Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Orlgintl For Sale at Yrndors or tlirrct from "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control Board, 847 Realty St-. Vancouver EM PAGE FOTJK gill '. I TEA I "BSr PROCURABLE! PURE SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Boctbd tad (urutod bf WiBUm Grmai Sou Limit ClnMdira 4 lova A CUow, Scotland. mi CI asnuoual This advertisement is not publi.-hed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or the Government of Briti.tb Columbia. Summer Shoe s Running Shoes Rubber Shoes Beach Shoes All Kinds of Footwear Suitable to the Season We purchased a full line "of all kinds of summer footwear from such well known makers as Goodrich, Miner and the Dor.iinion Rubber Company and got them at such n low rate that it is eagy for us to undersell all c ther dealers. We are giving our customers the benefit of these low prices. Call in and look them over and try on a pair. It is a pleasure for us to jahow them even if you do not buy. fa Cut Rate Shoe Store 'Opposite Montreal Importers, Third Avenue Do you read the classified advertisements? 1 If you lose anything, ty a classified ad. Many Local Folk I Leave Today For Terrace Week-end Some forty or fifty local persons left on this morning's way-freight train to spend the week-end at Terrace. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. J L. Mcintosh and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hart. Mrs. W. J. Mc-Cutcheon and daughter, Violet, . George Rorie. William Stuart. C. P. Balagno. Johnny Saunders, Walter I Cross. A. H. McPherson. Mrs. James Krtkevsky. John R. Mitchell, J. II' ; Thompson and others. EXTENSION OF SEASON Ketchikan Fishermen Being Allowed to Operate Longer Owing to Delay in Salmon Run KETCHIKAN, Aug. 18: ( CP Lemuel o. Wingard, In charge of the federal Bureau of Fisheries In Alaska, yesterday announced a four-day extension of the fishing season here. It was to have closed on Friday evening at 6 o'clock. The extension will permit three day of additional fishing because of the Sunday ban. Wingard Intimated that there may be another extension if the ran Is delayed. Mail Schedule For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fn da J 8:30 pjn From the Cast Mondays and Saturdays 2:15 Djn. Thursdays 10:30 pjn. For Vancouver-Mondays 3 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Friday : 11 pjn Saturday 4 pia ; Saturday 8 pJn. Monday, Wednesday and Friday by train) 8:30 pjn From Vancouver fl"dr pjn 1 Monday ajn Wednesday .....11:30 ajn Thursday (by train) ... 10:20 pm. Friday U:36 ajn. Saturday (by train) 2:15 p.m. For Stewart and Anyox : Sunday ... 7 pro Friday 2 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday 11:30 ajn 1 NEW Kitchen Ware MIXING SPOONS CAKE TURNERS APPLE C0RERS & ROWL STRAINERS ETC. With all genuine Cata-lin Jade Green Handles Purmanently beautiful. Priced at 25c ea. o Kaien Hardware Smith Block Phone 3 TOT DAILY OTrTS Friday Anj District News BURNS LAKE B. A. Smith is completing exten sive renovation and repairs of the Lake Shore Lodge summer resort which he will have In full operation next 6eason. The main building was formerly the residence of Major and Mrs. Robert Lowe at the lake frtyit. There are also well equipped cabins for campers and the resort is expected to be a very popular one next season. Under their leader, Mrs. Et S. Fleming, twelve members of the Canadian- Olrls in Training of the local Untied Church have been enjoying a weeks camping at head of Burns Lake beyond Tin tag el. Boys of the church had previously enjoyed a similar outing at the same spot under the leadership of Mr. Fleming Oante Warden David Roumieu with Mrs. Roumleu and family left a few days ago by motor for a two weeks' Miday trip to Prince George awl other Interior points. Rev. C. A. Hlnchliffe. looal rector of the Anglican Church. Is at 8ml- thers for a month relieving Rev. L. J. Hale who is taking a vacation Mr. HtaeMlffe is accompanied by his wife and family. Patrick J. Carroll, who had been a resident' of Decker Lake since 1914. died a few days ago at the advanced age of eighty years. Hi-is survived by four sons. R. M . P J . William and Prank Carroll. Rev Father P. J MeOrath OM I cam-down from Lejac to conduct Uv funeral which took place here. PRINCE GEORGE Judge II. A. Robertson left here a few days ago for the Peace River district to conduct a criminal ses sion of Comity Court, being accom panied by A. mcB. Young, local barrister, acting as crown counsel ' i Harry Boiman. local representative of the industrial and acrleul- tural department of the Canadian National Railways, left at the end of last week for a trip to Winnipeg on official duties. VANDERH00F This district during the past few days has had its first real taste of forest fires this .season There was ' quite a conflagration for a few da two or three mile southwest of the I town but it did no serums dimKe although threatening une farm for 1 We Lead All Ways Prince Rupert's Original Cash & Carry ROMAN MEAL Pr pkg. BOO-Fresh Seconds 3 dot. ROBIN HOOD OATS China ware, per pkg. A8HCROFT K9TCHUP l-oa. btl J for DlNAMrrtr Cereal ft pkg L 33c 55c 27c 25c 19c PRESERVING APRICOTS Just Arrived Q4 CI C per crate I.B.C. FAMILY SODA8 Pr pkg. JXaUtJ 21c MONOGRAM TKA-Oood O Q n quaUty.Derlb 2 in 1 SHOE POLIBII-2 Uns CHASE Si SANBORN'S COFFSE, per lb ONTARIO MONEY per -Ib. tin TOILET SOAP Many-flowers. 4 for VEOBTABLE ,IARROW All ataes. per lb. . 25c 47c 65c 25c 5c For Quality, Prices and Service Call at MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store S17-19 Third P.O. tUtt 57$ Avenue West rtione m EILERS AND DUNN HERE Popular Talkie Couple Co-Starred Again in "Sailor's Luck" at Capitol Theatre For the fourth time that popular pair of stars, James Dunn and Sally Etlera, are teamed up in "Sailor's Luck." feature talking picture which is coming to the Capitol Theatre here this week-end. The picture tells the story of a sailor with the Atlantic fleet who becomes entangled In a love affair with a girl who is different. The couple quarrel after the boy thinks the girt has been untrue to him and! be sails away with the fleet. Learn ing It Is a mistake, he later tries to patch things up but he does not find this so easy. Considerable ex citement ensues ranging from com edy scenes In a public swimming; pool to a gang fight in the street and the grand fbmle in a dance , marathon. Other prominent members of the cast include the Yukon-born Victor Jory: Sammy Cohen, the Jewish comedian. Frank Moran. Lucien Lit-tlefield nod others. a day or so Hot. dry weather of late baa been favorable to the out- i break of forest Area. Oencral J. A. Clark of Vancouver. . former MP. for Burrard. and Mrs. Clark and family are at present spending -a vacation as guests at ' Jouglae Lodge on Stuart Lake at Fort St. James north of Vender-noof. They motored north from Vancouver. i The Consolidated Mining Si Smelting Co. has Just completed ! the transportation of a consider-1 able quantity of heavy mining machinery into the Manson Creek' country north of here. This particular machinery has been on the , way for several rears, having been ' started on its Journey by Interests which later had financial dlfficul- Ues. W M Ocilvle Is the eaglneer in charge of this particular HORSES WORK BETTER Ua fr4 Iron S4d Ball. Cm. Srlt, I tr. ..'. ru k, Miar4 i Ktrsmf a t-4i: ( Mixarda is - tta'l w- : m la taa ko.M UK Vrt aa4 Dsrtaf 't '" C KING OF PAlQ Miss Nellie Lawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 3IS Second Avenue West Our Price On DRY CLEANING Has Reduced Get the best value for your money by sending your work to tho export i craftsman. j Ladles' or Gentlemen's or Topcoat Dry Cleaned Si Pressed Suit 51 Silk or Woollen Dress (plain) Dry Cleaned nj it Pressed 01 Phone - 649 LING 1 TAILOR The Illch Class Tailor and Reliable Cleaner FRIDAY and SATURDAY mgmMmmgmmm SATURDAY 1 TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 fVagffMMJK lt 11 Feature starts 7:10 4: 9:49 IgMJntWTgsm Feature Starts at . -- m ( . CO.MKIIY KUMAMiE COMEDY JAMES DUNN and SALLY EILEILS in "SAILOR'S LUCK" With VICTOR JORY, SAMMY COHEN, A Vox Helen. mi j sauor nan imv 'iuic siwuu vuurc man ne fcvrr Hit I Musical -W'av of All Freshmen" Cartoon. m.A iH METRO NEWS u ,n P MONDAY and TUESDAY "THE MUMMY MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE I NO. 1 BED COMPLETE j Walnut finish stead, coil spring. feK mattress NO. 2 BED CO.MrLI.TK Walnut ftnLsh stead with panel, swayless mil mi sprm fillKl mattress with air clreulstlon Tl.. Phone 775 $24.01 $43,0! '"ITU:! Am,,! DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Friday and Saturday LUGS LAMB ROASTING ( HU KEv 5C 28( per m lt) ROAST VEAL COTTAGE R0LL SHOULDER io, 12.c Per LOIN ROAST E i LEG ROAST VEAL o, 22C JZJL Ll I )t uvKU aWI ROUND STEAK f lb. HACON 17J2c 20( Kill ROAST REEF Round STEAK kW ROLLED 17 ( 18c ptfl- per SHOULDER ROM PORK TENDERLOINS I-AMB j 25c lw per lb. p,rlb See Our Windows For Other Diamond pcral, Phone 3ftPhM! Quality Service Pioneer ILHr" F t lni OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the FUhermsn, Lorcer, Miner ROO.MS-$l0 per month, W per eek. 50c per nljtht SHOWER BATHS Third Avenue Phone 919 JIMMIE CICCONE i.i NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareli T "A HOME A IV AY rB0 HOME lUles 11 00 of SO rtnntni Mo &. Prlncr P. i, Phone Ml C TheFish which made Prince Rupert FamW "Rupert Brand" SMOKED di k pv raw Prepared Daily lij Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lit PRINCE RUPERT, H.C COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edton, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try s ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley W also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 51 Phones 551 CITY Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce per cord, deliver COAL rOU SALE ... t.i,n Met. uruiiurc ami