it" 4 'i HPS AH1K FAQS rous School RARE Opportunity For Finest Tailor-Made Suits We all are tired of cheap clothes, now times are better and depression has come to the end. We take this opportunity to offer to the better-dressed publk our finest English Worsted, Indigo Serge, Blarney. Ileatherhill and Foxhound Tweeds, Flannels, Etc At a bigger saving than ever was experienced in Prtnee Ru pert. Keg. (10 SUIT 8oeciaI for Reg. $IS SUIT Special for Reg. Hi SUIT Special for Reg. MO SUIT Special for $32 $37 $39 $42 Extra Trousers. $10) This price good for 30 days only LING Tailor The hlch class tailor and reliable drv cleaner Second Ate. Near Poit Office COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. l Bulkley Valley. Wt also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. , Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 551 The AUCTIONEER Packing- -Crating Wrapping Bt Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 120 GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.G. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 549 Exchange Block Opening Growing Girls' College Oxfords and Strap Slippers, in calfskin or, patent; real values Q4 Off to CO Qff Now priced at . V y&VD Children's and Misses' , , School Day Oxfords & Straps, QQptoQ-f Off real wear in every pair oOK v X e t7 J I Man in the Moon The Dragon is still with us. Pretty soon we shall begin to talk Chinese. Jake has been to visit the Dragon 1 t and now he talks quite glibly about , lour bells and other qeeer ship tatk. I I I think IH go to the boxing match tonight and see if the tars can fight I Once more we are reminded that the sky is blue, the grass is green, the sun can shine and It is good to .be alive. The people of Stewart and Premier seem to be taking their seriously. They are atreSxly Specials This Store is Showing Complete Lines of High Quality Footwear for SCHOOL WEAK by Packard, Leckie, Sisman, Aird, Hewitsons, Etc. SENSATIONAL LOW PIECES WILL PREVAIL Leckie's Boys' and Youths' Sturdy Solid Leather Roots for real hard wear CO 7C QO QC Special Price D t?&JO Boys' and Girls' Goodrich, Fleet Foot and Miner Teniys Bobts and Oxforlls will sell at below wholesale cost. SEE'THEf PRICES. BUY NOW. WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS Cut Rate Shoe Store ways a pleisant ment. holding meetings and hstentng to. speeches by the candidates. I al- , ways felt sorry for the people' who live at the mining camps but now' I shed tears. ' UlWih 1 It U noticed that since the ar-1 rival of the Dragon local people re beginning to use such phrases as "Jolly well," "Old chap," "cheerio, j "bah lowe." These are little lapses) that cannot be prevented, much a they may be regretted. Possibly it's better than getting drunk. Nearly a hundred local people are sporting a coat of tan as a result of a recent visit to Terra and Lakelse. They seem quite happy because the coat was so chep. I made a trip to Terrace, I rode around the town I picked some fruit from off the trees, , Like any silly clown. Today I'm nicely sunburned. But sad alas to tell, The fruit I ate did not agree And now I feel like Jumping Into the harbor and drowning myself. Cuban experience seems to indicate that a dictatorship Is not al- u form of ,gove Mahatma Gandhi seems anxious to see the pearly gates so be Is refitting to eat In order that he may be removed from earth. Happy exit to Mahatma Gandhi, On earth he sore was a real Jim dandy; Green pastures be craved ' So he fasted and raved. With Peter he words win soon bandy. iHtSt ttrtiuov AOS. AMUSE ME I ALWAYS READ THEM f-BUT I CAN'T I Ell EVE SO MANY hopie HAvi'ia TILUE THE TOILER" lQ-D gQLLIM' MltUI ITU-J-t oslK x TOT DAILY 5ETTS VOTING IS OX TODAY (Continue) troro psge one) fentton to &uiitynd local roads. j 5 So long as the problem 01 relief continues. It to the policy of Li a- unikllitttA HI. 3 Hard-surfacing of all trunk highways. 4 4 Appointineftt of an commission tancstigate the n. villaae to neet Mrs. McColl who will be here on the Prince Rupert tomor row morning following a visit to her native home In Scotland. Incidentally tomorrow with be the thirty- fourth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs McColl and also the tenth! anniversary of the marriage of1 their daughter, Mrs. W. O. Clark, formerly Miss Margaret McColl, who cute $ortfa from her home in San Francisco to stay with her fa-: ther during Mrs McColl's absence. YOU'RE WRONG. B.O. IS A COMMON FAULT AND CAN WRECK A MAN'S HAPPINESS. I KNOW THAT ONIY TOO Will I I Hotel Arrivals' P Did Empress " : nil J,' icf uu mmm. o. Day. n. night. rtcuy ana ina.recuj- a MMn. J. H. Manson. O. ( aisires. ; 6 The goYemment re-assertt i Nova Scotia's rights within confederation and declares: -In all our negotiations with the federal auUvi ortty the interests of Nov Scotia have been and will continue to be placed first Mr. and Ma Jack Pollard, Jod Osborne. A. Middle toe and W.'Jl .broctaaan. mrJ WtHeW Aksidan, ley and II. ISTI 1H economtdsv. Central c. nw- aamor, 1I.MJB. Dra- ton. Kojal Percy II. Otfdotone, Port Beslng-ton: O. O. i DemsietK, Ketchikan,; Dick O. Voo.CeaiUe; O. E. Wil son. II. J. Ayttng and O. E. Rogers. 1 II MS Hrunn- J FUlmkfik rltv Liberal Manifesto T run n luilmu' twi a tnr. Mr. Mardonald. who la opposed ! In the corustltuency of Halifax ' Savoy 'North by Hon Dr. George H. Mjir- Wrf w f. k' !phy. minister of health, promisee: ig,,, at wnt Bamj I Keaucuon oi motor retucje u-, jj. ptr Ash ton, Anyox. i cense fees j 1 3 Immeduie' payment of old pensions. V N Safoaml,. SeatUe: D. Hsrr. Thomas, AoU; M. B. Barton d JtsjIUJtoUl. city. . ffiytfter'Rupert V N. 8armsjUa ttli; A Berne r ikws; Bobeft Oosse and C OU- sic causes or Nova scouas "iauure tf. Oceanic; H. P. HswwU ana to keep pace with the rest of Can- Miss J B Pesers, Vancouver. H. E ada " OotObourne, Victoria; Oeorge ! 5 Investigation into th steei McColl. Port and coal Industries and an endeavor to secure additional markets for coal and steel products. 6 A broad program of necessary public work to relieve Double Wedding Anniversary HlIllYerddry Ul of LOCAL NEWS Miss Nellie Ourvtefc. after s ' week-erd visit to Terrace returnee I to the city on jwHssrtaj afternoon's train. l John Mitchell of the firm of I UtMltchell as Carrie, returned home t i yesterday from a visit to Terrace LOCal interest LakeUe He was much enthused ;.per the chesty crop which he saw , '.on some of the trees of late varleUe George p. -Met, well knowr,n th. T...M ...... eneral menstjItjoi'Pprt Sunpsonll" . rrlved tof th:ettvorf the CataUlF - . this morning from the, neighboring MI LADY BEAUTY SHOPI'E SPECIALS FOR AUOUST Steam Oil Permanent Wave $5.00 and $3.00 Marrelle ti Curl with Hair Cut $1.00 Shampoo and Finger Wave 7oc niOXE H I WAS IN LOVE WITH A CHARMING GIRL. SHE StIMEO TO USE ME VET M TURNEO ME DOWN. TOO LATE I DttCOVEREO WHY... .l HAD HENCAKfllH ASOUT SO. ii6.NtAX&" TUESDAY 'I TWO S,IIQWS 7 & 9 Feature starts 7:40 & 9 40 Admission 50c & 15c V MY ADVICE IS PLAY SATE WITH'S.O.'I .ADOPT lirEBUOY SO YOU Quit-v: uvi v DO Some E SMB'J K'AaW A1 V JO I WW mS HI' ly '..f.-w j, I, fM. t u . H i ... Moaj DID vou AND HI TOOK TMl ADVICt I I I 1 B.O. GONE everything rosy ! ISN'T IT tUM GETTING THINGS FOR OUR OWN HOME ! Inseperabh vmbwu, she (JBt Me Mao. So ' her a PseSeur Or this aevAJQLny -ste, OM 6BACSLCT POtL MaTtt !wvrr:rvAND own roe WERE GOING TO II THE HAWtST COUPLE IN THE WORID, I0NA tiMii. V i f A V V la t VI ft If IVLTtic a A Snap "THE W0Rk A f ...... m fiimmJ .Tattm. a t If. e- . MA VI ukaii awii i bAif5 ALIVE TODAY Karloff, the Uncaiiny in The Mm inust uui ausssisi viv sv Mac IV J4,'! SClfUtf Comedy PITTS and TOUT) In "ASLF.tP IN THE Ftr "SCKECM SOI VKMiia screen Sonj PEpt h BEDROOM SUITE Bed Walnut Dresser Walnut . Chiffonier Walnut Bench I Mackenzie's Furniture Phone 7 Smelters Gold Mine nOUOIIT SOLD qtOTED J. H. Hirshhorn & Co. LIMITED i INVESTMENT RANKERS 302 Hay St. Wa.30il Toronto t i , OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger. Miner ROOMS $10 per month. 13 per week. $0c per night SHOWER BATHS Third Avenue Phone 940 JIMSHE CICCONE - i NEW ROYAl HOTEL J Zarei. r "A HOME WAY not HOME Rates SLM ti SO Rooms H t T.I Prince it ,jl r Phone 38) T C:; Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor prodsJj It riocH pay to buy those adirrtiscd ...BUT THE JOKE WAS ON HIM!... btf "',, I Till YOU THIS IECAUSE I DO NT WANT YOU TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I OI . YOU MAN ... I'm OVHTY SOMITiMfS? THOSE ia' ADS I lAuCHID AT ISTME Get the facts STRAIGHT about "B.O." 17 VERY normal prrton prrtpu. IV,, tf off i J odtf-iMin dtilr. W. twrrr kaow thr "B.a"(Mr),m.ya(ld. I1y Mfc-btK with Ijfrbiioy. Ill plruMt, qukklr-vinith n I . crnt irlb yiMi, "Iktt is naordinrf iwlrt u ' "'" proerlHW. iMcftwny.Bf,,,,,,, 4,,ri ; ml JttJtriui pom Mop "BjtX (Wf ojtur .. Great for the illn Mawagr I Jfrbuoy't bliiwl, crttair Itihrr well into th km thtn nnir. IV) iKu nigRllr wch yuur kin clear tnd frtlhcnt Adopt Lifebuoy today. rtomict o taltiMiiil TMamo El By Westover.