Zc xi 21. 133 Cream Daily ALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Just Received IHIPMENT OF SHOES Oxfords, $2.95 AU COAL! "My. is. Special Waterproof Soled QQ Qff Oxfords !iJe Annette Ladies' Wear Co., Ltd. Ttm Store of the Better Dressed For Less) Thermat Heat Pad in.- a uniform heat and ln&te many i ,.ir hint addlittle, water to renew heat Ak uj for Information. Price, $1.25 Refills, 40c STATIONARY Special MELROSE Unm Finish CARLYLEHand .Made I LEG ANTE Fancy. IMain and Unen Alice Blue CHOCOLATES Mb. box, 60; 2-lb. box S1.20 Ormes lid. Jim Pioneer Drut&tsts Its P.txall Star :resh Milk and Phones: II 12 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating -Wrapping & Oeoeral Furniture Repair Liu year goods with me fhoneMUf It CEO. J. DAWES IMON STEAMSHIP LIMITED r"tm.fB ut. mac. Rupm fee V l c" U KVKKY TUKSDAY, l:M .M. V . . i r niiirtu4 v n m' w-CMc.rNA every fhiday midnight ut r Monday am. H!' n pm ainiQ. Mt Arm. Anre " M ' ltRur ,t Agency: Second Avenue. Thone 588 CANADIAN PACIFIC Prine Kupert for Vncur via Oeean r ails and !,,, ... Way, Ports: r f" viv ' Adf,'a. Fridays 10:00 p.m. UN. oi vru d,rcct: Ut vL. . ' "u,w- 8'Pt ith. ISUu 2Uh Ort 5th. N WRANGKLL, JUNEAU and SKAOW.W. F Mii.se Sept. 2nd.. 11th . 20th . ort 1st loi HervatUn and Information " ' 'OATES, Ueneral Agent, rrlnte Rupert. H.C. CITY Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Sprue'- J(j per cord, delivered COAL FOR SALE Ill LOCAL NEWS CX D L. Dance tonight, Sept. 21 I Sllvmldea Bros, for Wallpaper, j Glass, Paint and Muresco. I Wood and Coal! One Tt nf Wood and One Ton of Coal $14.00 Albert it McCaffery. tf Harry Pollard, staff photographer j Uie anaaian Pacific Raiiwa-. , from Calgary, wa a passenger on boaro the Princeis Louise yester-i day going north to make the round trip U) 8kagway. Roger Obata, son of Mr. ar.d Mrs. C 8. Obata of thU city, will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver There he will take! up studies at the University of British Columbia. NONCE Owing to delay in shipping part of our stock we shall not open our new store until September 30. Lambie & Stone A. E Phillips will sail tonight mi the Prince Oeorge lor Vancouver to take up studies at the Univer sity of British Columbia. Mr ad Mr. A. Y. Wilson of Bemo. who arrived in the city on Tuesday night' train from t be' in terior, will sail, tonight on the as Prince Oeorge for a trip to next week on smelter tOwrt. By Rmtt and By Water on tJle Trinngle Tour HIKTCEN kunJrtd auk. Ikr.k Mtrafcrat eauUis "tl . . . Tnta ViUrr, limbo fHk, ML Kctwa. Yeftohrd r, fcpct rut. Kjtut u! Straa rrt couatnu . . . tH fuuu unurtg Ok vndc wendrn of Pntuh CoUW A u kunJrvd wit gcwm .kv tU limit riHr ktwt rhnc Rufot tnj Vifvouw. Go titbit wiyl Suf ow M uf M Ion. u jan Ut, rkm kkV K(kutax Nrnr Midi vuicTf far n kttk manrj. HomJ y n m)mt inm tni frm tmj l M &4 TrwRU ISIS (21-D.j Urn) Ttt InforaiMion. en wnt -ny Tkk Off lee. S JrJ rrlnr. RuprrL nc rTI4S CANADIAN NATIONAL WEEK-END SPECIALS GALVANIZED COAL HUCKET & HEAVY SHOVEL Roth for 93c n 1-)W25W- 40W -COW Mazda Lamps If for $1.10 o Kafen Hardware Phone 3 Smith Block Agents for Ilia tint Supplies YHM DAILY MMWH COME EVERYONE ! and enjoy a really thrilling adventure in Money-Saving JABOUR'S LTD. Stock of Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear, Hosiery, Accessories, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Rubber Boots, Piece Goods, Draperies, Etc. Sacrificed in One Mighty LIQUIDATION SALE Ordered by the Trustees. Must is Master now! Come to the Greatest Sale offering the Greatest Value Possible. W. O. GRANT CPR steamer Princess Louise! Cliff Rogers of Seattle, comptrol- Qot. Arthur Slater, arrived in peri at :30 yesterday from Vancouver and salted at 11 o'clock on regular schedule for Skagway and ' other northern points. The vessel rw Dr W f T Kergte will , leave on the htouKb. ,. nZ. lTom Prince Oeorge toosgtu for Vancou-,0, whom disembarked vex whence I will proceed to here. Twelve persons, boarded the Mayo Clinic ai Rotbetter. Mlnae- ssel here for the north. tota and elsewhere 1 the east to, " take up medtoal graduate work.' w'-wrKi utrremor j w rora-In Vancouver. Dr. Kergln will !"ra Jcnnson will olflclate on Sep-meet his son. Dr. Wffilam & Kr- '-Msbex K at the frying of ttie gin. who. with his bride. Is comlna : oe of the iew Cripplea rt fmm w, .jPnuamrt Hwltsl iX Uie corner PMW " . the time being at Anyox as one of the company surgeons for tfce Oranby Co The younger Dr. Ker gln and his wife are expected here f Fifty-Ninth Avenue and Mknl caw Street In Vancouver of which institution Miss Brma Srsldne R. N.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- their way to the1 m-"e ot utgoy imno, as sue Bssvtron. U is expeAed that the nw oolWkng will be ready, to re- : attve Us paiietiU early in Oetober. Announcements CdieUows tesnbet tt. tegno's Orchestra. Lutheran tober 12. Old time Dance, Sep- FrJtlky Seet. 99. Da- Church Bazaar, Oc- Catholic Baaaar ctooc; 19. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Phone 957 corn Beef 25 C Round Steak. 2 lbs. & o ep 1 bunch Oarrote ... ShouWer Imb f IflC pec lb. ' m hi y Lamb Ohqp v, 5Qf 3 lbs, ...... i hm ii i Pork Chops 50C Veal Chops 50C Legs of Lamb 20C Rolled Roast per lb. Bofieleas 8tew Beef .'. 25C Pot Roast , QCn M lbs WW Stewing Lamb- 9T 3 lbs i-.....3' Tomato Sausage . j 4An per lb. AVV Uver. 1 lb. St , orn 1 lb.' Bacon L A' Pork Sausage 9?a 2 lbs. ler ot the Yukon and White Pas-Route. m a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday going through for a trip to Skagway on company business Values That Make ECONOMY EASY Food Specials For the Week-End BUTTER Fine Alberta 2 lbs. ROYAL CITY PEAS Choice 4 -i XXI Sieve 5, per tin WHOLE GREEN BEANS 4 An Dn.1 DM. rhJ tin XT! W EOOS Fresh Seconds per do. SLICED. .BACON-Swirrt. Dellco. per -Ib. pk. TEA Nabob per lb. COFFBS Our "Vtctoey" Blend, per lb KBLLOOOS ALL BRAN per pt HONEY Pride of Ontario Jifr-lb. Una. each 45c 21c 11c 40c 24c 20c 30c PRESERVING FRUIT Get Your Requirements Now While the Quality b Ritht. Ask For Prices. We Have Peache. Pears, Prunes. Greengages, Crabapples, Etc. CERTO per bottle RUBBER RINGS per pkg. ECONOMY CAPS per dot PAROWAX per pkg. CORN STARCH per pkg. CORNED BEEF per regular tin PALMOLIVE SOAP- 2 bars ... PEARL WHITE SOAP 7 bars LUX- 2 pkgs Qfi ADULATED SUOAR- Limit 20 lbs.) 10 lbs. JELLY POWDBRS-Malkln's Cp tj O nl nor nlrv mwi . Jv. Mi INTOSH RED APPLBS 4t lbs. LARGE JUICY LEMONS per doa. VALENCIA ORANGES Nice site, per dot. 29c 5c 39c 15c 10c 12c lie 25c 19c 73c 25c 28c 25c Thrift Cash & Carry fhsne 179 201 Third Ave "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention anrrava tm imvufmxmiuxuz3kt Furnliure and 1'lano Moving I Liquidator, in Full Charge FIXTURES For Sale Show Cases, Cash Regis-ter, Ready-to-Wear Cases, Window Fixtures, Mirrors, Counters, Wall Fixtures, Shoe Chairs and Stools, Etc all going at Ridiculously Low Prices. U h.p. to 4,000 h.p. For fithSng boats, tugi, freight, passenger and plesture boats, taw mills, woodworking plants, grist mills, mines, lighting and general industrial purposes. Steve Breru: r sun f Mr aad Mrs John Bretnner. who bas been seriously ill with appencOriu and compilcatiiins. was able to leave the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital this week for the home of his parent. Accompanied by Mrs. A. H. Bailey, It is expected he will leave on the Prince Rupert Sunday :'lght for Victoria. Fire Chief and Mrs. Rod Morrison are satttag tonight on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver and will be away about two weeks While in the south, the chief will attend the contention in Portland! on October 8. 7. and 8 of she Pad-1 fic Coast Fire Chief's Association I Alex Macdonald will be acting chief j during his absence PICKLING SPECIALS Now is the time to do your vearfs pickling at a reduced cost Green Tomatoes Just 90 right for preserving. 6 Ibs."'' Oreen Peppers Firm Iflp per lb. AUi Beet Right sta and OCn flrmneea. 8 lbs. AOK Pickling Onions 25 C Heinz White Vinegar Qfln per gal. 51 v Field Tomatoes 25C 4 lbs Cucumbers Oood size sn each v' Red Cabbage CJp per lb Celery Large crisp he-ad I ftp each. XUU Preserving Pears on 4e Q&M per box Crabapples 04 Qd 40-lb. box ?X.UD -Where Dollars Have More Cents" . MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 3)17-19 Third. Avenue West P,0. Box 87S Phone II i I I I Bishop E M. Bunoz d M.I. wflf sail ux.igh: on :ai- Prince Oeonge for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria on ecclesiastical duties. Oscar FuJ'on. son of Mr. and Mis. W. O. ltd ton of this tsty, wl saQ to"gbt on the prlnee Oeorge for Vancouver where he will enter the University of British Columbia to continue his studies. Phone 953 Phone 953 De Jongs Cash and Carry PRESERVING SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday Elbtrta Peache Q-fl 7Q VltiU per crate Italian Prunes 04 OCT OX.4l per csate Oreen gage Ptama Q-f rjs peretnte $1.10 O reengage Plums 25C Hyslop Crabapplea 1 5 Hysjop Crabapples OCTn 4 lbs. far Wealthy Apples Q-f Cft per40.ip.b - OX.DU, Wealthy Apples 9 to AOK 5 lbs. for - Outdoor Tomatoea OP per 5-lb. basket . Asrl Oreen Tomatoes 9fa Aoy 8 lbs. far Carrot 1 tp bunches for ,. .xox Certo- QOft per botUs ...OUi' Parowax 1 fip perl-lb. pkg. uu! Rubber Jar Ring Oa OLf per doa Perfect Seal Jars Q1 . 9' nlnts Perfect Seal Jars Q-f CI ouarti ?XI