Managing-Editor at VISITORS PLEASED Our Empire Thursday. May 25. 1033 Whence the Dure (lane that drove those valiant ones To deeds of deathless fame for love of thee. A mighty mother of heroic sons? Ask oi the winds that sweep thy oovndles seal The waves that shout thy glory to the Ues Shcy know thy power, thy prWe and rnalesty; But Rreater than all oomp ana panoplies. Bumf that immortal flame of loyalty. ep we ts fire undlmmed, our cpurage clear. A,nd hiloht thrnueh strrr. and stress thx years maj hrhg. And hp rhall stand supreme a thousand years: (od save our glorious empire bless our King! Winifred O Bra. FAITH BY EXPERIENCE The Royal Bank hoi atwayy bVved (n th worth of Canada'f bailc retourcei and , ,ii.ioundlnduirialen4erprtieasaneiieno ' v ' tial of national dtvejppment. It It q blif which, xperitpce has justified ond w'hj'ch varying condition! hayo not altered. ROYAL BAN OF CANADA K I'iratrs a,n,d .Yankees Np,jy litejsitr, hit in Twfi circuits Wjjji To-aii(lilalf Game Margin, j Pressi League leaders improved, trj'elr positions in both the fa-! tloiul and merjca,n c(rculjf l j result of Tuesday'! nfl Wedues- i daj(Ss play." The Pittsburg Fltateii won a close victory oyer the Brook-1 fyn Dodgers here yesterday to in-J cresdse thpir nMrgln of .suijiftn j in the National League to two-a d the New Yurk Visitors to Prime Kunert express thGniRelvos as beinc a-htdf num. games Th. nir over h much pleased with the general. appearance of (he citv ami the first to th second division & i 1 i. ..1.. 1 l l Ti i ' n. i jiariicuiuny wan toe lawns una garuen& niacin year sees mg repcea -oy the Cincinnati abatable improvement fh this respect. One by one the gar- 3. If. the la"ts f -fi.i.D o..Ki.,if .ui 1 : u Cincinnati. The Chicago Cubs, al uaHaicwiugufUKuauu uupi uitai uuu luiiay it im.hi: tliough defeating the Phillies al exception to tin.fl a hpuse w ithpyt tlpwers or lawn or both, virrigley new. are still in seventh l?6nie peppje wii6n cQminenchhg gardening operations place behjnd the Boston .Braye here feel disappointed at the result because they try to were ,d'e yesterday after m-raise the same plants" that do well elsewhere. Eyery sqjl nt uon Tuesday CA'di,iab a,n.d,cliniate has to be studied. Eventually we snail develop 3 In American League the New Well Understood methods of cultivation and plants that SUC- York Yankees increased their ceed -well. Possibly an. organization may disseminate this leadership to two - and - a - hair information to newcomers so that there may be fewer dis- ar bJ, winning om cieve-ajipdintments. In the meantime all are doing their best to ndTs niae Prince Rupert a beautiful city. The possibilities are sox. shutting out the lowly Boston gi;eat. Red; Sox at Boston on Tuesday. are now back In second pjaca agaln wtth a mlhmRtical tead .CREDIT TO GOVERNMENT uu ti.ui .... rru . r over the Washington Senators who TflC,prQVinCiaI government IS deserving Of Jjreat ptftjse suffered another reverse yeeter- for the w6rk it'does at the Court House grounds in giving day at the hand of the Detroit an object lesson of what may be achieved in formal garden- Tlew i1 Utter uced,d m inc. TW? spring the tulips and hyacinths 'have been excel- f0 ""f 01 b?a?t ' fent and the later planU wiU follow. Considerable favpr- 'rS !l aiTn to ahle comirient is also heard in regard to the steps being the Philadelphia Athletics yter-taken to imprpve the Government Square on Third Ave- day. nue. The police department is makmp; great chances for ToedT Wednesday scre- the better in its corner. With general co-operation along wre Wlvx tn line we shall make progress. TUESDAVS SCORES Rational Lea tup Bo a-ji;;;; . , Philadelphia 9; Chjeago 5. New York 6; Cincinnati ,1 Brooklyn 0; Plttgburgh 3. American Ljcasue Cevelapd NewYpr ? Detroit 7; Vngtpn 1. stLouig e: ndetohls 3. Chicago 7; Boston 0. WEpNESDAVS SCOI Amrriran Uasijf -Deeplt 3: Washlngiqn 1. St. Louis 4- Philadelphia 7. Jfetiipaj Leatn'e' Brqpklin 5; Pittaburg 6. ftaw York 1: Cincinnati 3. Philadelphia 2; Chleugo f. NATIONAL LEAT.UE ' ' W . L. P4ttbtirg 21 i New Ystk 48 i t. Unils 4 15 .CiqnnaU 17 17 Btpqkjyn U 10 Boston 47 & qijcffa 4 1 Phtlada ' II It A.yMHUAN LEAf.UE New Yotk ! 20 11 Chicago 18 14 Washington 20 10 Cleveland 18 16 Philadelphia 17 V Detroit . 13 18 St Louis 16 31 Boston U 10 Baseball Scores TUESDAY'S DAMES International Leajue Toronto 4: Rochester 3. Albany 6; Baltimore 5. NewaHc 7: Jersey City 0. American Association XflUlsvlUe 0; Toledo 0. Minneapolis 19; Milwaukee 5. fit. Paul 9; Kansas City S. CpAoumbus 6: Indianapolis 2. FOOTBALL! TONIGHT Canadian Labor Defence Jcaiyc vs. .Canadian lotion Acropolis, C.30 p.m., Adm. 25c. Buddy fyer. vn.i-.:nngaiii se.-i' .o b.nex ui ih i:-1 ie.-entiy returned to the i.iicup af-iT -irawini? a six-day suspe. sion for the part he played m the ruw with Ben Chapman, Yankee outfielder, in the game thai turned Into a small -use riot at Washington, being carried .rf the field by team-mates alter being hit In the head by a pit iwd ball during the Wshiagion-Tler game In Detroit He will bt- nfi ed to the l.wpltul far a few days suffering from a slight goncusalon PARKER IS PRESIDENT I timntt 'Malfhf nf fftrtfH l?iitrt ' WM f Vlce-preaWent. n xgwson. Secretary-treawer. Alx MrRae. The annual meeting or the Prince Rupert Rowing AfYaeht Club was i eld on Tuesday evening when the 'I Executive R B. Benson Ward. C O Minns. Jack Armstreng and Dr L W Ken ! allowing but 0 HlU. i j The local oqtf lelders were handl-j cAnpeil y rn.u4 holes und sUirps. i I Thc ilonpl llijr-up wa ftoKMin Batt. Yager. Yanaya, Feng, (rant .. Eckert. Nakamotn. Antoncllli and Thenoakl I RAILWAY M LEAD Yflh a fspje of to 3. the Cana- d.ljp H;tkKll RfsHWlJon tlpn defeated .the loyal Canadian 1 jjaval Voluhleer Reseqe In Tuei-, day evening's City 8oftbal League I fixture, thus breaking up the six-1 way draw In Uie league sundlng Bob A,rDU(tro)g, new catcher for the Nary, ajjd Fffjnjs, aj lecond. principal business was election of base, were the beet players for their offk-er lor the year, presentation de but lacked aup)ort from some of annual regprts and conMfV- Of the othr members of Uy team tion pf the ftneoajm Min. the Boy Morrison and Cai club having shown a deficit en the; the heavy hiUots for th past gear's QDcratlqas. j rfatkmaf ftecreatlon Ajh m aleetton of officers resulted' ' ruc ewmiuig tow HubVrtlnp C N 4t fa offices througout Canada the hnkif bat over ooc million deposit account i. Te depositors, Canadian joJivjduajj aJ Caiin builacH firra. represent every oIm of thecnnmunt dty and couory alike tgm pcjsmof lif'e rneinl to thjWren starting their Ilfe'j tivtngi, from (rjdaJtrfil corporations of interna tiosal scope; to farmers inj,'majl tradesmen. ' . V.R. ,c4 Mil lion Deposit Amnmk t Pmote Conjidmm 'i iv Oeed faith, good will aad aood hankie j jvatij,e Qn C. the part of those diiecUOl tV Uefk FV niturilly out ,of the seme of resrwnsulity impmeJ .h t tj ' pctiiion of nflofi'VVe W,fiJrK. HEAD OIMCE MONTI lAl BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 UArt. Wlinitl- SMALL ACCOUNTS A,F. WjttpE" Prince Hupert Hrnncln F. A. MacCAU.pM, Njalucf SifVJlt Hrancln II, R. UAA.CJr MfAV .1 4 i i Canadian I hlton. I 1 .OP fl i w : 1 500 1 soo 1 soo 3 313 TTTE .DAn.Y NEWB Thuredajr, Ma y 25. n. m f V ft fle.r4Ct--CMoudy. calm i:; AlyuUtfh -Cloudy, calm , Auypx -cjpudy. calm. i .ateyuuiV Cloudy, calm .aiKKrtlt- ClWfly. RftJm -IlaEelton Cloudy, cairn Smith! -Cloudy. (im GUM LEADS ARE Hit By Pitch hJ Kfll Burns Lnku cidiuiv. tah Wlllluni 8:in;i nt ;, ft t . FRESH-INEXPENSIVE-SATISFYING INCREASED IS Ulverslty of Iir...sli Cm n THE DAILY NEWS. PIUCE jlUPEKT - .BRITISH (COLUMBIA .Publlsned Afternoon, Excupt Sunday, .by -Prince Rupert DaUy News. Limited. Third Avenue H. r. RULLEN ' ' rfd In the city (rpri V:m. LfjcaJ ijnUrmWulf ,IMvbal .Trail) thp irlnce ...j,. VO iU.n, Vqtdrlt)U it tfrktW Ur i ng prflcredefj by 1., Tonn Mratn to Hatclton vh-i 1 ,. . r jJBfRl' S)P summer vac The Ybuhg Emprnw, loral Inter- hta parents. Mr m-i Mr- I .merttotP plV111 W wWPPN.UP ipt.,lle (ooku'1 vc i... lrrcfnm(flf.J,(Bs,1!,fiP tuayeni qn unjveray Pluyi-r. club i the tter .hqjpe gpiujid by s pit year. i core .px a itf wry- I - - - - At the pefflrmlng of the eighth In- Tyy ji " r Ty tLASy nlnit Bwfngtdh leo by 0-t. Ham An-1 - - toiullls timely hlttlnu saved th" LOST- Camera, m bi . day. whUe JCaRajfa's etfh gf a; oare ly iwetn 1Wrd A Texas Ljpajvar qvrr sefpnd ,bje.i povfrpmartt syharf 8 , , catching a runner off the bane i turn to Dally News really won th Hume The II V Trout Season IS ON! (Jot your FiMliinc T:ve at Union Hardwarr Most .everjpne rloox o o o Hod, Line and Only 10 sets Itod. Une and With Itlrieope outfit at Heel Outfit- 51.35 llel OiiMii rd, oni mv 3.50 We hate a eentiilefa- -t'k I1le. Ugs, I4rs. Ilud M,i.-lite. eon Kaien Hardware Smith lllock rt- SHORTWAVE uKCEITION foa nfuwaUon on gdstlkMMlllii3M or vlalt our shop and let us demonstrate the posalbiU-Hee of shortwave recepUoa all day Jong. Investigate this fully and get the most out of yoqr radio this "ummer. LUOK I Oil THE TOIVEH Superior Radio Service 336 Second Avenue Pdone Blue 320 P. O. Hot 133 A O. HARTLETT C II INSULANDHt police. All ThlH has the Itunture Kutf' " Ruptures Yield To the Inflatable A" l'1' sure Trealnirnt by Ilea l! the I 'ampin htltWi E$p ,( gmUre Cwforlable l' liuarumrru iy:e xeut British Inv ' K linlU-OVHl f til' dirul profession rvrnw' It is iii'i'i'pted as si.inti.1' '; leading hopU.ii Oue Usui Always Apprvi ( Write "lleatleys" ra"" 611 Bunaitl st Vuntiiuvi't D.