Fhat two THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Kupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION' RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly periodt paid in advance 55.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week .". .10 By mall to all parte ol ritish Columbia, the British Empire and , United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES; Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion 1.40 Classified, advertising, par word, per insertion , 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line, - .15 Local readers, per insertion, per line .25 Contract rates on sprjlicatien. Advertising ami Circulation Telephone 9 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation! DAILY EDITION " Friday. August 18. 133 LOCAL NEWS The Letter Box Frank Waterhouse -freighter IS NOT I.N POLITICS Southhotai. Capt. R. B. Bennett, arrived In pert last night iron gattat Dally New; Vancouver and is discharging a . .. ' . , ,7". . It has come to my notice recently cargo or coal, building K,.j, supplies and ... .. . . . , . . that there is being circulated general .., cargo for Albert St MeCaf- , , A. T . . . -throughout the northern interior fery today utrrsepopdeace in connection with Mrs. R. B Skta er. who had the a rtfl1W W misfortune nme apfln has kK""1 representa-t;teen to sustain a broken leg ankle and knee, a few' . tays ago in a fad on the stairway 1 wduW P01 ont that this la an-betweenFraatr a d Borden StreeU. Wflrrant1 atld without my consent. It reported to be making -a satis- whUe 1 hoW tfctly to ray own factory recovery at the Prince Ru--Prlrate I hT no desire to be pert General Hospital where she t$iaoe4lt' hi any officii or pabnc .in - 4i . , wav ic4f h rwiH4ial na t Isaa 4ts xssfA- still a patient. Union freighter CnuHwaek. Captain W. W. Motmee, after loading canned aalme at Haysport in the Skeena Rhrer and from MO Say and Wales Island canneries to Uk Naas Rhrer district, has sailed direct from the Haas River for Vai -eouver without eam-g here on the present voyafe north. The tease' was in the Nats River yesterday. -J It'!... M. M. O'Brien, ahief field engineer fo- the Consolidated Ml -In? St Smelting Co, accompanied by A. Jure, geologist lor the company ana Dr. Smead of the University of Wisconsin, is a passenger aboard the Prinae Rprt today got through to Stewart to pay a visit to the Big Missouri mtne. will be returning south next wee ganda. Thanking you far apace In your paper. - 6. V! H. REDMAN, United Church Minister. HazelUm. B.C. Fresh Mult and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone R57 Can you imagine a more enjoyable treat these summer days than a bottle of ice-cold . . . PILSENLii Your guests wijl appreciate it, too ! .... Order, a carton of one dozen' bottles from the- Liqu( today or Store . . ! 8 ' VANCOUVER HUKWEIUKS LIMITED Also Brewers and BoUters of: HITCH OIRL AND U. B. C. ROHKMIAN BEERS AND CREAM STOUT This advertisement is not published or displayed by the LlquurtControl Board or Ly"tn'e Gewnment of British Columbia. Early Ad. Copy is appreciated A Acttvk people of all ages en- i'ov the tempting flavor of Cellogg's PEP Bran Flakes, Made of wheat. Nourishing. Easy to digest. Plus bran. Mildly laxative. Delicious with milk or cream. The flavor of better bran flakes! PEP MMIUIB Enjoy PEP often breakfast, lunch or supper. Your erocer has it. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. MARKETING OF INTERIOR PRODLXrrs. IN CIX. WAS THE.MP, OF, 4 SPEAKERS (Continued from page oneJ other point. There wa at present only one wafTtsqtot and it arrived Saturday aftamMn and the ears wre often not spotted nnttt the , Monday. That made it Impossible to ) ship fresh lettpce. Another suggestion was that the (rowers should organise and see that shipmenu weie made in an orderly manner. The last few weeks there had been a glut of strawber-riea. They must realise that they were in a competitive market. Packing must be as good as the product grown in the south. j A nuaaeer of suggestion and ex-j ample were owned. In regard to (the use of the market building, he had no objection to it -but he thought the fanners should . be given no preferences that were not also given to th merchants who were also taxpayers in the city. He thought It would be a goad thing for the farmers to come gand talk matters over The ferasroi cmadttion of affairs was not satisfactory to u anyone. W. M. Rlarkstotk W. M. Blackstock said there were plenty of organisations of buyers In the city What was needed was 'better organisation at the other end. A cash market would h a great benefit to 'he farmers. He suggested that Smithers could arrange to ship to one of the existing agencies. The buyers were here If the goods shipped were of the kind wanted. Dr. Kergin thanked the speakers for their expressions and suggested that the discussion would tend to do good. He thought a campaign of education should be embarked upon that would make for th woifar I, if both the people of the Interior 1 and the residents in this city. Prince Rijpert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks TsUI capacity ZO.Ot tons Shipbuilders sad Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vestals Ir.o and Brass Casting Heslrlc and Acetylene Welding. M-toa Derrick far fltavy Ufa. Sawmill and MlnlngMaehlnery Repaired and Overhauled ttii dailt news Friday. August i IMS ENDURANCE MARK SET Lou Gehrlr In His f308th Consecutive Game as Yanks Pennant Mope Nearly, lade Out ST. LOUIS, Aug. 18: CP Lou Oehrig. Yankee first baseman, yesterday set up a new endurance record for a Major League ball player by playing his 1366th consecutive game in the meetlne the New Yorkers with the St Louis Browns. The Yankee pennant hopes, however, further faded when the world i nampions dropped the decision to the locals by the odd run after ten mninss of play. Everett Scott, iofsaer Yankee shortstop, held the former endur ance record of 1307. The Washington Senators, who are all but assured of capturing the American League flag tfc' '-ann Increased their margin of leadership by another full game by inflict ing an ignosalsiaus defeat upon the Qhieago White Sox for their ninth straight victory. In the National Langt. the New York Osants. who afar due to cop in the senior circuit, attended their margin over the idle Qhiearo Cubs by half a gate by defeating .the cailar-dweilioj Cincinnati Reds who the St Uxik Cartuuls replaced tfe islle Boston Braves In fourth place by w4fming over the Phfflie. Yeaterdajrl Big Leagjue scone: Amrriean.Lracue New Yf k S. 8. Lag4 7. Philadelphia 4, OfeveJand 1. : Boston 6. DetrpHZ i Washington 14. Chiaago i. - National Lea gue , OineinanU 2. New Yrk ?. 6L Louis 9. Ph4tadiphla 5. Dite the tneteraent weaMw whlah developed, seme 4wentr Stele of the Juvenile Qraage Looge i(a4 an antorable ontta along the railway track yerdajf afternoon. 9wmratnt: was nAnim.ift in the car ferry slip eldtbe girl spent much of the afternoon in th water. Two meals rere enjoyed : Mr. S. V. Cox and Mrs. J. O. Vie-1 reek were lr charge Another such . outing is planned for the near FOOTBALL! Friday, 6:30 p.m. H. M. S. DRAGON vs. Prince Hupert All Stars FOR HANSON CUP Have us Install one of our new sets in your boat No B or C Batteries required, operates directly off any six volt lighting or Ignition system. A demonstration at our shop will con vince you of simplicity and economical operation of this set Superior the t XA .mis Radio Service 338 Second Avenue Phone Bine 320 P. O, Box 132 A O BARTLETT r H IN8ULANDER urn DOLLAR DAY Saturday - Fraser & Payne's Open Saturday Night till 10 p.m. PRINCESS SLIPS Angel Skin Princess, Slips, fitting style, lace trimmed, in shades of maize, beige, ?-f ft A A,UU flash, white it. black; Dollar Day. ea. DANCE SETS Angel Skin Dance Sets, brassier and panties, assorted shades, small, medium and Q-f ft f ? X U U large: Qollar Qay. per set ANGEL SKIN BLOUSES 4 Assorted .styles and color, puff sleeves, all stsea; Dollar Day, each Dollar Day HIS MAJESTY'S SHIP DRAGON ARR1VINO IN PRINCE RUPERT TODAY FOR SIX DAYS' VISIT (Continue) from pairs on.) tzrey. Paymaster eommavder, W B. spry Engineer comma nder, D Tootemaehe. Lieutenant-commander, O. P. 11 M Wethereo. Captain Basil R. Relts-SmRh. Ueu tenant-commander M. A O West. IJeutena&t-commsnder o. F A Ballard. Burgeon lieutenant-commander F. B. Qulnn. , 8ubllrutenant W. Mftchell 8ub.lleuUnai)t M. J. W. DnrUj Lott The ship's' complement consists or 450 of all ratings. The ship U one of the "D" Class cruisers, set-, era i of which have visited Prince liupert from time to time She was launched In 1918. She Is 472 feet in length, and is of 4,850 tons registry. The ship U equipped with six six-Inch guns, three four-Inch guns, iout irtree-pounders, two two-pounder pomponu, and 12 twenty-one-inch torpedo tubes. A good word Is as soon said- a an ill one S1.00 LADIES' FALL WEIGHT VESTS Wool, cotton and silk mixture, neatly finished, tailored top. all size Q-f ft A Dollar Day. 2 for CHILDREN'S SOCKS 20. Doz. Children's Socks, silk and lisle, good quality, all perfect, she S to 8 Q-f A A Dollar Day. 4 pair for LADIES' SILK. PYJ A3 IAS Rayon Silk non-run fabric In two-pieee and one-piece style, assorted shades Q-f A A V-a. ww VAN, RAALTF. UNDIJtWfR Pure Silk, wont run. In flesh only, strictly tailored garments. vets and bloomers Q4 A A Oi.UU Dollar Day garment VAN RAALTE CHIFFON HOSE Very sheer full fashioned silk to top. new (lexo toe. cradle foot, all the newest Q- A A shades, all new stock. Dollar Day, pr v,u" PURE SILK FULL FASHIONED HOSE Pure thread siik full fashioned hose, all perfect, semi-service weight, dull finish, in shade of hula, malt ocrtbeige. dawn-grey, amokeione gunmetal. svngkam UJt riQp Dollar Day, pair SILK tt WOOL HOSE English make, full fashioned. sUk and wool hose, assorted shades, all sizes, re g. 96c pr. Q -f A A Dollar Day. 2 pair for ?X.UU LADIES' BLOOXUIS Ladlea Rayon Silk Bloomers, assorted shade, laee Ulmmed and tailored styles, dull Q-f A A finish: Dollar Day. 2 pair for QX.UU LADIES' BLOOMERS Rayon silk, dull finish, in shades of flesh, snahw. mauve, peach and pink Q-f A A tX.UU Dollar Day, i pair for WONDERFUL VALUE IN TOWELS 2i Doz Towels, run of the mill, assorted stripes and checks, size 18x38 inches Q-f A A OaloUU S towels for Extra large stce Turkish Towels, run of the mllL asmrted stripe and eheeks and larciwered effects, stees 24x48 inches Dollar Day. 3 for S1.00 PURB SILK FLAT CREPE 18 Shades. exrehesH quality, pure silk fi cn 38 inches wide, reg value $1 50 yd. Q-f ft A Dollar Day. yard 7X.UU mo YDS. IIORROCKSES WHITE FMNNELETTF, Selling Dollar Day at less than wholesale com' 32 inches wide, excellent quality Q nn Dollar Day. 5 yd, for a Ox.UU SPECIAL DRAPERY VAl.t'ES Fall UnKth Panels, all silk with s4lk Q-fl nn fnnac. rady to harm. Dollar Dav ea. Vu CURTAIN SBTS Vaiioui colora. all ruffled edges, lull length wi ties, ready to hang Dollar Day. 2 sets for S1.00 FACH QLOTIIS Extra larie siae Turkish face etoth. CAf various colors; Dollar Dav. for 3"t GL.SS TOWELS Large slic 22x34 In . very absorbent Q-f nn ready for use; Dollar Day. 8 for OX.UU NOVELTY CURTAIN NETO Beautiful Quality Novelty Curiam Net Q-f AA Reg value lit yd . Dottar pay, 2 yd., O-i.UU NOrriNC.IIAM CURTAIN NETS Anorted Patterns lace and pUut ndgea wtut. only, full 38 inches wide Q-f nn Dollar Day. 5 yds for OX.UU RAYON TAFFISTA tyim Taffeta. 38 inches wMe. antra goid quali: : in anodes of black, sthlta. osaiae, mauve, biu. nlle and peach Dollar Day. 3 yards for $1.00 Mens and Boys' Wear MEVS WOIIK SOCKS Pure Wool Heavy Work Socks, good Q-f AA weight. Dollar Day. S pair for OX.UU ME.VS BOTANY WOOL SOCKS Medium weight pure botany wool Q-f nn heather mixture Dollar Dav 4 ur. vX.UU mevs Silk & nnni1rfw'iR Assorted patterns, silk and wool mixture nCn all itees; Dollar Day. 2 pr for D I BOVS PURE WOOL GOLF HOSE Excellent value, boys' pure botany wx! r. -btoek St white and brown it white fancy ; Uses H to 1 Dollar Day. 3 pair for t?X.UU Boys All Wool Pullover ffweateea. plain hai-blue and brown, alaes 38 to 34 Q-f A A " Ree II ag pnlUr Day ?X.UU BOYS' BROADCLOTH BLOUSES Asorted strtpes and plain eatora Q-f A A 'Isen 8 to if; Dollar Day. 3 for OX.UU BOYS' OVERALL PANTS Blue Denim strong and well made elastic ban ' stses to t years Cflp Dollar Day, pair . OJl ROYS KHAKI BLOUSES Cnod quality khaki blouse, sfwts neek JQp izes 8 to 12 years, each "ft 10 DOZ. HOUSE AND PORCH DKESSKS Extraordinary value, assorted pattern, and tyle. .ill mashing prtnu Dollar Day 2 dresses for si.oo ypBWWgyWgygggB IBgWggM MM WITH PLEASURE and ECONOMY . . t'n.qimllfe .n t rorkl.ll . rd mli.r ltt, .11 erhor- tM nrri.. rr.Hful t '' Uwniun i. k Wlr. . (tTortU tltli .11 Wll pnrtr'it. h rh nuim . rot h M Mi, r..,M.Hf 4 U.M own, 4tt(ll M.I 1 . It. I Mt.lM to its ESgSlI STnBBSSBISBBBBBBBBBBiaSaBaiBBBBJBBBJSJFMS Thli advl Is not publljhpd or displayed by the Liquor control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, Hccauuc it doesn't pay to advertise poor product!, It does pay to buy those advertised,