3 i933 III Something New! Ginger Fruit Toffee, 39c lb. Filbert Nut Clusters, 3Jc lb. SHAVING CREAM and AFTER SHAVE LOTION Special St 5f)c . . . . . .-.- j SNAPSHOT ALBUMS From 60c and up Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Drtqti a ts TU Krxill SUre Phones: II & R HOLIDAY RESORTS Comin lo Temce it? Arnr mr nU With wains Transfer TXI, Terrace. B.C. Ta t . i Voa. . V Freight At ' anywhere. . lodge, new in service No i, "CMC t on the lake, M 50 per hrad Mjd too blr. : small t" iirs evtuy NT AY THEDUNES athin?.Hiinhnfr Fishing Hic.a Mosquitoes f0 Cook.p? P,, r.. lUV rrr Week ! half rate MADAMK KAJAiTT .ar Island. p r as. rr. . ..... "n 1:30 1M. C Can ,, y ' vltOji - VtrAsiai VNI0N STEAAisfni IJMITEtf ''Htl)rn "nin i ltaa tM1... am.-L... lfnaMltatt KVI.RY KVI.RY TllfiSD TUESDAY. 1V' ' Thursday p.m. &3i Var VEUV r'RIDAY MIDNIGHT. U (, w Port BUhpaon; AlCf aW. Mil . Xny'oi, LAKELSE HOT , Springs Lodge An Ideal riare to Holiday llnrtt of fly fishing, hunllng, baUiing and boating. I Arranie for transportation I with IV. II. Hornelt, Terrace. i nc. f Rie from Tmate to the IKlce Including boat service: j One adult. $S.M. each additional adult, $1 50. Write or Wire W. II. nrUNKTT 't Look After Your Vant. North Beach famioiiR HoHday Resort N6ar MasseW Q. C. Islands Furnished Shack to Kent Apply Mrs. Dunn Massed, IIC. BUA' aad H"i '""n rMdlmj' )l Mlllnkt aad'"tlekU ., , f "tl Aiencv, gerjnd'vSng. . The Moose LoAee la making an cftherAttempl to hold its picnic. Oar NOTICE , priees for mar's aulU and U from . now on. cleaned and praawd, m. . Ideal Clrantfi and Dyers, Pnone iSS. tf. R. Htm. Inafwtdr of rntfhlW- iBaM Wit for fce&r on frmal ter of tnspectkm to incor porated towns and villages of the provinee. Boards of Trade of Cen tral British OaMKBMt aa a delegate from the local Chamber of Commerce aloft Ws John Dyb-bkvn. vlce-prettdeot t the board and Olof Hanson. Mi1., a past preside tft Hotel'ArrivIl?-' Prince Ropert Dan 0"Rurke, Calgary: T Wa-gladery. OUawar: O Hear.--. Terrace; R. C, Appiegate. Tacoma. Wash,; R. E. Walkar. , Vancouver: M. irarbward. oigo. Ftani MySn' OMUr Nor ma nn. crtr. . Announcements Orand Drawtog Boys Band Bridge. Whist and Dance August 11 Refreshments 30c. Catholic Bazaar Octootr 19 Presbyterian Fall Baaaar Nov. i Anglican W. A. Baaoar Nov 18. Jones' Meat Phone 957 Loin Veal Chops i IhK Aump Roast Veal ner lb. Shoulder V4l 4 lbs. Stfewing Veal, 2 lbs. 1 biinch Cdrrota MARKET in Rojjlerl ghoulder Lamb ner lb. Stewing Lamb, f ibs. 1 bunch Carrots Pork Chops 2 lbs Shoulder Roast Pork . 4 ib: BdUliig Beef Sirloin Tip-Air ih " iWoMekk- 2 lbs rlLet'or rrfme l?ib Romper lb. ....... .. Tomato 8ausage per o. P7ionc 957 35c 15(5 . 50c fc5C 20 c 25c 35c 50c 2c 18c 45c m 18c 10 c not daily mrfva IiQGAIs ftEWS fiOTE Sllfe?idM Bros, for tfalfpaper. GlaSs. paint and Mure ico. For day and nlt Tail ser Tire Phone 32. tf i. Colonel . MeMordle u around! See our selection of fine greeting pm after being laid up for a card for,every occasion. Birthday. eip!e olt dfya throdgfi aii injured ' sympathy, Wedding, ete. anee. ' Miss Masy Jones of the local sns of Norway dance, Friday 4, high school was among those who if 9m Oddfellows' Hall. Scotch, pasted the fenfbr martriculation OaBa'dMrf, 8fca'hdln4Tlan dances. 1 examination with one suppiemen- iRefreshnfent. Admission 35e. 181 tary suSect. . Bishop E. M. .Bunpz'Jeft on he prince ueorge yesyjraajr attemoon The date set is Sunday. August 13. for a trln to Dawson aecomnan Ht being expected that it tffll prove" led bjr. Rev. Father E. Leray who ! to be a Ideky day for them. I it talcing over church duties of the i a 'VjjJcon town that' are being vaea- one uer-er wit here on last tea ay muter vivet. , nights train for Victoria to visit - ihU grandfather, M. Baato. He will. ia, n. . J Joined at Teikwa by his Hater, lYlrtll 0011601116 I Beatrice who will accompany him. jKof the Fast Monosys. Wed'henliyt and Frl days 1. 8:30 p.ra I'rom the tSisti- Mondtfys and BaTotdiya 215 pm. Thtrradays . .10:20 pit. For Vancouver. Mondays 3 pjn. Tuesday ... 12:30 pm Fri4 , J 11 pj Sttmay. 4 pm. Satunlay jun .. ... . Monday, Wedneai aW Friday (b train) .. Mhm The Victorta Cokmist says John from, .ncooer Metr Baaftby. only son of Mrs. Sunday pa Bftahy and the lite Mr, Oeorg M000! - Ootaora Bwhtjy. hat rettsrnfd fromt weanMT 1I 3U ajn- a two-years vlstt in, Btaad and t.. . pufbe. ana with Mrs. BaanW has f? J130 am. taken up restoence at tr Wihmf - 8tiirdr 'by trataj . . 215 pan. MoO. I For Stewart and Anyox BjBrwaY . 1 P-to Obiftinlsnloner Alder Mt lut Friday , 2 pan fnltfir for amltim whew he will From Stewart" and Anyoi-. t mint the cooterKld- of the As- Tuesday 11:30 ajn ribcated Saturday Phone 933 Jpjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday . 7 pjn Phone 9S3 De Jong Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials Snap Hand Cleaner per tin Happy Vale Pickles per large Jar Weston Sodas In fancy pantry shelf tin Princess Soap Flake per pkf Lion Brand Macaroni 3 pkgs. fo .... . Helnz Tortvalo Sour. 3 tins for Crestwood Butter 3 Iba for B. & K. Pastry Flour per 10-th. sack . Fruits & VeffcftK Carrots 3 bunchoa for Large Head Lettuee each aaau.;. 19c 37c 39c MalkinsBest COFFEE 2 Una tor 83c 2fc 10c 25c 79 c Australian Seedless Raisins 25 Q lbs, . , 44c California BUfQeU Pears- Q Hot house Tomatoes per lb per basket CaulirWwW each California Oravensteln Apples, large size tioz id c 5c' 14c 45c MI LADV BEAtTTY SIOPPE SPFClAfe FOR AUGUST Stra'ni OlV PernUnrnt Wave aYi1 sa.o'tf .Vlarrelle Cu'rl with Hair Cut" $1.00 Shanipoo and Fincer Wave 75c PHONE 833 Unemployed Hold Routine Meeting Members ( Orgaiiizatior invited1 To IfsV Dyer Hcadinr Room The regVlir weeUy, meeflng of' the Unemployed Councils was field tlait night. Oscar Larson presiding. Tne Dullness uaniea was jnan- iy routine, j. t. ujer uiiciiucu the nfeiting and tnrlted the member to make u of the reading room fie has opened at trie Dyer Apartment. 1029, 3rd AVe-.ue W.. in which he has plaeed his own private library of rationalistic 111- craujre. ine rcaoing room wm at (he service of those wishing to benefit laeh afternoon and evening. Mr. Dyer was tendered aft ova tion of thanks for his generolu of fer il Feeding a living fowl is a thing from stuffing a goose with chestnuts -A. L. Lowell. cju k. bj b i tu mm ,t i msmi mi us a 30 REASONS Why You Can SAVE MONEY At ihe Thrift ' Lifebuoy soap 2 ban - ItlAtkllS SB8T TEA per lb - Market advancing) SHELLED WALNUTS per lb. SEEDLESS RAISINS California, 2 lbs. rJESSICATEU COCONUT- per lb. PEAS Royat City, sieve 5 2 Una CORN Royal City White Pushed pineapple per No. IjHj 1-.--,v;v ttBD PITTED02IERRIES 15c 39 c 25c 25c l6c 21c 21c - 13c 13c Preserving Specials Certo, per bottle 30c Jar Rings, per pkg. Parowax. per pkgs , PERFECT SEAL JARS-- Plnu, doa. SL15 Quart. desM - .. $L32 ROYAL CROWJ? SOA 8 bars OXYDOL . per taifg pfc. BLACK FTOS- MEDIUM PnttBB- -3 lbs. . . KELLOOlfr v. ALL BRAN per pkg. SOCKEYE SALMON per 'i-lb tin "CARRY AND SAVE" 6c 15c 23c 22c 23 c 21c 20 c 'Tambus FIbtif" 5i.57 80c 16c SALAD DRESSING Dutch S) n Maid. 11-oa jars, per jar il TOASTED CHEESE THINS Qp rJ per M- FRESH FIO BARS 35( " COFFEE Our "victory" Blend, per lb. - 24c PURE STRAWBERRY JAM Cftrt Nabob new pack. 4-lb. Up. jyK' Provisions Eggs. Fresh FlraU. per dot 20c Lard. 1-lb. pkjts., 2 for 25c IJutter. Firje Alberta, per lb .23c Baron Squares, 2 lbs. 23c Spreading Cheese, per 1 1 lb. 13c 65c Thrift Gash & Carry 1 tZn Phone 179 201 Third Ave HOUSES-F. 4 h.p. to 4,000 h.p. Pot fishing boats, tugs, freight, passenger and pleasure boats, sa,w, mills, woodworking plants, grist mills, mines, lighting and" general industrial purposes. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FOR RENT A. w. Hart. t! I FOR RENT clean furnished aparV ' ment Phone Red 44. GOOD LocaU9n tor small buslaB in centre of the new businesa district. Tttrd Avenue. m ren ovate to st&t tenant. Rent only: $20 a month. "McClymont. tf i TAKE MOTlCr that J. B. WootlwwUl. 4drcM SS57 rokoX Orn Baad. ViacoMj vrr. B.C. wUJ aDlt for licen totaI aod o 300 ai,. ft. per tocood. SAd .' dorr 100.000 acre fret out of Cuar . . lato 8urf XaX- Tbl betfif tae Mundltteiiinc of cQBiRloaal water B- retwe 1TS-S Ttate water will be uaed tor power purpaua. Tblm aattc waa pcwtM U tha, (round on the (fetrteeoati day of Jufte 19J3. A oo(y f tbla po-tire and an pfJ tcHan punoaaS thereto and to ttve -Water Aot" wllj-be rued In the otrfce of tte water recorder t Prtee Rupert. Ob)eeloa to the ap-pUoaMoo nv7 be filed tU. UK.uld water recorder or with the Ooo2BtplUr of Water Right. Parltametrt Bttldiat. Victoria. BC, wUhln thirty daya. atScr the tint appearanc of thla notk In t local newapaprr The date of the An pubUraaiuo of thH ooVce la July 1" J a WOODWORTM. f" Appliemn . , , The, . . AUCTIONEER Paclbngi-ratlng rapptn et General Furniture' Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 121 HAIRDRESSER -1 CHESTERFIELD and Two Chairs, covered all over u a good looking tapestry, spring filled cushions QQfi Oft three-piece suite VwU.UU Chesterfield Suite, three pieces suite covered all over in walnut mohair, reversible spring filled cushions Of Aft (f at Chesterfield Suite, three piece suite taupe mohair be seen at Daily News. tf, 1930 Plymouth Cupe, condWpa;. like new. will sell at a real sa- crlfice inprice. WALKER'S Wagon. Finder Black 394. yaavtvv $136.00 Phone 775 Classified Ads FOR SALE LOST FOR SALE good ofHee sae. CanjOST out on road, LeLtu Coast please phone 180 PERJLXEXT WAVING f Oil-, .I1SCL "Rfntlftte $5.il-Nebon's Beauty Sboppe TRA,SEVR, - - - CAMERON'S TRANSFER Fu mi re moving, wood, oodl, chilfi or rent. tl . j Cf"W PAINTERS AJNTESa and Paperhanf itoUer, Phone Red 802. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Phone 231 fcatta' QtJEEN CHARLOtTl ISLANDS The Best Mode-., ... . k k ' . m a aa a.. r a No. I 5,x thousand f,r. per . . .-v. . . .lujjf, No. 1 3.v, per thousand $3.85 Green Shinties, Air Dried Retaining All the Cedar Oil HYDE TRANSFERS-PHONE 580 t. OAL! COAL! Our .Famous Edson, Alberta arid Bulkiej Valley Coals are guaran teed to give satisfaction. Try a, toai oi No. 1 Biilkley Valley. We t&o' keU Tlmoth Hay. Wheal Oats and Barley. PrlnH Rupert FeH C&i M Phones, VS" ' t,ty.- Attention ! , aaaaaaaaassBMMJHHV aaaa-a.a MaUaiaW , . nnntin :; ? 'Jtzm nrnir Milic For fcSe'aIlh . - ,i Fffesh- and aSinwdBlBMMaBBBBBBBMl : Ultra Violet Rayi cm- Cream Daily ''W?.!t' ' I 'lfPTih'l , AH' a Reasonabie Prices . if VALENTIN DAIRY , Phone hi 950 J phone657 "ZiaSit Hemock and Spruce- tjt mmmLmmmmmii i'i ' ' , per cord, delivered , ' , ;, j." , IT, j cUAt for Bccdusc tt doesn't pay to advertise poor prgilfiict I y.agjis it dofef pay tbuy those IdiorilteS, 'a ti:l ,--n ii iti tl ,iT :k; . 1 a nil .It a": ilJ 4