Vf i li Fhx3t 1WO THE DMLT NEWS TlMSdat, August 22. 1033 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA NEW Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert . . Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue Y tr H. P. POLLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly peridcT"pld to advance. $5.00 ; For leaser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 By matt to alt parte of British Gotarablt,-the British Empire and i United States, paid In advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9,00 DAILY EDITION B. C. BOYS IN CHICAGO The Kitsilano Boys' Band woa fUfeoors ia with the rest of the world at Chicago. It was a great feat and one of which Vancouver will be proud We are glad to add our congratulations to the lade of Kitsiteno who have distiHguihed ttenvehres. Whn they arrive koine they should try to arrange a tour of British Columbia and let us all hear how they do it. THE ALIKOIINI) PERSON The all-round,' properly developed person is never a genius. He fails to concentrate his energies sufficiently to make a name for himself. If a person is a great artist, a great musician, a great scientist, a great businessman, he lives for the work he loves and other things do not matter. . The average person if properly developed is one who knows something about art, music, science, business and people. He can fit into- any- pteee- in which he may be put But such a man cannot well be a genius. The g'enhis is a person who is lop-sided. He is not a pleasant person to live with. His interests are all in one direction and he sacrifices everything else for that one thing. Do not many a genius. Do not go into partnership of any kind with him. It is much better to stand afar off and worship. HOW DIFFERENT IT FEELS How different the world seems wjien tho sun shines. Rain and. mist tend to make people dull and moroSeMLook out over the harbor on such a day and it almost makes one shiver. Another day when the sun is shining, everything is warm and beautiful and the normal person is happy. HOLIDAY When Coming lo Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You. We meet all trains. Freight & passenger service anywhere. Lekelse Lake and Lodge, new t H. A. 8. now In service t'ti the take. Fare anywhere on the lake, ne adult, SJ.00; SUO per head additional. No. crowd too, big. No Job too small PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY Tuesday. Aagaat 22, mi RESORTS LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to Holiday finest of fly fishing, hunting, bathing and boating, Arrange for transportation wilh W. II. Burnett, Terrace. B.C. Rates from Terrace to the Lodge including boat servlte: One adult, $3.00: each additional adult. SUO. Write or Wire W. II. BURNETT We Look After Your Wants QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Best Made No. 1 3.v, per thousand $1.35 No. 1 3x, per thousand $3.85 Green Shingles, Air Dried Retaining All the Cedar Oil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 The Fish which madt Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian. Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRIXCI KUPERT, B.C. Ihe 5 Iff II j fffiii Hi TT imqrance mgersUn That mellow fragrance is (distinctive of OgcJen's Cut Plug. You just can't mistake It. No wonder men IfkV It ... this richer, leCjncrre cheerful lo- bacco that makes a pipe taste so much better. i I t Every whiff of OgcJen's is a proof of its quality ...a true delight, a linger ing Fragrance. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG Jf you "roll your otm", we Ogtleti'a fine cut cigarette lotxtno and Oiantecler cigarette papert Mail Schedule r'or the Kast Monoaya, Wednesdays and Fn taja -.r 8:30 pin From the Cast Aionaays ana Saturdays z:i5 pjn Thursdays 10:20 am. For Vancouver Mondays.!..; 3 p.m. Tuesday.'..:. 12:30 pm Friday n prr SaurdayJ.i.... 4 pjn Saturday g pjn Monday. Wednesday and Pttda 'by train) 8:30 pjn From Vancouver 8unday pa Monday jn Wedneaday : ii:3Q ajn Thursday (by train! ..1Q:20 am Friday ...ii:30 am. Saturday 'by train) 2:16 p.m. For Stewart and Anyox 8undy . - 7 pjn Friday 2-. p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday . H:30 am Saturday 0 pjn For Naas River and Port Simpson 8unday 7 pa From Kaa River and Port Simpson Tuesday U:30 am Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,011 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting ' eUctrlo ana Acetylene Weld" Ing (0-ton Derrick lor Heavy Lift. Sawmill and Mining Machlqerv Ueaau-sd and Overbaalsd ' TROPHIES PRESENTED Canadian Legion Receives Four I' Soccer Awards .Men From j U. M. S. Dragon Prominent j u At Smoker ! Features of the anual smoker at the Prince Rupert Football Association which was held last sight in the armory of Use Pint North H. C. Regiment tacwried the pre-eeatatioo to the Canadian Legion of the season's (our soccer trophies Mobiey Cup. emblematic of city championship tor the year, the Stuart Benefit SnJeM the Dominion Day Cup and the Gilhuly Cup and an ajoyaosa program of enter tatoment to which amen from H. M. S. Dragon, the vsscttag British ttght criHrr, largely exkafcributed. In addition to the sailors who took part is toe program, members of Use personnel of toe warship formed a large proportion of tho.se present. The tvesuag's proaeam also included a rmmose of spacahes pertaintac to tooteaA njuutata. Bert Uorgaav prtaWaal of Use Prince Rtt FtHOx AMcuUtori. waa h Mae, ehai speakaag aaataaiy in opening the proetedlnaa as eil as at otkec tntensllHlBC the evening. The tronWea weca presented by Bx-AM. S. D. Maodonald tad received by Sam Carrie captain of tee Canadian Legion team. Mr. Maedoaald reiterabMi the recnarka Of veleome which bad been eaten dd by the preaident to the visitors from H. M S. Dragon paylag tribute to the naval boys aa tootnall players and as food sportsmen generally Mr. Maedonald also reviewed the MS3 football season here briefly. He complimented Use Legion on having won all four tro phies, a teat which had been rarely accomplish 1 heretofore. Contri buting prominently to the saw of the Legion team had been the captain. Sam Carrie, the trainer Jock McOrelsh. and the manager Hugh Kttlin. Mr. Maedonald also OBgra tula ted the other two teams which had competed In the Senior Leaane this year the lietraneni eotunattog largely of mote youthful stayers, and the Canadian Labor Defence League, which-bad had a hard time m getting started bat wMoh. kike Use Regiment, had flven a good account of itself. Other speakers of the even inc. In cluded Sam Currte. captain of the Leaion team. James M. Campbell e. L. Yoaagman. Jock McOrefeh Much Kiifln. Robert Arthur and O I ifomagton. At the open In of the program there were selections by the Prince Rupert Bays' Band under the direction of Bandmaster Robert Greenfield Other Items on the program Inctuded comic mit( bv Bugler Blake. H. M 8 Druvn. rimet selections by Robf r- Grp'-nfleld: monotogues bv Ah , ,n)n Rtdge in L3 Hi8". $? a I I trm saaaassaaaaaaaal 1 1 1 1 1 Northern British DK,tGON WIN'S EASILY OXZK CAKADLV. LEGIOX ' IN' FOOTBALL MATCH 1L M. S. Dragon had no dif. flquHy la outcl&wing the Co nadian Legion, local ghanv ploti foetball eleven, by a. score t of. ta nil fn mat evening's football match Despite the drlaUr which devetOfScd mto a heavy rain before the game ended, these was an eauuMas tic aaowd of sfeetatsgs on hand. s Baseball Scores American League New York 3. Chicago 3. 'called at Nsd of eighteenth inning of j ooaat of darkness). PhtMdeJphw IS. Detrott 7. Boston 1, Cleveland IQj National League No games. " Baseball Sfandkigs ructw Ws) N.UIO.VAL LE-VCI E New York 41 aa at Pittsburg M Basseo as M 41 Ohvaago 43 St. Louis 03 334 Philadelphia AS 4 42ft Brooklyn 44 .409. Ctnctaaaii 4S 11 J9 AMERICAN LE.tGl'E Waahlat0ol.fc.Hl3 New Yqrk 6S Ctteetead 6t Ml Detroit M .44N Phmdelshia $4 .484) Chicago it .4M Boston it M .4KV St. Lotus 44 SOFTBALL August 32 Empress vs C N. R. A. August 24 Kalens vs. Navy. INCONSIDERATE PILCHARDS Fishermen and eanners are worrying because the sockeye did not come in very large numbers to the Skeena Rher this season. That at nothing to the West Coast of Van couver Island where the pile hard fishermen sought tn vain for the innusi visit of the pMeharde. So far they have not shown up and the fishermen cannot even pay their (as and oil bills. and Stewart. H. M. 8. Dragon: cut-mus swinging by Able Seaman Low-on. H. M, a Dragon, and ehofuaes by Able Seamen Boblnsen, Stewart and Straight, 11. M. 3. Dragon, During the proceedings retresh-mi-ntx and smokes were served. amomme gaasasBsaaw-- -hi, EDISON MAZDA LAMPS nere.Take advantage of thfs SDecml offer ami put' in a fPJty. ' Edison MaziU Lanaps at a saving of money. Buy them by the carton, it means ' economy and . Intide IfroHt. ' . HUNT FOR BIG GAME Expedition to Start From Javper and Work Way Around Mount Robson ' 1 JASPER. Aug M-Flrst big game hunters of the out in an appearance yesterday in the per- sons of William N. Beach, a past president of the Pennsylvania Ce- saeat Company a ad Parts Russell. nrap' -ent romoration lawyer. both of New Voit Olty Byno means Mr. Baser. H first' excursion mto tnis country, he intends to occupy some time of hit, month's trip In the Rockies taking movies of sheep, moose, elks goat "u u mnowirg wnrn me with a gun. Mr. Bjrsch Is anted tor his expeditions tn Canada. Alaska and Afatoa after big gams. Picven plans o( the party, which 1 ehuge of Jack Borwator, toe well k-own guide, are to make Devon s Alberta, their sUrtmr point and work up the Smokr River and t of the mponesias by way (of Mount Robedn- 2nd take the C- ' uU . U.Km.1 11 a I turn to Jasper Tonight' mixed train, due from the East at p m ws repor ted thto morninK to be on time LOOK OUT FOR THESE SYMPTOMS OF CONSTIPATION Get Relief With Kellogg's All-Bran nradsehet, loss of sppttU and energy, ssuow eftmplexlens, aad sltepletiness are often wtrnkg slgss of eemmsQ eeastlpttteni UrJi cbecked, CMiUpstftm msy impair health. Today, yen esn gtt rid of common eenstlpstlon by limply ettlng adsheiouscsreaL iaboratery terU shew that Kellogg's AiX-liuN provides "bulk" to icrtiM the mtes-tines, snd vtUmin B to further aid regularity. AtX-DaiN Is also a good sourf of h4eod-bttHdiag Iron. TherbaTk" In Aix-Bmn Is moth KV that In leafy vegttaUes. Inside the body, it forms a sft mats. Cetly, It dears the Intestines of wsites. How moeh tetter than tsk. Ing ptttnt medicines. Two tsMtfwoflfals dslly will overeemo meet types of eenstipa. tten. Serious eases, with every meal If not relieved this way, seo your doctor. Eojoy Aix-Bsan as a cereal, or Die bv cooking. Appetising recipes on the rcd-end-grecn pathsgs. At all grocers. Mads by Kellogg la. London, Ontario. IOr 'aaaV' ' r -.9 Cqlunjhia Power Company Limited Kitchen Ware MIXING SPOONS . CAKIi TURNERS APLE CORERS ROWL STRAINERS ' ETC. With all genuine TaU-Hn Jfle Oreeti llandli-g Pur ma neatly txeautifuL Priced at 25c ea. o Kaien Hardware Smith Block Phone CN'.R. TRAINS r the tan Mondays; Wedneadays. rndayt and Saturdays 9 10 pm ''rom the East Tdesdays li Tauradsys 10 30 pjg Mendys it Bskirdays I is om CITY Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce on per cord, dehvered vD COAL FOR SALE I'urnllure and Piano Slating Lawn Mowers Ground Made to Cut Like New-Star Welding Phone 313 PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phono Mi Your Itoat Needs a Kadlo Have us Install one of our new sets In your boat. No B or C Batteries required, operates "directly oft any six tolt lighting qr Ignition system. A demonstration at our shop will convince you of tin simplicity and economical operation of this set, Superior Radio Service 334 ReiTintl Alranns Willi llflltUW i Ptpue Blue 320. 1 A m I". O. Box 1S2