PKOt 1WO THE DAn.T NEWS Saturday, April 22. 1933 DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Puhllsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor Member ot Audit Bureau of Cirrulations preelanned the Messiah. And He ( to be ashaned did not aooear a the Mesilsh they bml expected eo they were ashamed Of Him. But today there t no such excuse. We know of Ills nower. we know He is the King of Klm and. mbre'thin that, we know that He wive His Mfe for onr relTnt'on Wlfy are we ashamed of mm' We m't admit that we sre for we do nr toHv srltndwledw HIti In 'ii dally Hfe How nftm do von "ieik Saturday, April 22, 1933 WILL GOIil) DO IT? Many people-nre beginning' to wonder if gold will be the moans 01 bringing back prosperity t5 Canada. In almost every part of the Country there is mining activity and this. is gradually increasing. The unemployment situation is being relieved very considerably by the requirements of help in the goldfields. Even in this district gold is king at the present time. Gold mines are being operated in a small way and there is every indication that there will be extensions of these operations. Every new operation employs men, uses supplies, encourages transportation and causes the wheels of trade to start to move. And so far there has never been overproduction. USING SMALL MIL'LS The use of small mills for thoroughly testing ores' in mining prospects in thi part of the country has been mentioned by mining men but never adopted as a general plan of procedure. The Mining Journal of London, England, draws attention to what is being done in New Zealand and Australia in the using of small units. The Unemployment Board of New Zealand is having a small mill built for approximately $600 to be run by a small oil engine and transported in a lorry. By its use an exact record of the value of the ore can be secured which would be of great valu6 in selling the mine. While the price of $600 given in the article is probably too low, it is possible that for something less than $2,000 an individual mill could be secured that could be operated by the small prospector or miner, could be paid for out of the proceeds of the operation and would enable prospects to be developed into mines without enlisting the aid of the big capitalist. A SATURDAY SERMON Ashamed of a Friend? By Capt. K. A. Loewen. Salvation Army) Jesus, descendant of a royal family, bora at Bethlehem, when forty days old, was taken to the Temple in Jerusalem as was the custom in that day. Soon after that, He was taken to Egypt to escape being killed at Herod's command but, when a new king was again on the throne, He returned with His parents to the Nazareth home. There He lived for thirty years and increased in dom. stature and in the favor of' of Him to yooi friend let alone a Ood. The only incident recorded of ! stranger? Yet. He is your best His early life is going to Jerusalem 1 friend, acknowledged or not. when twelve years old and of His The Israelite people were ashamed conversation with the learned men. of Jmm became He reetved sin-Born In a humble bane. He lived nets, mingled freely with Hie oot-among natural scenery, the rugged east'? m order to help them and His but beautiful mountains. . and ; fettawers were of the laboring class, breathed the pare air the fishermen and the office man. Thk Man. the aentre of the Blblet I All worked together wth Christ. The both OJd and New Testament the Jewish leader? were ashamed of greatest Man of the world's history. Him because He would not tolerate la the One whom the peonle of to- my tin bat rebuked It ntamly And day are ashamed to own as their they were ashamed of Him because personal frlflhd. He went about telling ah etasses It was natural that some might that He had power to forgive sins, be ashamed of Jeans when He was Trday that power Is the same on earth for He was of humble blrfh, and'to the same all. If your sin Is flved in obsettriaii and suddenly was ; not forgiven then you havo reason U.4 If um. IthMm vour sia U forgiven do you acknowledge Him as freely as you onchtr Can we. If we stop to consider an He has done for us. His iov His m'fferlne. Ills sacrifice, be ashamed of Him? W" read In Matthew 16 27 "For h" Son of Man shall come In the ekirv nf His Father with Ills aaeels nd then He shall reward everv m aecorrHno to his works." Will He be ashamed ol ns? CHURCH NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL . ' . (Church of P.n(tand) . , Very Kev. J. It. Gibson, Dean . i ,( Qliolr Ondiicloff-jv. j. Lancaiteri '' ' ! " . OrganistI'rter Lien U AJd.. Morntog Prayer and Confirm at len Servtoa Preacher The lUtfht Rev. Q. A. Rlx DD. 12 JO, Sunday School 730 P.M., Awning Prayer and Sermon' Subject: "BUILDING THE WALLS" The eanvaes for the Hcstoratkm Fund wWl be made this week PIRATES MOVE UP New York Giants Lose Tor First Time This'Year Yankees Are Mill on Top place right behind the New York Olants. In the American League, the New York Yankees made it six straight PhUedeinhia Athlette who won over Washington Senators. The De trait Tigers were relegated to seventh position. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Boston S. Now York 1. Chicago 0. St. Louts 4. Cincinnati L Pittsburg 5. American Lea cue Washington L PbHadefphk 3. St Loots 4. Chicago 0. Detroit 0, Cleveland 5. New York 7. Boston 5. Baseball Standings AMERICAN LHAGUC New York Cleveland Chfeago Washington SC. LauU Philadelphia Detroit Boston W. 6 S 4 3 3 3 2 1 L. 0 J 3 4 S $ s 4 NATIONAL LKAtiUt: Pittsburg . 4 1 New York 2 1 Bntoklyn 32 Chataao 3 3 Philadelphia St. Louis Boston Cincinnati . 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 Pet. tJOOO .114 .635 22 300 i i 67' ooo ; 500 500, 400 250 25(1 Old Country Soccer Canadian presi KNGLISH LF.AGl!I FIltST DIVISION Actmvllln n- TMla llnlliwl 0 Bolton wand?rer 2; West urom-wich Albion 2. Chelsea 1; Arsenal 3. Hud rrsfleld Town 0; Everton 0 !elretcr City 4: 9ttndersa'd 2 Liverpool 1; Birmingham 0. Middlesbrough 1; Sheffield Wednesday 1 NewsasUe United 2; Blaekbumj Hovers l. Portsmouth 1 ; Manchester City 2. Shaf field United li Blftekpool 0. Wolverhampton Wanderers 3, Detfcy County 1. SCOTTISH I.RAGl'K-FIKST DIVISION Aberdeen-Hearts, already played. Ayr United 4; Alrdrieontens 2. Ckde 0; Kthnarnosk 1. ntmeee 3; Celtic o. Falkirk 2; Morton 1. Molherweil 4; Bast Stirlingshire 1. Ranters 1: QHcen's Park 0. 1 At. Joknatoae 2; Hamilton Ana-deteieals o. 8t. Ma-ren 1: Partick TlitoUe 1. Third Lanark 3; Cowdenbeath 1. "To many of us. ease Is far morel wwUcAStfeytm -than trouble."-Alice Foote McDoujall. Sport Letter Box Al'I'KKClATC HOSPITALITY Editor, Dally News: I should like to take advantage ' of this opportunity to laank the NEW YORK. April 22: .Canadian ftcd ..Mlenu uf m- Prince Prtssi-Pittsbarg Pirates, by seor- Kjpnt HU-h School and also the ing a decisive victory over the much people of Prince Rupert for the touted Cincinnati Red aP Pittsburg pin&M haspltallty extended f yesterday, resumed exclusive po- the Smlther High School basket session of first place in the Na- bajj team oh their recent visit to ttonal League, displacing the New your city. The Smithers' girto and York Giants who were defeats at t jys enjoyedivery minute of their the Polo Oiounds for the first time stay and or looking foiward lo this season by the Boston Braves, renewing aojjtiain;.aice and c-x-who, at least, succeeded in break- changing basketball "note" 111 ing into the winning column, The 8otUrrs at sntne future date. Braves and Reds are now tied for Their hvter-srhool games have cellar honors. The St. Louis Oar' very aerttiderobk value in develop-dlnals advanced to sixth place by in school spirit, and stmnd be fos- Yovrs sineerejy. VBHNON CROCKETT. PrineiMl. Smithers' HHrh School wins without a single toss so far this year by winning over the lowly Boston Bed Sok at Boston. By vlr- .Raclrnf hall Tl f UOftV-HUll rlOO 11 tn of a ahitt-Atit viMtirv aver the Detroit Tigers, the Cleveland Indians moved up to second place ahead of the Chtcsgo White Sox Meeting is Held who dropped a decision to the St. Louis Browns, also by the shtout ExeruUve Last Nleht .Decided te route. The Browns advanced to 'Hold Dance fifth plae but are stm tied with the! The Prtnee Rupert Basketball! AswoetaUon tMfd an egattllve meet-' t last night to the Otty Hall It was decided to bald a benefit: danoe for into red players on May 12 and somoiHltes ware appointed : to take charae of the alfair The rbbMty of a gMs basketball toam fotoff to Anrox was also fHtmmpd ttki wsj left to the hands' "Where do w go fposs hne"' Atjaad. of oowrae. Cuom on Let's go " Will H Hays TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Kent Rose, Cowan & Latta riione Ml MOUKItN RADIO SETS Examine a nf w model radio unit then look at your old set . Yours can have all these new improvements alto. Modernising, with the new type tubes, speakers, tone r volume controls will give you these. We have the equipment, material and experience to do tttis at reasonable rates. For Information phone Blue 320 LOOK I Oit THK Superior , Radio Service 3XC Rccond Avenue r Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 132 A. O, BARTLETT C. II INSULA NDER m - Oakland Still Leads Pacific Coast League Oakland Aeorns retained the supremacy of the Pacific Coast League baseball circuit on Thursday by defeating San Francisco Seals 10 to 5. Other icerrs en Thursday were: Seattle. 10; MUHort, 3, Sacramento. 10; Los. Angelas, 1. Portland. 6; Hollywood, 5. Great Canadian Athlete Passes Away in South shutlin out the Chicago Cubs at tered to the fullest extent. - BU Loote. the Cubs dropping Into WWJe the vtjstins players did not VANCOUVER, April 3--Cana-fourth place rn a tie wiUi the Phil- earry out their plans to U) letu dtan-Bhessi Prank D. MeOonnelt. lies who were idle. The Brooklyn t they are delighted wtfc the re- members of Canada's Olympic team Dodgers. aUo idle yesterday, were "dt and switirn U SmMhers with to Sweden in 1912 and one of the left in exclusive Dowefiston of third nothing but pleasant memories. greatest Canadian all -round ath- lata, is deed here at the age of forty-six years. i Steamship Sailings for Vanrootn Tuesday Cardeos 1-30 pjn Thura as. Prince Ooe 10 pjn Friday as. Prln. Adelaide 10 iwv Ss. Venture midnight April 14 as. Prln. Norah. pm April 28 as. Prln. Ndrah pm frem Vancouver Sundayas Cardena pm 1 lAtihMiitnal Stories oi ISiti Results PoltV.vliolilcr llMelvoH .1.40 For fevry I.OO IiivniihI THE .entire earningt of the Mutual Life of OaruJ are owned by the policyholders. The result t I', ,K y No. 4.60f) Riven below emphasize the value .f thu principle of "mutuality". Policy No. 4.60610 Payment Life Inucd in 1870 (f J.000 Payable st Desth) THJS POLICYHOLDKH PAID THE MUTUAL LIFE 10 Annas! Premiums of (41188 . fllH.KO TUB MUTUAL UIFEHAg PA1DJIIM. In Dividends i.TI2,H." His policy is now woilh lijCsh 5fjM3,0 SI, 126,73; IVillolioMrr lias 1 1 ,(M)7..1 more lliun lir paid In. IN ADDITION He has had insurance protection for S4 yesrs. The cash vslus will increase esch ytsr (ad he will riciva cheque annually for bis shsreof the earnih(tf the Coroinn, hr htd ttken s timilir policy op "without profit or "aon-ptttiapttist pun it the lowttt known tut n would cptt turn tftSjO (up diyidtadn ptftblf). whih undn tht HbtutfLiff 0tKCni$ "with ptoht" sfia h ictuillj rtctfytd b$ik tlHM moti tbtn' h piid In pttmiums. You, tun, can become a aolicyko)4r m this succcssrul and sutsnd Canswn oatapsny. Viol thr oKipun beUm U lurther intiirmalMxi regarding toe Ktutiul Life and it puhors TMl MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Coiiiimm'. OV VXSAliX w office wATi;ia.otvovr, HUUUUr4 I MOV ' KtlurUiiliaw (U. . . , . J. J. T. Collari, :KcpretfntoUve Prince Hupert, IU'. ii"f m"T". ij a .1.111 The Oldest Mutual Insurance Company In the Dominion It has a HECOHD FEW COMPANIES can better In thwe djivs of and depression IiECAUSE: It has PAID AND 18 STILL PAY1NO a dtvt-esH tor the first year. Has asamintosd. the same dlvidead dwatoc diavMssaM as wall as durlisji prosperity rtofrfW Weitnw N PAID FOR IN80R-AN0B, NOT INOLUOINa BrWIVAUl Of VAPSeU rOUCIfiB. has keyt inrreaatog vary year dtutsg-Hhe depression. It has always b4w kMft tar 1U satk aku CON8CKVAT1Vs fVf9TMGf7 BXUTO A FULior ilVTUAL contw NO HAnEllOLDER. Me poUtytM ) sharing all profits among thsssteJvr, U has the eav4able RKQOH4 of hvuu ' LOWfMTRATIOof espenseof any uni;. Ucforc You JJtiy a Life Irwurancc Policy IttvcstiRate What the Mutual Life Assurance ot Canada Has to Offer. It WiU Pay You. T. COLLAR!, Agent. - - - Prince Rupert, B.C. Tune In With The People ADVERTISE gaSsVgjgf in The Daily News Telephone -98 The Paper 'that has the circulation and that Brings Results Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. is