Watch For Announcement of tlie New Chevrolet Six KAIEN MOTORS "a Chevrolet Sales & Se Phone 52 and BI' -C. V,,i XXIV No. 15. Ki.i.ii;r mi:n to nn U.MHYIt) TO TAKi: 0110 JOBS AS WIXl. 'tun Press -Hon H W. &ruhn. Minister of public workj. has (id before the British Colunt- bia unemployment relief eort- 'nittrr a plan whereby men on 'llrf may accept odd Jobs without loalng part of their re- lirf funds. FUNERAL 4 VICTORIA. Jan It Cana- IS HELD Vast Congregation Attended last llitas Yesterday lor Mrs. S. I'. Tolinte VICTORIA, Jan. 10: (CP-Ir the Vv presence of a vast oonf rogation In . Christ chureh CaUtedral jwtorday. British Columbia paid tU final tribute to the memory of the lat Mrs. B r. Tolmle, wife of tlie provtiieial Pn mler. The service was corn! noted by fitnon Joahua HlnehWfe. minister f education, and Interment, was mule in Oak Hay Cemetery. TONKIliTK TltAIN LATK Tonight's train from the Hast, '"e at 10: IS p.m.. waa repotted (hii morning to be three hours late "ina to wglttfig for a ounnecttou at Jasper Pak. This will brtnft U 'rain in at 1:1 a.m. The steamer Pr'nce ftnpert. for the south, will await 1U arrival. She i funeral of Well Knwwn Longshore- man Took I'lare This ! Afternoon The funeral of the late John Me-Btath. longshoreman, who passed away last Sunday, wa hold from the parlora of the B C Undertaken! at 1:30 this afternoon Many oM friend of the deceased were in attendance Rev W D Grant Hoi- Uniworth officiated and W. Vau- ghan Davles presided at the orgen. Following the ceiemony Interment took place at Fsunrlew Cemetery. Pallbearers weru W Johnson. O. Holme v W Krntuaon. H. Hayes. Swan Peterson and 8. V. Cox. all ' members of the Longshoremen's ! Union. 1 JAIL FOR OFFICIAL JUSTICE WRATHY Oct the Detil Out of Here." Aulay Morrison Says to Labor Defence Delegate Jan. 19: (CP) Chief Justice Aulay Morrison who. In the rapacity of a private citizen, heard a delegation of the Canadian labor Defence League which asked for the release of Arthur II. Lvanv ordered Robert Lcales ejected. "(Jet the devil out of here." ordered the chlf justice when he objected to the manner in which Ialf4 made hh representation;. He then heard other delegates. Evan Is charged with subversive activities in connection with the Princeton coal mine strike. Inquiry Held at Ocean Falls Into Death of Skipper; j An Inquiry waa held at Ocean ft Ha laat week by the coroner at 'frill Trrlft tifl.tftii'v i VST af& WTcr Taw 1 v while north from Vancouver ot Oapt. C. E. Svendsen. well known local fish packer skipper, who was ret u mine to his home here from a trip to Vancouver to receive medical treatment. It was established that death waa due to natural causes Sir John Aird NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1933 John Bull Keeps Promise Tomorrow's Tides High ....... 7 34 am. 20 0 ft 20:53 pjn. 15.8 ft. High 0:58 a.m. 8.4 It. 14:20 pjn. '6.5 It. PRICE: FIVE CENTS LEAGUWS ULTIMATUM TO JAPANESE i i i VETERAN PROSPECTOR VICTIM OF STEWART BLAZE TODAY Geneva Conciliation Committee to Try At Settlement Again Offer to Leave United States ami Russia Out of Negotiation If Not Acceptable, Will Proceed Regard-less of Aggressors' Opposition CKNEVA, Jan. 19: (CP) The conciliation committee of the league of Nations consisting of nineteen members has decided to make another effort at conciliation of th Sim-.Jaanee dilute before advancing to procedure re-varilless of the Japanese opposition. The committee has authorized its chairman to uggest that the committee . K vuuUI accept the J.ipancse demand mm mm - m. k i r i i; i't a ; ui in cm-n with rriw f for single men. I iul to Invite the United States and Hon K W nriihn t uta 10 "irtPai m pwes ' " j i -nrllJaUan It trie Japanese on heir part would withdraw other .bjcctlon U Uir committee's for-t ml Then the committee" adjourn-I . in'. il Friday to give the Japan-I firlrcatrN timr to ad: for ln- ructi'Mik from Tokyo Tii'- sentiment ol the i nsgmlrici 1 was described as be lag in tktv of UMlniiiiii: roarlllati'm unleaa J- i dHpoMl to aweptn MIi i-oniv auggeatlem JohnMcBealh Buried Today 1. V. Tuck. 1'onner tltfldal Admin istrator at Vernon, dels Three Years In Pen VKRNON. Jan. 19? (Canadian Pressi D. C. Tuck, former official administrator here for North Oka-nftMii electoral district, has been sentenced to three years' Imprison ment in penitentiary Dy jikiic 8wansun. lie had pleaded guilty to charges of mlsaptroprULlng $8,000 In Uust funds over a rlod of ten years. Today's Weather " Prince Htipcrt-Snowtng. light souUierly wind: barometer. 30.CG; temperature. 30; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Snowing, light southwest wind; burometer. M.C4; temperature. 32. ltRht swell. Triple Islnd Purt cloudy, light northeast wind: sen choppy. LanKttra Wand Overcast, light northwest wind, moderate swell. Presides f :...mjn Bank f Commproo wh lcpoits institution to be u Kood shape. Card of Thanks The family of Mrs. Frank Clapp wish to thank all those who so kindly extended sympathy or sent ftowers on the occasion or the death ot their mother, and espec ially to members ot the Rebekah Lodge. Those sending Powers were: Mr and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, and fa mily. Tlie Elks Uure Ni. 16. W. E. Ualllle. the Utdiea of the Royal Purnle. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Thom son. The Family. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ntekrson. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Klt- agawn. (Yokohama). Mr. and Mrs. D Olennle. Rebekah Lodge No. 40. Oddfellow's Lodge No. 63, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Moxley and family, Pat-more and Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. Qlen aullck. Mr. and Mrs. Mussal-lem, Louis Schlblg, Prince Rupert Shrine Club, Mrs. Nation, and Prince Rupert Pioneer Association K vBBR&m y:; h BEsFBLlflgw. w '7ggBg9iBE hHHQhh Lggggagtlr jigggWgH ftlir'tHk gLggggggggggggggggugLgV John B - bj.x. )rt - ..i. .' . k Wiu-t. Honest John says 1 promise to p.ty he mc a u just that The other uay a Ufty truck came alongside the Majestic and $14,600,000 in gold was transferred WILL FLY IC0MPANIES ATLANTIC! DISCUSSED ('apt. James Mollkoii in Ireland to Prepare for Another Oceanic Hop LONDON. Jan. It: CP-Capt. Tames A. Molllson today new to lre-iand xo prepare for a trans-Atlantic flight to South America. All Hopes Are Abandoned For Hinkler Safety LONDON. January 1 tCana- dun IVesst With all hopes for his rfety now practically abandoned, j Bert Hlneler. famous AustraUan airman, has now been missing for twelve days on his projected flight from England to Australia. Uniformity of Acts For Canada Proposed at Conference Being Held in Ottawa Today OTTAWA. Jan. 19: CP The death knell of "evasive'' comnamr waa sounded at the Dominion -provincial conference here, the conference with marked unanimity, agreeing that steps be taken to pr-pare a uniform Companies Ait fur the provinces and Dominion. Premier Gold up One Cent on Day Vancouver Mart VANCOUVER. Jan. 19 -Premier Quid clowd at 67c on the Vancouver Stork Exchange Tuesday, being up one cent. A total of 2500 shares sold. Outlook For Mining in Prince Rupert District Better Than For Many Years Says Dr. Mandy The protoiit outlook for mining in this district is better than it has been for many years, according to Dr. J. T. Mandy, resident mininp engineer. Thore are a groat many properties on which preliminary work has been dono that are just in readiness for larger operations. A groat many big concerns are sending representatives to the district and it seems as if there is a big mining year ahead of us. Prince Rupert should share in that activity and it should do a great deal to alleviate the unemployed situation. .Of course this is applicable particularly to gold properties. Mickey Nash Loses His ' Life When Cabin Burns In Early Morning Fire Deceased Had Kindled His Fire and Gone Back to Bed-Was Sixty-Five Years Old and Suffered Stroke Some Time Ago STEWART, Jan. 19:-Micky Nash, well known old-time prospector and miner of this district and nearly every mining camp on the continent in the past forty years, tvas burned to death in his cabin here shortly after eight 'clock this morning. When discovered by a neighbor, the fire was beyond control. Apparently, Nash had got up, lit tt its fire and gone back to bed where BUNKH0USE DESTROYED Thirty-One Men Escape From Building At Wingdam Near Quesnel QUBafJEU Jan. (CauswUau; Pressi ilre of unknown origin early Tuesday destroyed the new, snow, most clothing. of them saving their Premier Bennett PBf Who Will not tolerate any Soviet plans ui Canada. Prairies Have Ranging From 3Z Below at Qu-Ap-pcllc to 20 Above at Calgary j ht N;dy war found after the alarm jwas given and the flames extinguished sufficiently to drag the bed ' out the back. The late Mr. Nash, who recently suffered from a slight stroke, was born In Dublin. Intend, sixty-five years ago. SCHOOL IS DESTROYED and old bunk houses and store at. iWingdara mine. 30 miles east of Indian Institution at Kitselas Re- here. Thirty-one men escaped from! P'led to Have Been Consumed i the biasing building In the deep By Flames Word reached the city yesterday scliuol at Klteejku on the Skeena River near Terrace had been destroyed by fire. Indfeh Agent W. E. Collison left last night for Kitselas, following receipt of the report, and more-particulars are expected to be available foHowtag "his return SmithersMan is Fined in Liquor Infraction Case DlvMnnal hesuHpsarters of the proincil police here have been dvu.i Robert Hwtn Ball has 'been fined $50 and costs, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by KM-trndiary Magistrate R, L. (lak- it Sinithers for purcnaatng liquor :it the government liquor store at Smlthers under a false name. Ball was also fined an additional !$M, with thirty days' option, for supplying liquor to an Indian. He Is serving the tune in each case. In connection with the same case r U 117 lL William Mortis. Indian, was fuwd $ ' VOlU W eainer , t. option of three days' imprisonment, for drunkenness. CALGARY. Jan. 19 Cold wea- .her still prevails on the prairies, i The lowest thermometer reading1 Tuesday was 33 below at Qu-Appelle and the hlgliest. 30 above at Light Trading Depresses Prices In Stock Market NKW YORK, Jan. 19: The tightest day of selling since the New Year waa recorded Tuesday on the New York Stock Exchange. Price had a downward tendency. PROBING OF BUSH CASE Serger.nt W. A. McRrayne, Criminal Investigator. Is Called Here Inspector John Shlrass, provincial police who has been on a trip to i Prince Oeorge on officla', duUes, U j expected to return o th city from I the Irterlor on tonight's train, He I will take charge of the Investigation Into the Bush shooting here. Also arriving on tonight's train will be Detective Sergeant W. A. McBntyne of the criminal Investigation department of the provincial police with headquarters at Vlstorta who has been called here to assist in the lnvesitgattoti of the Buth case.