5ol 2e S. 13. BaWfiMWWMUM " 1 " ;' '' U -i i t neglect, those cutM uhbruisea. sometimes do-i'tioiialy. Keep i.lv of flntiiltfc i W e Ijavp rqu- for all' little all-lirerious ill-liowewr, we nn to hoc your . 1 1 11 fill his pre-n hi're. Ormes Jim Ptqnccr Loosens Dr. Wood's And lira. K. A "1 kav ! Norway Plea 1 Sad it tk k t It klt U Norway 1 always Pine Prtat M. Syrup org 4 - t I Proscriptions . . Filled from freh, pure drugs, according to the dictates of your doctor Ltd. Dntqriats TscxzrttBMammmmmmmammcnammaaamm The Phlegm Stops The Cough Jo, Mom Jaw, 8ak.. write: ' ckildrrn. mtj -I h rnied Dr. Wuud'l tfyrup far tka pt Ikra. yr, at al rttiairW mwl; wkea U tM-dM w 14. ' ta (tt to Wf t looMalag.tka larp a tattta kandy It lk vatiMelsa a UrftWi Urn foaNr tit 16c I at all fas.ral ttum; Mil s ly by TV T. IV. Ltd, TevuaW, I MON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED i:r.inra rrtrwa upt fr VaiMo4r: TSv ( AKDI.NA :VUY lUlSPAY, 14t P.M. ., d W.j;iiri.. .ir.toiti Vitnn.urrr Tnundaj fss vi nti iti: tvur.Y Thursday miiinicut. ., v .rour Sundy m orning f Port Simpao. Alter Ann Anyni Biewan M Hir '.u auiuta. pat sriCIAI. WIN! I K INCURSION RATH, HOUND TKIP, ritlCK " "" IUTUCT TO VAXCOUVrn, $. r oi I la few t. Iriwi HmII M.rrtl SI. IkM 4 n rrfftrtlinf .0 MtHi ft and ttckW (t lui K Ml rt-KT AOI NCV Hwwad .Straw. Chan. SfcS "fc ,tt.lJJi.liMWW I I, I, gfk" Ol N. otW CWs Hi f W rkkM W-WKIW Ik. rc nn I HE crisp delidousness C Quaker CornTIkl.es arouses early motnlne appetites in w-arjn weather., Rlh. nouriihtng flakes of sun-ripened corn . . . they never fail to win enthusiasm. You will like Quaker .Corn flakes best of all because their flavour is the highest quality ever Put into a corn flake. Special malt and pure CANE sugar and salt of crystal purity. Crackling crisp because toasted in electric ovens. Then their crispoess .and supreme flavour .are preserved for you py our triple seal and wax wrapper. Serve QoakerCornflakes at least once ech dv. VX'ith ths de)l rioi dish, ihildren take pore milk ami cream than any oilier jvay, L Quaker BCorn Flakes fcQeL fJEW5 iSIOTES Basketball tonlsht. Auditorium. At 7. jBenfor garhe-.?qri Baplpgton Cafepa. J.' A. Qreen .vaa a yw&W ' the Prince Rupert lavtt jlsht lor the south Tt.p as. Prlnce'aa LouUe la due kl.-m Vancwyer jtpd ,wypolnt miiis autnwm ai a o etoeK. The Japsinm ixeMiUr -Ttlmpo jlaru which la brlnfing a crew uqm Jap in to pah th,e(Qfna'dWi pejgnteur is ejepected to arrive soijicUmc thto evening. JudiiP and Mra. 3. It. Brown hi have bmi vMUrur with their son T. Brown, of the firm of William fenson, Drown and Harvey, re turned :o Vancouver on thePrtnc , Rupert laM night. Ii'M Miis Janot Rnnneste: ct nghier of Aldctman and Mr RothrsUr. left yesterday on th Billmor- for Port Essin?tdn where the U to spend a month with her grandmother, Mra. Brown. , A very enjoyaMe dance wuheld under the aiiepieee of the Oana- di in Lubor Defence League In the Kxrhan'( Bfoek last night. Excellent muMc was rendered by the MftlaknUa orchestra. At IS o'clock a Rood lunch was provided and th? dance was then .cgnVfouiyd ftntU 2 "!ork apd it proved very enjoy-5le. Announcements Hall. Uenerit Dnce Feb S. Canadian Legion and Moose Udge Boys' Band Scotch Dance Feb. to Annrmaary Duiee. -Fee. 10. RefreahmenU. Genu 60c . Ladles Annua St VatenUne's Osssiwl ChatHr, ItXDX. Feb. 14 Wamen of tqose, brtdg- a)d whist. Feb. uOi. .PlBtliylerlan Vslertine Tea Feb nuuy 14. Moos Valentine Dance Feb. 17 Sassper-CarrUval Feb. 17 Foad-rua-Prolie at First United. OddrXMws' Old Time Dance February 17th. Rebekah Whist. Feb 24 CNJcA. annwu ball. Moone Hall February H. Old Time Dance. St Peter's Parish Hall. Seal Cove. Feb 27 .Pioncrs banquet-dance Match 10. Catholic Spring Sale and Social lApril 18th . JONES' Family Meat Market Loin Veal Chops 3 lbs. . Lamb Chops 3,Jbs. Pork Chops 35c 3 lbs." Round Steak l3?c, 2 lbs Stew Boef 35C 3 lbs Ayrshire Bacon Ot)C 2 lbs. " BCgs. 1 dog. 1. 4 1 f Liver. 1 lb. ftgga, 1 dox. ,?5c Baoon. 1 lb pot' Roast, 4 lbs. ttrrota. ojlbs Shoulder. Lan)b, 5 lbs. 5c Tu-rnlix!.. ShoidervPoik, lbs. Pc .Apples. 3, lbs. Leg ot Pork 5c per lb. For day and nitlit'TasI ser- vire I'hone 32. E. D. Hozan '"of Porcher Ialand Ittt Itrt '.nght on thp (ardepa for Vancotiver. Sons of Norway dance Friday. Feb. 3 chariged'to Saturday. Feb. 4. OcdfeJl6W,' lUk AflmriSc. 29 The Baslngton 'bisketball team arrived In port thU morning ami will play a loeal team' tonight. C. F. Haslain who has be.ert.in rne ciiy lor xne ptsv lew tuya leu m tr Prthce Tlbpert bound for " Vancotiver. A. J. Webber of the Family Shoe Hore. aecompanleii' ' by-'Srirs. Vcb-ter. will sail on the . Princess Louise for vacation In Vancouver. Mrs Evelene Sotneer. who ad-'resseo the ladles of this city on The Value of Fish In the Diet." jnder the auspices of the Daugh-lers of the Empire yesterday afternoon, sailed on the Prince Ru-oert on her way south last night. .THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS .LARGELY ilVER Wake up )our,Liver Jljle - .WUhout .Calomel Yat. mtm "tfiim kitk" tituuAm I.m imi iki Ikst avn hnlirituHlu. miMnl nur, a, bft.ln.rs Aft) ot t4V ..a or Mtl-M' Tilt f.rtn'. I jiU tow m. fmlf f- '4 ftl M'4rcu U M15. Lazier ,Cto?en Jklegent p(fircr.of .Oambral Chaster. X 0. D. k .UectediLast .S1(ht The Qatnbral Chapter of the Im pedal Order of Daaghters of the fmptre held Its regular monthly meeting last night at the home of Mrs. O. W..Laldler with a very good attendance of members present. .Following the rottfjee .business of the snetting.the skcUsp of officers for 1SS3 took plsee. Those being elected to office were: Regent Mrs. O. w..Laldier. First Vkre-Regent-! rm. 3. A Barry. Second Vlce-psgrnMrs. II. L. Atejosnder Honorary latent Mrs. John Mansan. Secretary-Miss Peggy Smith. Treasurer Miss Mariel Morris. Echoes Secretary MUs SbHk Stuart. Education Miss M. Dbnoek. Standard Bearer Miss Cathie Irvine At the close of the meeting a social hour was spent anddelistu refreshments wi;re served. I.iiilipran-Aifi s as as aw vss 4k dsssdi T 11 nil . ldsEeeiing : J ibs. The Ladles' Aid of the .Lutheran I q q e,. Ebks- Church held (heir first meeting of r 'j ,the yeai atjhe home ol U. Jack'ojydol Boap Chtp( For Aoir-on, u. A'Cnue , After the business meeting a Ie musical nujnbers wert rendered and delicious refreshments served. 'I IMMiSAI vDancelToniglit At Ihe benefit hop In the Moose ' Hall tonight, sponsored by the Ca-1 tnadian LeaianYnd Moose Lodge the ! .lolkiwina wttl i the rlaneea: u-altx c,rc,e tox trol quadrilles, vnleeta. Rory O'More. waits, fox trot. wait. o,,0 si"P. Sianlsh waits, fox trot. WiUivlivhrJcr. waU. ope - step.. i' pnpn mm wi ihv imr n t , . : t jf f -The .following s the 'J'v of ciurRes rnftdetfor reaaing "' nolAres. .Marriage rul Bngacementt ' arMwuncern,ct42. , BlrUv NblJoM ,pOc. Card Ot-.TMycwM. i Funeral nowrrs 10c. iperw name. I TEACHING ! PEOPLE TO Increased Production KcsulU From )nonirator It was an Interesting story that Mrs. Exqjsnf ftier hc members qtJ&.Pfa(&ftHflo- tary CjHb ath-pnchepijatfir. day. It was a Juti hu.coeon serveeff' by the 06rimpfe'cef m his bet style and was' much enjoyed, fifcv-1 eral extra iab4s .had to be set to) aceorninptwte the- nasnibcr of yUt-tors present. ddre if ft" ii1 Mrs. 8pencer fthen jjhe was cIfecf by the United States govetninent to help tWetn aove eighty 'station uounoji Of lraoto JUh ituf aflr ih juP-kJoa ja's signing af.te aiae..T,nis HhfM1 bron,e nu'n,ite ard wth had amula as a,relt oi.prc . diictlon mpwgada arjd"it fi$ be solo. y means ofdernonstratipn and leWres iopplemepted by extensive advertising on' the part of the fisheries people the whole was sold before the eaaspalgn was Jin' Ished and u tfUov a pnupfnt market was JjBlU.up ipr.blaci: cod. - J i mt m ! ' : one of the ,wel m anfWruLH9U8EB .for rent fishes Mrs. Snencer told of fish beiiur the earilestfood f nwn isteWH-IWLY but was the ghkf Jith qfJhW men. theonte Aune 4oT ifctftteg hall butte" or "holy fish." The people lived on It and waxed strong just as pmve ,ian Jlved,on JUh and wnfjedstafng." The sucjeeas of the Jialiertevthe speaker said, depended luapvtv op -ettlng the frisewil e to hf&Jph and cook It weh.' toerka.Qsh was as Dad as unttreoetted. one flavor was .lost J"Fbih sJsoula be cooked tllke eggs and MBPed lust at the Aght.tinie By oooi iteor- recny cnete wa.s .ntUe ooor. Mrs, epsncer 0040 many sncinis of her fetuvjinte ' resting her : WW? all the time: At th? opening the lecturer was lntrodured.by X H Johnson and at the conclusion .she w.is thanked by PresidentVoodiarKl Many menders personally expressed theb: appreciation , Z. LET'S mi 1 llrre sre a few of our specials which you can t afford to pass up. Quick Quaker Oata Small 25.c stow. 3 pku Robin Hood Oata China- 25c ware, per pkg. Dried Apples Fancy quality. 3 lbs. . Popping Com 25Cj 3 lbs. r'resh khubuio perib. sftC. .Bconony Creamery Butler Packed apeqiully lor us p Special .price. 3 lbs. Fresh read- 5c par 4paf ' 1 srvr v Orangeo-Oood - 15c your laundertne. 2 pkgs. Kmnt.tM iannalade 33 c Alraet Jam Ic ,40V ch Joniuion' Urnild Floor Wax Pint Un wtth duster 60C MUSSA.LLEM'S Economy S.qrc We deliver all orders, $2 or over 317-19 Third Avenue West P.t), Box 575 Phone 1 RENT A Radio, SAwiiig Madiiue, ypewxiter icRAEsnR03.,irn. J5 Ak?sE rtrc QiCMn SALADA TEA H Www "?j,tiHi Jrqm OaRRafl?.al -k rHf& FORgLB electric lanip 20-walt globe, giving delightfully soft .in - erect light. pa'rUcuiarfy recorh-essded for bridge parties. "Original price 430. AVfll sell ipi ,JlP.hpap.Blue.27?. iF0RRENT Best vaioek Renovated modern flat,' ,iaBd BWk. Niax ITei&'rqher. ' t for .Rent. Third Ayenoe wrathaU't low rehtt! MCVlVBTOn , ,.,.T - t :tf VERNON Apartments, i& See-tnc -Afesuie. .Heulcfping .oum newly renovated. fPJtfl B-42l 11 " FQIfNI) FOUND Lady's Wrist-watch. ' JatySUce SUtlon. WANTED WANTED nm-ciass Clerk for General Store, 'nlerfof. 'state ex- nerience. ase. referenre anr1 sal-160. ary expected. . Apply box Iiih,Ntws. tf COAL! COAL! .Our Fpogs Bto in. jAberta jtnd jBulklfyalleyjiS sis arejaitamn- .leea p five jjafartUm.Trry a .ton ofNo ley VMey. AVe II am Qkf toothy Hay. iVtoat ,ua.u ani o$riey. " ' ' 1 Prince Rupert .FcedCo. . 58 -jPhanes Tlie AUQIOIUEER Paekine Crestni?-' Wrapping ,Q.ieral jreHuxeJiepaira List your goods with me (SE0. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 Fresh Milk and Cream Diily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 The Fish which made ,0e Gard ens PIANO TUNING M sic Store. tt. PAINXERS PAINTINO and nfeipng. Msller, ; phone Re& xn. TRANSFERS CAMERONS TransferWood, Coal ' ' nforing. , chairs for je'rji' tf (CLEANING Si DRESSING LPRICBS reasonable Benkendorf. Third Ave., seat ddor tt"Daily " Vews. IAyRnRESSER ' ' ler. Uix Catting. T.OtKRNMENT I-IqiOU ACT" NOTICE OF APFUOATION FOB COM-LfOSNCS KOTICE Vt HBJtCBT OIVSK thM S Ui 16tb day ol February MstStvc tin-rt-wkfus iBSaatls a mmm jWm Lfcytwe Cor.trol Board tor content to ttmnsSfrjof tear UornorNo. 3491 and lamed in respect of praalMv being part ( Ik OuUdloc known as Owttrai Botrt titakt ! pm upen tht land diatrtwa si Law Elevrn i II i. Twatm IS). TMrtrca) (13) I .ltd Fnurtnv I4. ot Block Ten (Ml. Sff tion One ill. Usp (IS. Prirtr Ru- rron Hotet lljajjul Utmcm to Osra th aaeknsfTZVinoe Ruptwt, Brt- umwar,l part. BrtUah Oo- liiaraB thU.TPB dT af Jacuarv. IM3. m BLACK. ApplSwsr- and Transferre. ANTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta I'hone ZXl For Y.our Health Chiropractic intra Violet Kays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL I).C, (Chiropractor) Oreen SII Phones Green 519 Lxrhange Itlciek l.akSSJUW.IJMJHJIakBB AdvcrtLso m ihe Dally News Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD 1 4 Prepared pally By iCanian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltdfj PRINCE KUPEKT, IJ.C. fiCJ .4 i.ki .Ml t r i' -1 Mt .;.' it. 11 , fWt ,11! trtf 3 t V, 0k