1 4 Friday. February 3. 1933 t AOI TWO rTHE $AJLY NEWS. iynjurmr HITr . iiiihim" -t Published LKvery .Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince huiwt'S (Dally-tew. .LJnMftd, Thlfd Avenue 11. F.iPULLEN - - - Managing-Editor UUSC1U1,X1(N KATKS WILLIE WIN QUE? t STOCK MAHfiKTVi;K NEW YORK. Feb. 3:Usny stocks hit a new low yesterday but For the Eastr-Mondays' Wetlnejday and Frt 'Choose such pleasures ax recreate much ana cost little " .4' t (delivery, by niallor carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 5.C1 1 ypr ismtjJJMs- jW .in .KW .wr 4N$ek . Dy mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and .UrUtcd ,States. paid tn advance, per yar .. 3$0 fly mail to all otfiercpuntrjes. per year o.po Al),Vi:itTl!l?C(i ytATKS Classified advertising, per Insertion, per wprd ...... . 0? egaKnqtlces. .each .Insertion, pergate line 15 al eadiersper Insertion i(jerwii4e '. -25 Contract rates on application. -Advertising and vCircDtallon '.Telephone SS Editor and Reporters' Telephone .,,.'.,. ,.86 JVleipV ot AqrtitKurraii iff Cirqilatlorv DpLV'rpjnriON Frl&y.Ftt3, ,1?:) What many people today are wondering is whether Adolph 'Hitler, Chancellor of ,(Jermany, will finally win out jn his efforts at becoming the .ruling force of the fathprjand. sHe has undoubtedly put up a brave fight against fearful odds. One writer, telling oi conditions as - he saw them, remarks that it is a good thing for the world ;nd for Germany in.particular, that-Hitler is leader of the fascist party rather than .the Communist. No matter what political or economic views one may possess he is bound'to have a sneaking sympathy for the man who has .forced, his way through to the front until he finally landed the chancellorship. He is now appealing to the-people of Germany to support him and the betting is strongly in his favor unless some untoward incident should crop.np. Men of the deValera, Mussolini andHiter type-ap-poal strqngly to the populace. They feel they really have a mission -in the world, a clear aim, and if -they , have ability to play the part to the end the people will fdllow. 'T1h nnnrocr tn f hp rvnp in Pnnnrln is Pnnfjiin Tnn Afiir. isjlikely to,die aborning. True the 'Premier has nqtopenly iUHlAlwyailvocteUamalgamatip.p .hut' be .has'.rjCen Funeral IFor j XoiiyiB,ortean iA targe number of friends gathered in the funtml parlors ot,llav-npnBros. yesterday to attend the if4V-- .. 4MI lJi.. ...- .1-- In the hospital a few rUys ago. ilUv. Pather Ocanti officiated at the service and '.Interment took place In tllalrview ,Ctnetery.Pall-bvuress .were Messrs. 0.lrshaU. Chapman.(ri.iKldd andtB.tltojg slnterSorWt'ieather Punce Flup.rt-'-Overeast, Ugh: southeast wtnc, baromtter 33.49. tempcratuer 44. smooth sea. Langara Overett, 'fresh southwest wind, sea choppy. ' Triple Island "pjoudy. fresh, southwest wind, rhppy sea. Dead Tree Potnt'Ttrt tloady, calm, barometer S0J8, -tempera-tuxe ,45- Ter rsee Italn, calm. 32. Alyansh -Ralnsouth wind. 32. nyox-Ralning..cafm, 32. tewart-C)oidy. 4n,3$. Hazelton-rCloudy, Alnv33. . Smlthers-tCloudy. alm, U7. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. 7. Wins Title PI i ilh 11 Prevaricator-preeminent is the title bestowed upon PhllI?Cir-thy of Denver by.the.LUri'Clnb. .But Pji injrtt hi..Uuy .s)ut a ,piglege(lv'bat Is true, iMf-jll a Friday Schedule' lor the Hast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-5i?0 pjn. from Uie Vast TJiesdy. ,Thr4a;y n4 aaV" day . 19il5 p.m. Vr Vancouvrr Tuesday 1 .30 p.m. Tharaday 10:30 pm. rrwy pm. gold stocks.are holding firm and ln l'ri vVanryr some cases ooyancing . Amnjuan and , Sunday a quarter snares cnangeo .hands. for Stewart sndAnvqs January-13. and 27 D njn ,Tedays, tTJiurpdays find atur f.fr?,DHlMteri CiisrlvUes i'doya .10;L5 pan. January. 11 and ,25 .... flpoait. tpjn. 8unday . 7;p m Wednesday ;4m. From tt wsrt sndnyox tTwefda,y -4u30 a m Thursday 8 pjj: tor ()nirn Diarloltes ...t-JMn iFpr-JassdpreriSndil'jtiTtvSlmpson- sunday ...nl.vffl I'rnm Naat Itlver and Port Simpson j Tuesday, n:30 ajn. Ens . v i', . .' "" vi'v "f-TT" -v. yesterday. m,..j, parts tralla drew a bye. Americans Try 'English Style of iRacing fit' R WiiA4c.yi ;nnmMWi "ut uc nc Mic.i.umiuoiaqiu c The wtanenwm mnt the victor prpbftbjy ..has nQt the .personality required ito .quthuse the ln we unite states-Mexico series lopulace in his cause. To be a real leader a-man must have for the right to meet the winners m miins, ability in practical politics, personal 'magnetism the south American sone. ntiii n rpsil nilssinn nn wrrirh'hp is verv -clear. England meets Spain and Aus V, - . i . r . . - - 1 0 AMAJ.AATION It seemsas if the Bennett railway amalgamation scheme DAVIS CUP Six Teams Tiie lows: I'ompi.'icti GAMES ARE TO BEGIN Canada ,1'Jays Cuba in the Openint Itound and Winner .Meets V.. or ,Mm1co In Whist Xeague plainly working in that direqtiqn and oijly th.e sU-pngp- The resuts of the re)Ular wnlst position which is developing will ,prftverft ,his.tintrodycing leagUe schedule of games played a measure JntP'J-ai'liament to proyidefor it. iiast nj,ht makes six teama.ued for Throughout.the country tnere is atrong ieenng oi op- inrst piaee. Trw.retuits as foi- position to such a scheme. Jn Prince 'Rupert a yqte wqujd give two to one againstat, at last. he pr,qbib,uty lslpat Jegis.lation alon the line of the Duff .report will.be.asrfar as Pa.rjj.nipt will go. Team IJtats I'rater lake but Play Was Itougli and 3Lany Penalties Were I Ian Jed put BURNS LAKE. Feb. J -rBurns Lake hockey team defeated Eraser Lake. nspiranU for the cellar pO- ( fttlon in the Northern Interior Hoc? key League hy it scpr of six to twq on Friday TJie play was rough throtlthgut aflxl kept Referee Bill McKenna busy peeping track of . offnldt body chaekljlg and other mild kftnr of ASatilt and hattery. Jlowef by handing out penalties inrliwrlmtnatefv with a .generous hand he kept the game In some sern.bla.nce of hockey. ( For Bums Lake scores were made Hi 1h fnllowlnu order- Dan Trous-dell. Bud Drunell Johnny Qerow. Huek Smith 8am Kerr. Jahna Qe row. For Frasar Lake: Tommy Haw ker and Cacll LeDuke. rCRIBBAGE (February C Canadian Legion vs. I. O. O 9aal Cove va.,5aclea, r(UeUo vs. Mlu. Jnpress vs. ftwlft. .Howse vs. Uuksieers. I'rliruary 13 Canadian Legion vs. O rot to Seal Cove vs. Empress. I. O. O F. vs 8wlft. (Ipose vs Elks mules vs Musketeers. Empress. &prju'. Prle Driilte Story "Lonely Slsteen" u.i; Elclrr SPORT CHAT Outside oorapeUtiiu is the one MONTREAL. Feb 3 From Hod-on Heights, a town wlthlq. coni-TnuUnx dlstasiee of this city, eomfts brldte ,'tary that puts all other in the background A froup of i- te whose ihu)an(tl arc dutlfal :. 'J,il::.)i :uaiis Lull': '.I, ivui'ld rJiaiili) from rt all SKI CLUB IS IN SESSION main thing Out Isee.w basketball alive. It is hara to gl uuiic teams ' FcuUvr -Meeting UtU LaUXicht into Pruice RwMitoii accowu of T0 Vtoits 'or AtUviljrs tli high u availing it&i. NevQiUie- P" v!oun(an I less we do the iMSt Sfe can and ar- range $ ivpaes ?rtth Pe netghhortnu TV Mount OldfMd fipcl (Club I teams. We hare Port 8iinson he'd their first rxTcuUv: msttlng pariq tw, n,i..piu, www aowo siM ,tmj navo given u irw nne o ur aoo iir. ii u i- i i wic twys mi nem mow wr are jorucn ui num. .cmumiuss : prr- North Amerlona .Davis Cup dratm "T. 'iW TT' I. vTSTv'k ton to play tonight Krtth the Kaiens. Tho m?mber!h, u 'ees of the club Fish Packers 5, 8t. Andrews 4. Canadian Legion a, Qrptto 4. Swift's 4. Oddfellows S. Sons of Norway 7. Musketeers 2. Seal Cove 5. Empress 4. W BURNS LAKE L. Swift's 3 2 Oddfellows 3 2 Seal Cove 3 2 Fish Packer . 3 2 Canadian Legion 3 2 Sons of Norway 3 2 Orrtto 2 3 Mu.'ketrers ..2 3 St Andrew's 2 3 Empress 1 4 From all we have.haarrt the Easing- were set at five dollars, and the ton boys have a good team and real number of membcis UmiUd to lively basketball is expected. This fifty people. All reservation fo: is only to be added tttraction to the use of the abln were to bo the scheduled games. modi i' possible before Saturday ; y.f . 'n that arranrmenti could o Only once (n some two hundred "'t'-d tor The week ends. Coffer, boutv has "Kid" Chocolate known tea. vi'ir and cream wfit be pro in his native counthr of Cuba as aiglo C udlnlas bh on the floor ! ih- r!n;. Joe Sealforo turned the trick on the Kid's first apprsrance in &ladin Square 6ardcn. On February 19 ttil a tall, ca vlrted by th club fo Tid non-members at a 'lavarous young. aV celebrated hlilunrre member lasonable Te 1are fitting room lr thr rVn t' for members only, a spare roem btng laf mn-membtrs i wbfe they may rest aod cat their bhrtciajr annlasvy by engaylng - xhib'tlon of skl-iumolmt in a wreetllnz marth In front of nd fklln w- tilked of bt neth-he general storein ?Jalem. Illinois. Ine cnnit has been oeCled yri. The surviving a-ciVonts of thr ' . match do not fftf nsany detail of the bout, bat thty ll agree :he tall young m won. Silem's bid for fame was due to be eclipsed by Me srrwwth of Its near nelfbor,;lmfhl. But th fame of that 70ong''wTejtleT will never die. He was none other than Abraham Llneehi.' Heine quite an.dep 3t (he art Lincoln becam' rW wrestling champion of cointy Th- tv! then In use was winfthlng of th "at?h-as-catchean war'cty, knawn l ii the old fnttrland .' wherein le? holds were a mr! ! important fajtr. Liivspln. wl!h l-'--lelonvated legs, hd a dinlnct natural advantrro, wh'ch h" uied t uo'st his opponents lh vigorous thal PaIs Win Again . Erom Flashes AtBasketball Pals again demonstrated their superiority over the Flashes yesterday by defeating Urn 26-30 and now enjoy a two-ganus least rti At .Ill A -. - in the High School Basketball League Aft?r a hectic struggle tor snpre mncy the Midgets, after two over-timri. emerged as the winners over the Monarch, mainly due Ja ttie efforts of Johnson. Cromp played a strong wame as did AicLeod. GRAND SIM HOGKEY SG0.rlg BID BY FOUR lodge at tenders some time ago ! '-rmcfi br!1gt il ib Jcnowo as the ! Lonely 16. fyey met as usual on i 'b nrbt r?nl!v and hid been p'ovln for KornerVtn when I '"e deahr at one Je, picked up i i her hind and bid a irand slam In I clubs. Her pppoaent on her left Irmlled .to herse'f and ,wtnt a !TSBd r!-m In 6lamopds. and the 'third bldi r qulfkly followed with In grnrd r'am In Ivrrts. Thon the jrwiou tjutig happened, a grand, jf'im Jn fftsuJos vas (bld by tin jfcurt.lad'y, who wKh hr partner (were vitlperable. When the hand were laid down each player had 13 cards of each suit NaUonalJffkejr Lea rue New York RaDgars 3, itml 2, Comes From , Chicago 1. Ottawa 1. ., UrUlte Club Canadlens 0. Nw York Ainscsjna WMfflffl Qthruary .MRmpreaa vs. Jewel-1 lers. February 7 Les Canadlcns vs. Empress. jDetrolt 1, Boston 1. '. : 'tf tejn Ca naila . I-ra sue. JSdmonton 4, Vancouver 5. ,,Plrin,ce,'?1up.er,t MY DOCK AND 5EIPYMD fflprratlnr three IJry ofks Ttsl capacity 20,000 tons .Shipbuilders and hlp,Kepa)rers for Ifel snd JVnod Vessel" Iron and. Itrass Casting. Klrctrle and Aetlene Welding 50. tnn Ilrrrlrk for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and MlnlngMachlntry ItepAlrrd and Overhauled Here's the utmost tn value at the price a keen, smooth-shaving raxor blade backed by more than 30 years of blade- manufacturing eaperience. If small savings are Important Lucky Stroke's low cost and excellent quality make this blade your logical choice. You need look no further for a satisfactory shaving instrument at minimum price. Lucky Stroke is the blade for you. f0 CIllITTI I1Z0R3 A Product of GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. LTD. 1085 St. Alexander St.. Montreal, Quebec 74 Years a Leader! SEVENTY FOUR years ago, in 1868, the first Phoenix Ex-port Lager wag made in Victoria, nd ever since then it has been fiwt in popularity throughout British Columbia. Phoenix Export Lager is a British Columbia product. and always dependable. 'icrotiAPnamx&Hto HMgaSMtsVgSHgFVg9g!sP BWSEgSH r SSM i gSglH ' 'I'Ut . ,-t tcililnh- or d,,pt.i . ..I '.n I "M i ui i.i.arj or by tlie Uuvcrument of iinusU t . iuiin' 4 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results