PAdl roun ENRICHED WITH SUNSHINE VITAMIN D m m m an exclusive health feature The Letter Box UNEMPLOYED SPEAK Hiltor, Dally News: One of the signs that spring is here Is the unfailing regularity with which ' Resident" appears. This bird is an interesting ornithological study. Some maintain he must belong to the cuckoo species. His, letter In your issue of the 23rd anent road work is unspeakable, and what the unemployed think about it is Mrs. Sid Peters and child. Miss F. Dresser and Muss M Dorsworth, all of Anyox, will be p,i.swngers aboard the Prince Oeorge this evening going through to Vancouver. RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROS., LTD. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE PRINTED ON EVERY PACKAGE unprintable. In reply to his insinuation that we are enjoying -life, I might say that we are "get tip g by" as well as we can. most of us making the best of a bad business, and, like the. soldiers in the fall of 1918, settling down to another winter, wondering when it will all end. To herd up gangs of angry men in camps, working full time for 30c a day, is criminal folly and is courting disaster. Why, even their spiritual' v.-elfare is neglected- If the government Insist on pursuing this course we can look forward to bigger and better assiezs. As far as the Misses' and Ohllaren's Strap Shoes, leather uppers and flexible leather soles, no nails rubber heels sizes 8 to 10 Sl.lO,, $1.20 Misses' and Children's Running Shoes. Oxfords or Straps, come. In colors white, brown, land, also fancy trimming sizes 4 to 10 ... 65c sizes 11 to 2 75c Infants' Shoes, patent leather uppers with straps, soft chrome soles, sizes 0 to 5 ACkn Regular 05c. to clear Boys' and Youths' Rushing Shoes, very large election of styles ahd colors with fancy trim-mtng&nd ankle pads, extra heavy canvas up- jDd,0,e8 8ic,95ctoS1.39 Men's Running Shoes, all colors, laced to toes, ankle pad;, fancy trimmings, extra heavy canvas, reinforced rubber soles for hard wear rric 95c, S1.10 to S1.85 Men's White or Brown Tennis Oxfords, specially built, reinforced canvas uppers and soles.,, laced to toe CI ftA to C1 90 Prices MEN'S LECKIE WORK BOOTS Waterproof Chrome Uppers, solid leather soles and heels, plain toe. name stamped OO (C on soles; new price taxpayers' money is concerned, six times the amount spent on unemployment relief Is turned over in the form of Interest to the handful of people who hold government bonds. There has been no depression ye in the Interest rates. Relief is cut first. To conclude, the unemployed will be only too glad and thankful to resume an active part in the worlds work, but they refuse further exploitation for the purpose of dragging down living standards. W. A. HOGO, for Unemployed Councils. Cut Rate Shoe Store Special Bargains in Running Shoes and Tennis Shoes Women's ahd OrWing Olrls' White Canvas Volley Oxfprds, rubber soles, laced Q-i 4 A to toe, all laes;.prke . vlIw Women's Yachting Shbes, plain toes; colors brown or white, fancy trimming, red, QCp 5 Ol green or black, all sizes; Price Two Hundred Pairs Two Hundred Pairs of Ladies Leather Shoes in all stylet and colors to suit your QQ Q dress; reg. it $4.95 values; now The Very Latest Creation. Women's Fancy Color Sandals, rubber soles. Cuban heels Q-f iJC Our price OxiO Unexcelled Value in Men's Footwear Lecklea' Top Grade Boots and Oxfords In black kid and calfskin, Qood year welted solid leather. These wonderful and reliable footwear are made in Vancouver by expert workmanship and all leather tanned In Leckles' Westminster tannery. Buy a pair and Increase B. C. payrolls. These shoes are guaranteed by Leckie to wear. If not satisfactory you are entitled to Qf Qff another pair. Price v wO CUT RATE SHOE STORE "TIUJE THE TOILER" PVCC ABQUMQ Mm ifTjy S NA4Htfra - f Vv rZ ?A ' I vpPan.i-J 12-. 'iiM tin daily niffi Is Dead nt Mctlakatla (Continued from Page It to officials, during the adjustment of Indian reservations in this district. Is Loss for North 'Northern British Columbia has suffered a great loss in the demise of Mrs. Mortson. During her active years c was known as a woman of aMo; ion and kindness and of being li'it'ily fearless in pointing out rid i from wrong. Her efforts were tii oss in her ministrations to the sic:, m l needy. Man', a dark una stormy night had sc - i lirt faring forth lantern In nam ' attend to some person In suff or need and to utter words ci comfort and kindly advice in time.- or distress. She will be sorely yrtrned for and missed in many a home. Funer.u arrangements are in the hands of the B. C. Undertakers and further details will be announced later. Besides her daughter and son, the late Mrs Aldous is survived by two grandsons, Alan and Mont Aldous Of Vancouver. Band Concert )ar Is Enjoyable The Prince Rupert Boys' Band, under the able baton of Bandmaster Robert Greenfield, gave pleasing recitals between shows on Monday and Tuesday evening of, this week at the Capitol Theatre, the brief but splendid programs being appreciated by the audiences. Under Bandmaster Oreenfleld's tutelage, the band Is continuing to make marked progress. It is rapidly becoming a proficient and finished musical organization and continues, as it ha rx-en for years, to be a real credit to 'his city. Week- End Specials jOranirWed Sugar I Mi CM. I Brown Sugar 3 lot , Brookfleld Kggs Fresh Extras in Cartons, dox. Malkin s Best Tomatoes larxo size tin Swift Bacon Sliced per lb Shredded Wheat Biscuits pei pkg Heinz Tomato Ketchup large bottle Malkin s Beat Cream Made Custard, per pkg Royal City Tomato Soup 3 tins Swift s Sllverleaf Pure Lard 3-lb tin Niillev Salad DratMlng 72c 20c 20c 13c 19c 11c 20c 10c 25c 45c 23c Malkln's Beat COCOA ft-lfc. tin 22c NaDey's Pure Ontario Hooey IS-ox. Jar 23c Du in Boneless Pickled Ofip &0s P:i! Keel, 8-os. Jar :'.i;-ii:..- Marshmallows OQf l-ib pkg. Suu.u i l.sp Corn Flakes 25C Alberta Market Mflh Street Phone 20- FIELD DAY WAS HELD Hlg Program at Victoria Day Celebration at Port Simpson The Victoria Day celebration held at Port Simpson yesterday was a great success, the weather being ideal. There were races, ball games and a dance in the evening. The children's races were held In the forenoon. Prior to the race, two important events took place. George P. McColl. the genial postmaster and merchant, was made an honorr ary Wolf Clan chief of the Qlna-dolks tribe of the Tslmshlans and was named Nletalak and C. 11. Gillespie, manager of Oceanic Cannery, was made on honorary chief of the Orisaly Clan and named Llglyuan. At noon the Spartan Athletic Club from Prince Rupert, numbering about thirty, arrived on board the F. II Phippen and participated in the senior sports. At this time Chief Councillor David Johnson. In his native tongue, welcomed the visitors and made appropriate remarks on the occasion. This waa Interpreted by A. Held. The Port Simpson Band was in attendance all day. After the races, the ball games were held lq the ball park, there being softball. baseball and football. After being Introduced. Judge W. E. Fisher, president of the Spartan Athletic Club, threw the first ball with E. Dudoward catching The aoftball gam went 13-2 In , favor of Pott stepson. Line-ups were: Port Simpson Alf Wesley. CecM Ross, George White. H. Oray. P Brentsen. Ed. Brentsen, H. Bryant. Phil Brentsen. Jim White. Prince Rupert B: Tofeey, D. Arne. R. Morrison, W. Tobey, 8. Stile. R. Moxley. E. 8anturtMne. IL Staff eas-rud, C. Smith. Barber. Otllis and Cross. The baseball ended 11-2 hi favor of Port Simpson. Line-tips were similar to the aoftball game. A. Re id umpired both games. The football gome ended 32 in favor of Simpson. Line-ups: , Port Simpson J. White W Oreen. Solomon Oray. A. Tait. E Bryant. Oeo.. WtuM, J. Ryan. H Bryant. C. Alexeee. Art Wesley. Cecil Rom. Prince Rupert Suehlro. Stiles. Morrison. Bdgcumbe, t Bjissenlch. Woodslde. Vaceher. Chrtsttson. Da vie Allan. Irvine. Alexeee. H Bryant and O. While scored for atmpson and Woodslde and Christison for Rupert. Referee wat J s Irvine The Spartan Athletic Club from Prince Rupert made a my creditable showing in the three ball itames due to the fact that the teams were made up from its own members. Henry Hetlbroner. secretary of the Spartan Athletic Club, handled its duties in a very creditable manner, also Phil Bdgcumbe in managing the teams. Winners in llarrs Following waa the Hat of prtw winners: Boys' race, 0 years and under Freddie Dudoward. Ronnie Ryan. Olrls, 6 and under Wilms Clark. Daisy OosneJI. Soys. 10 and under Boob) Woods. Teddy Flewtn. Olrls. 10 and under Pansy Morses. Pauline Oosnell. Boys. IS and under. Irish. Harold Ryan. Olrls Home race, 8-10 Bdna Alexeee. Maale Lawson. Olrl s Home race.. 11 and over-Olive White. Vlcy Alexeee. Children's relay team of a- Pub- j ik acnooi. uins Home School. Three-legged race Margaret and ! Atlecn. Beynon and Mantes. Hop. step and Jump-Jack White. Sonny Beynon. I Discretion In Distance Tfl. MO CJM TUB F't-IUrfit rrcrm r r l'f I I J III ir-" at -.ia:o iii -.v I Wednesday and Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Feature Starts 7:40 & 9:40 Admission 15c St SOc ting op artificial residence for a short time In British Columbia, being domiciled meant having resided here with no present Intention of leaving. Mr. Brown told his listen en that a divorced wife had the right to retain the name of her htufeaiui If she sp deaked , Discussing grounds for divorc-Mr. Brown stated that, in Canada, up to 103S a woman must nar stronger grounds to secure divorce from her husband than a matt- ns- quired to secure a divorce from hfc wire since trie law hat been ehan- RICE CUSTARD PUDDING prepare this delicious way. . i I IHOUL& j twh r .bHr1 i . . . . . . . , 1. ST I at I Jk. AS, a Ran lit thfa one make rice p u ! d i t s d e t i c e y rather lbs Jt ' ftKXhtf "dMMVt. The ruanl fr-sn uijtiH pan in tnaUsc tMi (HkMiiif, rMBy (Mickmh dfatri, tixi Mi it male itk Net-Oct Kvacwraltd Milk. ytM CM U I rv tuim nt mJ rect moMture. gl rx h roioriag, a PMMng nrM((nc, ami alxne all, a iMiikhm Havour. Try Ike re, i Kl, llow for a devwrt tkat My te mH it any tbne-aad Ulea with mmxm' Rico Custard Pudding IHaWar IHakhc . hfiuimi lcMlaGa ttrtm MM NaUMf JjajauaWtuw Smn, tUk. aHaaltb TEL. I SVZ SloSrfing. " h m,r " imu fm- NESTLES EVAPORATED MILK. OaAtW md tnffti MiH. S --"Ill . 'If . A.. ... - ".mem. I ' I AUK I:ARII7 The Screen's Meteor,, .s.fiai iihiii.i'.i. l. .. ui -r-ia-l m omasning Dramatic Bn- v war aonufc, in "Wo man ot Her Own" With CAHOLi: LOMBARD, DOROTHY MACKAILL A paran, lie Towed a Coin lo Sec If it Would be Weddta?R?l, erddlng iwii, " Men's 100-yard dash Johnny; Brentsen. Solomon Gray. Ladies' 100 yard dash Margaiet Sanaum, Alleen Deans. Band's man race Simon Auckland, Willie Alexeee. atO-Yard tUsh P. Bdgcumbe, C. Smith. One mild Suehlro, C. Watson. Ladles' novelty race Mildred Hunt, Bthel Beynon. Half-mile men's race-P. Xdg- cumbe. Bussanlch. Relay Port Simpson. Committee in charge of the sporU consisted of E. Dudoward. B. Bey non, J. Oosnell and A. Held. Starters were Dick Woods and II. Haldane and Judges. Oosnell and Irvine. DIVOItCK IS DISCUSSED (Continued from page on) States and In some foreign cnn-trles such as Mexico by merer set vumcujr iiir. ri,i;.i All lilt LAIIi PAUMm"v. Novelty "SU:KI'V TIMK DOU'X SOI I Til' fir Steading jump- Jack White, liar old Ryan. i ged whereby !... K similar, the mUi. had tripled ll , : mucn more co n-M, man to obtain ,i i. , ,, country than (M ft ',, WhUe the Uiv . eoantry was. m old-faahtoned -u , there were snnu - i , ., relaxation mlicln to be iradvisaol' Rigid divorce u the oesirable . people to betit.i'1 h : big opon a hat v "dirty buataeu Rigid dtsorct la ,,. terrent effect uiii marriages which :. break in some States on accou:. laws With their v-thus encouraging termed 'eonttnu. ,, Business dealt included the adop ;.. mend t Ion from .) $40 be grantee coucoll Of Kihk K 9ehool to amilv f the tennU r, , C W Dsav was a guest a. ( -Wat TT (S5 t VAlAMT TO irvvItniMA A. ww. L.v77 j iiami. a cross om teh ) s . 1 in "Jt 3 J ' .3 .JC DON'T BE MISLED! dle at oar torv the IIO.MH OF Ql ALITV tCONOMY CRAV.H f 25c F1N8BT OKTAKI' per lb. PR1DK OT ONI . i : aaruaann '4 . . aw u mia. nrr mmi PURE ITALIAN el... g ' OIL. per - '. iiiHr it a man ill . t i: alad Dreaains S pkta. i Bach packet n... same aa Mothi i couple.) Rowimtn-s t x ! fsmoua drink. 1 ' r , 23c PNSBH RHUBARB a 9 -w SI flavora, per pkv (buy now. the i ' ths : : BCONOMY BRAM Orange PrkK' 1 1 26 at the pi MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store JI7-1B Third P.O. nox S7S .,-.1 Atrncf vi phone H )ut of town ordrn r .Uentlon. Send us a t ii -By Westover.