rin. April 19' Cana-dMn PrttMi-OreW Ilriuin's embargo on lumber from Russia. If It becomes effective and stands, will mean wofk for thousand of men in British Columbia: It Is believed.' KEN BLACK IS-WINNER MeiiJlJer of SliatkHnessf ClliW; Van-fouVer, limiiHeVoHi: 6. riolf filiahiiloi.Uil(f ,VlCrr6pIA. April Iff: CP-Yduni RVri IilacTr: of 8hoiihneay Club, Vsricouviw, won the British Columbia arrlale'u'r tilt' cAfhiplori-H!p by defeatJrig Alfx Watson of Hie Oik" Day Club on Monday in the final seven up. the contest ending at the thirtieth hole. Rox V NORTHERN; B. G. NEWS ANYOX Hundred ut lUrsuins lu CIioom- frutn. Minuim iM, ,,,,, h Sfiaifea Kuril an iltfi, Blue, llUfodW, Bintn, Itij, aiaslei Dies, w . : ; . tfasa Vancouvi r tor vacation with The VvodSiit bp.i' t tors 41-19 Ihu .:.:. five gaatos in tlir tj...i.. in., off Mirk fend iii.:. : ketball rup in 'i, : , !U- i, Ukt Spwoks d(r 0 P wtnakBg U rovr'.i ' snaWfel-9B ifftgtJgV 'Mrs. li;BIiii.'f; . lix.i aim D. tasvi .i!. v v : gtt for V.4i v.-r M' retuin : i T r HaaHsilaai f-f f v " tome chaiu - feooroi have sw, I chArd Improve 1 1 r ted The green . at art early dsn- ' the enthasssun 1 promise to be i D. Boyd and n arrived from v.u mar will tak-opntb; vaettei! n ! Mr. Barber the holiday Satikfacturv Itadio Scrvi Plione Bliie 320 VIM Vir.nl Kt'patrs Out nf Towrt iV'.ifc Solicited LOOK l-Olt TIH towi:ii Superior i . Rndin Service j 4ftVvSJiW 33C Scroti il AVrm", Phoife Blue 320 P. O, Bos 1 ir A O; BARTT F'i ' c ii inhuian; DM I ra -at i I