April 93, 1033 TCi daily iwra fAOS'THHEl Face The Future Unafraid j.VRING THIS WEEK, Al'ltlL 17th to 22nd, Life Insurance Week, I iv placed before you frets about what the Life Insurance Companies ..wdone anfl what' tfce Bun Life hns tldne during the depression. Cut what these companies have done and what they will do WILI NOT !)( YOU ANY GOOD unless YOU DO SOMETHING about it today. Do you want independent income after GO? ) Do you want to pay off a mortgage? H Do you want to have funds available during the next depression? Do you want to know that yourjamily will be able to pay the grocery bill, the rent and the coal bill? n invest-In Life Insurance, the only investment that did not depreciate he last three years and the only one guaranteed for the next twenty. Tin- ICcxnll Store K IS S. J. JABOUR IN ION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED sniwwi tot, rnaot Asrt aw r T.U,A IVr.ltV TUBittAY. 1:M r.JI. QtuKer . Flour Northern B. C. Representative St N LIFE OF TANAflA Estimate the Number of Empty Film Spools Displayed in Our Window Prizes: hrst Prize Kodak. Si ond Prize Ti n 1'rce Knlargcments Contest Closes May 31st The New Panchromatic Roll Film is now in stock This is the very latest supersensitive roll film. Kodaks and Kodak Supplies Developing and Printing -- Daily Service Ormes Ltd. TTiie Pioneer Druqt?tsts 1 in FaiUantf WajrP'iinU Due Vanmuvrr Thursday pn I" I MtDKNA EVERY I'M I DAY MIDNU.IIT .n. .uver Monday am KM-manito wmh Utcr Arm Aayoa ana aiu ciiii'iie rrni w "ll mil i", ;rl 1'iin.e llupert Agency: Seewnd Avenn. va w MM "A w. nrlc-ftil rue cm t," aty M s. F Mtttbrwe ol AbboU-fcr n B.C IT'S esiy to make bread by the Quaker Method. Juit m-meno kneading, no setting the sponge I You actually bake lighter, more delicious bread, in half the time . . . and at leu cost I But you must use Quaker Flour and follow instructions in our booklet 'The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking." Quakef Flour li of unvarying high quality because milled of the very finest wheat. Tested at every stage in the milling. Samples are baked in our own kitchen every day If you're not satisfied that Quaker Flour Is the finest you have ever used, your dealer will refund your money. Write us for the booklet ... or ask your dealer. The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon. IMIW lUcause it doesn't pay to advertise poyr products, It doca pay to buy those advertised, Phones 81 and 82 Announcements St. Peters Ohnrob Spring Sak' 1 f I ttm m - anulllan, rm W tm April , Legion QpjWl m Brktgehtst on Tbmradair. April . Angftem Y.P A pay April xI-2 Wrvaen's Auxiliary. Canatdlait ugt.Hi. brldae ajad wedsi Oddcel i. m ajay 1. Renvah mr c. prstea, dandHg. Aamlssior I RWtey Ilmne baaaar. May 4. Conjedjf- Vw chnrch May i ' a Mora dante May S and 14. Variety atfartainment Preahy ersf'gbrth lay 1 Basktthf Benefit DaflM Iy Cabra Chaptor Tea May 30. CO ASTAI. s i. it v i c i: I'rjuiu ytfrte KMIrA f" tUvrwi IV 'II W'". jut nr liurlii irAiutrf KlitHI ..m. ' rW Sle rl ami itt Wrilnrxi;. 4.UO i.ui. Imm farH ! Ik I'M . l ull rirthi m trmm vt"' isat C A X A II I A X X AT I O X A I. MANURE For S.nlc S2.W a Load JDominion Dajry PJione Hed COS For Jaj and rice. Phone, 32. ! vice. LOCAL NEWS NOTES nlihl Tax) Women of the Moose whist drive Tuesday, 3:30 25c. i Garden Qlfth. Manirre, Phone 1303. oiasey Cartage, Prompt Ser- Mrs- Winm Q0e4rlclc sailed last night oq the Vftfltm Adelaide for a vtott in Victoria. , Women' Lew WfcJst and Qance. 04p.lf. lfsH. Tnday 8 pjn. Afjm..25e. Prizes, refresh-rnents. The fire dajrtBwmt had a call at 11 15 last night to the Western Rooms where there was a chimney rire. No damjfe was done. Bdward Mpeti, who has been here for the nag, lev weeks on business, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last Bight on his return to Vancouver. S. C. Thomson, who has been on a brief business trip to Ocean Falls, referred to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoor from the paper town. Miss Nettie Onryich left on last night's train for Terrace when she will spend the next month or so visiting at the fans home of Mr and Mrs. George Hipp Alex Six sailed last night on tbr Prin?e Jchn for a Mp to Port Clements. Queen CMffette cay and other Island points on Imperial Oil Co. business. f. Dockrtll. waO known Trtkwa coal mine operator, after a Uriel business visit to the city, returned on last night's train to his home In the interior. noon to attend a Masonic gathering here, sailing by the same steamer last night on their retun: to the paper town. On a charge of trespaslng Oenrse Wilson, who was foutd sleeping in a Canadian National shed one Intent this week, was fined $5. with option of five days' imprisonment. y Magistrate MrCVymont in city police eonrt yeeterdajr afternoon. SWO BR CRAFT The New Sewing Machine Art FWBE 1NOTRUC-TtON will be given In this faaci-asting work on Tuesday and Friday Arte moons, from 3 to 5 P.M. at McRAE BROS LTD. Use SIMG-ERCRAFT on the New Bectric Singers. D. P. Miliar of the meal customs Itonae staf. who w4 be m charts of the otttpoct at 9Mkioe during the comlw saasop. wti) sail Mton-day on 'tr Prhacess Norah to take an his sVltta to tne north, ne wui disemfaailt at WraftUjtad proceed up the SUUae by rtvar boat. leaving been coawtMtod tor trial hv Maadaocate MeQUteont in city kiouee court. Leonarl (Buries Qril- fishs ansi Vernon Lerpy Rowa an-peaMd this morning in County pourt, before Judge W. E. Fisher and. nteadlng gulltir to charges thegt of gasoline faSm W. Brand warehouse, the tormjtr was sen ten - ! ced to three months' imprisonment I while the latter was given susnen Ucd sentonce Sergehnt W. J. Ser-; vtee. chief of the dljr detachment music. Oi IfUC "JIVVIIll 1411 pviiw, uiuowuu while T. W. Brown appealed in defense of the two yauihs. Oaaolln lsMerry (he police stale, is becoming a common offence In the citv and the Authorities Intend to put a strto to It YE OLDE English Fish Shoppe IJiorte S3l We Deliver specials tii nir.su nsii lied Ood FiUeU. per lb 10c tiaUbut FUlets. per 'Jb lHc Unbut. Shned. per ih 9c Red Siing Salmoa, par lb. 15c White Spring aalmln, par lb 8e Snioked FWi a S'pecJaUy Pbtne &31 ,. Sejcoud Street Dance tonight. Gpgd, load. Ahfft & Mrpaffrrr. 1 returnee to the erty an ''rtittrMay tf !enine;' tnn trtm faPW!? where i they spent twi days visaing. R. Vf. WneUfr of Inverness can nery, who has been on a weed's! tfto to Victoria, arrived in the cfty! op the Prirxess Adtlafelf yefcTfal, alterrwwi from W SW enroute back to the Skeena fUrrr. A. P. Alison, weQ krmiv Queen Pharlotte Island loutng c-perator, arrived in the city on Up Princess AOetatoe yesterday afternoon fng?) Vancuuvei and saOed last night on, the Prince John fftf Qgen Onr-lotte City where he u rsopening his camp. Mrs. A. H. Ray. mother of Mrs. A. O. Rlx of this city, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver whence she wfll proceed to Montreal where she wttl embark May 11 aboard the steamer Duchess of york tor Lhjerpc4 She is to take up fataie ren-denae In Bngr a brief bensuistarpi -oe Q. M. Pearson, well known Alfe Arm miner, who arrived in the city Thursday evening from the north, sailed laat night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver whence be will proceed to Mont real where be will embark on May 5 aboard the steamer Duchess of Bedford for a visit to his home in Stockholm, Sweden. W. W. Wright government agent at Atlin. who has been spenbing the past month in Victoria on official business, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from the south and will i Miss M. Princeton, who has been be here until Manday wtec he wfll visiting in the city for the past two proceed on the Princess Norah to or three weeks, salkd by the Prtn- resume bis duties in the north. cess Adelaide last night on her re- Mrs. Wright nd baby, who accom-l turn to her home jjj ' Vancouver. pamea nun soutn. are remamlsg In Victoria until narlgatton reopens A. Acteeon. C. Ualg and D. Coeh- in the spring when ttey will re- raoe arrived in tttl city on the . turn to AtOn. Mr. Wright will fly Princess Adelaide yesterday after- in from Careross to Atlin. ha vine come out by sir last month. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert J. C. Bigham. C. K. Hoakin. J. F Mussenden. Oeorge W. Qdpps. andJ A. L. Frew. Vancouver: E. a Wadv worth. Montreal: W. "W. VtilU. Atlin. Savoy R. O. Cunninghftn. Port Essujg- on. Central Cyril D. Morgan. Vancouver: J. Hadland. Oona River. Royal M Llnstaci. city JONES' Family Meal Market Shoulder Roast of Pork 4 lbs. Loin Pork Chops i lbs. Le of Pork - per lb. Side Pork per lb. Round Steak. 2 lbs. Onions, 4 lbs Sirloin Steak. 2 lbs. Onions. 4 lbs T-Bone Roast per lb. Pork Su tisane a lbs Leg of Veal per lb Fowl par lb Rib Roast of Deal per lb Chicken - per lb Lornl Erhs per dor. Cooktn Egga 3 dog 50c 35c 15 c 10c 50c 50c 20c 957 Phone 957 25c 18c 25c 20p 25c 25c 50c Apartments For Rent Fails ArM MerHnrt TffpA ijrt After fofag lisewk Mri. lltnrj tUuth, Marl.t Lake, Alt., wiiu! "Lart fall I bad bad pain around nry heart, sad esda mo ruing, after doing s little housework, 1 seemed to get dizzy and feel all tired out Seeing that MjUmrn'i Heart sad Neire Pills were good for the troubtaa I sent for a box, and after Ukine the Pill for a few day I felt s whole lot better. Sisee then I have had mo return of the dizzy (pells and pains around the heart." W IS" ftf J rf P ep oar by TU T. Uilbara Oe, UL, ' ' ' " 'ftcst:? Classified Ads JfORrrME fro ?, mm m?m- ln6fe- Ut)e tUJe. yl. p. fJnegi. Lynn-WJtHM: 94 JOIfNSON putboard .motors. New low price. Write or call for catalogue. Let as demonstrate. W. R. Lpye Electric Company, Prince Rupert District Agents. lm FOR RENT Fine Bungalow, modern, Oak fjoor, prominent cor-nr. tlal'f prjee. See' Hart. tf FOR RENT Store on Third Avenue in centre of business section- Will renovate to suit tenant. Thomai Mcdympnt. Of) FIRST serveo. 1 month Free rent. All in first-class condition, fur-nfthed. Bath arid Hat and' Cold Water. Phone Red 607. tl FOR RENT Clean well furnished apartment. Phone Red 444. Palmer Apaitmenu. tf WANTED WANTED Furnished bedroom and ; sitllng room with partial board; by married couple, preferably , with orivate famUy. Apply Box , 170, Daily News or Phone 98 HELP WANTED J IOW to get a Free Booklet. Winnipeg. Government The M.C.C. Lid.. Whence LOST LOST Police dog pup. 7 wks 'oR Jk Joy. Pioneer Laundry. MISCELLANEOUS kTWO collars with owner s name have beep taken from Springer Spaniel Dog yithln the past three weeks. Any further tampering v.Ul be prosecuted WATER MITirfc TAIOC NOTICE thai J B Woodworth .ufrM. 3S87 Mm Oret Road. Vanrou- er. B.C.. 1U apply tor" a Ucae to Uke and w 140 ru R. per aecono. aim trire inn OOQ acre feet out of Cuaat UU I8AO Burt Inle. TMs bring the, 'erndrtlonU( of rolMlMona) water U-1 rwe 175 -a ThU water wUI be ueed for power puqwra. Tnle notice m poated II D TO J Ire and an aniltrwtlon pursuant there - o nd V u water cn wui oe rned hi the office of the water recorder i tt Prince Rupert Obteotlom- to the ao-nUcatioD mar be tUed tiled witb the said with with I water recorder or the CanptteUer of Water Rihu. PaHtament BUiMint Victoria. BjC. wKhlp thirty day anerj th ttrtt appearaBre of tnu noupe in a ; U.sl neaprr Tbe date ol trie flral , pubUcMtno o true notice la Uarch in . IMS i J B. WOOIWOHTH. ApOltrant PERSONAL PRIVATE Kindergartens pay. Advice given free by the Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. GENTLEMEN Purchase Personal Drug Sundries by Mail Bargain Prices. Assortment of fifteen High Grade European Importations sent postpaid In plain . wrapper for II DO. Catalogue , Free. Adults Ogly. Iatlorl Distributors, Box 443. Reglna, Sask. CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasoname. Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. , HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! -Qil- 3M. "nintUtlt" $5.00. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe PIANO TUNING 'IAN OS Tuned $31)0. Walkers Ma sic Store. tf PAINTERS I PAINTING and Papernanging. ( Moller, Phope Red 802. UMl ACT Nutke or intention "U appl; to In Prince Bupitrt lM& Beoortlnf DU-rW of Qtf CSucWe Mwim. Sad Mtuate fltootlnc Lot S. QC.X Tmte notice tan J. . nomm oi , Prince Rupert, occupation "Minn, m- tentb to apply for a Mae of tte M- iovtUK (VrvfillKl land: Crmmmctng at a poat planted at toe Job Jaouta-w c-oroer of Lot sea. Q.CJ. 7 5 chains to tM eouui-vecc ratnca 10 chain to the Nortn-woat aad ;iaag atn mark to point oC m mm or len JOHN BSXI8 MORRIS. DtMfi April lOJEh. 1S93. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & Qeneral Furniture Repairs LLit your goods with mt GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black ISO For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 rhones Green 519 F.xchanre Block ThtFish yhkhmade Prince RypzrtFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Dail By 'Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. - ' t i