Tomorrow's Tides nigh .. 8:29 aj ,5 ft. 22:04 , It. Low 1:20 a V V I XXIV . No, 28. . . so 4 to take fullest advan- f the expenditure made by in uovcrnment of port devclop- This part of the report la not :k.i u be incorporated In the ini.v.ctl legislation Hn Alfred Dura n Iran haa the hill In hand. It Is likely to pre-n! (or the r-entrallsaUnn of cn-; i .i iiut the .strum opposition de- j nuy decide the govern-, m i nt either to make change or to .'v the legislation altogether j Ihrre are no great changes or, M-iidlture proposed In the bill v 'he chanisc In pollry. If It should hrougti would bo very Import- -! nd It ! thought wtmld prove 'Fori nee of slaty enthusiastic sup-menial to the smaller otsUytng . porters of Ute Liberal party, the PRAYER IS DDri A nr A CTi,nrr maimer. In- DiUrViJVrlJ 1 rloived by (he jsre- !sence of Dr. H. C Wrinch. MIA. All I'arU af British Nation Taklnt ',1 Wits district, and K T Kcnnry I p Small formal Trillion .president of Skecna DMrlrt Liberal Fer Divine Help AaeoclaUon Dr. Wrinch reiterated hta In ten- 1 i't recently In Oreat Britain jtton of realgntng following the com )' miir Baldwin and How. Oeorgo." seaslon of the legislature and 1 bury labor party leader, helped heartily thanked the people of promulgate a national prayer a i . n il has been published broadcast !i parts of the Empire The ii wi v.m first published m a full i': appeal in the Morning Poet. I Milon It follows: "O Almighty (lod, I rail upn life fsr pr(etion for myself, mv famllr. friendi and ronnlry-mrn. and for the dfllveranee af tlir llritMt natlon from the ftod-le menare and from Ihe present dltres and perpleiily. Deliver us from evil, for Thine alone Is the poarr to do so. Amen." Slow Driving To Be an Offense In Washington LYMP1A. Waih, Feb. 3 - Under' "T"- ""1 WT J , in.. . mii v..i- .kui ham. J. F. McSwen. J. 8. Oray. F. ' the tao legislature a penalty is ;''"lostd for alow drivers as well as i i fast, the atow driver being con . j "if-red Just aa great a danger to 'f dr The speed Umtt of. 40 miles :ui hour is to be aboMalied but no will be allowed to drive to the 1 "inmon dancer. Robert Chambers Died Vancouver vancouvBH, Feb. 3:-Hubert f 'l' imt ts, 78 years of age. pioneer BHijdi Columbia. U dead here. bom In Ontario and was I'MniOrlV UUniMvl in Iho ulntnn ' "'"In-, Industry ot Hlvcrs Inlet und other p9tnU. Card of Thanks Mr and Mrs. It. Calderwood s 1 thunk all those who ex. "eri sympathy in connect ko the deaUi of Mrs, Onlder wood's father. William Robertson. SMITHERS LIBERALS OFFICERS She Annual Mrrtinc Hears Reports and Carries Out Kouline Business; Dr. Wrinch Confirms Keslr, nation HMIT11KK8. Feb 3 With an at annual meeting of Smllhers Liberal AssuctaUuu was keM In UV Munl-rlpwt I tell recently, that gathering . e-t. - I A aft a a. W'iiffiggBwHHlntflllfraV atlen- m a lot the privilege they had given him of being their member for eight years. Hr teamed up with Mr Kenney In giving a report on thf recent convention of the Provincial Liberal Party. Reports were reerlvert nnri adopted and In thr election of officer Hon. W L. McKenHc Kins and Hon T D. Pattullo were named as honorary presidents, with Dr H. C Wrinch. ML A and Olof Hanson MP., as honorary vice-president L. B. Warner waa elected president for the coming year with Oeo Oul-ton and H. D. Johnson aa vice-presidents 8. J. Mayer was tumultously returned as secretary-treasurer Following the usual custom most of the Immediate surrounding country waa given representation on the executive through the following: 8. C Oannlxll n ...... U .4 tl . , . 1 rL- - .1 . m . Castelle. L. II. Kenney. F. Roaberg Joe Williams. J P. Downey. K. Chapman. Jaa. Bochan. Wm K. Clark. D A. McRae. C. Stordal. Wm. Duff. Jaa. Adams. W. II Atrtll. F. Wataon. B. Miller. A. L Evltt. MIm L. Hanson was. appointed aa assistant to thr secretary, but the naming of other committees was left to the chair Service Held For Father of Mrs. Calderwood Prior to the forwarding of the remains of William Robertson, south last night a funeral service was held at the chapol of Uie 0. C. Un-! riertakers, Rev. W. D. Grant Hoi-1 llflfworth officiating. Dr. Urge was at the organ and pallbearera were Mensr' MrKlnley. 11111. Oetktc, Mcintosh. MoArthur and Daggett. nurlnl will take place in Victoria I'spt Calderwood went south to. ntteHL, I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1933 D0UKH0B0RS TAKE BRITISH METHODS EULOGIZED BY Gibb Report on Harbors May be Implemented in Legislation if Opposition is Not Too Strong OTTAWA, Feb. 3: Legislation based on the report of Sir Alexander Gibb is likely to be introduced into Parliament within the next few weeks. This report advises the' 'ntraliziiiK of business in the big Canadian seajwrts and ru n goes so far as to recommend that the jwrt of Van-, t nuver be protected against the smaller ports of the pro United States AMY GETS A TROPHY .-SB" KitoiutvialiJK.. Aadtd Seatravr Memorial, Third llecipient So Far LONDON. Feb. 3: Mrs. Amy Johnton Mollkon has been notified that she has been awarded Ihe Sear. rive McmoiUt trophy, cstablfehcd In I9f after the death of Sir Henry Seacrave. mottnr-Wat rarer- Previous winner of the trophy were Itert llinkler and Sir Charlm Klnnford Smith. FISHERMEN IN THE EAST M. IL Nkkerson. Former Ftheries Dlreelar, Te IN of Problemi There C1TUS PKINCL Ill'I'LUT 1IAUFAX. Feb. I: tCP-Bc-ad- juatment of grants for fishermen's bounties, permission to the ' New Kngland fleeu to enter and trade at Nova Scotia porta, and direct routing of fish for the domestic trade these are the cardinal points in M. 11. Nlekersona program for revival of the fishermen's prosperity In this province 8ome of the Twenty-two planes rf i he mud aroslU naval sution follow. iig their nrrlval ;r Uicv jiad b'M-r. aiu.:lr.iwa 'i. a)?teenicnt with tl, wuth f'T' rr tewed by Admiral Moffctt chief ... . ,,. ,4i' States to be allowed to ' Join In the , the action of the Hon. Ramsay Ntckerson. formerly -I. dlrectoi . . . , , , . T... Donald. His ,. the . of fisheries for Nova Scotia and a! veteran fisherman and dealer, has ! Inn nnllf thai Mil will ho In. traduced at the neat aeaaton of the" " provlitclal legislature. An Act to Incorporate the Fishery Collectives of Nova Scotia." For. he writes, the fishermen shippers must be duly Incorporated. The scope of the act will cover all mercantile fishatuffs. The father of fishermen's unions lias long been a proponent of opening Nova Scotia's porta to New Eng land fishing vessels for purposes of bait-buying and Ute laying In of supplies. The Ocorge 111 treaty. In Its embargo provlafena, lie says, does not apply "tn Ute cttiaens ot any state that is friendly to Hla tlrit tattle Majesty And even It Ute United States were unfriendly he cabin on the Terrace-Uk road on estimates, both main and supple-wants to know why Seattle hall- January 31. An InqueatwM held and. men tary. of the current year end- butters are allowed to use Frtne Rupert when Hoston haddorkcrs may not come In to the coatal towns on Ute Maritime coast. "The Fascist state hns no theo-1 logy, but It hss morals." - Benito Mussolini Planes Return From Nicaragua the a ' f n ival aviauou. a id Ralph Connor Talks of British Methods In Edmonton Speech Well Known Preacher and drcat Britain Have Kisen to Great Occasions At Various Times EDMONTON, Feb. 3: "When the people of a nation are willing to forego ersonal interests for the welfare of the country, the welfare of that jeople is safe. This is The British Way'," said the Rev. C. W. Gordon, D.D., of Winnipeg, when he sjwke here. It is the quality of living and acting that characterizes the British people. In time of . K tress they can unite to see and do Hi! 1 nTI If I A 1IT what Is best for the nation. The 1Y1AK11AL LAW ' Bri,,h pople are b,eu "d- "en crises wivn equanimity KUDor , m Rill n,. Im A (Ml A aUnK 00 pollU Dr ordon d,s lWUlflrVlllrV cussed the faUure of the Austrian - National Dank. The world would Country Seething With Kiots and have been plunged Into panic and Disturbances and Government j chaos had not Oreat Britain stepped In Danger j In with the loan that saved the situation, although ultimately it was DUCMARBBT. Roumania. Feb. 3: this loan which caused her to go off Martial law will be declared the gold standard. The British throughout this country tonight it people "Do not hesitate to take a is announced following serious riot- chance to do a big thing that they Ing and political disturbances in 1 think worth while." different parts of the country. I Following the consequences re-Only yesterday Roumania put in' suiting, when Dritain did go off the a formal request to the United gold standard Dr. Oordon spoke ot war debts conference with a view to rducmg or ellmtoatlng her Indebt- conens. junny uir (urcrnincjii is Former Local Man Found in Terrace Cabin Tlimnan C.aiiutn Died Alone Itomi Natural Cause on l'k Ko.ul Few Days A so Provincial police headquarters here have been notified that Tho- mas Oagnon was found dead In his It was found Uiat daath liad reaul - ted from natural causes. Mr Om-non formerly resided In Prince Rupert moving to Terrace about six years ago. Latterly he waa employed by George UtUe and was it his work until as late as Satur day A Written Guaranteo For One Year With Every Goodyear Tire Sold By Us in 1933 KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Dealers Phone 52 TO AIR TRAVEL SPEAKER AT EDMONTON i.nn "'rp ;i 'iiir.i ;.i,rd up at An-! " ii !! Ni. cr.uii from where , ret nurd from the y f N v c F. Adams. Novelist Tells How People of Majesty, King re- fused to accept his rerignaUoti. and upun wic cvficiusiuii ithci iru oy eminent statesmen. It was decided ! to appeal to the people. Whereupon the Prime Minister was returned as j premier of the national government. The people were able to overlook Individual political prejudice for the weal of the country. Little Change In Expenditure OTTAWA. Feb. 3:- The main es- tlmates tabled In the House are only $6,227,725 leas Uian the total , Ing March 31. Some of the savings jln controllable expenditures arc offset by Increase in the public debt. Statutory subsidies to the provinces are increased as a result of the last census by $941,975. British Columbia's subsidy Is Increased from $738,816 to $874,564. Doukhobor Officials Travel by Airplane in Attempt to Confer With Peter Veregin at Halifax ' BOSTON, Feb. 3: Peter Makaroff and S. F. Reitin, counsel and secretary respectively of the Doukhobors of British Columbia, arrived in this city today by airplane enroute to Halifax where they expect to confer with Peter Veregin, head of the Doukhobors in Canada, who is being deported tomorrow to Russia. ; K A few days ago Veregin was re MAKES WAR -- j T i rinn7 1 InJ Kli K I I VA iiAa. X X Communbm to be Outlawed ll Hitler Is Elected Early Next Month BERLIN,. Feb. 3: Chancellor Hitler is already making war on the Communist. Raids on their headquarters have been ma'de in different parts ot the country and all Ihe contents confiscated. Clashes have occurred at numerous points and a number ot deaths are reported as a result. Following the dissolution of the Reirbstar a Tljcorour campaign has been commenced. The Chancellor threatens to outlaw Communism If he is returned Jo office in the elecUon that takes place early in March. BERLIN. Feb. 3: Either Germany must find herself or she must go Bokhevik. There is no middle course declared Chancellor Hitler In an interview with newspapermen. SCHEME OF PRESIDENT RixKevelt Will Make Recommendation to ConxrrM Which Will Help to Bring Bark Prosperity WASHINGTON. Feb. 3 From his country home In Oeorgla President-Elect Roosevelt haa Issued a statement telling of a scheme for vast development he Is preparing o submit to Congress with a view o putting the unemployed to work ind helping to bring back prosperity to the country. Under the plan Federal bonds will be floated to provide the money. DIBB HEADS HOSPITAL DIRECTORS Wilkinson is Vicc-rresldent and Birch Continues as Secretary The hospital board elected officers at a meeting held Wednesday -'veiling. Frank Dfbb waa elected president, o. Wilkinson, vtee-pre-sident and Hsrry Birch reappointed as secretary. Calgary Man Died Yesterday CALOARY. Feb. 3:-Clarence H. Lougheed. eldest son ot Lady Isabel! Lout heed and the late Senator Sir James Lougheed, died suddenly yesterday, aged 48. PRICE: FIVE CENTS moved quietly from the Jail, at Prince Albert, Sask- while a delegation of his countrymen was walt- !nS to interview hltn. He was rushed tf"0111 b lK,n to Halifax and unless something happens to stop him. will be on the high seas to ; morrow bound for his naUve coun-! try, from which he was brought by I the colony following the death of his predecessor. CHICAOO. Feb. 3: J. P. Shukln, a Doukhobor. enroute to Halifax, left here today for the east by plane. JAIL FOR KU KLUXER Former Imperial Wizard Has to .- Serve Time and Pay Fines At Edmonton EDMONTON. Feb. 3: - Two months at hard labor at Fort Saskatchewan and a fine of $50, in default of which an1 additional two months on the attempted fatec pretenses charge; two months at hard labor and a fine of $50. in default of which, an addiUonaliwo months on the wilful negligence causing fire; a fine of $10 and costs, and ordered to pay damages up to $15, In default of payment one month's Imprisonment to run conaecutlvely following the two months Imprisonment sentence was Imposed on J. J. Maloney, former wizard of the Ku Klux Kian on Tuesday afternoon. As the first two iiiImvm run concurrently the sentences mean that Maloney will serve two months-in tail, mi flnae totaHinc 1110 and roots, and pay $15 damages. Maloney appeared stunned by his wntence. After Ilk Worship had pasaed sentence, the former Imperial Wlsard turned to the court and whined in a broken voice: "So you wont suspend sentence, hav?" Magistrate No. - Maloney then turned aa though o leave the dock but Sergeant John" slie and Turnkey William Lamb. ooa mm oy uie anna ana lea nisi town to the cells. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVBIt, Feb. 3: The price of wheat waa quoted today at 4Sc. EXCHANGE RATES NKW YORK, Feb. 3: -The Cana- iian dollar yeatertky closed here at l'c The British pound sterling was $3.39 11-16. FIRST BOAT HAS HALIBUT Llvlngvlone Brought In 4,000 rounds In Broken Trip and Sold to Cold Storage Tiie first halibut boat arrived la port this momuig It was the Uv- tacstene with 4.000 pounds of Halt which she sold to the Cold Storage plant it 6c and 4c. It waa a broken trip.