I Thursday. Sept. FAtf TWO THE DAILY IEWS A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Policy KREWITH Is a-brief synopsis ot pbllpy as laid down by the Liberal Party of British Co lumbia In convention held In October, 932. Many matters of interest, not specifically set put, will Tequlre -consJderaMpn, Tha principles enunciated are indicative of the Liberal viewpoint, and, are broad enougjy jto meet every question" Ylthln provincial jurisdiction. The Lbej-al Party exists. as an official organization for the purpose' of formulating and furthering measures" that wU make for the, well-being of each Individual member ot society, and tjie welfare of spcjety -as a whole. . Innumerable questions, both of public and personal character, can be properly treated only through the agency of government. Oovernment Is not an ordinary bu.sjness, but carries responsibility to meet every problem arising from our complex social and economic conditions, in order that not merely a few, but al of our people may llvi In reasonable comfort. The Liberal. Party -pledge Immediate action under the best available advice and closest study. August, 1933,. T. D. PATTULLQ. Profitable and permanent Employment Is the most Important question facing our people. There should be cooperation between the na-tionaU provincial and municipal authorities and ' the Canadian banking system to establish the necessary credit to carry out a broad programme of constructive and useful wage-distributing public enterprise, and tq further the health, education and well-being of all our people. An Economic Council should be established, the membership of which shall consist of representatives of the various avenues of endeavour, such as, health, education, agriculture, labour and the Industries. Thlf- council will be appointed by the government on recommendation of the interests Involved, and will act in at) advisory capacity to the government. ; Amongst other things the council -will study Industrial and social effort in the province and suggest means to correlate these efforts. It will familiarize Itself with Intra, lnter-provlnciaj and foreign trade, and will co-operate with the other prov(nces and the Dominion. It will also study such questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, ttje number of hours of work per day and days of work per week, the standard of wages and commodity prices. These questions are of national as well as prpvlnclal concern, and British Columbia "jffi take the lead in urging coroperatlon with the National Unemployment Insurance should Jbe established upon a contributory basis. 2.-Qur Financial position roust be reviewed. Current expenditure mmt be kept withn current revenue. While maintaining the credit of, the province, effort must he made to reduce capital charges., We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rate of Interest for money, 3,-r-The Taxation. Structure must be revised with a. view to reduction wherever possible, in-cjudjng exemption in the lower scale of wages and sauries.. IU.U-1 .1IU1 i ll-Jii I. 1!JU. . IJ Jl THE DAILY NEWS. fKINCB RDPERT BRITISU COLUMBIA COURTNEY. Vancouver Island.! 4. The health of each of us,U important to the whole community, and a measure of State Health Insurance should be made ef fefctlv. npt onjy, to preserve health, but to reduce costs both to the average citizen and to industry. 5. A general and effective review must be-made of the Educational problem, rejecting any proposed organisation that Involves a caste system, We must faciltate the Intellectual growth of each individual member of society In order to equip, him tPX his. dally tasks, and or thaenjoyr ment of such cultural pursuits as may be in keepr lng with our social customs. Triangular disagreements between the school boards, municipal councils and the department pf education must, be- adjusted, and' our whole system placed upon a sound financial basis. 6y The financial position of our. Municipalities is of increasing, concern. An equitable adjustment must be made as between the province and, the municipalities, and the municipalities placed In a sound financial position. 7. An effort should be made to settle our Agricultural) Lands in order that more of, our citizens may be self-supporting. Agriculture as a whole must be put upon a sound and profitable basis, and made capable of s.mfcilnlrg-and direct lng Itself, in line with all other national, basic industries. 8. Continuous effort should be put forth tfl assist Industry in Marketing Its products, In tim ber, agriculture, fishing, mining and. in fB?t, every operation where it appear that useful ser vice can be rendered. 9. Our highways must be kept In BWd PQndl tloh, both for the benefit qf settlers and the tour 1st traffic, and expanded as circumstances war rant. In this connection a. Highway, Board should be established to make for oonUnulty of. polity and to inspire confidence n impartial treatment, 10. A Public Utilities Commission should be established. 11. A National Central-Bank should be e$tab lished. 12. Social Services, such aft Mothers' Pensions, old Age pensions. must be maintained, Abuses of administration, should not be allowed, and Injustice through rnere technicalities should not be permitted. 13. The Peace River must be given access to the Coast. 14. In order that thfeutmost Freedom pf, Af tlon by Members of the Let feature may be AS sured in respect of questions before the House, it is Liberal policy that a government shall be considered to be defeated, only upon a straight . jwnt-of-confldence motion. I5j TheDomlnion Oovernment will be asked other provinces and the Dominion as a, whole. to place the-Province of British. Columbia upon Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prtnce Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. K. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery. WaU pr carrier, yearly periodt paid In advance For- lesser periods, paid In advance, per week' .... EPJTION a basis of equality with the other provinces, and it- .L. . .I'J -L J in , I m n , n w una cu request, wm oe mttuc tor a nvyni uum-mlsslon to ascertain the extent to which the Province of British Columbia has not been given Equality of Treatment with " the Other Provinces of the Dominion. 16. There shall be a permanent Voters LHt to ensure that all eligible voters ore enrolled. 17. The Leader of the Liberal Party is given a free mandate to choose for hi associates in government, men of character, ability and standing, having regard solely to the public Interest. RESOLUTION Slight Damage By IS REJECTED Fire Early Today Britbli Columbia pchool Trustees 0ubrrak , i.rem,scl of U, K. Not In Favoj of Dunh : Vamana.cka en Third Avenue I'0"1 Speedily Extinguished Sent. 21: CV.-A.Vtslutfcn from Damaga of $75 or 1100. was done Dunaan ftsWng foV tjie right fori0, tlfhtce"lng of lhe ''"RQrters school bourd tq discharge employ-1 of K- Vamanacka above the store ees on the H bash as qthfr pub- at me corner oi inira Avenue ana lie bodies was defeated by the Brl-1 Seventh Street by fire which broke t$h Columbia Bchtol Trustee Association here on THeiday. N.eison w chosn'a.s th.e venue for next year's convention Bsball Scores r f- Brooklyn Q. PUMhurg S. American League Chicago 3. Now York 5. Gettolt 1. Philadelphia 2. St. Louis I Washington 13. T"T.'. l.'ii..uiui!iiiaj'www ildreni Colds Checked without dcsjng.'ubon LOCAL NEWS I Mrs, Jack Wood 'Annette 8tone I sailed last nlfht on the Prince i George for a business trip, to An- Fred Atkins of Queen Charlotte Ctty wa an arrival In the city on !the Prins John last evening from $5 00 the Islanas. .10, ' John r. Morgan arrived in thr Thursday sot. 21. IMS c,tX n the Prince Jofen last ev ' . i enlng from his looting camp at Crescent Inlet for a brief business out at 4 o'clock this morning. The fire department cut a hole In the roof near the chimney and soon had the fire extinguished ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS IndudiaS tidtf Tat New FLAT Book 1QQ Leaves Sc each AUTOMATIQUE BOOK 8c each ... 3. fox 15c Imitators 111... Rlralt NO l visit to ttwn. He Is accompanied by A. MeDwiald. Union OH Oo.'s tanker Unacuna. Capt. Power, arrived In port last evelns from Vancouver with fuel rarao far the company's loaal tanks after discharging which she sailed this morning on her return south. Yqu can count on success with Diamond Dyesi Put away your fears of failure when you ue Diamond Dyes. Syfrm is the rule with Diamond Dyes Iwcaute they arc richer in the highest quality of sruline dyes obtainable. That's why materials take Dia mom! Dyes so evenly. No spollioeM. no streaks. Colors true, dVrji ami rich. No ofleatlt; no dull, dead tones. Prolong the nrrviee of a favorite drrss or coat whkb has lout its Tint new look, With, Diamond Dyes. lie-, member, they re for deep, dark colors, made permanent by UoiUog. Arl when you want dainty shades willmul MUng, for liuHerie, bloukts or dreakca, use Diamond llntj. At &jl drug itores. Diamond Dyes 1 1 tghetl Quality fon 50 Years FAREWELL TG CHIEF fiatherlnr in City Police Court This Afirrnivm In Honor, of Serjeant Service I Fejlow polceJ officers, associate. ' i at the City Hall and friends gather., ! In Va ! t-rl ( a illirt tht flf - V VS. 144 llil VSfcJ LSVSSUt, va v - laternoon to pay farewell honor to ' Sergeant W. . Service, chief of cjty i police berMpr the past three years, ! who Is being transferred to Kam-jlopps. leaving for the south tonight. Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill presented Sergeant Service with a handsome dresslng'case as well as other token of. esteem and well wishing, Sergeant: Service replied suitably. Other speakers, were City Com mlssloner W. J. Alder. Ex-Mayor C. H. Orme. Police Magistrate Thomas McClymont, L. W, Patmore. F. A, MflrCallum and Rev C. D. Clarke, tlments, INSPECTOR HONORED John Shira, PolUe Head, Fare- welled by AssaclsUfr-Presen-tation is- Made At divisional headquarter late yesterday afternoon, local provin cial police officers as well as some pf the memoes of th Court. House staff gathered to say farewell to Inspector John Shirs who left on last evening.' train for Prince Qeprge enrpute to Kamloops to which city he has been transferred. The presentation was made to inspector John Shiran by staff sergeant Alex. McNeill, on behalf of tho&e assembled, of a handsome Ivory desk; set. Inspector Shirans replied to the honor and Government Agent Norman A. Watt also spoke briefly. Suitable sentiment were expressed. by those taking part. CANADA WATCHING CUTTING OP PARES CALGARY. Sept.'?!: CP-Ru. mored consideration of scaling down of railway fares In the United States is the subject of close ob servation by Canadian Railway executives, E. W. Beatty K.C., pre sldent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, said here Tuesday night. Today's Weather Prince Rupert OyercasW &m barometer. 29.18; temperature, S2; sea smooth. Dead Tree PolnU-Ralnlng, mo- derate southeast wind; barometer, 29.35; temperature, 47; sea ehoppy, Teffape Qloudy, east wind, tem-pefjiture 46. Alyansh Cloudy, eam( 48, Anyojc Cloudy, calm. 50. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 50. Hazelto.v-Glouoy, calm. 4?, Smlthers Clear, calm. 45, Burns Lake FV j, calm. 33. SALES Every Month in the Year 1933 Sales Dates September, 2ft, . October 24 v November 21 December 21 Special Sales Held, on Request of Shippers Advances Will Be Made- as Usual When Requested. Transferred by Telegraph If Desired, THE SEATTLE FUR EXCHANGE 1008 Western Avenue Seattle, UB,A. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at tin rate .( t tent, a word per Insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge I Kp k ,, No advertisement taken for less than 60e. FOR SALE FOR BALE Good heater, bargain. Phone 841. f CHRYSLER 6dant good condition. Walker's Muslo Store. FOR SALE good rftlc safe. Can' . be seen at Dally New. II OPPORTUNITY. Modern new house pay, like rent. Inquire Red 728, tf FOR RENT HOUSES F. W. Hart. all of whom exDressed suitable sen ! NEW Residence, harbor view, elpse In. low rent. Red 720. tf 1 Rooms. ba&. etc and sun poreh. AM newly decorate. 3J6 8th E. Opp. King Edward High School Moderate rent Look tt over. Sil ver-aide. 221 FOR RENT five-room cottage on Third Avenue. Good location for anyone wishing to reside close la or for a tea room, shoe repair shop, clothe preeslng or other small business. Phone 98. XHi R8NT' An Weal. nUftHy io.; cated Hall for Da'm, Private Parties. Banquets, etc. The Elks' Han Is now available at a very reasonable rate See J Scott for further information. 1 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furniture moving, wood. coal, chatrf for rent. U i.t riuvrr mismul hjiim IVrtltlrat af Irapraumralt firs ndPtoaarr MUilOf Halm and ad., SJT fcttiinc Miima TM aotaO waa ppajfed oa ttMBasrnd i on ti a hi rr or Auauai. A Offtj tbt aotira kbd a SMUoa tton purtuatK tbarrxa .-d to the W tar AM" U1 b fllad la i oftk lha Watar Rarordrf' at Prtn Hrrt, DC. Obrotkv to tha applleaMorl may H rud in ma mm wnwr nevaratr or antu th CrIlff of wtn Kiebu. Parllaoirnt E:dnf. Victoria. HO, all bin thirty daya artar tl Hrat ap praranfa si uua w1 in a Kira-J nwi TIPS LAKE 8TNP10ATK LTD. AyNani. Prr W J. Janeowairl. Airnti rn oa oi too iifk puMwatien ol mis notice la AUfuat as, ism WATKH MITICE TAKE NOTIOI that 1. B. Woodwcrta.' . ... ' - M I... M rtrai rwn urri rwaa, vapoou. er, DO. will apply for a UectiM totaka od uaa 300 ou. ft. prr aroand. and itora lOQ.Ooa act fart out ol Gusar Ukt Into Surf IrUat. Thla brthf U, roondlttODln of cndrtlontl varr h tftif 17,S, ThU waur wUt U uard lor aowr purpuaaa. Thla notlra waa apUU tlia ground on ' Uva Udrtrantb dat of Jud, 1933. A cop; ol ttala nark and an application purauant tbrra-o and to tha "Waur Act" will b fUrd in tba olfjca of tbt watar raoordar aHrlnct Ruprrt. ObtooUona to tba p. leation may. ba fifed with, tha aald aravtar ruccrder ot with tha Outaptruiaf uf Watrr H!ghU. Parllunant Bulldlnsa, Victoria, nu, within thirty daya a tier ba flrat ippaaranca ol thla txrtlca In, a ocal ntwapapw. Tha dtt of tha fltat -Miblhwtlon ot thla notlca U July. 17. J, b. vyoqnwoimi, Appllcan For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Bays Massage Al at. Reasonable prices WC. ASPINAIaL D,C, (Chiropractor) Oftsalll plienes Ottsa B41 Kiobancc Bleclt WANTED WANTED Oat-Boat, 18 to 20 feet good condition. Apply Box 187 Dally Newt. 211 HA IH DRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Clutter Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAVTY BHQRPE reTBPLEUlf AND NATURAL OAS ACT rtltr of lnlrnlla In apply ta rrlrnlruni and alutal-a Ktf In Ha la'kl RorsMMOC DrWrSr of Qum Ctawlo:ta On. up. BC and aaj on Oraham lalaiid. Taka auUer thai CaraSua D of Poaland Or . vupattua 0rteias. UliaiiiU to tooit of rahi U antrr th Bat half of Uw h!tolne otcv4 land: Cttwraciia; M a Mt Bia4 if (Ae North Baat oemar of BHallaw IS. TO. . lit Souih SO ahajna; Vvt M rhaftx. tboac Nvtth so enafna: tbtoc Kaat SO rhalBa to ptasv of M- WaWlnS and CdKUUOf mat or Im. for .Itf puapga ef and lor i natunT f-Datrd thla MU da of July. IMS OAROLU8 D iMHOtm rCTHOUiVU AND NATURAL OAS ACT oHr ef lltlrnllan (a PPJ I jr rrlrafcum aitd Nufl-. KIlM In Skrana lad Ro rdlcMI DMrtot Ot Quran Cbark vr Orup. B C and all- ua'r on OrahaM talaad. Tk ooUr taat OaMtua D. tmmtm of rWtliDd Ora. oeeupaltan CNotoaJe, latajwh to Hddr tar bew of tv rahi to ansar tbt Eat haM of to fcQaaWg daaratord lafafo: Crmmiwoawa at a peat plaasra la Um mnh Skat comr of Saottem l To. t. Uaaar Norsk 84 ehatw Uimrt Wmc 00 obaiaa: thaor Souife SO ohaiayr. loaajaa Baat M ehalM ta Saf ot bt-rfixriPC and nonfainsfia; t9 aom. mar or hm. tor ho puipt of rio-ln- and aaWna; tharaoia iivtrxaauai ri ioti nasjuraj gaA Dated 'hla SSUi oaf M Jull. IM PBTROUEUU AND NATURAL OAS ACT Not If af lotrallaa la ap4y la IVtrUim and lial-s KlfM tAXK none thv I. W H. Maaan. Qeat) Charkx Orautt. BC and all fraa mton otMltloaU No 4HT. tnUni tMv oraham laland CO daaa from tht (JaU hrof to aatfl Tk ntM thai Oariluv T Bmaaoo to tb Mimu Rcortr lor a trnth of hoaUani Or rrutni'm Oaca ato of tntvrivawcsM for U9a Pjrpff iB"4a o appl for a las of Om of aMaMSBj s eeowp VM t Ue rttbt ( anfar tha Kaas Ml a Mta b dtlra. Ihft-ajrtfig crM laaa ano wrw aaa now vqm "wi ' ckjaaBanatrw t poa naicriad In utvdar SaotkMl S4 oi ina Minfu r&t nun b eamnanoad War U Uauaars of auafi certlftaaU ef Mnpemrrmanu, Da( 23rd July. 18)1, rirav Inavrtlaa (uat 1. Af advartlwanaat Au WATER NOTUE liltrnlon anil le TAXK NOTIRK that TM Ula BTH ifjAf far )lt to Uka UM um Tr 1 10) CttWe fr ott (eaon4.ot trr out of Busnmu Orrrk. vbleb now Nertbarly and deatrta Into Tide LaM Baatn about 1 mikt Harth of tUg MkM j our Mine. 'a NSrtri w rjwwf of Soalaaa M. Ta, . 1no North SO clkMajC tfiastcr WV-t M ck'n thariaa trmhH afeaai Itlwnca SMat 80 ttmt 4 tac af ba-I tftmmmt km! ranSaaaiat 0 4t Immt or for U pwsca c4 ra UtC and aatrn iharaaaat utaatiaa i - i or i natural (a Datod thla Mth of J air IMS CAMMJDS o Rvurvan ftTROlCUU AND NATURAL OAS ACT Nhllr af lalrnllua la appl; a lra rrtrotrwnt and lurl-i Klfht In land B ear itSaf DHartaS of Quaaai Cark Qr:p. BO. aod alt- "' on Orabain Ialaod Tkka nctlca tltas Carol im D Bmorj or HDaUani Ort oeouMttkan Oa-oaiat i rtfbt to rater Hmt ar a nar ana mm- o and c natural "ta Wrat tfca alr 4U ba diatHad at a iwrtt M'1r ld I aoout ItfJO iloaita htuMlrrdl frot ba. . . Oo"nwl'"'r, P ontafntta ft( tha mtmtrn af ra- Data thla 3h dT of Julf IMS CAROMW O HMMGX". I'rrHOLKUU AND NATURAL OA8 ACT llra of Inlrtithm U apply la Imk rrlrolrHm and aural-ia lllha In Skrana lanq Itaaofdana DUtrVa i Qmn Ciarlota Orotaa, B C and an-uaa on Oraham laland Trta iirtica ttaat CmcIvm D limmx., of Portland. Ora.. uoctapatajfl 0jla t"' WK tmr a Imua oi U r rtf to amar tha Waat half of th-'kwirt dr.nhrd laada (XmownrtiM at a noat j it tt North Wrat OorpcToT S3toB I 2 ";,th SoK W ehtlnt; ttMnc BaatSO ehalna taaxa Ncct SO rha)a BO aMdtta to placa of ba-bafkardnt and am a mini tib acrro nvjfe or lra for ttia maygm ef rau-U and getrinc UmwwI ptteolaun, and (or i natural f Datwi thia Mth dwr or Jalr. l CAROLUS D. KXUtONS PrTHOlJEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Xallra nf InlrnllMii la suply lu lr.r rrtrlruw ami aHra.a Klli In Bkrai a Laiid Ilaaertlliif DHtrtel of Quran Charlorta Ofsup, bTQh and adnata cn Oraham UiaM. Taka notira.that Carol W D. Emmam of Portland Ora ooeupaUoa Oaolciat intanda to aooly for a laa of Um rihi t, .tar th Waat half of thr Mlowlna. Ur- rlbad laixla: tvmnwn- i, l( po nlaiitMl In ha N -fh Wf i iwiiff of Bacta-ii a Tp 9 thwic South SS etialha; Uirnor K t 80 crm'n. thtnoa North 80 obalna. fii-n so rhataa to pWa of b. nc'ivtiiiit and ronta4n4i4 etO aarra niora f Ua-, for the pumoaa of nua-im and (frt'X tnrtVotft btr imn: whI ari ntnra g. Datrd thla 2Alh day of Julv I91S CAttOLliq D iMU.NB. TYPEWRITERS Tor Sale or Kent Hose Cowan & Latts I'hone 231 SHOE KKPAIHs LOUIS 8HIBIO for 318 6th Street. PAINTERS PAINTING and PaiuniW Holler, phone Rec 802. PETROLEUM AND NAT' m Vollr of. InUniion l uwn rnrotniiii and lm .i : .. In tkrttt Una Ktc.,, Qua Cbarir r Ori it uau oti Oraluun faUiu! Tate aotioa mat l u. , . 'it rr14aBd Orp. oriia, IMMida lu apptr fc , . right wi't th W. . ilo)n dcrvr.lwd Ui .i- Ooanajonalnu m ;li North Wt c-.rti-i ( s TV B. Uwncm Suuth no Past SO efwliai. tSvatnr Nwi tbanc Watt SO chain '. . er-Uki arid oootautiH taora St laaa. tor Um pur,.-. aag ana flvtsuit iw. rod orl oexarai aa Dtd wait aeui ny u OAROM'H I PTTROUSOM AND NATI H '. Sulk a ef InlrnlWa l .;.; 1'rlrolram and Naiarai t ta Strriui load iWco, Qimmw Chartoru Orv.ip it OTBhea Uand Tata notio that ( af4 . of KdUeod Or. oor-tipt. intrnda to at? fur .. . Mattt to utr the W'. foUoviiie iKrioau Itnu Oranirortm at )-. t Souta Weat oornrr Tp S. 1iMor North m net se rhaina Ukanrr n. tltare Wax SO cha n Tfjiiam and ror-v:: BMr or laaa, for uw y Ukj and (eStthC 'nan-and tori oesusaf oa Dated tttla Sfh Oai r.Ancttt nmotMVu AhT nati a4lr af InlrttflMi la an v Hernia a4 Natural r . ,., 3,--. , J .11 R, .,: Quran O rk Or .ui, H i Qrh lataau Ta n ) f -t Portlaud Ora i tr u-nUid. to :tSt f. !u n -r t r.. ay-Tiaad ui. CrtJananr . () , ;, 'ha ritrth X ,t xrir - S4Jlft Mtan ta) Ph'ln - v. ' r- ;a la-- SO cha , , aaart ur It fay 'h ; . . and aj-Mpj. ttar Hi fori natuaaJ a HaUd U4 arar, OARQ4 i v rm&imvu ao nm- W af lafrllN i IVIrolram ad aiut.i la aaaia laad Bar QtSMa) Cfer1olSa Or mi. lata va Orataaai lli,i "Shka nauoa that c; of Finland On . ut ntaSa o cslr ! rK t ar tlta K Utwir-aj da-rbad eVantiMHMarv- m i- tort amariDt TiV utsa and ana Ba.iy ' ii " s t-n-iaj uc - Uad tar malDC and par ajurpaari of thai 'b B-ulli aten wnn rtaaf ml tha fa thavc Nail, WVi SO ritaar. th. - Baajktrd In I r- en i.., uaa lh mlM daaertlwd aa Ttde la ,ZJ- i T. " ( laiailag nauna, Bfrinc m JL:Z" " ' w ot or f . r :a ai'i fat'lnv ' n-''irai nat t 'h'. je" t'AH Ml la U kiiiMi RADIO SEASON Enjoy the full sea son with your set tuned to maximum efficiency. We ean Insure you of this by having your set goue over now. and ad Juated to first ia condition, as Inefficient operation is a poor Investment. Battery sets modernized. wltl the new economical two volt tubes. Superior Radio Service 3M Second Arenp Phone Blue 320 P. O. Hoi 1U A. Q. UARTLETT 0. 11. INSULAKDER i m