TOTS J) AIL Y NEWS PAOE TOUR Week-End Specials Delicious Apples $1.75 35-lb. box Eggs Fresh Extras 55c in cartons, 2 doz. Swifts Back Bacon-sliced, 15c per lb. Malkln's Best COFFEE 1-lb. tin 40c Roger's Syrup 45c 5-lb. tin Crestwood Creamery Butter HEZp d-IU. Ui it IV Kellogg's All Bran 20c per pHg Malkln's Best WHOLE CLAMS per tin 15c Swift's PURE LARD 3-lb. Un 40c Quaker Sweet Corn- 2's QCn 2 tins Columbia Peas--Size 1 15c per tin Malkln's Best TOMATOES large tin. 2 for 25c Choice Black Figs 3 lbs. 25c Rolled Oats Five Roses 35c 8-lb. sack Heinz Tomato Soup 15c Medium size tin Oold Dust Washing Powder 25c large pkg. . Alberta Market Phone Your Order We Dellve !!l GAMULA. P-oprietor Fifth Street Phone 20- Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and MlnlngMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point The long-winded correspondent has no place in modern Journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of dcbaU. Advertise tn Um Dally Newfl, MUSIC CLUB GATHERING Burns and Mendelssohn Subjects of Study by Ladies at Mrs. Millar's Home The regular meeting of the La dles' Music Club was held yester day at the home of Mrs. William Millar, Sixth Avenue. Mrs. R L. Mcintosh presided over the gathering which was well attended. Mrs. W W. Anderson and Mrs. Johnstone were welcomed as WATTS' VALUES For the Week-End URE LARD 10c per 1-lb. pkg WABOB COFFEE S2.10 per 5-lb. tin SALT Plain or Iodized 10c per shaker SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE o vsisa - MAPLE SYRUP Pride or 57c Canada, per quart tin rOMATO SOUP Campbell's 7p AiC 2 tins. PURE JAM Strawberry or Rasp- berry, Purity Brand 45c per 4-lb. Un X5GS. B.C. FRESH EXTRAS Qf!p Solly's' Guaranteed. 3 doz.oul' GRAHAM WAFERS Red OQp OATCAKES 16c per 1-lb. pkg. SWIFTS COTTAGE ROLLS average weight 6 lbs. CHATEAU CHEESE 17c per 2-lb. pkg." SEEDLESS RAISINS Call 38c fornia, new stock. 3 lbs. CASTILLE SOAP Large 9c bars, each BULK SOAP FLAKES 21c 2 lbs. FRESH DATES 25c 4 lbs. ! ICINO SUGAR' ; 17c per 2-lb. pkg. ...i Fresh Fruits & Vegetables SPITZ ENBERO APPLES 99 p Unwrapped. 5 lbs. per box $1.13 LEMONS, Saturday only. doz. 21c HOTHOUSE RHUBARB, per lb. 10c Fine OKANAOAN ONIONS 8 lbs 25c CALIFORNIA LETTUCE 1 1 XXV large heads, each Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS" guests for the day. Splendid papers on Felix Mendelssohn, composer, and Robert Burns, poet, were prepared and read by Mrs. Millar, who had charge of the program. The study of Burns was very fitting, it being his natal day. The following program was en-Joyed: Vocal duet, "Ye Banks and Braes" (Burns), Mrs. F. Oood and Mrs. C. E. Cullin. Piano solo, "Allegro Non Troppo," Op. 52, No. 2 i Mendelssohn), Mrs. W. L. Stamford. Recitation, "To Mary In Heaven" (Burns), Mrs. C. C. Perry. Vocal solo, "Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond" (Burns), Mrs. J. H. Carson. Violin solo, "Spring Song" (Mendelssohn), Miss N. Lawrence. Vocal duet, "The Cauld Blast" i Mendelssohn), Mrs. W. Crulck- shar.k and Miss Halllwell. Piano solo. "Sonar Wlthiut Words" On 3Q iMenHalHnhnl Mre W M I Blacks tock. Vocal solo. "Comin' Thro' the Rye" i Burns!, Mrs. J. H. McLeod. Accompanists for the afternoon were Mrs. J. S. Black, Mrs. C. E. Cullin. Mrs. W. L. Stamford and Mrs. W. M. Blackstock. Tea was served at the close by the hostess. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh and Mrs. C. E. Cullin poured and assisting the hostess were Mrs. W. L. Stamford and Mrs. F. Allen. O. V. Hanley will sail for the south tonight aboard the steamer Prince Rupert. "NOT CONSTIPATED FOR SEVEN WEEKS" Writes Mrs. Johnson After Using Kellogu'a All-Bran Sufferers from constipation will be interested in tbit unsolicited letter: "Yoor All-Bran surelr relieves constipation. I am so glad over the. good it has don me that I feel I must write and tell you of it "For lunch I talc a banana, a large one. Six tablespoons of AlX-BaAN in a sauce dih, and dip banana at each bite until all Is consumed. I haven't been consti- ated now for seven weeks. Mrs. ouise Johnson. (Address furnished upon request) Constipation often causes headaches, loss of appetite and energy, sleeplessness. This condition Is usually due to lack of "bulk" to exercise the intestines, and vitamin B to further promote regular habits. Kellogg's Aix-Bkan has both, as well as iron for the blood. The "bulk." in AluB&an it much like that in leafy vegetsbles. Within the body, it forms a soft mass. Gently, it clears out the wastes. Try All-Bran m place of patent medicines often harmful. Two tablespoonfuls daily will overcome most types of constipation. Chronic cases, with each meal. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Use as a cereal, or in eooklng. Recipes on the red-and-green pack-age. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. . 1 v b r a i -: a 1. I IM 1UAU Pit rurM - 1 ''TILUE THE TOILER" I r v mi s CROOKS w . HK I -SOC T1CA1NS For the East Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays - 9:30 p.m. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p.m. Dr. Magulre. local dentist, will sail on the Prince Rupert this evenlne for southern points. He will visit as far south as Portland. Oregon. Phone 953 Phone 953 De Jong s Cash and Carry Specials For Friday and Saturday Aylmer Tomatoes 2's 21c 2 tins for Ensign Sweet Peas 23c 2 tins for Sunlight Soap 18c per carton Malkln's Best Tia 38c ' per 1-lb. pkg Lynn Valley Peaches 17c I per tin North Star Lard 64c per 3-lb. pail Evaporated Prunes Medium 21c sice. 3 lbs, for ... Heini Tomato Catsup 2 botUdaifor . Corned Beef 25C 2 Una fpr Li ....... Shelled Almonds i per lb-c 1 . Weston's Gfeam Sodas In Pantry Shelf Pails . ..... Malkln's Beat Whole BABY BEETS per tin 21c Robbie Burns' Scotch OATCAKES tr 1 Qp pkg. Navel Oranges Med. sise Robin Hood Rapid Oats 25c With China, per pkg. Swansdown Cake Flour 29c per pkg Ready Out Macaroni or 25c Vermicelli. 3 pkgs. for Shredded Wheat 21c 2 pkgs for Crlaco 71c per 3-lb. tin Honor Memory Of Scots' Poet (Continued from Page 1) chairman, Rev. W. D. Grant Hol-llngworth, W. M. Blackstock, Thomas McClymont and W. W. C. O'Neill. The Toasts Responding to the toast of "The Immortal Memory," Mr. Blackstock remarked that In every land on that evening there were gatherings of Scotsmen, and others not so favored, to honor the memory of Robert Burns. No other man in the world had taken hold of the imaginations of so many as had the Scottish bard Poems had been written in his honor and most people knew something about him and his poems. He pro posed, however, to try to shed new light on the life of the man. His real name was Burness and he was born in a little clay-built cottage on the banks of the Doon. A few days after his birth the cottage was blown down but the child was not injured. His father was a man of high char acter, a hard worker but unfortunate in the choice of farms, tor the soil was unproductive. However, he gave Bobble a good religious education and the lad proved to be an apt scholar, outdistancing all rivals. He associated with schoolmasters and was educated in the history of Scotland. Mr. Blackstock then spoke of a number of the well known poems ntoh as Colter's Saturday Night, a poqm which even an Englishman .night read and enjoy. The story of Burns' struggle for recognition was told numerously and interestingly and mention was made of the fact that the author tried to recover trie manuscript of some of the verses he had written but failed to do so. One of these was Holv Willie's Prayer" which save I offence to many.' Trie speaker atxcd tne people to I rwnember tne tlmest in which Bums uvea. Most oi we people were Jacobites. I ..... The poet to most people was 1 & a' a 1 revoiuiwnm. uaa ne uvea uxmj Ii he would have been a eommutitot. nc urn. enwuy autyiig pour pvii tr and wrote about them As to the drinking of which he Is accused. It b a general custom of (he country at that time. Eventually Burns Joined a company of volunteers and when he died was burled with military honors. Other Addresses Thomas McClymont spoke fan-mprously and well for Bonnie Scotland in reply to the toast He mentioned the many jokes st their expense which they all enjoyed. Incidentally he thanked the ladlos for the fine entertainment they had provided. Rev W. D. Grant Hollingworth gave an eloquent address on Canada and W. W. C. O'Neill anlsed the bonnle lasses of Scotland, the turn of whom Burns was fond. The evening closed with the tinting of Auld Lang Syne. Duty Rewarded! Udnidav & Thursday CHAWd-IS Vr HACMcSiy I'M W?V Vv M CT Suspicious Actions 1 .lild -TBKII-t rgat A nvn SHOWS 7 &. 9:10 Feature starts 7:15 St 9:25 Admission 15C & auc i AiTfliiiTi'if imwin-i icmvo - i u I, DRAMATIC THRILLS iliti Thursday, January :j. Feature start. . .. rtiimission , 15c A ;, a;ii'ii m a w . . i n i ij mm Alia nm VVJLll llUHlJh. xiTi n linurnu I ........ Willi UUKUIIll juium;, ?w.n.iv o w.i, i.i,nis STOxr lut JIMMY Dl'KANTE. A Metro Picture Musical "EGYPTIAN MELODIES" PARAMOUNT Ntyj PAL NITK TWO ADl'LTS ON ONE TICKET FRIDAY Si SATURDAY "THE BROADCAST . .......4. ii ir,.i- Jr-nL- CORDIAL Sustains Stir nthm mt - rirwvt.'T,n. DEPRESSION PRICES Ekb Coals, per ton $11.00 & M15n (Not Nut Coal) Lump Coal, per ton $1.3 Loose Coal, $1.00 per ton less All Coals arc in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 The Fish which made "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD rim' Prince Rupert Famom Westover. Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. .C. Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It doud pay to buy advertised. IF T HAOM-T B6EM I I DON'T I V IT'S 7CZ TT GOZH - 1 Vk3u ftCAUuyl 1. I VcaU, amd l MFV 1 SV?U . Mvp- 7l 'T"1" ...( ur i Trei m i t vm r v- wn, i ---an a ask. m ma m i. . i i .it . m i as .a a mwm t in v m mm iii ia.a t i THURSDAY MATiVn 1 at? 30