paoi rotiH "-"' TO DAILY IWi Wednesday April U. guaranteed by the Gold Seal on the surface. GOLD SEA RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter Melt AE BROS., LTD. CONCOLEL'M CANADA LIMITED (ONGOLEUM I KUGS NOTE: Mite sure feu sttuah li nt lift Cold Sr ... if M iiuppoixtilt mbititultt. STEWART, April 19 The vil-lae council has been aecurtnt some Information from the city engineer at Prince Rupert u to the possibility of laying asphalt, surfaced gravel sidewalks Instead of plank. Several walks will have to be laid this summer and it Is the opinion of the municipal council that the work would be cheaper and more lasting than that done In the past. The whole nutter of sidewalks was discussed at a meeting of the council last weak with Chief Com mlssioner w. R. Tooth presiding and Commissioners W. L. Newell, J. H. Wilson and Secretary Apple-whalte also present. Stewart presents a simple problem to -the builder of streets and sidewalks because it is leva! and there la plenty of gravil everywhere. ESCOLEGO v cota ttAt Dog Tax is Put On at Stewart 8T8WART. April 19: Owner of dogs are contributing to the revenue to the village of 8tewart. There are half a hundred- of them and they pay a tax of three dollars each for males and five for females. Many have already paid the tax and those unable to do so are arranging to work out the tax on the roads as soon as the snow is all gone and the work can be got under way. This j was decided at the meeting of the village council held this week. T'lNG CS1 Never have Congoleurn stylists scored a greater triumph than in this season's lovely new patterns. And when you couple with this the ' fact that Congoleurn is now offered at the loivest prices in hislwy, you have the world's outstanding value in home furnishings. See these wonderful new Congoleurn Gold Seal Rugs at, your dealer's. Plat-lying, easy to clean, they defy hard wear: the very floor covering for beauty, comfort, convenience and economy' ; And remember, there is only one Congoleurn $. '. -jbc gemify MONTREAL t Nole'lbhe Bargain Price; i - The Leu'tit-in Uistorj Slr Priit Vi 9 feet i 4JO 6 9 fen . &M 7ft 9 feet ... f 7.J0 9 x 0 feet . , . , . 9.00 9 XlQftfeet ..... lOwSO 9 . x U feet .... . 12.00 MacKenzie's Furniture Phone 775 Carries a good line of Congoleurn Rugs and yard goods Third Avenue Prince Rupert MAY USE t. ASPHALT I I i IDENTIFIED AS BANDIT Wallie Doe Altered to be One of MenjWho Escaped With Van rourrr Payroll VANCOUVER, April 19: CP Wallie Doe, arrested with five other men by Washington and Oregon police, was Identified In a line-up at Tacoma on Sunday by Vancouver B. C. witnesses as being one of two bandits who held up and robbed employees of the Empire Stevedoring Co. here on April 7, escaping with a $7200 payroll. "TILIJE THE TOILER" I WAITED tOf J VOU TO TAKE Mr to the tiHa i-ooan omco iast MIOHT, BUT VtKJ OlOM'T XHOVsj Of . feO I TOOK. TAci ., , ., . , I VVLM, TO I , - ,V, 1 i Juvenile Orange Lodge Hold Tea And Cooking Sale The Juvenile Orange Lodge held Its flrtjl tea and sale of home cooking yesterday afternoon In the Oddfellows' Hall and it was a very successful affair. Mist Betty Eastman, chairman of the Lodge, received the guests. Miss Orace Howe was convener. Servi-teurs were Misses Eva and Bessie Chandler, Rosie Cox. Dorothy Fowler and Charlotte Phllllpson. Those in charge of the home cooking were Misses Dorothy Webster ami Shirley Walla. Thtoe In charge of the plain sewing table were Misses Irene Boulter and Ina Moo rehouse. Mrs. J. O Vlereck, guardian of the lodge, was supervisor. The program consisted of piano aokw by Jean McLean. Norma Archie, Charlotte PhUUpson and Rosle Smith; neal solo by Shirley Walls; dancing by Isa Cannery and Clara DahL Md acrobatic display, by Mark Narton. Mlas Norma Archie was cashier Mrs. 11. B. Kastmaa awl Mrs. I. V. Ok paved. FISHLIUUS ECONOMICS (QpUnued from Page 1 M pftfftai fMMi ft ' tan. ; Smaller ,Flsh away from here in Ice. it would be unfit for human ensumpttoli when It reached the east. In Use thin! place the terrific expense of traru-porttng Ute fish would make ui oompleteiy'unable' to meet eastetn compettttott." Mr. Fran alluded to a situation which was developing on the eastern marketawfcerby the public, in these times of depression, was : urn-ing to the cheaper varieties of fish and had foand that they liked strictly fresh cod and haddock better, or Just as well, as the Pacific Coast halibut which, after all. was anything bat an actually fresh fish by the time It reached the east, if conditions In the Pacific Coast halibut fishery did not change, he looked for a gradual decline in the consumption of halibut until It was maintained by the relatively few people who could afford halibut and felt they must have It. It was along the lines of meeting this newly developing situation that the Prince Rupert Fisheries BaperuneqUl station and Its staff waa devoting efforts towards bringing about improvement and economies In freezing, storage and transportation of fish. YE OLDK English Fish Shoppe MAiAiTa TO ' C 'M CTLA.D W- Vflir&r -- -Trr-, F -y Ji& NEW ROGERS FILM HERE Famous Comedian Supported by Marian Nixon and Dick I'owrll in "Too Busy to Work" Will Rogers cornea to the Capita Theatre this week-end In "Too Busy To Work," in which he plays the role of a philosophical, happy- go-lucky ne'er-do-well, who, after a search of fifteen years, finds his lost daughter and then decides not to reveal himself to her. Rogers is said never to have enjoyed a bet ter role than the one he now plays. I Marian Nixon, playing the lead-jlng feminine role as the daughter. ana Dick Powell furnish the ro- . mantle interest in "Two Busy To 'Work. Miss Nixon recently scored successfully in "Rebecca or Sunny -brook Farm" and Powell hat won jaceb'm for his performaitct In i "Blessed Event,'' good pictuiv which has not yet been seen heir Moose Dance Is Enjoyable Happy Affair Held on Ratter Monday Kvenlrr With Some 1M Persons Present A very enjoyable dance was stag -aft on Master Monday evening by the local Moose bodge, between 190 arjd 175 persons being In at- "PeOWi tenr 0t0 ASk as why lr tendane at th aftelr whk!t. w It that i do rietak advantage of bekl in the Mooa Hall Excellent the m attitude of nailer fiah. such music fot cUnetng waa furntshad at flounder, red cad and black codr by Mrs. J 8. Black's Orchestra and and sot forth, that teem along oe4W. B. McCallummas mafer of w-coasts, . , lemaoiea. At midnight, nfrtali- "In fim place, It is open to met were served with Mrs. (Me doubt as to whether this class of 8tecavig In charge In the kltche fish wouW stand p saamst the m- Charles Lemon was chairman of tensive fishing which large cosnmer- the committee in charge, othe.- cial opera Dons would bring about, members of whkrh were CjI1 Mor- In the MCOnd'piace. it is most prnb-, rUon and Anay Macdonald Ted able that, M the fish were shipe6 ' Rorvlk presided at the ooor SfiE9BHHMQSHHHHa SOAP SPECIALS PEARL WHITE SOAP 4 ban FAIRY SOAP- - for PALMOUVS 8OAP- 4 for OOLD DU8T- 2 pkf JIP SOAP FLAKES I pkgft TOILET ROLLS I tor &ccrvv. Hcv CVAJ AwytfcOOV In 15c 25c 25c 45c 35c 25c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store He deliver all orders, 12 or over 317-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Doz 57 S fhone II Phone 851 We Deliver COAL! COAL! SPECIALS IN ritnsil FISH ! our Famous Bdson. Alberta and Red Cod Fillets, per lb. 10c j Sulkley Valley Coats are guaran- Hallbut Fllleta, per lb ISc teed to give satisfaction. Try a Halibut. Sliced, per lb. 10c ton of No. 1 DullJey Valley. We Red Spring Salmon, per lb. Itc also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat White Spring Salmon, per lb. 9e ! Oats and Barley. Crab "f ,;, :- ,5c Prince Itupcrt Feci Co. , , Smoked I bh a Specialty u ponw Plitne Ml Second Street lannaaanaaanBnanwa5BnnBma. Unexpected Results lVrdnesday and Thunday TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 p.m, Feature Starts 7:40 & 9 40 Admission 15c Si 50c mm 4$. Novelty "SEA SI'IDEIUS jSa.L TWSi'Bt ggggPa FRIDAY k NKVER MOKE IIUMOROtS 11111 II " fl' II . V w mi mMJ m as) a. mm is III lallllMIV III I III! lAllL'ir 1 i IM ' i f lit 11U511 o in a uu iiuoj IU ff () Willi MAUIU.N M.U.N, IIIUK POWELL lot Ntt 1'atchcs on Ills Pants A Sopg on His Upv -lhUl Mn. Loraeuy ualiill, anu iimm in "m ham.' PAH Mni vr TWICE AS CRISP extra nourishing because SHOT FROM GUNS and now you can buy Puffed Wheat and Rice at sharply reduced prices! More nourithmcnt for your money when ccresli sre completely digeitibIe!That's why Puffed Whcst snd Puffed Rice are "hot from cum". No other wsy breaks open every food cell Steam cooks the contents. Ghrei tuch esse of digestibility. A tingle diih of Puffed Grains, with top milk snd sugar, gives the same energy ss a baked potato or Us') chop! Huy Puffed ..'ii f r from your grH dr generous wed k jh ic Seal-Kmp" ptxit ri: keep in ihc givncu andfrethncii. Puffed Wheat-Puffed Rice MjJioCoJbr THE QUAKER OATn i 1 Mi The Fish which made Prince RupertFamom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Coal! Coal! MINEHKAl) E(.'(Per ton $U.50 M1NKIIEAD LUMP Per ton $12' JASPER LUMP-Per tun $12.; JASPER EGG Per ton $11,5U Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 581) By Westovw. 1 f Ift MVI T ' I' I of 1 I tON"T KNOW . MS) -tB0 ' 04 JW.'1 1 ikl TV l"1 7innl OT.rt Mil IVul "J K7 mi