FACIE TWO THE DAIliY NEWS HUB Tor nb at all dmr tad t"''i itorra V TU T Milbun Co. U4 . TvroaU, 0i. Slbnrach Trouble After Her Meals, MiK. OllingwooJ MaTnani, Pert. Hill. N.H., vrit: "I aulTfrfJ from I -pajui iu my rtuaiack, and head If he, afler rating iut iiieala. A frifnd adviei 1M to tSa Bunftxk Mood UiUera, ami k,fUr hav(fi done to I found a tT$ cha nge in me. Now I cmh iiii any trouble with my itouiafh, and' he Uthf art a thitg of ih yt. ' ' maif aiartuW fur Uu paat tt jaan. THE DAILYi NEWS. PRINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except (Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, "l'hlrd Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Ma Wing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION kThS City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly pejrtod, paid In advance . 6XW For lesser psrlods. paid In advance, per week 10. Ey mail to all parts of British Columbia.' the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year . - u ,JIU 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line . Local readers, per Insertion, per line Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion 1.4i Contract rates pa application. Advertising and Circulation Telepuene .$ Editor and Reporters' Telephone , Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION NATIONAL POET Bobbie Burns is the Scottish national poet but he is more than that. He has become a national institution, part and parcel of Scottish life, influencing the whole trend of the people who live or whose ancestors lived north of the Tweed. It is probable that no other country in the world has so adopted a poet as its national hero, who annually hold high festivities in his honor and who religiously study his verses, eulogizing the best and apologizing for the worst 1 per word ., 8 J Thursday, Jan. 26, 1933 PARTNERS v us years IRISH SITUATION Apparently Ireland has decided to carry on in its position of isolation from its closest neighbors. Nationalism has overcome monetary considerations, it would seem, al though the results are not all m and until the final returns are reported little can be said. Judging from today's returns it would seem as if de Valera will again be president but at the will of the Labor party which fcept him in power for a time and then threw him out, later declaring again in his favor. The people of Canada and die Bank of Montreal are partners today, as ihcy have been for 115 years and as they wil) be in the future. Hundreds of thousands of depositors entrust their money to the Bank to be kept in safety and to carri interest. The Bank lends these .deposits,-under proper banking safeguards, to facilitate sound business. You are cordially invited to make uje of the strength and manifold banking facilities of this institution. BANK OF MONTREAL Establiihcd $817 hiau orrics MQNTKMl TOTAL ASSI.TS IN iXCISS OF $70,0O000 Rriitce Rujcrt Rranctij F, A, MacCAU.UJVL 'Gold Production Increased in 1932 But Other Mining Declined According to Official Report I JU i u.jiiiiiii "Ocncral Summary py John P- Palloway, Provincial Mbicrulojilati The gross vhUh? af the. mfpew) m-oduetiqu the pro-y,nc far Ift'j&is s4iyitMl at.$2G,G7f.Gi7, a decline from the output in 10.31 of $8,207,604, or 23',, The following , table shows the estimated output for 132 and ixminarativt? , fibres for 1931; "." Product 1931 Gold, lode, pa, 140.039 Gold, placer, oz. 17,176 6ilw!r, oz. ?,524,32Q Copper, lb 63,194,299 ' Leul, lb 248,733,508 Zinc, lb, : ., 205,p7,247 Coal, tons 12240 U. 1.707,500 Structural materials Mis. Metala and Minerals Total The deciease in production value? to be vpad owin to Jowerj r.H ,mnii., .o.it. , . ,UW wwMO fins, copper. ad oul, anjj Uic 1 rtiuctlona work. On the other hndJ alargelncxewsmprded;utbuton frorn t. n gold V a uaUied proojetfon. ,he Br,,ome MlflM L,m. l"!!,eaif,v, wed with 1931. ,0' SUvrir eM,PUl ProUvctlon M, T11- b flre Tiu- ,n Fe lb, of the Reno mill showed only a slight decline. In :pwductton Irom tnU properbu, the fa.ee of voprfdentecJy se-1 . and ,7,, yere economic condl lons e In- , rwnU c dustxy hAS beea maintained m a torger t satisfactory manner. ,n ,933 tUn nlr The increase output 0( fld nUnUfd , tndlca lo activity slight ra, of a M1 talcinj place In marching for and,s prodUfK, a bv.pr(Hlucl ' or developing gold properUe Th, copper.mInJng. owt to 0BrU. mj with ...w . .n. compared $3,310,836 In 1931. is an increase of 25 percent The province during 1932 was sold on , P ! the basis of paympnt In American LT W a Afdine f funds. By agreement with the 'aun3,? ounffi " emnrtl' wlth l- Tl Dominion Bureau of Statistics gold prfnclpal. proilufiw production in fine ounces is valued f e thf 8,n 8 Ptem1 in Canadian dollars for SU'tirtlcal mlnf,! The WaW Mauntaln sl!-purposes. as It is considered .tend- vf' P. Orettrwotf MWtU W-ard money, rather than a com- maintained pn-iuble pk- modlty. During the year, the so- duct,on at V w called premium or advantage to ? a"d. JvelopmmJhas mom tne "' producers In selling gold on the 'wW. basis of American funds approxl- ,Lper vfouied at 48.- mated 13 per cent Tie trmlum 600 000 Pund howKl a marked to British Columbia producer Gfcll"e tmm 3.194.299 pound-s therefore amounted to approxl- Produce4 Ml 1931. Praetfcally the mately $538,000. making the total return to the producers In terms of Canadian fund. about $4JR8. 000. This Is an increase of 40 por . ; AJawagcr Quantity Value 193.2 1931 r 1932 184.350 $ 3.810.C4C 19,412 291J92 330.001 7,200,000 2.247.514 2.280.672 43,600,000 5,289,303. 3..06i71C 3,000,000 6j742p2 5, 16,730 130000.000 372Q 3,14529 1,500,543 7,034,155 6.37729 3,653,300 1.750.000 818161. 500.000 $34,883,181 $26,675,517 ce11 over tfcc value In j9J1 figured n me same way M in that year the premium was Cjjjtc small. loqc gold output is signer be cause of an Increased return from th PinnpAr anH i uihatontlal iwin menl tonnage treated. Mnv ssmall gold prepertie contributed to the total production. copper proauwKm of the Prince is made byjthe Oranby Company' mine at A$yx and the Br"&ni- Prastl jflf Ailment at the latter caused most-of the de- crease In predueiion. The contin ued operation of the.4e tnloe ! threatened by the Heeot duty imposed on copper entedhg the Wnl-ted States, when the output h pevJoaly been marketed. Other market are bng sought but the fUtMp U vburp. The lead output for the year L ' estimated at 253,000.090 pounds as eomoared with 248.78808 pound, iin 1931. Thl larg tonnage U pro-duted almot BUrely by Mm SulU-: van mine of the 9oooltd.ted Oompany it In noteworthy and . encoursjjing that despite a lower. , price for lead, that the CojiMikU-ited Owwny ws yble to eonnu-, production at 'a s41htlr hKr.ei inte than in 1931. Jt ti waders tno(. !tte)t the sale of Uie flifttal havo jktpt pate with the output. I ?in praductlon for the yoar i , ertlmated at UO.mOOa. pawd Wfiyjrd with TMjniWJ nouods In. 193 J Almrt ihr ettfe qutvut WM ajide b the EUlUlyan mine Jpnd tHe 1-et; , decline widue to ! dlfileuU ttndani1.on mark ,.etf$ir the metal. The. produoUan Qf boat If tti-mated at 10048 long Una as compared wiUi lJ07jo (n 1931. a deoline oi J21. I)i.rl)t Uw frst Mt of th-s year the oHtpit of cl jlnnregiec; as rompared with the j PWWidln perwtd It) 1031. but , tjlfs X'l w.ay mialtlejubh; in ic I eooad JH 0 Oiee Tf.e wu-se rc the lowered We of .11-dHlry arid Uye taooiyimy" mtua- nrqs ow In vogue. Neverthftss. lo- .col coaj is now capturing a larger so? 01 inp avaium fytl buine.x in JJritiHi -CcJumbla, and with im proved general conditions, ooal 1 . . .if RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE jmoa, LTD. MUCH FUN FLYING IN TINY PLANE pan QMe nd llank Corners in .AiacUUie.-r-i-'r IWtween I'lane and Motorcycle LONDON, Jan. 26:-Brttlsh pjlota1 Jve dlsooyeied : ' sportracing roiuui a speedway, marked out by pylons erected on tle aexodroane. j "ultra llgltf" airpjanei Oflvep y :ix h.p. motorcycle engines. Tour of tle tiny niacins, which apparenUy blend most suc-es(yUy qualtyes of the gltfer and the powered airplane, demonstrated at Hanworth Air park, nea,r London a degree of eatty control In the band of sUUod and unpractised i pljou alike which astonished experts who watched the races. Men like Flight Lieutenant stabv-forth, holder of the world's tceJ acord, and C. W. A. Scott, famous 'or his fast flights between England ind Australia, deelare that flylnjc he tittle craft affords them endless Measure. On the other hand. KAiP Dsn, who had not flown tor moje than lp yearA showed the eould be handled with ease and assurance by hands .which had inevitably (tone "rusty," in fact, his quick aud affective turning methods actually broufht him victory In one heat -er the profound knowledge and kill of Stalnforth. Much of the undoubted safety of the "ultra light" plane reatdss in IU low speed.. Maximum speed attauv hie Is only 43 miles an hour, and 'andlng speed is about 18. Handling uaHUea are admirable; pilots kimmcd the graas on turns, some ' tmes "wheeling" Utc ratty wHh on vheel on the around while still maintaining flying speed. They flew 1 nthe race at height above the 7 round of never more than 30 or 40 .feet, and the quickest manoeuvre seemed to Involve no difficulties. Olyen a large enough field, an intelligent and fit Individual could trobably teach himself to fly one of 'hem: whh instruction none should "ike kmrer than an hour or two to aln sufficient mastery of the rna-hlne. POirlHMPSON Two Port Qunpea boys, Aav ire Ryan and Bertie Dennis, are! In the aotpUal sglferlng tsofa Uu ef tests at fyeposur. yttsk tfrtw uftard wbes) tbeir boat eapigaasX an Suaday etetuag. wtae they; were aniaged in troUlng A Her a shark ha fpuld thair fMitn ?ear and upcet on o Jp beys, tM stVer rpt,ed (aut to assist and hi upset. It was growing dark ad after e turd strunjle tibough the -huly watais they twaived to make the beach. Searchers easy In tbe night amI thy were bgih found stiff ?i1qc Irani exiMHurc a4gd. wire rushed to the hospital J KLyvhW will V found a pat of .icwly elected oXla'ers 04 the f) worth lepue ai the Port Suuoa Undted .Clpsh. The Ieague Hat heen UtPHttlgb'y Jiefgalsd alom 'he Uses Qf aU U Other orgonit-A$ons in tjv Upited Qhurch JlY. V. Svi?tmv U)e pastor, hao ehasgc of the election. The Lillian D.. of the Forestry Dept.. was in port In the eourac of an Inspection trip north. Mrs. Peckr W4U was hosteat to a sadk) evening at hopic. at which the broadcast fsom Ketohlkan. rendeced by mtny of the native boys of Ketchikan, was enjoyed. ma,ny of the numbers being dedl-oated to Port Slmpwn people, and during the afternoon. Jimmy Thomas, guitar artist, dedicated and plyd several of Ids selecttons. eapesUtly for the Port Sampson General Hospital, both to the staff and Inmates. production would soot) register an upww dtrend. The valuiiof strgcttiral malerisjs provced is eetma.ted at $1,750,000. a decline of over 50 per cent as jompared with the valuatloii for 1931. This heavy decree reflects Uie wellf known fact that constructional and building activity, which were well-maintained In 193, slumped severely Ifi 1932. The output if Miscellaneous Metals and Minerals Is estimated to have pad a value af appjou mately $500,000. a deellne from the figure of $818,161 In 1931. Lowered outputl of gypsum, cadmium, and flux for smelting operations largely account for the drop In the figures. EXPORTS OF PULP WOOD Sweden Takes Third Place In WurM Cominy Next to Canada In Production STOCKHOLM. Sweden, Jan. 2: Sweden takes third place as a producer of wood pulp but is the lend-l - a--a I 1 the world market MWdu a f7 i TTu .r, oi-inM,. quantity of wood pulp produced In Jae ,wij dia normally about 1000, 000 tons, dry weight. Among the Kitflueers of wood pulp America heads the list wtth about one tuarier of the world produoMon. but iuume odBctderably naore or Uut 30'-' of the totU production nd covers 40r. of IU excess con-uro4Jon from Sweden In the second tlae iu a producer comes un4u wlU 2 to J4' vf the wtrld production but exports about 26' ; 0 Its output. Swiden comes third as a producer wtth 14 to 1 of the world production and exports' about 7P'l of Its output or about 1.-500,000 tons with an average yalu for ts past esjtht years of appjoai-mately 260.00000 kronor. Wood pulp heads the list oi Swr den's export items with 10,1"' of the total export, next comes paper with $M". . then sawn and planed wood wtth 7.451 and Iran .ore wtth S.19. hese figures all referring to 1001. The liapqri Is more widely UaVl-i duted over a greater nuraber of commodities of which coal comes first with 4 Ml oi the total lm-oofi, followed by tstaeral ells with Wi .tfvm and berrtes wtth JJ . :offe yiUtx 3.717 an dautoiqpbUee with 3.4 . The tfur for the total vohMae of Sweden's foreijrn trade tor 19t2 wruch at not yet coraplsie ydll pcotably show a decrease in cornnarison with the preceding year owing to the gonontl trade depressioD. SPORT CHAT IMd You Know . many a good luck charm was tu n by Ulytnpk atMetea? ihai Biastuans sewed sr. all hand-iuaped charms, oalled (laas. u. Use jcauts oi their track pants, white Uie Japanese ate maenlknrt, or victory chestnuts, and the Danes com-oeo the hair of their mascot, which .iappnd to be a pink and white toy rhjat one of the Tvhyo (Japan) ftervepapers sent 11 correspondents e cover the Olympics and spent $1 J0O per day to have the stories tabled to Japan. That Jee McCarthy Is the only Big .League baseball manager who has p Uoted a team to the pennant in ooth leafues It is lime to mark up the score for iMI, one o to best worth resneen-jerlng years in all the long and colorful History of sportive cotnpe-itton. Here are some of the sport .uandouu that help make It memorable The breaking of outstanding re-cosds at the Olympic Oumrs at Los Angeles, which was hailed the big-et success of any athletic show ever staged in baseball, the winning by t)n New York Yankees of their seven Ui American League pennant and thru .htfd World Championship. - In tennis, the rise or young Ellsworth Vines to undisputed wiki leadership. In winter apu,iUs Mie thni:n comiwtltlon provided b Uie diym pic Winter Oninca ut lake PU' is New Yoik. In boxing, the uuuiog .,f m World's heavy weli In . .iimplon -hl); by Jack Sharkey from Max Sclum . tn. Tte lutve pwri so rnany new StaTHUWdS set that tiie ..urtKjmUt ;vr reqrdhook will now need u iho-ough revision. FiukrM, Uie homeland of the great Paavo Nurml. Is a country "led hot" for athletics. Not only lias It produced sont wonderful at.h lotes but the sport fans show a high Interest and keen enthusiasm at the vorlous events. Of course Finland Is handicapped by her climate but even in spit of her long winters she has one hundred and fifty baeball clubs Of course Finland's chief sport Is skiing and about three thousand athletes try yearly for the national skiing championship UUe. In Finland if a youth shows any totKlency towards snort lie i alvMn every bit of encouragement awl ri skirt MAalkt. Thursday, January 2fl. low Prince Rupert s Beats Vancouver In One Respect The Vancouver Province of cent 4t hak an arti. le tellinx fori- generations In one home tii of t!.v Liamhk ia-nlly at 2043 c linnwood. Naturally Mayo: S' !itn c: nnot allow I us record 1. UnlikM its satruri mbii -iIIa.! a 1 , V. 011-Ul i having four RrruUns of : mp name In on house. But ,... ,. ollfl he.tB, two,, tk., Hu ts the complex record. At 4!t Bmmerson Place, rrs t,. Np-s. Annie Stcyliens. tlfl; her ,( Mayer M. M Stephen., W Fn! 11. Stephens. SI: Fred H hens, Jr.. 6. making the four . eratlons. without chanicc of 11.1:: and three eldest sons On the same utrrct and in ' same blok live Mrs OIskm t Beimeraon P1.k. daughter Mayor 8U pti'-n- ami hrr 1 little son.' Ar.hur :tnd Knink :i n fOjaUing tin Vernon .uid Edr.--ton lecords Officers of United Church Port Simpson PORT SIMPSON. Jan 2 t: newly elee'ed offirrr-. of the p.. ismtpton Ep worth League o! in. United Church of Caiutd lr ; year isVU, follows Direclpr of Lelershlp Trulni! Rev. Victor H Bantu -n President O A Johnson Vlce-Preaktem Wm Bampaon TreasiirVr R P Dudoward 8erretrjrMr Rim Ocii Convenor of Devotional Commr tee- David Swanwn Convenor of Missionary Drpn- ment Henry Pier-e Convenor of Otlxenhlp tpi: ment Joseph Mather Convenor of RoMal and Utn Degwrtment Prtrr Ryan Organurt Charlie Pierce Councillors 8am Bnett. H nt-ssaent. ruvr (Jreen. J Reasr; Pto'llp Ginn J.rl.i, Rradlsy. MailSchaduIe 'bi (he rSsst Monday and Friday 8 Sfl .1 rr Wednesday SO a rti vrin the lassv Tussday Thurvlsr and 8nt'ir day u m er VsiHiMver Tuesday . 11:30 orti Thorsiny . f pn Friday 11 PI!. om Vanrouvrr fnndav pro Werinwtdiy 9:30 a m Friday p 111 r Siwrt and Anr Sunday . 7 pm Wednesday 3 p m rvm Seart and Aniret Tuesdav ... 11 80 a m Thurdv 8 p Ml r (iween Miarlnllrw Jaiuiirv 1:1 uid .'7 9 p 11 rem ()uern f OsrluUes January 11 and 25 .1 r for Nsa Itlvrr and l'or HimpMtn S'.mdav 7 11 t-T rprn Nas It.vcr and Port Slrr.pion Tn dr. . ; , COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta nnl Uulkley Valley Coals are guarun teed to give satUfactlon Try a ton of No. 1 Botkfey valley. W also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Uarley. Prince Ktinert Feed Co. lu" 58 - Plionei - 538