Swill) WILEY POST AT EDMONTON Tomorrow's Tides High 12:40 pjn. 19.0 ft. Low 6:20 a.m. 1.9 ft. 18:25 pjn. 7.1 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol No. XXIV., No. 180. I RINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTO rM )ut before he took off on tht Uv. lap of his record "rid flight, signs airport register at Edmonton. A1U. Here he ta wKh fidmoaton airport officials. Quite Optimistic Was Tenor of An Interview With Banking Expert Miyne I). Hamilton Sees Improvement and is Enthusiastic. Over British Ixan News Received Yesterday i rendition are gradually improving and I consider the BmraHtM r of the loan floated in London yesterday mm impor- 1 'SrT ! art in this connection," stated JMayne D. Hamilton, west- AdmtaHtritteri spokesmen ex- rr, vitK-rintwdaftt Of the Canadian Bar of Commerce ;preas themselves a well pleased .SVWng-herV-f0rdWv- , gJUjJh Wtterr- therr . Mr Hamilton le oae of those who i not carried away;" ,,., J OTTAWA. Aasv o1 Vi. n if flurry. He la a steedy-t t - ibir banker and hU optn-t m iis great weight He ur-;-..ple fhoisM keep thetr d round, refuse to be car-bv over -optimistic or m mr talk and carry on ' brv. possible In thetr sev- i';n That was bound to t.ru of the loan to London. U i r.tlt.m said the British gov- ' had refused for some time .'low Miy foreign loans of 1 This waa the first eatep-i f'r that reason wits par-Hounding. It showed the f the people to Canada ui-d an unprovemeni flne feapire gesture. ' I Van couver Stocks uwi a. o. (x Vsneouver 2 01. orrllle, 1J. Jlvr U. 'IT. 114. u! sum. JMt.' Idaho. It. 'k' HlverOeft,N. Wm. Jttt. v, 21. i"''ter, .99. h -. ooW. I,w;k ""i I2W. " JO. Muuourt, M. " " ' -'tm. M. ' ' I'rtst. ' ' r!y- .06. !'. 02t,. n X M. v'"vt Ron. MV. J!'"'blrd. .. ( "rk. 01 1, Morning 8Ur. M, Toronto K" fr'.tt. 1 81. ' J""-r Nickel. 1W0. ' M-l-!sa. M. M Wattert, IjBO . Hl.srn. I ftJ '-'utiHrta. 1.00 K" AnU)n0, 1.04 OIU "bysn, 01. ' "Imont, .18, Fffholri, .14 ' h 1 68. ' II' nir no LEGION HAS CONVENTION IN VICTORIA rremler. Mayor and Libera! Leader." (Ihe AiMrees of Welcome at Opening Session Today VICTORIA. Aug. 1: -Premier Tol-sust. Mayor Leeolng and T D Pat-tullo were among those who dellv- ered address of welcome al the opening nweung oi me convenuDti . .. . i o( the provincial commana at uw Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League here this mom log. something like four hundred delegates being present, not only from various parts of the province but from Pisget Bound and other nearby United States cities. President Harnard opened ine proceedings in the Shrine auditor ium when all ine aeiegaies swoa ad sang the Canadian National Anthem. "O Canada." which was jgttowed by the usual silent tribute to those who had already "gone it" Most of the proreedmgs were el a formal character, tne resolu tions committee having to do lis work before the real business of the Convention commences. An official luncheon was nem at the Impress Hotel dining room at 11:48 and this evening the official banquet will take place at the Hud- eon's Bay dining room. The convention will continue throughout tomorrow, the election of officers taking piace proDaoiy immmi afternoon. Tomorrow vomIm at six all service men will Join the delegates In marching tttrough the city to the Cenotaph where a wreath wui oe piacen. Maturdav the business of the eon venUon will be concluded In the morrilng. sightseeing will occupy the afternoon followed by a dance ID U evening. Vancouver Wheat umurvYiTVRK. Aug. 3: Wheat aa quoted here today at 82c as against 8a'r yrst. rd.iy. NEW YORK. Am: 3 Yesterday s price on wheat wu ' M' DAM BURST NEAR DENVER conditions improving; says banker RECOVERY ACT IN U. S. Correction of Abate Now Chief Work of Administration at Washington Aided by Local Committees Ottawa Watching ITobable Similar Action Mar lie Taken irt Canada If That of ; United States It Successful i WASHINGTON. Aug. 3-The fnrU nf Ih. aHmlnUtratUn .r be. tog centered on the National Re- eoirery scheme which has now been In force three days with a rirv to eornettrv abuses and see- " t .11 .K.,. .Ilk. in th. mJ to back prosperity it u announced that no abuses win be allowed and In ech centre local 3-Members the OoTemment and other potttl- eal leaden are watching with keen interest the working of the Na Upnal Recovery Act In the Unite 8Utes Lf It succeed there. It la al- most a certainty that Canada mill follow along simitar lines, either through the passing of rew legislation or by means of legislation already on the statute books which i might be ucd to enforce the wtah ' "e Government MANY PINKS ! ARE CAUGHT Aversie of Only About Ten to Boat Of Soekeye on Skeens Itiver With Sixty Humps There is little change in the fish-. tries situation except for an increase to the number of pinks, the boat getting an average of about 60 along with about ten sockeye.i The price of pinks is only two and ; a half rents each so the returns are , not very high. In the trolling area the echoes are now running well and four cents a pound la being paid, some of the fish coming here and some going to various canneries, to Bute- dale and to New Westminster and Vancouver. 8irlng salmon continue to run pretty well, the price for these be ing 7V cents a pouna. Most of the cohoea this year are being shipped to the market fresh or froaen as there U Utile demand for them for canning. FINDS MADE ryn TV1 IPC I will be more effective in the drive to limit the trap catch, to the n.c. Legislature at the com-Ur rvLLILOlhe said, adding it was the desire to give the individual mencement of the next session. Father Hubbard Discovers Articles in Ocean Cave on Wands to Westward FALSE PASS. Alaska. Aug. 3: New findings of ancient war masks, paddles, huge war canoes, parts of. Job. Two men in an airplane can do wooden armor have been made by , the work of five or six boats with Father Bernard Hubbard, the "Ola-'crews or eight or nine men each, clcr Priest." and his expedition in j "By giving the seine fishermen a an ocean cave on an uninhabited chance we shall be giving work to volcanic island in the Aleutians. Thv nr described by Famer iiuo - . ... ... CLOSING DAY Chairman of Fisheries Commit ilon Comments on Order It sued Regarding Season VICTOniA. Aug. 3 In Using midnight of August 25 u the last day for haltbet fishing In Areas 1 and 2 In the north Pacific, as announced yesterday. J. P. Bab-jostle chairman of the InternaUeoal (fisheries cHiHMto- explained that the fishermen themselves hare V ? frfen Whk Umlt and ord "r e period Into the autumn. If It be comes clear that the tonnage Umi' has rot been reached bv the dat . . k i set. novmr b dm hc uruerrc. - - P A A Til A KT IC 1" i"l J ' SlN 'U tj f 1fflkT i TT?T tLllYlllN A 1 W . . Hollywood , Defeat . rl Ual.t ancTer VANCOUVER, Aug J. Marcel Rwv1IJe. Canada's first ranked teemis player was eliminated In the IBn l Canadian tennis chaapsonshlps yesterday by Ned RusseU. Hollywood 2-6 6-1 8-4. LOCAL MAN SUCCEEDS Dr. Fred G. Herein Gets First Class Honors At Oxford I Priree Rupert people will be pleated to learn that Dr. Fred G. Herein, who graduated in medicine three years ago. and has for Ihe put two years been taking special work at Oxford University, as a Rhodes scholar, has been awarded hit detree obtain-Irg first class honors and being awarded a priie by Magdalen Col Inc. Dr. Herein has now returned to Toronto, where he has taken a senior position on Ihe home staff of the Toronto General Hospital. Caused Five Learning Young Kj9 gSUBuKTXsk Basasasagu? wv Ksasasafl 1 fsasasasaBw -gsasasasaai? gsasuae jgSUBUsflr- gSUBUBUWVggga , i Teaching hp y,,ung idea a lesson m war Parusuins are now Instructed In the use of gas mask at the Invalldes. Young and old are shown how to combat poison fumes. DIED AT EDMONTON EDMONTON. Aug. 3: The deatt occurred here today of J. D. Rob ertaon. S3 years of age, aeelutjr minister of public work for Alberta. 3: -Airplanes will replace in Alaskan salmon waters, fisheries, said here yesterday. the government money but PI n 1 Sn ITlOn TaCK HI Alaska is Large JUNEAU. Aug. 3: The salmon pack for all Alaska up to and Including July 19 according to the Bureau of Fisheries wftj 3,267.000 eases. . .. J LI 1. .AMI Planes Will Replace Boats in Alaska Fisheries Patrol Says Commissioner Bell in Interview Effort Being Made to Give Seine Fishermen Chance By Restricting Catches of Traps in Alaskan Waters SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. boats in patrolling fish traps Frank Bell, commissioner of I Air patrol will not only save seme fisherman a chance to get a' fair ir share snare oi of the tne fish. fish. There are sixty government, Doais now aomg patrol woric in Al aska waters," said Mr. Bell. "I ex pect to be able to lay up about one third of these, putting planes on the ' hundreds wno have been practically . lorcea u me wan oy tne traps, two ... . . . . Bursting of bard as extremely vaiuaoie in con- men wim a irap can eaten as many; risnmg ana pwmi m mu uu-nectlon with studies being made of fish as 25 men with seines." the der way In all districts except the the early Aleut tribes. ' (commissioner concluded. ' Bristol Bay area. Dam Near Panic in Cily Forcing Thousand From Homes Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Damage Done to Crops, Railroads, Highways and Buildings in Colorado DENVER, Colo., Aug. 9: Millions of gallons of water loosed by torrential rainfall that burst Castlewood Dam, swept down on Denver today forcing five thousand persons from their homes and leaving a trail of damage to crops, railroads, highways and buildings that will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. i lose to a panic occurred when he waters swept down, houses were PI rPTf AIT 1XT acated rspirily and the whole city KLfcL 1 lUW IN became excited. RESOLUTIONS AT SMITHERS CONVENTION Highway. Coal. Jury System, Radio Station and School Law to be Considered by Associated Boards of Trade SMITHERS. Aug. 3: When the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade met here today a naaber of resolutions were submitted to the resolution committee, among them being resolutions asking for the completion of the Skeena highway as a means of providing employ -I ment and assisting In the opening up of the country. This came from trie Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce which also submitted resolutions urging the appointment of a permanent secretary and a third resolution asking for the abolition or the jury system of trying rurt cases. Smlthers Board of Trade also waa atUl unconscious today and his-submitted a resolution to regard to conditions is considered critical, abolishing the Jury system and an- The Senator's health broke dovrrf other asking for the wider use of recently and he had to leave tbfer Central B C. coals in preference to Bennett cabinet and since that has7 Alberta or Vancouver Island coal. I lived to retirement. 4. Prom Smlthers board also came a - resolution asking for the ebttsto- n.. n TP 1 ment of a central radio station it some point in ine vicuwy ot tiaw- ( ton or at some point between Ter-1 race and Prince George to service the whole of the central part of thei province and north to the Yukon and Mackenzie River district. An Interesting resolution also rame from the Smlthers board asking that as there was much dissatisfaction with the provisions of the Public Schools Act a special committee of the association be appoin ted to consider and prepare recom fnr mamWBt nr th school law and to submit the same Head of Elks Dies Suddenly In Prince Albert PRINCE ALBERT. Aug. 3: B. E. Hand. 58 years of age of Vancouver, Grand Exalted Ruler of the Blks Lodges of Canada and Newfound land, died here ....... last night foUoU.g a collapse while delivering an aa - dress at the opening session of the Dominion convention of the Elks. Denver NOVEMBER IS LATEST PLAN Nothing Official Bat November 2 Or 9 Seem to be Favored Dates For Taking of Poll VICTORIA, Aug. 3: Nomination day will be either October IS or 19 with polling three weeks later either November 2 or 9. it is expected here. Official confirmation b lacking In regard to the exact dates but these seem to be favored. SENATOR IS VERY ILL Gideon Robertson Suffers Stroke And Condition Is Ssid to be Critical OTTAWA, Aug. 3: Suffering from a Stroke which took him kll night Senator Otdeoa Robertson UCUC1 1 1 1LC 1 UUcty Bar Silver Quoted jrr YORK. Aua s -Bar iIItm- ltlfened slightly today, the prteel quoted being 38c as against 35 yesterday. Copper remained steady at 9c. . Two Million People Return to Work in The United States WASHINGTON. Aug 3 Two million people have relumed to work, the closing of banks has beci stopped and there It every lndlca Uon that the N&Uonal Recovery Act operations wUl be successful, It Is announced here. " W. Held, popular electrician of the C N. It . who was injured on the head by a Softball bat the mid-. die of last week is still In the hoi- pltal. Mr. Rekl has Improved great -ly and will be able to go home . 1 i a i is a si. i snowy, uowever, may oe quite a while before he Is able to go to 'work.