not TWO OAlLT EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. CKUiCE ELTEBT - ERULSB COLUMBIA Pasfeta53 every Aerpeon, Extent Sesday. fcy Prisce Ssrpert Daly News, Lnatcec. Third Aitnw H. r. POLLEN - - Viwagtt-Etftlor subscription rates flaty deHmf , by snail or earner, yearly period, paid in advance Fee feater aiaasaa. paid to advance, per net ! By ass is afl pert of Britssb Citapaais. the Bajffch Br nut la all other eoaatrie. per ya$ ADVERTISING, RATES Tra&t&s display adveniw, pet bath per CUskfced adverttatn, per word, per iaaertioa tfaj estates, each tasertkm, per agate One - Local readers, per insertion, per one Contract raUa-on aapHeatfci. Editor and Reporters' Telephone AdirrtWar. and CtrmUtion Telephone Menvber ! Audit Bareau of CfreUwas Monday Jury 31. latl WHY IS CANADA INACTIVE? Unfled States is getting busy with an expansionist pro-CTaifoThe people of Great Britain are demanding from tjifptdminist ration the carrying out of a somewhat similar poKcy. In Canada there have ben hints that something 1$ about to happen but, so far, nothing has been done. Pre-rrtfer Bennett has been in England but, on his return, he is expected to make some move to co-operate with President Kotogevelt in bringing back prosperity to the whole continent There has already been too much delay. VETERAN NEl'APERMAN Fffty yea eg ago today a lad named Frank Burd commenced a newspaper career by taking a delivery route for" the Winnipeg Free Press. Today the same Frank is managing, director of the Daily Province at Vancouver. While fie H fifty years older than the day he began in Winnipeg he fitffl has all the youthful enthusiasms without which a newspaperman cannot well succeed. He directs the policy of the paper along the line of making it of .ervice to the wholf community. He has kept its editorial policy sane and dignified and has spared no cost m giving the best news service to be obtained. The result is that today the Daily tfcGviftee is looked upon as flte leading newspaper of the WGAt. . We extend our best wishes to Mr. Burd and expect him tb devote at least another quarter of a century to newspaper work. He will never retire. TIRES cost least per mile Buy, the tire that ftirea moat for your, money- Goodyear AINWeather Tread. That's the real economy. We have your size! KTms 5o.oo gfu, $o.oo m1.... so.oo S. 5o.oo $0.oo S7m. 5o.oo KAIEN MOTORS Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. . THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING. tUm'AiYY. Vli lANAIM, LIMITED TU.IIL HKlTlkl( CpLlMltM CINciSlJ AM.M0.NIUS1 rilOSPHATE LLttir ri AJN MT I sulphate of ammpma wnMiCAHmizua TIll SUI'EHPHOSPIIATK TAOANAC LEADZI,NC rir.c:S.VTir CAJ)5fJUM.BIM!UTII. Do. you. read the classified adrei tisemcnts? EAGLES HAD BIG TIME AT THEIR PICNIC Weather Septra xad Ctik1 Very Large at Beaa4tfal Gntay Bay ai, Tbeia a Bagles atae ft Oraaajr L aayiirti a 4 -min a tan at tbt atenaay at beeattV Bay. The weather was I an mnmim eaatti- : H a vary eajayabte TJ) QtjOtaM 'a the. i at a parade for many a day. tapeiOyae- l and the vale to the hay froa the highway was in such tandllhw that Us aasat f aattdayaa eoald Ond no fa nit Thosas Ooagh was in aenerai charge on the (rounds and be carried oat his duties weJL The Boys' Band was at attradanc piay-d selections at intervals. aplttaeaaea amatMaw Aeioria. 9aa Sanaa, C V. flaaaaa aaaVF. TIiaaajna.1 Tranapomtaaa. a A. HaM Ue J, BpU. Len Breaaaaan. Praak. Btta-HoaJi. ta. mhmL t&MMk. ieay Maaa. Haauy SaaHa. AettadiaB. iaaaaa fkaakf. Waa. Roaa, 1. 1. Wnltestan. tparia, F. aliMiill a Bateaao. 1 9MharauML Bah PaamaciV. X. Me-Kay Tafftaahaaeiai. 9. Oaaiaat. A. Oa-aaadaaa. Baal PajIJa la ttwaraaaag for the ittiadnari nrae ttehat 44 won Orat priaa aad taraat 412 heat ay Dorothy Beak Cant and traefea van loaned ay AhMrt aad MeCatJery. C. 0. Kit-cam L- Aaaadaa. PhUpott tt Brttt. & C. Thaaaoa. T. Walk aad J. Haaaaa and boat ay J. Liaadkt. Waaaers in the raeaa follaw: Okk, tinder S-Mary NathoaV Jant Berg. Baaa. andcr S Doag Ream, Stanley Wataey Mrav s to i-Baaa Paaaay. Aate Bajfeat Bey. 3 to 7 UeJela Hoeatad. 9m Walr. Oerav 7 to -Betty Blake, Naraw aehjik, B7toAaaBTalahlti,Oea, War. QMl t to la-Baa Baaa9tolaWI tar Bna Ctfrtaltta Caaey. Pe- 4aa Boya. IS to It Hawy Laar, Percy Cbbmiob. Car!- aaek rata Jean Oaaj-it June Oomes. jssya' jack raw Art thrariain. Prank Derry. Married ladles race VIra. Tark. ladiat rannlag baek wards Jama awaaVm. aUcaay Caaey- Thread and nsadls race Jaan 8'Jtif - rt. Mrs J. Berg. Ladiea tluae-leajaad race Jane ana Aiice Oomaa. X Btinhatg and Dot Blake Men's "hrn Irgjail race Bab BhrabsaU and Boh Peachy. H4 Antooelao and Frank Derry. Badlea 100-yard daahCaaa. Ba-iiitmo. Claude Sysnea. Open 100-yard daah T. Derry. A, 8araaaall Maa a blindfold raoeBafa Shrub-sail, T. Derry Men over M raoa-J. PaanalL P. J MeConnlck. Men running backwards Ota. Selkf, BUI Fisher. PMmback wresUlng Levis Astoria and Johnny Erickaon, Tag of war. Ragles vs. Al-comers, won. by Bagles. MUMtt, tadk vs. nwn, won by men after 11 Inning. 21-20. Many Applications For Relief Loans la Western States BERKELEY, Cl July 31:-The four western statoa of California, Nevada. Utah and Wyoming ha,ve resale 4aM appUeaUooa for farm re-1 loaaa tataJUng UWflM It Is anQMQcd ai, olftcas ot the farm ,rrJlf eeBimlssloc here. 4 Jack 8teele of Telegrai Creek arrived here this morning on the Prince Rupert, Monday. Ju:, v, THX DAILT NEWS mi srorART xtw CUAUiLsGDS ALL REST OF WORLD. STEWART. July 91 aat eattbaaV team a vary pli-aiwd wt:.-. itself at hav- sag defeated the Prince John teaaa a was nd neat ifaae from any at the Canadian Ha taonal boats and to the world at huge to atay softaajl for the aaaainc canaw trophy. Oeaoes aaay he paayeai any taae and place bexrtng tha FIJI Islands. Baseball Scores, SATURDAY GAMES Boston i Hear York 6 BfoakfcjB) ia-14. PMladrtphia U OnebaaaU 4-4. Pittavarf -. &, k. Loaav 1 Anttrieas Leasae Xaai Tok; diiaaliai 11. Batrati Ctjaaland L 9k Uaal 4Mcaa SUNDAY 0,ME Natiaoal Lucae Catnap Uaa3-d. . Smi York I i X aroothjB a. Anejrifaa Laacne Etatiott . CVat land L ga. Loa l- Ctucaaa S-15 Nee? York 1. Washington 2 SPORT CHAT are Philadelphia Athtettaa, hard tar third place honors tat the! Aaaartcaa Leaapae eee bat half a gaaae trahhtd at the cad of thai week. Oa Friday the Indians sta-l d thear faarth oomaeattaa victory ; ajat thear aattb was m U ataaavj the aatiaialnri Seaa-) CrwdiOa. aad New I4a?k Yaakeea eon-, .battle for ttat; tak of aattlr attl' m atvar of the lanatnra. Thj. teaght rata la rovtat f BV than fat yean past aad it afcould bf i far the fane In the lanlor ew- FOOTBALL LINE-UP Hotel Arrivals Sarof, tn pagan. Oona Rtrer. C. F. Moftatt. C.VJL; R. Q. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating- three Dry Decks Total caiaclty Zf.OH, Una ShlpboUders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron aad Braai Caatlag. Oectrle and Acttylcne Welding M-tep Derrick far Heavy, Uffc, lawtaW and Mlnlnt Mthlor Repaired aad Overhaul, ' iSOFTBALL : WAS CLOSE i The Regaaeat iMibafl teaai feri toiaorioir nayht's auac la aanoon-; red aa foBowa: Sawth; Blake. Tha. ber. HUL Bdatuaioc. DeJonf : Wtok.; navaya. Wlncbain. ColuaaL Chrlati-, aoa: reaervea. Carroll and Veiteh. i Royal l F. Tafia, Anyos; Prte Moran. aty; Mr. Caraoo. Cnvstaati A. 8t-ovoaoa. eaty. Central Mn. A. CampaeaV Klawaaga: C. Barlow. Montreal; J. Iladtond, Oona Riser. Prince Itaprt I !. D Oray. Prince OaDraa; i. E. Oanta and wife. E. M. uaynee, Victoria: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Heff-nan. E H. Hoffman. Pasadena; R. Wardrop. Vancouver; H. P. Wvrne. Winnipeg: T fMie. Vancoum; i, W Johnson Edmonton Kaien Defeated.' Emprrtw and Elks Dcaid Gratta 1-5 f me nt Kaieaa took the lead imit fjaeaa ? aaaenaa i 3 A i i 1 s X X 4 tn the of a aofahaBt !eaga aaateh last evenlnc and an-lial the atchth iaaaH the Maae r- aaalaed Ul A threc-aae hit by H J Astorta (Are the Kiaprxn a one-J-an, lead bat Croat aoaatered for tlth Kskfit by kaoettat a Ulpic la ;the seeead baV of the tame hiatal -4. titter tfc KaAtW tj-aw lead In theceeaad fame the Ezkseaate d t reev behind to Kefctet a wh) oyer the Orotao In a naadioufht iMia- WaVh oary one iiaardanq laajaafp pMyed atatfaas Ml hj Mm field for the wtancn waQr StBea pttched a pood fmaae for the Orotto C. S. R A. Orott .. Eft Lr(ae Standiac Bet .4dQ. darn MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE SEMI-ANNUAL SALE! BOO aqnarr Yard Can-Bck Heary Qaallty Printed OA Uaolran. Semi-Annual Sale Price, per aaaare yard ODt TTaaaati nin and Lu.oum Rar QCj- (( Price, accoidwc to a. op from W.vy TMt uk KfJ caatiaar darter, Aptut, Walh hl adtr rU?mnt. Phone 775 327 Third Avrnuc OLD EMPRESS ' HOTEL Horn? of. tb Ftefirrnun, Lf aer. Sfloer K(HMeW-tl v MtH, U pr Sar prr aicat SHOWER B.TIIS Third Aretiue Phone W4 JIAIMIB CICCONE lira, Charlei Rmw an'i tvo chll- ad aVttarday afternooa on taV Pali lm Chartatte for Ytttona where they wttl take up iwddence. Thanks to. Life Insurance 1 1 Q NEW ROYAl HOTEL 3 Tareili. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROH HOME" Rates It H ap M Rooou. Hot tt r : V Prtnce Rupert B Phone W fO B i x Mr Rauae receaUy tn hara to the Plp -eer m Quf ia oaaatry. whar eapasyvc kept in force He is Headed for Success HERE is a young man who ha rearan for mnfltlcnrr In hitnrelf and in his future. Hark of hint are ilrfitiile financial rcsourro creatwl by savings whcly invwtnl in Life Iiuuraiirc Aa. a, result, lie ip turtt of moimy for tmnorrovi'a Herds, lip can fntoralily impnx his nnplojrr. He ran take advAUtage of buritirn oppurtiiuitiuK that etiinn his way. In. short, he U heailrd for tucceas. hfI nd you will too thn wiiMloni ofitaving regularly, and, investing in Life Insurance, Life lnuranre) 1$ cah pntperty it give you credit stand. Iryj in buiiness it is a necessity foi; every man. Consult a Life Insurance representative today, READ WHAT A LEADING BUSINESS MAN SAYS t Tf "sll t ouiS mn .houM attll lkrmxl,e X Ul liuursnrr at b rummriu-rmrnt nf ihrlr rarnlnf orr, hf.tht o.l of, Uf n,uranr U low. 1h kaUl of Mln( and larliaf .thiu Ucun Uln many rara tk rno, valuable budneaa start thai men bv, n .trr Hf,." n a. nusstu, PrrtUfnl, Maaary.llarrii Co Umllrd. Life Insurance GUARDIAN (XI? CANADIAN HO MfTZ Om S isrUi atiuajai tpwuorid by HI few CBmsant.i