p? ' T V r : 22, 1933 BU DULY WiiWi i i i .. i fftGl TZR23 EMHi BHBEBMMMaaaaHBBnnn - - rr7: f '. -. . . .. i " ' H kQP&L NEWS NOTES OLD ENGLISH TOFFEE Zbc bags Gardenia Talc and Puff 50c value for 39c Menthol Staying, Crcajt and Roll-up Rule 63c My ami Insect IJilcH, Klc. Ask For GYPSY CREAM Soothing and Healing lotion) Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqrfiats Tbe I'.cxsll SUre Phones: II At 12 who ha been F A Jackfon of Telegraph n t for the past Creek, who u sufferi g from blood Ui Joseph T poisoning in one of his hands, ar-nning engineer nred tn the eerty on the Prince . ivrmment sf- Oeorge yesterdsvy from U.e north !tnn the orfh to enter the Prince Rupee Oerv- rge yesterday ral Hospttai tor treatment. Mr. v-adquarters are lactose was the original toeator Ot the Orouadbog coal HeUs. CANADIAN PACIFIC F rave Prince Itunert for YmnrouTrr vte Ocean Falls and Wsy Ports: - 3 Adtlalds, Fridays 1:0 5 m. fVtH dirtxt: Uahe. Aui. nth, Ifith, Sept 7th. MCTtltlKAN WKANfil L!.. Jt NP.l and SKAOU AV. t LouUe. Auc ilih, 21st. Sept. 2nd. Far Reservations and Information W I ClHATIt. Oeneral Afent. Prince Rupert, n.C, IMON STKAMIU LIMITED F UBft lt Prloo Ruprrt for Vsaooww rA c t.u t:xnx tuksday. i .si p.m. '1 Thursday pm PACAKtHNA EVEKV FRIDAY MIDMOIIT. ' ier Monday a.m. - t-J t .. Kiri iiuiiim 1IW Am AMI Rupttt A(ency: Second tenne. with a double value m t f Phone 568 I uw&aCASHVAlUE shttL ,ic, htt dM ! trs sl quly Profil' rl? ? i.n SAV" Tom Cig.r nJ Pip. Toi-o 'mi . .nJ TM,m Tobcco pk. rippr trittttn SAvt Tllr.1Il.OB t,n "d ' '" tPPr wortli Bi Ub.L K.il n.LI. i . . i.-.l J. 11. row. r " '"T in 1.W icit (I iKRCiiirr . --.a u.r.n. . . . i i ... .. .. njr. ', 614 lloa Sfrt, Vsnffuver. B C, r "I "'W WrUniiml.r. II "r ild. lihndvil Tkv Popular '." For day and vice Phone 32. nlcftt Taxi ser- from a week-end trip to Terrace cl ri -i.i. I . the city. I 3 on yesterday after- Mrs R. B. 8k Inner, who had the misfortune to suffer a fracture in a fall recently, has row been able to leave the Prince Rupert ;Oeneral Hospital (or bee home, i friends will be pleased to team. C.N R steamer Prince John. Oap- itatn Dan McKmnon. Is expected j to arrive in port early Utta evening from Vancouver vie. the Qeeen Charlotte late da. The vessel let: HfikWate Islet at I o'clock yes-lerdfjl sagrning for SttftegaVe 1 Dr. A, & Laavtj. travelling provincial health officer, who Is on his annual tonr of r ortr.em points for the purpose at hoMtng tuber-culoaia etfnsee. aast Mlsa J a "Peters R N diaie taarse. arrived Is the ctty on the Caul this after noon from A yojt and. during the next couple of days, will conduct a local clinic at the Prince Rupert OroejcaJ Hospital From htce Dr. llamb will pro seed to awVerier ootnts to hold clinics while Miss Peters will return to Vancouver an the Cardena. Friday nlgtt. ! Announcements 1 Salvation Army Annua Congress Aug. Preabrtsrtan tea September 7. Catholic Baaaar Oetoocr 19. FOR SALE Morello Preserving Cherries, per crate $1.25 w. J. MARTIN Terrace. aC. seats 75c. a d 50c. Phone 9r7 i Sllverslcjes Bros, for Wallpaper Glass, Palpi and Muresco. n Scherk returned to the city Bank clearings in Vancouver for on yeMrdy afternoon's train from, the week ending August 12 were a wecK-eno inp to Terrace. W. R. Love returned to the cltv. yesterday erday afternoon's afternoon's tral train: $13,387,412. A. H. Mcpherson returned to the on cltv on. vesterdav &fternonn, train Mrs James Lamb of Catar can nery arrived I fee cHy br yester day afternoon's train from- the lljp a, weekend trip;, to Terrace. Anglican w. A, tea at home of Mri."Jarvis McLeod Thiirsday. Au-gust 24. Ilomecooklnl. ' Everybody 1 Mist Marv Cnm ad lna returned Miss Dorothy Balltnger, who has tothtifjron yetoy afternoon's! " ' "imiuBH noiKHty mnnjjiu imp irucn a wecK-ena inp to. Terrace. Nt timed to the city from TerrtweV the interior noon's train Dont forget the bis fleht at i Moose Hall at 8 30. Ringside $.100. Misses Murtei and Edith Brew- "one row tm'.cony 11.00; erton returned to the city on yea- iterdmy afternoon's train after hav ing spent the week-end at Ter race John Dybhavn and D. B. Finn sailed this afternoon on the (Mala for Vancouver where they will at- I tend a meettng of the BaeMte Coast ; sub-executive committee ot the Bl ological Board of Canada. Teacher of Round Steak. 2 lbs. Carrots, l'buneh ... llambe rer SVk, 2 lbs, Carrots, bunch Boneless1 Stew Beef 3-lbs Boiling Beet 3 lb Carrots, 1, buitfh . ShouMer.Lnmb. & lbs. Turnips, 2 lbs. Loin Lamb Chops-- 2 bs. .: Lolii Pok; Chop 2 UW. - Loin YiXJl Chops 2 lbs. . Liver, t lb. Biooa i lb. Run Roast of Beef.-. ' per lb. ......'.':.:..... Prime Ilb Rolled per lb'. Fowl each tut Ht.ittl ,,k!-T; other nee VIOLIN andTHEORY Phone Q 31 Socoitd A venae- West 196 Owing ,to the ciyjehalf-iiollday. the Poet Oiff?? Wlkel are closed his atterhooti. The'pTiblic lobby remains open until 8 pm. Mike Httdcma returned to th- -city on yfettaday afternoon s train from a basin ss trip to Terrace arkJ other interior poU. Mrs. W. J. McCutcheon and daughter. Miss Violet McCutcheon retur sx t the otfor oh yesterday afterneon's train trip tb Terrace. from a week-end O. P. Lyons of the Cansdian Fish & Cold Storage Co. office staff re-Mrtted- to the city on -yesterday af-'exnoon's train after spending the week-end at Terraee. J H Horton. cashier tor the Canadian National Bxpreas Co . re- turx-edi tothd city on-yesterday al- tetnoon'a XtaAi after spencUng Dm week-e6 at Temee, Us Tomas WnBace arrived lr 'he city ess yesterday atteraoons trai feeos Sufutystde oarusery and WiU be. the guaet here (or a tew (tajp o Mja O. A. Bwaat Fourth AvatMft West. r AstUM of Anyox arrived In the city o the Qatala this morning irom the smelter town ind wfll proceed by trttn tomorrow evening to Cttleago lo atten he Century of Procress exnos; tlon Tromas Kaye. official of the Union Oi) Oo'who is on one k iSbi periodical trjps norts on com this afternooji for Butedale whew he will proceed to hfc headquarters 'n Vancouver Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957, 35c 25c 25c 25c 75c 45Q 35q 35c 25 c lac 15c 5C I Annettes Carnival Sale Wedaesday Only Clearance All Summer Dresses Regardless of cost. There are dresses here suitable for all occasions. This is truly ah excptfon'aTtiargairi ( No Try-ons. l$p Charges) Hats Every Summer Hat in the store to go. regardless of cost. Carnival Sale Special; 5Qc Capt W F Wake-Walker OBE ommander of H MB. Dragon, and Or. A. S Lamb, travelling provin- ial health of Ocar, were guests at! .he regular weekly luncheon oi he Prince Rupert Oyro Club in he Commodore Cafe today, both, pea kin briefly REMEMBER 2 pkga. per tin P.O. Box 575 Deal at MUSSALLEM'S Where Dollars Have .More Cents" Special Attention to Boat and Out OI Town Orders KELLOOO"S ALL BRAN ORAE NUT FLAK 6 2 PKft. - BAKINQ SDA-l's pet m. CORN MEAL s Pt sCk MAPLiJ SYRUP 37-oa. ttn JAP RICE-3-lb. pkg. per pkg. TOASTED, CUESpp 'THINS per pkg. NABOB BAKING POWDER OOp v. pv .. pAyHySi LUNCH TOXQV? 7-os.. per- tin . 23c 23c 14c 27c 73c 18c 13c 23c HAPPY YALE MCKLES OOn . V V. . 4., V Don't forget preserving APRICOTS are nearly finished get yours now. We carry aU Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season. MUSSAOTS Economy Store M7-19 Third Avenue West Phone, la. e giaussssssssssssssaWaBansseBBaassssBSisssieMss i aBBaBBgasssjaMBBBaamnefsgssK Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 : CHRYSLER Sedan, good condition II. A I. IL..I. 0H' . r FOR SALE good office sae. CSn be seen at Dally News.' ' tt FOR SALE House, 4 rooms, and ; bath. In good condition. Apply m Fifth Avenue East. 196 .-- ht TOR, SALE - 160. acr. Lot 5?7 Ringe 5, Kltsumkalnra jlQ &n acre. Terms. By H. Uv5ov 35 Lee Bldg.. Vaiicouver. ' Ili HOUSES-F. f. Hart, t BUSINESS, girl has room to rent oc suite to share. Central location. Phone Oreen ii after 6 pjt Wrlto P.O. Be 99.3. . GOOD Locatlotf foreman -tostnes? CLAPP Bulldlne ADts.. 4 rooms. PAINTERS AINTINO and Paperhangin( Holler, Phone Red 802. NOTICE CIIAKLI.S sSlITII DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN thst sil pmom hsvng clMma mgaliut the Eatote ot riuries titi) t9cscrly or JTmtr in lh froruice ot Bcblah ColumW. Uo dted 09 the Sh Uy ot MT. 1933. srt mulrel on ot befort the asui dty of September 1S&3, to (Jrllrer or Mad by pivpsld lettor full partloulsrs of their oUlms duty verified to TitE RO YAIi TRUST COMPANX: AdmlnUtnMr of the EMW of- tbe asid Ctuule South !ctecud. Jt IU otrk tifi Wwit Peoder Street. Vrtcour. BO. AND TAKE NOTICE that after th. tMt menttoiied. dtta ti Admlntotrtter ttUt proceed to diotHtUIr the Hnet ot the 'DecetJWd amous the persona en- tWlM thrato, havliw regard only to' th olalaia ot h)h It atall UisB nat i $2 .00 SpiMRR SHOES Clearing all Summer Shoes, Ties, ' - ' T-Straps, 7 Wl - 4HI - -SmVV Sandals, patent Pumps, Satin Q4 A A SlippersEtc'.;. Ca&uTaTSale Spec. V-l-VU - skit ii .z-':'-'? r-.r- W- " HOSE '. Elfish. Hose., all rm shad.es, sizea81 to. 10 O A p Re. value (9c; Carnival Sale Only . . . u7 STUD- EARINGS Novelty Stfld Eearings Carnival iSaie Special . . 25c WEDNESDAY ONLY, AUG. 23 Annette s Ladies's Wear Co. Ltd. (The Store of the Better; Dressed For Less) Classified Ads FOR SALE HAIRDRESSER PERLtXEXT WAVING! OH- t3M. "Rlnjlette" f5.0o, .cion-j ueauiy anoppe TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furnl-J . tore moving, wood, coal, chairs for rent. t .- - - f it tt t'MlCK CILVTTEL AIOBTOACB- I hcrebr offer tor fit Dy aodr ornate M tjt si tnn ooc. 7 trot tix n- fit MSdUi sod then tit A 5ACRinCE-ln Vktoria-artt.-.LS.U 2 Uo bungalow anj a wonderful n.. ia sn vtuch n loataUnn mh) WflMa qt choice flwes uJ- I1". 'STJJJ. varaea street, De lOQaiuy m ram tetrage osean; LtmiMd u tk. Bay. Price $tS0O, Terms. Phew ' '. Ruwrv no, mn fil by my Mittt tar cMtott ia 292. FOR RENT y'itijaM uD4sr my caMtei sarttMK Ttoaws vttfKiifdbyateTlttsl-t as-sr f- flee rf UtSktaoM. Hmrm. Pitace supm. b c . pjj. oa v,doMdMr. u atea Jy f AugiMi lass, btahrat or any teMMe w oeewnni PATfe m Prince Itufcert, ISth dy ot Ausims. lfSi, lea Brevn Si istsstt aT B O, this V1Y1AM; UST riltNTB MIElVb CLAIM OrlMKestf ol ImftrainnrnU ", TAKE NOTICE thM I, W. H. Msaoa. in centre ot the new builcesl LT ovate to. suit tenant, Rent only $20 a month. McClytnont. t to uw Ulntac cm ot tnicjvwmiw. of obtatBlng a erows ssr a for Ukt IT as turthtr tsk aattce ths uneMr SfcMa SS of tbt Mtoma Alt Monarch range $I7 5' and Q4?0- or mch crtfi of impromMnu. 9 rooms over Ttte's store $20.00; Dm asm July. isss. S rnrtm- Ant nvAr Hrilrman Jt 1 Ker Store. $15. H. O. Hrtgerson f& TSlT - - Ltd.. agent. 193 i DATED at Vancouver. B.C., tbu JJth day of July 183J. ROBEBTB0N DOUOLAS k 8 TUTS (HO Psnder Btfwet Wvat, Vanoouver, B.C. Bdlcltora tor The Royal fruit Company WATER NOTICE S TAKE NOTICE that J a Woodvcrth. ojdrMa SS57 IVrtnS Otey Rod. Vaooou-if. BC.fwUl apply for a Itoenas to Use 4&jt u J00 ea. N. per aaoand. sad itort 150.000 acre feet out of Outnt take Into Burt Inlet. Thta betsg Ui tjeeoaditlonuif of conditional wmter t otaa 1731 ThU water vUl be uaedfor power yurpoees, Thia apttot WM puatej TTm iretiod on the Usmeeosh fisy of June. IMS. A oopy af tats no Lttce and an applieaUoa pumuaat Uvere-and to the "Walrr A of wUl be gded lfi the oTOoe ot the water recorder Prtnee Rupert. Objeotlona to the ap-(HetkMon1 a lay be Nled wttB tbe aald waiter rcoMck't- or wtth the Ooniutroller Water Rlgfeta. PartUmeat BvktlfiiK Vttork, DC within thirty days' itter U km ot thto notice la Jolt 17. 1, & WOODWORTH. Appi leant eadatche often relieved Without "dosmg" pyf wTg MM. tioaf' JAB$U$tO Yf Alf .11 Ml , i .i ' ii . .; .iiii ii aw l . i l i i I . i ; I