I I A LAI, JL.IIJB.L," WH I i! TUB DAILY NEWS Friday, February j. mi page roun " '" )I have tried other brands but have never had such truly wonderful resulti from rooking at with Nestl'a Evaporated Milk. Why I The whole family have put their faith in it . . . and I am using it in all my cooking and baking. Nestli's teems to improve my recipes and I can alwa ya depend on having excellent results when I use this Inexpensive milk." ' - White Sauce 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour i teaspoon salt ,; . . Few grains pepper if desired 1 cup boiling water'- 1 cup Nettie's Evaporated Milk Melt butter. Blend in flour, salt and pepper, if desired, and, when smooth and bubbling, add the boiling water gradually. Stirring constantly, boil Until mixture begins to thicken, then add Nettle's Evaporated Milk and continue cooking over hot water for b minutes longer. Yield: 1 H cups. To maltt MEDIUM WHITE SAUCE Increase butter to 1H tablespoons ana pour to i taoietpoons. Name- -Addrat i. 4 LADIES HEAR Espert In Fish Cooking Lectures to Gathering at I. O. I). E. Hall Yesterday t a gathering of ladles yesterday nftemoon in the I. O. D. E. Hall, with Mrs. D. C. Stuart presiding, Mrs.,EveJene Spencer, lecturer and demonstrator under the Depart-1 ment of Fisheries, save an interesting addrees on the preparation and cooking of fish. The address was n lengthy one but very Interesting. It was anecdotal, the speaker re- FOR SALE Fresh Fish Daily Aboard Helen II Cow Ray RECORD Twenty years In the one store shoemaklng and repairing merits your confidence and we solicit a continuance of your patronage In our new store. M. iVlacAUTHUU. Third Ave. Next Federal Blk, Perfect Smoothness HOW IT AIDS GOOD COOKING Here is a little secret that you may not have discovered for yourself. When you are making up one of those "family f avori tes" of yours for cream soup or custard sauce try using Nestle's Evaporated Milk. You will be amazed at the added "smoothness" the rich creami-ness that this concentrated pure cows milk gives to your soups, sauces and fillings. You will notice, too, that they have a richer colouring when NesU6's Evaporated Milk is used. And it is so economical! One reason for this is an interesting fact about Nestle's Evaporated Milk which you may not know. The. butterfat particles in it are so finely divided that it gives to foods a rich flavour without the addition of cream or butter. And, by the way, this same breaking up of the fat globules causes them to become'perfectly blended with the" rest of the milk, which brings you that dependable smooth creaminess MAIL THIS COUPON Nestle's Milk Products (Canada) Ltd., Metropolitan Building, Toronto, Canada. Please send me free recipe folders giving many ways to improve dishes by the use of Nettle's Evaporated Milk. ; counting a number of her exper-i iences in connection with her work. In the course of her talk Mrs. KBTiP Prir'sVlrTi 1 Spencer stated: From time Im- . Dut women hated to cook it." To overcome this dislike was one of the alms and objects of the address. She strongly urged that fish should not be overcooked. Ten minutes In a hot oven was plenty for the ordinary filets, and she urged that wherever possible filets should be used because they were easier to handle. Mrs. Spencer spoke incidentally of the value of cod liver oil and mentioned the work being done in connection with substitutes ul the local fisheries experimental station These had all the vitamins con that will make Nestld's Evapo rated Milk your fast friend. VAporateo BABY SIZE Did it ever occur to you that a large part of the milk your family needs and should have every day can be eaten? This fact is of great nutritional importance for milkjdrinking is sometimes not popular, especially with children and in any case, quite often has its limits. Solve this problem of required nutrition with delicious custards, rich creamy soups, and a variety of vegetable, fish and meat dishes terved with cream sauce made with Nestle's Evaporated Milk. This will give you double or more of the milk content otherwife included and is a sure way of getting milk into food, and getting your family to eat more milk. Just try the recipe given across the page. Follow carefully the simple cooking directions and you will achieve perfect PRODUCT OF CAlA? JiESTLfS fV-APORATf -X TALL SIZE NESTLES ft f ' EVAPORATED IM I LIC & NESTLE'S World's Large Producers and Sellers jS Condensed and Evaporated Milk. 7 V in i rntJ ii7T "TILLiE THE TOILER" s tained in cod liver oil. She also told her audience how to make emulsion. At the conclusion a great many ladies asked questions, particularly In regard to the use of cod liver oil and emulsion. Mrs. Spencer was Introduced by D. B. Finn, director of the fisheries experimental station, and at the close a vote of thanks was passed on motion of Mrs Rochester seconded by Mrs NorrliiK'on. I ZAM-BUK HERBAL OINTMENT A MEDICINAL SOAP 1 r r 1 ,uanm i i i n i . . FRIDAY k SATUKDAV TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 p.m. II a lib liwuwi vv l 1 1 1 1 : 1 REGARDING ANYOX STRIKE Editor, Dally News: Before passing judgment on the stjlke at Anyox, the following Irrefutable facts should be considered. The, last wage cut on July 1st left the high paid under-ground miner $3.25 per day and the low paid surface man $2.40 per day. Deductions for 'board $1.10 per day. Doctor fee $1.00 per month. House rent $20.00. room for single j men $5.00. and a 50c. fee for Com-1 munly League. The antiquated system of mlnln? Increases the risks of a most dangerous and hazardous, occupation. Of late years many serious accidents have happened, and the men got practically no redress. The findings of the Company's picked Jury Invariably stated "deceased met his death bv accident, and no blame can be at-t ached to the Company or it's officials." The protests of the mine Inspector wen continually overruled until they finally convinced tht Provincial Qovernmet that he should be replaced. The under-ground workers at Anyox epmprise some twenty different nationalities, and as they gained experience they were promoted certified miners with blasting certificates. The policy of the Company during it's 40 years operation In British Columbia was v have so many of each nationality Aqa pHy one against the other. whicJi proved successful until uu present strike One year ago, a few of the active miners selected one In each group to be group leaders to put the Mine Workers' Industrial Union of Canada on Uie map. This organi sation is affiliated wjth tt-e Work-ersUnlty League. Under the lead ership of the Workers' Unity League, the miners decided te strike for themselves and their fa-mllies. . Practically 100 01 the vage naid are retimed to the Company in. the form of boara. groceries. clothing, aisxt other necessities, as verythtng must be purchased through the ! company' store. Wc have authentic information tha there are. actually families in the metet town who are In debt to the! company for the neeesetti of tyfe! at the end of every month. f'Sinee the depression began, the stmipeny Increased lis supervision esatf . in i4be mine by three more . a - supcnnienctrms, rour rorraien. anc about 18 -stuft bosses an unhear of procedure In a B. C. mine, and try to get the last ounce of energy out of the workers. CHARLE8 CHAPMAN. Chairman. Pr. Rupert Branch. N.U.W.A Hymns Criticized By Clergyman Sermons AIm Would Not Disturb Anybody Declares New Zealand Bishop AUCKLAND, HZ., Feb. sermons aod hymns wwe strongly criticised by the Most Reverend Churchill Julius, Pri mate of New Zealand, in an ad dress at Auckland. "Some hymns, he declared, "must have been writ ten in a feather bed while the composer was asleep. They are so pale and insignificant that they would nut rouse a flea . Mo dern sermons, too, would not dis turb anybody. We use the church us a kind of opium den in which u.c wife forgets her husband's 1 bad temper, and the husband for gets his wife's long tongue." MONTREAL IMPORTERS CUTRATE Shoe Store Now Open For Business With Greater Values Than Ever COME AND SKE US We will guarantee you goods at 35' 1 less than anywhere else in town. Miss Shearer Has Romantic Role in 'Smilm Throuh, Norma Shearer has turned her back on her screen past. In "Smllin' Through," her latest production which will be shown tonight and tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre, (Alias Shearer has a role far removed from those which have taken her along the bypaths which lead away from convention. Miss Shearer' role in "Smllin' Through" is frankly tinged with sentimenal rosoanee. It is com pletely devoid of that sophistication which marked her characterisations in Strangers May Kiss." "A Free Soul" and "Strange Interlude." The story abounds In pathos. Ever since Jan Cowl first presented It on the New York stage. It has served as the model by which sentimentality In drama is measured "As sweet and poignant as Botiltn Through'." has come to be a phrase by which critics points their comparisons. In thus turning- to wistful romance, Mies Shearer sheds the "women of the world" character for the first time since the peach blossom fragrance of "The Student Prince." in the old days of silent films. In "Smllin Through' she portrays two different girls whose romantic experiences affect the life of one man at an Interval of fifty years. First, as Moonyeen Clare, in im. she Is the betrothed of a voting English aristocrat, played by Leslie Howard. Later, In 1914, she becomes Ksthleer. Sheridan, with Fredrtc March as her lover. r The Dally News ean be pur chased at Post Office News Stand, 316 4 Oranrllle SU Vancouver. 4 Karl Anderson. Prince George, O.C. r R. W. Riley. Terrace, D C. e Oeneral Store, Anyox. r Smlthers Drug 8tore. Smith- er. D C. Not So Funny to Mac NOVJ TWAT VOO'VE xoto Mb 1 " VAjMsaiS'S I HH AJIb SHE NAjwy vcu VJSBzm dbTvimbd '-i ni i ir? I vwA5 caoiMS . r om thst- of rvcH vouLI ,UUB . imto nbuatiLB1 A rr IDID StJi " I -IB Vtf AM Admission 15c & 50c Feature Starts 7:25 & 9:25 S Rims i . Phone: IUuc 901 I'LU IT'S. f .Am I SATURDAY Feature Start. . .. Admission ,VC THIS BEAUTIFUL ROMANCE WILL NEVER DIE NORMA SHEARER. I REDRIC MARCH, LESLIE IIOWAltO n "SMILIN' THROUGH" With O. I. Ilerele, Ralph Forbes. Beryl Mercer. A Mtlro ritlnr Musical RING CROS11Y In "Dream House" MKTUO Nu S MONDAY and TUESDAY "JACK'S THE IH)Y Insist on "GRANTS BEST FMOCURABLE"- The Orlatnii For Sale t Vendors or direct from "Mall Order V l.lnuur Control Hoard. T It. .!.. i, ., , ni tar m an 1 wvasv 11 w n j r ! fr-i YV 1 I ffi WW II trirwi nil lirifl J n r i. 4 V I f'ff ff f fIC ;1 Kl 14 UKJJ. X. At V JI KS JLJuTAJij 11 It V U II 14 CO'VC 11 WHISKY is mmmBanmmmmmBz RICHEST IN FINCST MIOHLANO MALT aMUf4 t4 IMfSHlf-M .. Tr i Saw IMtMl i.lnb-' ,t lUloms 0Im) IIMilWtiM, .J. 'i'lll ,,. , . I 1 Mi I ! ' ' : ,, !,,.! . -i.l C'i'Ull ul I; .1! 'I "I tlu I . : iiiii'-nt i.l I'll Wanted! 10,000 Raw Furs I have an order for ten llioutind raw skint of all In -I- cf which I am prepared to purchase for a big fur manuUt ivm house. ,' I am prepared to pa) higher pii e than aii)Hir tut the im Goldbloom Tin- (JIU Ri-liahli- DEPRESSION PRICES Kjjr Coals, per ion $11.00 & stl.V (Not Nut Coal) Lump Coal, per (on Ioosc Coal, $1.00 per (on less All Coals are in a dry shed. Don't buy water, liuycos HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Toombs Radio Service AH Makes of Radio Work Guaranteed Rupert Radio Service Repairs to h " RADIO ' Out-of-town bi 11 IMionct Hh:c Pnnre R -r '' Early Ad. Copy is appreclald By Weslover. GCY, JUT ioMcr t to HUftRl.K . JvMP mew. aoy pisibmdu '1