fAtJB TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE1 RUPF.RTBR1T1&U COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue JP ftAVlO cf tcnT II. F. PTJLLEN ) Enjoy the full ea- son with your set ' tuned to maximum efficiency. We oan Insure you of this by having your set gone over now, and ad-Justed to first class condition, as Inefficient operation Is a rpobf Investment. Battery seta modernized with the new economical two volf tubes. . Superior 331 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 132 A. O. BARTLETT C.H. INSULA NDER I IP Managing-Editor A!"rr ''SUBSCRIPTION KATES ' City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlod paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .- 10 Dy mall to all parts of British-Columbia the British Empire and ? "United State, paid in advance, per year - 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year-... ... 0.00 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ' Member of Audit' Bureau' of i Circulations DAILY EDITION " " Tuesday, SspUrU, 1933 UNITED CHURCH CELEBRATES The United Church last night celebrated, thje twenty-fifth anniversary of its founding in this city.' It "was at thht time the -Mtithodist Church. The firsrchurch tyiijd Trig was a wooden structure ith a tent roof which later gave place to the present commodiouS structure With Its pipe organ and modern conveniences. For many years the church had a very hard struggle to maintain itself as a religious centre. While other churches were flpurishing-the Methodists' were' comparatively few in riumber and not Winy' of them were rich iri worldly goods. Then came the union of the Presbyterian, Methodist1 and Congregational Churches of Canada and' while tlte iocal Presbyterian Church dcided to continue as before, the Methodist Church gained some strength from the union and since that time has been gradually building up. Last flight the other churches of the City 'joined with the United Church in commemorating a quarter century of useful endeavor. It was something to which they could p'oiritJVith pride. The Methodist Church, founded in England by John Wesley as an offshoot from the Established Church,; brought about a religious revival that is outstanding in th'e religious history of the world. While its theology was crude' this was 'made up fdr by religious fervourand the whole world benefitted from the movement" In Canada the Methodist Church clergy led all others in adapting themselves to art era when scientific knowledge! made it necessary to modify religious dogmas. They have been in the forefront of advancing knowledge and this has reflected itself in the attitude of their congregations. The . old. Methodism has been disappearing, giving place to a more reasoned view on religious' subjects. While theologically the Methodist clergy were quick to adapt themselves, to the new theology, the church as a whole was the most i reluctant of all to adapt itself to the changing attitude toward Sunday observance and such matters as dancing and the theatre. ' Today the United Church is modern in every respect. It has thrown off many of the shackles of Methodism andj has lost nothing thereby. In an age when people are grop- nig mure ui less in uie uam m an cnun . hhjiii, and economic conditions, the United Church has taken a stand, rightly or wrongly, in favor of a change in the economic-system. It realizes the need for improvement. -We congratulate the local congregation ott having attained a position of influence and usefulness in the city rind hnn it will carrv on the eood work in such a manner that Prince Rupert people may all benefit Its future will; be measured not by it? weaitn or numerical sirengin urn. by the influence of the men and women and children who attend the religious services and social events as reflected in their daily lives. AhM(i"X'ionh chirfed witl: supplying liquor to Indians, came before Magistrate McClymont yes-trrrf iy aft?rn. and was remanded until this afternoon. RARE Opportunity For Finest Tailor-Made Suits .j u-z : . We all are tired of cheap clothes, now times are better and depression has come to the end. We take this opportunity to offe to the better-dressed public our finest-English Worsted, Indigo Serge, Blarney, Heatherhlll and Foxhound Tweeds, Flannels, Etc. At a bigger saving than ever was experienced in Prince Rupert. Keg. $10 SUIT 539 Special for v Keg. $15 SUIT 37 Special for v" Keg. $18 SUIT- $39 Special for i T w Keg. $50 SUIT 42 Special for . i Extra Trousers, $10) This price good for 30' days pnly LING Tailor The hlRh class tailor and reliable dry cleaner Secoqd Aye, Near Post Office nmisTlu. Pipe Bowl... with Ogden's Cut Plug hoi l.amta "now to "insure- full pl.aiur. In pip imcking. Horn after a hard day's work -''the tirtlwrnafirt a light to' youf-wetf-tamp.1 bowl 'of Ogden's Cut Pttjr that's real comfort 1 And every pipeful "of ""Ogdin's aa'dY'to your tnjoymentright' ''doVn to the last fragrant puff. Such' cool, eompanfon'bbt. good nets can' onfy' come frb"rn'a tobacco grown', cut and maid for ptpei tinly. " " omm CUT P L u a If you "roll your own", uie Ogden's fine tut cigarette tobacco and Chantecler cigarette papert SHORT CHAT A baseball team representing the City League of Prince Rupert will be leaving here on Saturday of this week for Smithers where a series of games will be played on September 17 and 18 wtth a select team from the Bulkley Valley League in which circuit Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smithers and the Snappy Nines had teams during the past season. The local team will return home on the evening of September 19s With outdoor sporting activities for the season In Prince Rupert now concluded, talk of basketball prospects for the coming winter is now beginning to fill the air and it is understood that the Prince Rupert Basketball Association will make an early start In the matter of organizing the hoop sport for the season. With the Auditorium, which was the venue of the sport last winter, now destroyed by fire, a new playing place will have to be found and. If suitable arrangements can be made, it Is possible the Moose Hall, which has the advantage of a central downtown location, may be chosen. It is hoped to have a trophy put up this winter as an emblem of the Northern British Columbia basketball championship which was captured last winter by the Canadian National Recreation Association of this city from Port Simpson Y. P. E. A. wjhlch had held it for four years and which is expected to make a bid. to win It back during the forthcoming season. Baseball Scores American League Detroit 3. New York 1. Chicago 3-0, Philadelphia 9-8. Cleveland 1, Washington 5. National League New York 3; Cincinnati 1. Boston 3, St. Louis '2.' C.N.K. TKAINS For the East - Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays ....,.....7:30 pjn. From the East jt . . .Sundays,. Tuesdays and Thursdays .-...t. ......8;p.m. MAINTAINING TRUp TRAILJ Stewart Hoard of Trade in Regular .' Monthly Session it j ; ' STEWART, Sept. 12 - At the re-' gulur ' ntonthly meetinn last lues-' datf evening; various nutters of lp I teret to the district were discussed by the Stewart Board of Trade. ' ' Members 'presetttere ptetty Ttfell agreed that.irom.boUi Uie polntof view of public finance and the1 standpoint of .-the 'development of theinlneral areas of- the province. It. was very poor business for gov emments to construct trunk trail? ' and then leave them wlthouVmafni Unancet Severaluspeakers' pointed out that the development of the' country defended largely upon Uie transportation ayaJJable and thatj gajod trails had been built: in some.' lnstancesfenly to be allowed to fall into disrepair and became alrhoss, Impassable. A committee was appointed to gt further data on the matter and bring in a report and recommendations, . , A coninittUas yas ulso appointed ! to nqulre-Onto' thR'wotklng jof the liewi'nmendmeflt to the Criminal Code cfaallngi wlth the carrying of stnall iptii, tit;ptiicmlaT ftltt cnce'to lU appSanUon -tat-ptospec-tort and irappw . The-matte'ref obtaining a licensed1 'phainvietst flOi Stewart wus left ln'ihe- hands ui Uiepmident for further tMtttetv GRAIN MOVING IfGRADUAllY Thirty-Four Carloads Have Arrived iii'incl Over 2 Are eti Way i Of the 420 odd carloads !some 00.000 bushels of grain. which- he Alberta-- Wheat Pool U sending frorrrlhe prairies to the local -elevator, 'hlrty-four carloads have 'already arrived while over 300 oars are on the way here. The grain is being brought In by the regular mixed trains without the running of extra trains. French Senator Diesiilonkeal MONTREAL. Sept 12: Senator : Frederick L. Belque. 83 years) age, president of the Banque Cana-jdlenne Nttonale director of the Canadian Pacific RaUway and vice-president of Canadian Cottons Ltd., died today. TOOK PILLS "FOrIo. YEARS, THEN CEREAL ; BROUGHT RELIEF j Mr. Forsythe Endorses ALL-Bran for Constipation If you suffer from, htsdschis, loss of sppatitc and ehergy .or. any other of the frequent effects of coa- -.t -. . i- j.,. . . ... upmuon, reaq uiu voluntary JCtMf.S "After Uking pills: and tsbUti J for about thirty yesrs for constK ration, I started to tskt your Att BBIM three tim rfv mrmwAn I to directions. Today I can sst cheese, snd tht is ' binding) an4 certainly feel An." Mr-Ei For syth. (Addreu famished upon'rs- Srftne I1T1 All.nilH nrnvl( "bulk" to xercis tht jnteitinss,-and titsmin B to furthtr id ftffu-lsr habit.. In additidn, AUB&an' Is rich la blood-building iron. , .jj, . Ths Tulk" In Aix-Bsak Is much like that of Uafy vgUbls.,Imids the body, it forms a soft mait which gently clssrs th IntaStlnssof WSiUS. lint this plcatant "csrtal way" ar mor healthful than oiIdi pat-en.t medicines so oftsn' hablU forming? ,nrj Jdit eat two tabUipoonf uls JaMy. In serious case use with each psal If not rslltved this wayM yw doct- Get. the red-and-rreen packagt at vour grocer'a. Mad, by Ktlogf Lf London, Ontario, l: t . . .... -v The AUCTIONEER f PacklngCratlne Wrannln' , & General Furniture- Repalrt fiav yuur gooas wun me Phone Black 120- GEO. J, PApg, i Terrace Couple Wedded Recntl Miss Mabel Bishop Becomes llrlde ; . Of Kdward'Cramert- VI TERRACE. Sept. 12: The mar-1 rlage took place at the United Church Ainst - IjerjrS Rev Wt R i Welch officiating, of Miss Mabel Bishop, daughtn-of-Mr'nd-Mrs:!j Fl C. BUtopr of Terrace, to tuwara Cramer, of. Eejrry Island. Tha.hride., who was attired In powder blue silk 1 wtth Juliette cape and,wreath f : orange blossoms, was attended, by1 hj small sUter. Betty'Followinr the'eeremony a buffet luncheoa:wai' ttve,d at the home ofKthc brldel parents. tt mi v. Mr. and Mrs. Cramer, who are weiricndwh Yhd popular herev will rxsldfeat Ferry. Island. , Vancouver Peat VANCOUVER. Sept. 13: "CD-Wheat was quoted at 07 'c on the local exchange yesterday. VANCOUVER. Sept. 12 -The nrlce of wheat today, was QaotedTat 47'ic a busliel. f - TT r""" PARTY FOR ' TWO GIRLS 1 Ml?s May Scliubert of l'rlnce Itu-.Vptrt and Miss Bessie llaan of Queen Charlotte nonoreu . i 8K1DEOATE. Sept. 12: In honor of MIm May Schubert, who has re-j tujrnfd to. Uer norae In Prince Ru pert after a visit with inenas m Skldegate and Queen Charlotte City.' and Mis Bele llan, who has Jus,t left for Prince Rupert to go into training or a nurse at the Prln RupMt General Hospital, Mrs. Fred Atkins and Miss B Rud -r htiMi nt a farewell uiirty Wd racMiUY in Miller Hall at Queen Charlotte City, ine nan was Atowded with aueaU from Sort Clements. Hell. Skldegate and 8klde-ate Mitilon. f flceft and mernbrs 1 thp crww of the llghUioua tcliaVr Mevan also beta prtenti Excellent Tmisic wan provldXI by the Jaw teman as well as the local orchestra The affair was the largest to be held In Queen Chariatte City since Uie vicM of II. M. C. 8. Skaena and notified to the popularity of both Mies Schubert and Miss Haan. Uhayks to. Lilc Insurance 'f '"' J 'ft 1 . ' L ' ' ' ( I , I as- Tuesday. September it l9,j See Kaien Hardware For Supplies. Most Hunters Do. Wc Sell W.cstern Ammunition Special 0.5 Kifle and 1 br-x of 'Ammunition-i. $18.95 o - Cpleiy.an Lamp.s liinterns- $7.95 Kaien Hardware Niene 3 SmiXh ili a a kept in force jf " Spe is guaranteed a Monthly Income Eor Life C OMK DAY, in the not dNlant fuiiire, she will lr her own Sr. hoss frrp from llie iiccoMiiy 'of work free frbnt hione f worries. -.- She con travrl ami play pnjoy life to the full. All hfr'nuUft fchrMias proMrl, through LlfivInMirancr, for i moMhllu'c'oiur-' riii Iitcihii!,'wlilch IIItontIfiuf As Ifiii oa' 'k Iiv. ' ' ' ' i'" ' t i 1 1 ou, too, may look forward with confidence to happy d7 ahead. - jpiik, ... lour savings, invested in I.ifp Insurance, will guarantee you that 'gtiff. fct lhig of coinpllte independence. Why not lalk it over with a Lift 'insurance representative? ' " WHAT DOROTHY DIX THINKS OF LIFE INSURANCE "Here U.nulliing joii ran Imy. thai you ftl tli MmVinio&iit of plratur out uf, ,nu will out of the knowledge that you rt afrguardlni your old air that you not hat to find out iow Lliirr U the brrail of drprnlrnrr.M ife Insurance -"if ti'' GUARDIAN OF CANADIAN HOMES