Mm- W L 12. 1933 Jasmine Cpsmetic Table. on Display in Our Window This beautiful Prize for "Kno-.v Vour Aclor'tj Voice" Contest A Dental Plate Brush Free With each purchase of Dental Plate 50c For holding plates 1 1 will he pleased to learn thate have the agency for V PAGE & SHAW CHOCOLATES iuil assortment just arrived Latest Razor Blade Prices f ilt- MC Illuc Hladc, 5 for r. ?2c ,(;in. ff Hluc Hladc, 10 for 50c uto strop Hladti 5 for 2oc Auto Strop Modes. 10'for 50c Ormes Lid. Pioriccr Druqrjists Ibe Hciall SUre Phones: II k 12 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Ilcst Made iNa. 1 fx, per thousand h per thousand $3.85 i K".;niln. Air Dried IteUlnlng All the Cedar OU HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE SHT hFish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand,, SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared I)ailjr By Canadian Fish & Cnlrl Slnra?e Co.. Ltd. PRINCE RUl'kKt, Ml a i . . . CANADIAN PACIFIC T!.:av, irtii, Prlnre Bupert for Vnc6uvrr la 'Ocean Palls and Way rotti: r., v. I s Adelslde, FrldaVs 10;00 n.m. r4'V.V(M;nt: direct. ) . iilst. ". Sept. oep;. 7th.. (in.. l&th.. lain., Nth:. in.. m Oct. '- 5th. " I lor vi MTCIIIK W. WUANOKLU JUXKAU and SKAOWAY. iaw. Sept 2nd.. Uth JWth. Ott 1st.' I oi Reservations and Information C'OATKS. General Agent, Trlnrs Rupert, H.C. I'NION STKARiSHIPS LIMITED 8,elnr lta Frtnos Rupert for Vaivouff - TSS t'it v!? EVEnrTUESDAT?i30 r-M. n ,uver Thofsdav n m,. . , v If,. CAnnrNA F.Vr.Iti' hmmav Minvir.iiT. ii. ' -"tl to Port Bltnrn an- a. Anyoi, Stewart and B rrdmf sit Mt:itia snd tlcxu t - Atency; Second Aenue. 568 I J r nntiftt. j'.i-j a . t-.s .iti.-ifAfrvir I r siivwinW nmrtti ww$et: Glass, Paint and Murescbf - Wood and Coal -One Load of Wood and One Ton o! Cat $14.00.. Albart St AlcCnffery. U Sothtng m "Iwaalo (KTTU4' IT WWl icr.-i .;. e kr lav.;, bt. at tauxla If Ivloii and marks. 7 1 ar dtf-ar.s. nWJ. I Irk r wnttfcrd thef I wa abeat U sir ip nuk. Todjy btallb It raritta, aed I errtaiMf fxi thai '-. IW iard a left M ta Utaiisf ILu sUmA. Tfar Used p my retire traea." Fruit-a-Utf the Ibrmer alderman. mil drug f fore ( H O 6)iaIcross'ina'Dce"'ad-i JuiUr, ltft this ftflemuw .Mr Van-j couvtr on tr.e steamer CaUla. . S.ra:nihip Catala arnvec from A ox. Stewart and the canneries of the Naas Rive at 1.14 and mailed about an hour later for Vancouver. L. Dixon, manager of toe Prince Rimer Vtafe "Vt nf Vaw Vmk ! on the train )aat nlfht on his re-'turn home by way o: Winnlpr; and St. Paul. Under the auspices oi the Canadian Labor Defence League, an e-joyaMe Cmderellm dance was hek Saturday night in the Exehangr Block Mall MjuaV was by a natlrr oreneatra rron MeuauNia mm very en)oyabte thne was spent toy all. Oterxe Rudorhm is spoken or as lite moat Hkety man to be ae-1 lsflted ai, ,the nueitaf of the So- -MsaW mriy of Oanada to contest ue iTtnce Kupen ruling as a c. i. P. cSiadklaie The gathering is to be Qcid tonight in the Socialist Announcements Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 937 Boiling Beef. 3 lbs. St 1 boneh Carrots Boneless Stew Beef 3 lbs. Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. 1 Cauliflower Lamp Chops 3 y. ...... Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. St 1 tin Peas J Round Steak. 3 lbs. St 5 lbs. Spuds Uamberger, 2 lbs. St a-lbs. Oplons :....k Sltloln. Steak : 3 jjb4. -4w-. Poti Roast. .1-3 lbs. Hver.U lb,, ' i lib. Bafori PrlrrW nWRoll v i ier ibv Leg'of Lamb spcr lb. I LO UA Drtdte. V,"httt ami dance Scot M4... Kaftea' dance September IS. admission Mlea SAfe Geata S4e Re- OdAfenqws Old time Dance, Sep-( ember ny Lutheran Churah naaaar. Oc-ober 12. Catholic naaaar Oetorxr 19 Phone 937 1 25c1 25c 75c 50c ?t5C Vi as- 50c m 35c i 25c 15c 20c I i I n YtOi DAILY Mfihl LOCAL NEWS NOTES ! Edwin Johnson was a paawnger iovuui o.) me Oat a la thli after-. '. . . Miss Annie Lipn was a paaswijje' going south on the Cat a la, thli a( - ternoon. ! le ?ESX Way to itop' CONSTIPATION Woman's Labor League meetBiin Umlfipjr B pmJVlDj.. Halt.' Gordon Vlcreck ha joined the staff oi, the. Central Hotel here. Mr. and Mr. George Cripps came In on the Cfttala today froranypx Mr. and Mri. R. Iriklne returned) tody frorn gkwart on the atearaert Meeting 8.P. of C. members to night, Ho'plozk Nomination of c.Cyj 7. canOidatei Ihere vere no flsh arrivals today therefore no hie at-trre' Ex. tflVrnbnin. ' change t Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Jlarrlson were, passengers antrlng this aftemooiirj on the Catala from Stewart. n Mr. and Mrs. Llneham of Lawyer island lighthouse and family re- turned today on the Catala Irotn aJ visjlt to Aayex. ... . ' Mrs. C. W. Dawwn and chUa.1 ' who hare been VlsOng for the put' six wks to Vloiorja. retorted tot the tHf .on tfc . Princes LouUer yesterday Miss Pebbles Stone, after paying a short ivsU vwtth her brother-in-law and sister,.. Mr. and Mr, b. Windle at Anyoje'-rriTed home on toe Caula this afternoon frwa the, northern town. f I rtirnntr VnnHK A I I ' In Prince Rupert September 12, 1913 A big Oonserratire ptenk was heid at Terrace lth special . trains being run from Prince Rupert and llaseUon for the event. 360 persons'! making the trip from here and ISO ftom Harnett on. Among the speak eta; s the please wave Han. W. R. Rast. j minuter of lands, and H 8. Cte-menu of Vancourer. M. P. for Co-mox-Atlin. Rain interfered with the sports program. There were no lata tL cases ciAh aHy Aie eourt doe-' WHIFFLETS te f r it From 1hc Watcrfroht After P RINTING Office Supplies Rosc.owan &1aatta of YOUR tlJTtR WANTS HCR IITTT TOSMN0 NEXT'-' MONTH WITH OS AND MCtT jomi cuc"rtfc "Y00N5 MtN J si J MY ASSISTANT WOU10 JUITTHE.rCtLOW ir only..;, i wish COU10 WARN HIM (tuprrl, BJC ess Twewlty tr ITSHMa) rf t)rtk4T A1. UBJ, rrmaftirlaat a? Uvr hftan ( eertatla Oown- graniM9 tsanerat oaahna. awrnor right and WWtaB'd tatcraats hawossre operated as the- rtlatrer Mine ana conasst-ttif or tike rallsgMBsa: retMffed Snd.ef rrrwnd ta th rrire ml RetMr r UfiMi r(fr at rrac r-pert. n r. rhaekaaana. ark rhte. JaanHa. Mann .Iraftlen. Wiu rsaethMi Na. Z. loading canned salmon in j 2"". ir'.JSlSE?' nwurv, s aiw, imivnj r-sranaaa aar- the Skeena Rirer. Urtjon freighter j tin., cniinerr t ChUllwack, Capt. Wifltam Mounce. "'p '-'ft. sailed frosn there an. Sunday for Vancourer without calling hare on the preaaat voyage north. By the time the Teasel arrives, in Vancau rer. It is expected she will have a lull toad of salmon Miss Nellie Lawrence i i 1 "-Mv iM ei strv Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 315 Second Avenue West Miss D. Hogan BA 121 Will Reopen PIANti CLASSriS nnd PRIVATE L:ONS: Tuesday, Septemlwr 5 Phone Bkck .23.? , r a ii" Til I 911 Domlntoo u wes . N. 4 (Wtlmtal lleket. Ptalo. TaH. neeu- latlim. IIH-I rrartm imI rhUaitelakla lYarHan. which ml area I ctassta eoeee the UUe to all mlcertls precious and baaa ear n' and aeUieaaB'.and natural gma under 'Ke landafaoarM thereby fturfare mUlaV a,ll heM amler laatXea-IMe Tsfifes, it saiBV s4. 108. ia. sa. km. sis. M7. sa. taa,, sro tn sot and usm coanprMnaj approaunarely four hind-red and aafrenty-seren dertmal tare ftte itTtag) acres leaehnld KIM : it 4S8 (S.1S a-reai. leaMKl Saptstn-bar M, tSOS tar SI year aa Power Hou SUe. satiaaj rental tss mibjert to ad-JuatntajM MeBi ftre year pertcd ettbjeet to eiuitaikf nadirs or holder of Browaa-No 4 sTtnara'. claim, aurveyed aa tot 44SS and Vann Ft -non Mineral Claim vtarreyed as Let 4SSS. OaaMar Dartet. at 4S66 ISO St arm) leaaaj SBth Deaeasbefc IS, tar SI reanj aa Power Uee B4fbto-Way: annual rental 1181 $0 aubfeet to sdjuttmert ea:h flre-yaar oetsad aukjee to exltlre ngltta ct Jersef Lily OtSumbtne. OoM Krown. Brovnte Mo 4 and Brownte No. 8 mineral rlatma. surrey ed as Lota 31. SBSI, S3M. 4SS8 and 4SM Oasslar Qtatnet. The draoeety la atuatd forty mile from Alia Taku Arm in the Pri rtnee of Brlttah Ooliunbla Appurtenant to the sale lands are Conditional Water Uceneee No S40S an to 840. OyritfsW tasea and lease rentals am-omsk So aparo(lanaMy ! On the said lands are aald to be erected buUctttf suitable for mlntng op-eratlona. Ttroaa oi sate. Cash. And Tate NMIee that by a direction re talced in kbe aaM Order all pattaws eAslmlng to be Intrreated In the said lands and mineral oiatm aba de. scribed are required to coma tti and etaabltth their reepeottre claams thereto before the Judve in Chambers st Vancouver. BC. on or befrre Tuelsv the ItHh day of October AD. ltaa. and after the etnlratton of the aald date airperaoruSjo anall not Have W saatt In and faaAUihed their esalms anaO B . sbaohttt ty debarred Item U Mat tMs 1 ind intrrcwt of, in and to the saUMMs ana IIJI1ITTW ViMM-- . . vrurtner partSeulars may be obtained from the Sheriff at Peine Rupert, B.C.. or. tnm Mer. la.ten Ce. IHit later,, etc . Exrstalot Ufa Buttdlat. To. ronto. Out., or from the undersigned ' Haled at VsacUrr. BC. tkk BBnd da;, frf Aafust. A IX 1SSS. HABVET P WYNaWa, Barrister and SoUoMor. Dank Bldg . ivyr. SC. H!N not Hrnvc. iRiepnonr u BoHfltB tor Mr Joan O Harris 1g linaaTlaHHHBssN mot un prr (Judf- P.jQ'jE.NDEp - ronance blossoms! fu SUf TCUR SISTf ft WIU AMftOVfCf MM fO BITTY Scliool Notice YOU'D CHtAtMir CAU HIMUICIfelt"CW NEXT DAY- ' THtRl'S OUR AD,Slft,NtXT TO THE CNI ON "B.O. ! Children Uvirg in any part of; I the rttT veto will attain the an jot serea years on or before Febru ary hi... way oe accommodated la Ghu l at the BORDEN STREET SCHOOL ONLY, om ap-pllcaUoa to the Principal. W. J. ALDBR, roiiHiitsslniwr tltli CMnwtbks.' -p AKEtbtlCX the aunwamt Brttuh -OaSiMtSi made in M to an St kvt her, the most important ease whereto j i iiarH m nHwirr aavi being One In which a Greek wa ' V'r-' 'l Z rpoml There is talg of the United ! cn,rpfl "n ln lM rerPfr 01 Jj .tbe Itauert y a. county or W A i ia i - at a. 1 KU11I1K nUtUr. " "-ar w w - ST I l)Uf ISVUlUin: ClraMlli Alt llUI VII ?IIIHlVi") SALE talaUr rlalHc satti mmmrn THE '5fMWK, Mlr, TaSja Am AtHn ltftRf IHtWua: rrwrtmm lrl- tVM RtAO THOSE UflBUOY FOR SALE ICHTY IM"OH,TANT CHRYSLER Sedan, good condition Walker's Music Store. lOUSES P. FOR RENT W. Hart n')R RENT Furnished ments. Phone Red 444 apart- a OQINS Work up a rieh Lifebuoy Uther. Manage. U well into 'he poref! then Hnae'. Thia Vrra your akin of clogged i m purine. Makes it look and fire! utter! yiwrfrth, plnwingfy alirel IIUHRH uvfi aaornu umhi. toaovra 21? I HALL' 6-roMn' modern hoaiev s -ug and warm for the wtntetv 147 Eighth Arenue JasA. 2U OR RENT five-room cottage on Third Avenue. Oood location tor anyone Washing to resitta dospj In or for a tea room, anoe repair shop, clothes pressing or other small business. Phone 98. First Insertion stum 7 IBM WANTED' - WANTED Four -hole range. Phone Red 129, kitchen 10 to 12. 213 HAIRDRESSER - PERMANENT YVAVTXO! -Oir UM. "Klntlttti" $5.00. Neisen's . Beauty Shoope . . Ortmrale f Impraementa TAKE NOTICC that t. W. R.'' Uaaoa, Tee nwiiert certitwaiU No.. 4TST, tatendj SO days from the date hereof to tr o tbe Mminar aeeorder for a certttV ?te of Im.irt vemert tor the poryoee of obtain!:- a crown grass of tbr s.bove cla:m. AND further take notice Hist aefton' under Section 85 of the Mineral Art muat be commenced before the laausnce of such certificate tf improrementa. Date SSrd July. 1B33 nf advertisement Au- COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wf also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. . v SS Phones MS UaSBefenmswaaaosaaaasBaujasass OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger, Miner UOOMS-310 per hionth. 13 per week, SOc per night SHOWER n.ATIIS Third Avenue iPhons 948 JLMMIE CICC0NE PtOPlE DO NT RtAUfE" ' TMIY CAN Of ft NO AND" . NOTNOWjLJAtWAYS usruriBU0Yr.;.,m'i I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT. AfTER j THIS'ltilSE lirCBUOY, TOO iB.O."; is iust bldin oaa manners ft DON'T notice when we're guilty of "B.O.' (04 W). QOttrtio. And iromeaatclr put M dowi) m tMtttn incorwidtfat fBciilly ia- Don t take a chance in bot weather. Ksiblet T Ct batke . rriularbr with Lifcbuar.. lu pleasant, (juitUr-ranitKing, hrpenic Kent teffii you Lifebuoy i Jiffrrml from ordinary tnilet toipa fi'tfr trotyeboo. It pcjuJi rtnettatlag icther' puriSe ana deoiorizei porea eliminate "B.O." (aWy odnif). KetaoTta germa hclpa guard health. Try this complexion care Classified Ads TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furniture moving, wood. Poal, chairs for rent. tf PAINTERS P AIJtTlNG - and Paperhanglng Moiler, Phone Red 801;' -rl ai,-. fci '"-IC.Vtek on irifT . PlrrrUen and I e TAKE NOTICE that Tide Lake Syndicate-. Ltd. iAIinlng I whota adalreaa la iarfrpee4toea Bldg . Victoria. aC. will Wipaly . JwL a licence to stte and uaa Trif (MlsrbMc feet per seaMdtof wa- vri out tja jmruiiat tynri. itw iivwi Northerly aihd drain tato Tide Lake about. n miles Nortn oc.nig Uls-.waer will be diverted at a point aSRt 1209 Itwetre buaatred) feet be fore entering Tide Lake 4 wtil be used for mmng and power ourpoaes unon tbe nrice described aa. Tide Lake StfaJBoste mining efskaa PfrUvg No. 382 and Pitaaeer mlnSBe rSeftu iivl ad. iMDlnf esstma. TBla was posted on abegraund on tn Sth. day of AuguaC. 1U. A oopy of this nsstoe and ao .application pursuant thtfeso Sjsa to Sne "Wa-tsr Aot win be fnd bTsbe office of the Water Recorder aa Prance Bupert. B.O ,Obeatlona so the atwUeaSaon mar be ntett with the sakt Water Racer der or amata flirty 0k(m' liter 4fce JSrst ap-MrasuV of tJnS.adSire bt s. kl newa- pser. 's- .t t ;UDE LAKE SYNDICATE XTD, AppUeanx; Per W j Jeotawjakl. Agent. The date of to first MbUeattan Of thsa nonce la Ausnjat SS. tfi. WATER OTICE TAKE NOTICE that J. B, Woodworth. ad reus SM7 Totnt Orev Road, VaacaU- art. B-C. wtaay for a ranae to take sad use 900 eu ft. per second, anft 'ore 100.000 acre feet out of Cugv Lake tnto surf Inlet. This bdrfg tba nreondittaalBg of contnttonaj war Iter nae 1151. Thla water aril) ba used for power purposes. Tbla notice was pea ted m she ground on the thirteenth day ot June. lata. A oopy of tbls & tic and sn abpllcatioc pursuant thereto and to ts -Water Aet" win ba filed in tba office of the wter recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections to tbe ap-plleaMon may be tiled with the' said water recorder or with the Comptroller U Water Rlgata, Parliament BuOdtiMta. Victoria. BC within thirty dars srter the Hrrt appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first flUblleattaa MJ. at tbls notsos U Jul ,17. 3. B. WOODWORTH. Applleana PV ROYAL HOTEL ' i V' -J. Zarellt Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up SO Rooms, tlot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Box ISO - j- " 'r If you lose anythjnsr; tryac!a; It v , '"t f.. B aitot i. 'classified ad. 3 n H r i I I i t .'i rt 1 .T II II i